City of Minnetonka - Official web site of city government with information on the City Council a community profile resident information meeting agendas City services current events and local attractions
FemMed - Markets a portable device called the GoGirl which allows women to urinate standing up FAQ how to use it upcoming events where to buy
Minnetonka Montessori - A parent-run non-profit non-discriminatory organization focused on creating a learning experience for children from 33 months to 6 years of age
Lakeshore Weekly News - Online version of newspaper includes classified ads events calendar selected news and sports stories
Lakes Gaming Inc - Develops constructs and manages casinos and related hotel and entertainment facilities Contact information corporate profile investor information
Hopkins North Junior High School - Public school enrolling 7th-9th grade students from Hopkins Minnetonka Golden Valley Edina Plymouth Eden Prairie and St Louis Park
Minneapolis Marriott Southwest - Hotel with meeting facilities can accommodate large groups List of amenities and services distance to major companies in the area map reservations contact information
Hopkins West Junior High School - Public school grades 7-9 Students are divided into grade level interdisciplinary teams making a large school seem smaller