Plantation Community Church - Small church subscribing to statement of faith from the National Association of Evangelicals Scriptures map pictures
Green Horizon Services - Commercial lawn care landscaping lawn maintenance and groundskeeping for South Florida hotels and resorts Estimate request form
David Posnack Hebrew Day School - Jewish community day school located in Plantation includes admissions information school calendar news programs and alumni information
Plantation United Methodist Church - Provides traditional worship services preschool daycare Bible studies Sunday school men s group United Methodist Women youth
Lice Source Services - Offers head lice and nit removal in their lice center as well as for schools day care centers and camps Includes contact information directions and research publications
Fort Lauderdale Country Club - Private club featuring two 18-hole golf courses and a full-service clubhouse Includes a hole by hole guide and membership information
Ramat Shalom - Reconstructionist synagogue Includes the history of congregation calendar and service information
Jacaranda Golf Club - Featuring two 18 hole semi-private courses Includes a hole by hole tour rates and membership information
World Travel & Cruise Associates Inc - Outsource purchaser of cruise product for the travel incentive and meeting s industry Ships resorts and contact information
Individual Dimensions in Learning Inc - Test preparation including SAT PSAT FCAT and ACT as well as tutoring in academic subjects educational and psychological testing Locations scheduled classes rates
Motorcycle Safety of Florida - Courses for beginners and experienced riders Course descriptions and schedule license information and location information