Mechanicsburg Chamber of Commerce - Provides calendar of area events including information about Jubilee Day the largest one-day street fair in the eastern United States
St Luke s Episcopal Church - Presents service schedule events activities beliefs ministries and resources
Mechanicsburg Area School District - K-12 Cumberland County district serving students in Mechanicsburg and Shiremanstown boroughs and Upper Allen Township Find district policies administrative directory school links athletic schedules calendar code of conduct bus schedules and contact information
West Shore Free Church - Affiliated with The Evangelical Free Church of America Includes beliefs worship schedule ministries events groups giving and information for newcomers
Aldersgate Church - United Methodist congregation Offers blended and traditional worship Includes times online sermons events calendar ministries staff contacts and directions
Saint Joseph Catholic Church - Presents parish life Mass schedule religious education programs sacraments office hours and contact form
Silver Spring Presbyterian Church - Presents staff and leadership profiles worship schedule ministries calendar of events and contacts
Grace United Methodist Church - Presents beliefs worship times ministries calendar and events pastor s welcome office hours and map location
Trindle Spring Lutheran Church - ELCA congregation Presents service schedule history of the church ministry upcoming events news and directions
Turning Point Church of Mechanicsburg - Church of God congregation Find beliefs what to expect worship times events sermons photos videos and contact form
Grantham Church - Brethren in Christ Features beliefs events worship schedule ministries and mission statement
Country & Town Baptist Church - Southern Baptist congregation Features service schedule information for newcomers ministries calendar of events groups new and resources
St Paul s United Church of Christ - Open and affirming congregation Includes worship times events history of the church educational ministries photos and video