Greater Victoria Crime Stoppers - A community media and police cooperative program designed to involve the public in the fight against crime Includes crime of the week mugshots and FAQ
Victoria Edelweiss Club - To preserve the cultural practices of the German speaking immigrants of the Victoria area and to help integrate them to the Canadian way of life
Victoria Historical Society - Open to anyone interested in learning about promoting or preserving the history of Victoria and British Columbia
Victoria Telecommunity Network - A community-based computer network available at no cost to residents and visitors of the Greater Victoria region
The Trees of Victoria - Information about native species and horticultural species and trees that have historical significance in Greater Victoria British Columbia
Fire Fighters Burn Fund of Victoria - Supports the prevention and treatment of burn injuries Offers profile information on preventing burns donation information
Volunteer Victoria - Offers programs to help people gain work experience and skills through volunteering Lists information about services for agencies and a database of volunteer opportunities
Victoria Heritage Foundation - The VHF is dedicated to supporting the conservation of the city s heritage houses through house grants education and public awareness
Victoria Adoptables - Provides a list of adoptable dogs cats and other animals from local pounds and rescue organizations Includes events volunteer opportunities and photographs
Victoria Computer Club - Offers courses newsletter and activities for computer enthusiasts Includes calendar of events meeting schedule location and contacts
Canadian Club of Victoria - A social club which promotes Canadian unity identity heritage history and knowledge and understanding of Canadians and others through a monthly speaker luncheon and special events
Danish Social Club of Victoria - Promotes Danish-Canadian culture and is open to all Canadians Offers newsletter membership information activities photo gallery and information on Danish heritage
Victoria Genealogical Society - Information on meetings a newsletter and online genealogical tools A non-profit volunteer society whose aim is to further the study of genealogy
Victoria Foundation - Building endowment funds through gifts from visionary donors the returns of which are returned via grants to non-profit organizations serving a wide range of community needs Includes board member information organisation profile giving information and grant application information
Community Information Database - Searchable listings of societies and organizations in Victoria Includes history of the project
Better Breathers Club of Victoria - Information about people with Chronic Obstructive Pulminary Diseases COPD who assist each other through education mutual encouragement and fellowship
Victoria Men s Centre - Meeting place for men providing support companionship and brotherhood includes links and information about related organizations
Discover The Past - Offers ghostly and neighborhood walks walking tours of Chinatown and bus tours in Victoria British Columbia
Victoria Native Friendship Center - Dedicated to improving the quality of life for Aboriginal people in the Greater Victoria area Includes a profile details of programs and services and contacts
Victoria Lapidary and Mineral Society - Open to anyone with an interest in rocks minerals or the lapidary arts in general Includes a meeting schedule events dues structure and a location map
Young Parents Support Network - Small non-profit organization whose mission is to support and empower young parent families Includes staff directory list of services and sponsors
Mosaic the City - A multi-year series of mosaic art projects aimed at linking communities through participation and creativity
Friends of Cole Island Society - Former naval magazine complex of a nineteenth-century Royal Navy dockyard Five structures remain and are accessible to the public Offers history photo gallery and information on getting involved
Boys & Girls Club of Greater Victoria - Dedicated to address the needs of children and youth Includes details of services employment and volunteer opportunities events and publications
Victoria Immigrant and Refugee Centre Society - Designed to assist newcomers with every aspect of their adaptation process Includes staff list as well as information about language training and settlement services
The Cridge Centre - A Christian society offering aid and service to children adults and families Contains news and events donations news and events contact information photos and employment
Oak Bay Sea Rescue Society - CCGA Unit 33 - An organization of volunteers providing administrative and fundraising activities in support of Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliary Unit 33
Learning Disabilities Association - South Vancouver Island chapter which educates supports and advocates for children with learning disabilities and or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder Features information about courses workshops and membership