Nativity Parish School - Catholic school founded in 1960 and educating kindergarten through eighth graders includes profile publications academic calendar
James Island Youth Soccer Club - A non-profit independent soccer organization open to children includes photos schedule results by-laws and registration
Harbor View Presbyterian Church - Worship times recent sermons newsletter upcoming events staff directory information on programs and ministries
James Island Baptist Church - Includes staff directory worship schedule details on events and youth programs and directions
Murray LaSaine Elementary - Details on programs history faculty and PTA from this neighborhood school serving grades K4-5 Educable Mentally Disabled Early Childhood Diagnostic and Gifted and Talented programs
Martin Luther Lutheran Church - Includes mission statement services and events schedule staff directory ministries church history and contact information
Fort Johnson Baptist Church - Includes mission statement services and events schedule FAQs staff directory ministries information newsletter church history and contact information
Victory Baptist Church - Independent ministry offers service times ministries statement of faith upcoming events and contact information
Saint James Church - Worship schedule activities sermons parish news and other information from this Episcopal congregation
Epworth United Methodist Church - Contacts worship schedule events and Sunday School information from this Christian congregation
McLeod Plantation Historic Site - Organization working to protect and preserve this plantation that dates back to 1695 includes photos history William "Willie" McLeod s will and alternatives to development