Palmer Mutual Telephone Company - Offers local telecommunications service long distance paging dial-up Internet high-speed DSL Internet and cable television Includes directory links location and contact information
Faith Lutheran Church - Features a message from the pastor a statement of faith and ministries Includes calendar of events and photos
Weather Underground Palmer Iowa Forecast - offering conditions and forecast for the Pocahontas area regional and U S radar and satellite images advisories astronomy ski and marine forecasts and hurricane archives
City-Data com Palmer Iowa - Profiles housing population demographics jobs weather and climate tables Includes a list of area hospitals schools airports radio and TV broadcast stations photographs and maps
Wikipedia Palmer Iowa - Encyclopedia article covers geography and demographics of this city in Pocahontas County
Weather com - Local Weather - Palmer IA 50571 - Gives current conditions local outlook school day forecast with temperature graph monthly and daily averages and records "recreation" includes a list of area golf courses with conditions