Occupy Greensboro - Local autonomous hub of the international activist movement Features camp report general assembly forum calendar video downloadable documents
Greensboro Coliseum Complex - The Coliseum is the primary host of events in the Piedmont Triad area Information on tickets events seating maps vendors and contacts
Weatherspoon Art Museum - Affiliated with the University of North Carolina at Greensboro Exhibition listings gallery guides information on their special and permanent collections Includes directions to the facility
RF Micro Devices Inc - Manufacturers and designs radio frequency integrated circuits for wireless communications Information on company and products
Friends Forever Adoptions - Provides an in-home environment for the rescues in its care Photographs and descriptions of available pets adoption application and online donation form
Enrichment Center - Promotes the ability of people with disabilities to live work play be educated and participate and contribute to the fullest extent possible in the community
Christian Friends of Israel - Standing with Israel by expressing friendship solidarity and unconditional love to the Jewish People Current information about Israel from a Christian prophetic perspective
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Greensboro - FAQs on the type of children who are involved in the program and their parents information on the organization s programs newsletter archives
Community Theatre of Greensboro - Theatre organization also offering classes workshops and outreach programs Listings of productions and auditions educational listings ticket and membership sales
The Barn Dinner Theatre - Offers a buffet dinner and theatre in the round Menu and season play listing audition information corporate and group offerings
The Mad Platter - Paint-Your-Own Studio offers parties studio space materials also custom work Map events listings group offerings
Triad Health Project - Provides emotional and practical support to individuals living with HIV AIDS and to their loved ones Information about client services information on AIDS prevention and educations volunteer and fundraising projects
Carolina Heartland - Interest group promoting ballroom dancing and holding monthly events Events listings newsletters activities directions
Nan s School Of Dance - Offers dance instruction for children and adults Overview of programs class schedule and enrollment information
Carolina Theatre - Performing arts center offering theatrical productions concerts and films Event calendar membership information and ticket information
The Volunteer Center of Greensboro - Organization affiliated with the United Way Listings of volunteer opportunities by category plus community calendar event listing news corporate volunteer information
Carolina Border Collie Rescue - Contains information about the breed adoption procedure and application photographs and descriptions of available dogs and events
Greensboro Children s Museum - Nonprofit institution hoping to provide youth with an interactive learning experience Several levels of membership available
Eastern Music Festival - Annual classical music festival combining a six-week professional concert series with an intensive training program for advanced music students
Green Hill - Exhibitions and programs offered by this visual arts gallery Includes calendar listings gallery hours and information news and media releases and a map