First Unitarian Society of Minneapolis - Site contains information about the society and its activities as well as copies of the minister s previous addresses to the congregation
First Christian Church - Disciples of Christ Schedule of services contact information summary of beliefs Newsletter in PDF
Community Covenant Church - Evangelical Covenant Church Ethnically diverse congregation on the near north side Worship times mission statement staff directory history calendar
Stadium Village Church - Presbyterian Church USA At the University of Minnesota Map events contact persons information on their English language classes
First Universalist Church - A welcoming spiritual community that affirms a liberal religious heritage Organized in 1859 First Universalist is one of the oldest continuously functioning congregations in Minnesota
Grace University Lutheran Church - Reconciling in Christ congregation of the ELCA on the campus of the University of Minnesota Contact information mission statement information on bus routes and parking Sunday schedule weekly calendar news items Frames-dependent
Calvary Lutheran Church - ELCA congregation in South Minneapolis Mission worship schedule contact information staff directory map and directions calendar
Calvary Baptist Church - American Baptist Churches USA In the Whittier area of south Minneapolis Contact information staff weekly schedule
Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd - ELCA congregation in southwest Minneapolis Contact information map worship schedule brief history staff photo directory weekly newsletter information on the church s ministries
First Evangelical Free Church - EFCA A neighborhood church in south Minneapolis Statement of faith staff directory monthly calendar worship schedule map
Diamond Lake Lutheran Church - ELCA congregation in South Minneapolis Offers both contemporary and traditional worship services Contact information worship schedule staff directory calendar frames-dependent newsletter overview of activities
The Recovery Church - Merger of two United Methodist Church congregations Wesley and Central Park Illustrated history of both staff profiles maps weekly schedule
Saint Paul s Evangelical Lutheran Church - LCMC Charismatic low church moderate Contact information worship schedule sermon archive weekly schedule information on the church s ministries Java- and frames-dependent
Prospect Park United Methodist Church - A Reconciling Congregation in the shadow of the "witch s hat" tower History of this church Sunday schedule events calendar driving directions
Knox Presbyterian Church - PCUSA Service times staff directory information on worship groups and upcoming events Graphics-intensive
Solomon s Porch - A new church in the Linden Hills area with a "young" ambiance Affiliated with the Evangelical Covenant Church
Saint Olaf Catholic Church - Parish s web site includes mission statement Mass schedule excerpts from the bulletin and a Generation X page
Plymouth Congregational Church - National Association of Congregational Christian Churches Location weekly schedule monthly calendar
Judson Memorial Baptist Church - American Baptist Churches USA A Welcoming and Affirming congregation Contact information Sunday schedule staff directory
Annunciation Church - Contact information Mass schedule staff directory office hours mission statement bulletin calendar
University Lutheran Church of Hope - ELCA congregation in Dinkytown Contact information map and directions schedule of services staff directory calendar sermon archive photo gallery information on the church s activities and programs
Saint Joan of Arc Catholic Church - Contact information mission statement maps and directions calendar bulletin staff directory Mass schedule Has a gay lesbian group Site requires frames
The Norwegian Lutheran Memorial Church - ELCA Weekly and monthly worship and education schedule articles calendar history language classes pictures prayers recipes sermons survey and location [English Norwegian]
Westminster Presbyterian Church - PCUSA Mission statement staff photo directory worship schedule upcoming events map and directions information on the church s activities
Trinity Lutheran Church of Minnehaha Falls - LCMC Offering both traditional and contemporary worship services Contact information service schedule monthly newsletter news special events photo album
St Luke s Episcopal Church - Parish overview events and activities worship times links to parish leadership contacts and links to Anglican resources
Our Lady of Lourdes - Oldest continuously used church in the city Mission statement news items history Mass times bulletin
Minnehaha United Methodist Church - Both traditional and contemporary worship services Christian education vacation Bible camp twelve-step groups outreach
Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church - Affiliated with the Presbyterian Church USA Sunday schedule map news items calendar photo album small archive of sermons
Anchor Bible Church - Nondenominational Christian church Statement of faith contact information map and directions weekly schedule photos Sunday school lessons and sermons in RealAudio information on missions work
Saint John s Evangelical Lutheran Church - WELS Contact information schedule of services news description of the church s ministries and information on their K-8 school
Mount Olivet Lutheran Church - ELCA Seasonal worship and Bible class schedule youth and adult programs education news contact and search
The Basilica of St Mary - The first basilica in the United States Catholic parish at Hennepin and 16th Street Architectural history as well as information on parish life
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church - ELCA congregation in the Longfellow neighborhood Contact information Sunday schedule staff directory news items events
Dharma Field Zen Center - A community dedicated to learning and sharing the teachings and practice of Zen Buddhism in a setting not bound to any one culture
Christ Church Lutheran - ELCA congregation in the Longfellow neighborhood Traditional worship services celebrate Eucharist every weekend Church building designed by Eliel Saarinen Mission statement contact information worship schedule regular activities
University Baptist Church - American Baptist Churches USA In Dinkytown Contact information map staff Sunday morning program mission statement monthly newsletter history of the congregation archive of recent sermons
Bethlehem Baptist Church - Baptist General Conference Contact information worship schedule events calendar history vision staff directory Requires frames
Elim Church - Baptist General Conference Sunday schedule upcoming events statement of faith information on nursery school
Crosstown Covenant Church - Evangelical Covenant Church Near the airport Weekly schedule and special events profile of the pastor calendar information on the church s ministries
Central Lutheran Church - ELCA Downtown congregation where all are welcome Service times contact information map and directions calendar
Christ Church International - Assembly of God Multicultural church with a contemporary style of worship Meeting times upcoming events photo album
Bethlehem Lutheran Church - ELCA Worship schedule contact information archive of recent sermons announcements calendar newsletter information on the church s programs and ministries
Revolution Church - Charismatic non-denominational congregation Includes schedule of services statement of faith core values bylaws mission and vision statements
Hennepin Avenue United Methodist Church - A Reconciling Congregation Information on worship the church s ministries and activities online weekly newsletter in Adobe Acrobat format
Hope Lutheran Church - ELCA congregation in South Minneapolis Contact information worship schedule
Lake Harriet Christian Church - Disciples of Christ Contact information service schedule and calendar of events Uses frames
Saint Olav Orthodox Church - English Nordic Orthodox Church of North America Uses Sarum Rite Contact information staff weekly schedule explanation of distinctives