KamloopsCity com - Local internet portal for Kamloops BC Canada Sections include local news events calendar business a message forum and chat
Going into Business - Information about the Business License Division of the City of Kamloops and the requirements necessary for obtaining a business license
News Kamloops - Local news business sports and weather online
Gleaning Abundance Program - Seeks to preserve and protect local food systems by helping home owners care for and make use of food crops Main focus is fruit trees farms and gardens
Senior Connector - Monthly newspaper dedicated to inform serve and entertain senior citizens 50 and older Offers downloadable issues and links
CFJC TV - Television station reaching a population base of over 185 000 people Daytime television sports cartoons news and weather
B-100 - Local radio station featuring a variety of music
98 3 CIFM - Local radio station featuring rock music
Spirit of the West - Kamloops radio program featuring traditional music of the west
Late Night in the Livingroom - Show broadcasts Mondays at 8 p m on CFBX 92 5 FM Kamloops with information about the show and its hosts as well as the local bands featured