Creation Moments Inc - Believes in the inerrancy of the Holy Bible special creation a young earth Produces a daily two-minute radio segment presents seminars offers creationist literature Nonprofit member of ECFA
Refuge Evangelical Free Church - EFCA Statement of faith location activities schedule staff calendar Requires JavaScript for navigation
St John Lutheran Church - ELCA congregation Sponsors a Christian preschool program Contact information worship schedule and regular activities mission statement volunteer opportunities monthly devotional brief parish history
Johnson s Hardware Hank - Cut keys sharpen chain saws repair windows and screens Contact information hours and an idea of the selection of products they carry
Zimmerman Elementary School - Home of the Zimmerman Zebras Public school for birth through grade 4 Links and resources for parents and students Heavy reliance on Flash
Nelson Nursery-Garden Center - Hardy plants for northern climates Hanging baskets annuals perennials Also ponds pond accessories water plants