Pope Realty and Appraisal - Real estate and appraisal services in the Piedmont area including Calhoun Cherokee and Cleburne counties
Fagan s Auto Parts - Offers late model car and truck engines doors panels rear and front clips transmissions and wrecker services Includes inventory search location and contact information
Terrapin Outdoor Center - Information and links related to canoes and kayaks Terrapin Creek and local boating events and trips
Bostrom Seating - Information about ergonomic durable seating for commercial and industrial transportation Includes details of a new wheelchair that will go up and down steps
WJCK 88 3 FM - Christian music programming Photos of the station and the staff related information
Piedmont Local News Topix - Local regional and statewide news collected from diverse sources on the web
Bossk s Den - Bossk the Boxer Lucas the boxer pup master Yoda the Ferret the people who live with them links include animal related sites
The Weather Channel - Weather forecast and conditions for the area as reported at Gadsden