Kalispell Education Foundation - Provides information about the foundation and its activities and its mission to support Kalispell s public schools
The City of Kalispell - Official site with a history of the town meeting agendas and notes fire and crime prevention tips building codes zoning permit applications and a directory of community activities
Kalispell Chamber of Commerce - Site offers information on travel tourism recreation relocation and economic information vacation packets maps business listings weather and photo galleries
First Presbyterian Church - Beliefs service times office hours ministries history of the church and events
Stillwater Free Lutheran Church - Kalispell congregation describes its mission and provides calendar of events and other news and information about ministries and activities
Stillwater Christian School - Serves students in grades K-12 Includes overview history admissions academics arts athletics and photo tour
Woodland Montessori School - Offers an early childhood program for children ages 2-1 2 through 6 Includes curriculum information schedule tuition and contacts
Flathead Valley Community College - Offers Associates degrees certificate programs and continuing education in a variety of disciplines Highlighting current programs course schedules academics and publications
Laser Alternative School - An alternative high school that provides students an opportunity to earn a Flathead High School diploma in a non-traditional high school setting
Kalispell School District 5 - Our goal is to provide a safe environment and educational curriculum whereby all students are encouraged to think critically problem solve collaboratively and communicate effectively in an atmosphere conducive to learning
Alpaca Owners Association Inc - A database housing the genealogy blood-typing and ownership records of alpacas in North America and those of a few alpacas outside this area
St Matthew s Catholic School - Serves students from preschool through eighth grade Includes staff directory calendar activities and photographs
Valley Adventist Christian School - Small multi-grade school providing Christian education for students in grades K-8 Includes events calendar photo albums teacher directory and location map
Easthaven Baptist Church - Introduces the church s history beliefs pastoral staff and missions Features information on worship times and ministry news
Trinity Lutheran School - Providing a Christian education for students from preschool through eighth grade Includes calendar of events staff directory forms and FAQ
Faith Church of Kalispell Montana - Free Lutheran congregation Describes beliefs and purpose provides news of current ministries and activities