Tyrone-Snyder Public Library - Serves residents of Tyrone Snyder Township and nearby communities such as Warriors Mark Includes location hours policies news and announcements of story hours classes and other events
TyronePA com - Guide Includes directory with information on the community organizations businesses community development and events
Borough of Tyrone - Official site Includes information on the community elected officials departments businesses and organizations
Grace Baptist Church - Presents worship times upcoming events sermons and contacts
Reclamere - Technology recovery recycling and disposition specialist for large national and international corporations Description of services list of applicable laws and news
Quest Haven Lodge - Includes information on the facilities hunting Christian Summer camps activities and location
Grier School - Private boarding school for girls operating since 1853 Includes information about admissions academics athletics parents and alumni pages photographs and FAQs
Open Door Visions - Web site design graphics and print materials Includes portfolio and information on the company
Tyrone Local News Topix - Local regional and statewide news collected from diverse sources on the web