The Church in Palo Alto - A local church affiliated with the ministry of Witness Lee and Watchman Nee Beliefs testimonials location meeting and broadcast schedules and links
Palo Alto Chamber of Commerce - Source for business information including restaurants lodging area attractions visitor and relocation information and membership benefits
Ananda Palo Alto - Center for meditation yoga and the teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda Classes and seminars worship services and school for children
Chamber of Commerce - Representing over 800 businesses in the Palo Alto area also serving as a visitor center
Thomas Merton Center - A nonprofit organization established by Catholic lay persons Provides means by which interested persons can enhance their spiritual development through education spiritual practice and social outreach
Keddem Congregation - A community-led Reconstructionist congregation passionately committed to education for adults and children
Peninsula Bible Church - Preaching schedule information about Ministries and classes calendar and links to related resources and libraries
Palo Alto Vineyard Church - Seeks to combine a contemporary style of worship with an enduring relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ Worship schedule and location
Avalon Art and Yoga Center - Yoga classes offered in a variety of styles Hatha Ashtanga restoratives Anusara Iyengar Includes class schedule special events information and details of teacher training program