Fred Mallach - Local candidate for the Marijuana Party of Canada Features information about core values and key issues biography and list of events
First Baptist Church - Includes information about ministries weekly events newsletter staff history and location map
St Philip s Anglican Church - Includes contact information schedule of services a brief history of the parish its outreach involvement recent sermons and links to related sites
YWAM Victoria - Information about Youth With a Mission a group which helps develop mature leaders who will mentor and train others in the Body of Christ
Unity Church of Victoria - Provides information on religious philosophy based on the teachings of Jesus Christ stating that humanity is inseparable from the Spirit of God within
The City of Victoria - Official site of the city with information about its departments and facilities businesses city services recreation and tourist attractions
St Luke s Anglican Church - Offers traditional and contemporary worship services children s programs hall rentals historic cemetery Includes history and photographs
Greater Victoria Cycling Coalition - A cycling and environmental advocacy organization in Victoria that provides information on safe cycling and cycle touring on Vancouver Island and the Canadian Gulf Islands
Sierra Club of British Columbia - An environmental non-profit organization registered in Victoria Canada dedicated to protecting British Columbia s wildland and wildlife particularly the ancient temperate rainforest ecosystems
Centennial Day Care - Provider of child care and support operated by Centennial Day Care Society a non-profit organization Contains staff profile list of donors a blog contacts and a newsletter
Government House - Official residence of the Lieutenant Governor of British Columbia Includes information on the post the house itself photo galleries FAQs and upcoming events
Canvas Church - Christian church offers mission and values statement team profiles event listings newsletter and contacts
Victoria Natural History Society - Provides an opportunity for those interested in the natural world to come together to share their ideas and experience on topics including botany and bird watching
St John the Divine Anglican Church - Includes details of groups and activities biographies of the clergy and staff views and announcements
Church & State Wines - Winery producing red white and sparkling wines Contains product descriptions online ordering and information about their restaurant
Trust for Sustainable Forestry - Natural habitat preservation society offering information on goals and history of the organization founder biographies and investor information
Victoria Police Department - Information from the police department Includes recruiting frequently asked questions events media releases and other general details about the local police department
Elk Lake Baptist Church - Includes worship schedule Statement of Faith information on weekly events audio sermons and photographs
Victoria Zen Centre - A place where authentic practice meets truly human everyday life Our community continues to develop as we support each other in the realization of the principals of Zen Buddhism
Lifetree Church - A contemporary Christian ministry proclaiming the Christian gospel Includes ministry profile service information and upcoming events
Victoria Transport Policy Institute - An independent research organization dedicated to developing innovative and practical solutions to transportation problems
Our Children s Centre Society - Non-profit society promoting physical emotional cognitive and social growth of children Offers program list wait list resources fundraising sponsors and contact information
Christ Church Cathedral - Presents a vision statement calendar clergy listing and information on worship and parish ministries
Church of St Barnabas - Offers Worship and music in a setting of simplicity emphasizing the Catholic tradition of the Anglican Church gives information about scheduled services church music virtual tour parish people and the parish reference desk
St Mary s Anglican Church - Worship times church information and history with links to related resources and sites
Gordon United Church - Located in Langford provides news recent sermons worship times and ministries
The Church Of Our Lord - Anglican church offers detailed mission statement service times and community services
Resources Information Standards Committee - Documents the Physical Shoreline-Mapping System which is a scheme designed and developed in the early 1980 s for mapping the physical character of the coastal zone of British Columbia