Faith Baptist Church - Gives directions beliefs staff profiles classes events calendars ministries and contact information
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church - Includes worship schedule pastoral letters calendar service opportunities mission statement church committees activities news and location with map
Congregation Beth Shalom - Includes information about membership worship special events and Hebrew school Affiliate of the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism
University and Whist Club of Wilmington Delaware - Planning for wedding receptions and business events offer reciprocal club arrangements with the finest private clubs both nationally and internationally used for business or pleasure
Wilmington Women in Business - A support and networking organization for professional women in Northern Delaware Southeastern Pennsylvania Southwestern New Jersey and Northeastern Maryland
Saint David s Episcopal Church - Wilmington DE Episcopal Warm and visitor-friendly church serving North Wilmington and Southeastern PA
Grace Church United Methodist - Offers service times maps directions outreach events calendar photo gallery pastor s blog and online donations
Trinity Presbyterian Church - Worship schedule staff directory events calendar directions Newsletter and photos Presbyterian Church USA
Saint Paul s United Methodist Church - Family church with ministries and programs for all ages Handbell groups and choirs for all levels mission emphasis small groups
Bethel Baptist Church - Includes events schedule bulletin newsletter sermons ministries beliefs and contact information
Environmental Alliance - A full service engineering and environmental consulting firm located in Wilmington Delaware
Concord Presbyterian Church - Describes fellowship music and education efforts provides church news worship schedule and staff directory
Trinity Episcopal Parish - Information about beliefs and programs Features a Latino ministry and worship in both English and Spanish
Bernard and Ruth Siegel Jewish Community Center - A non-profit membership organization which provides the Jewish community with a central place in which individuals families groups or organizations can best express their interests Includes hours and services
Resurrection Parish - Catholic Church Contact information schedules events ministries photos map directions mission and parish profile