Heyde Health System Inc - Owns and or manages hotels travel agencies and long term care facilities in northwestern Wisconsin
CESA #10 School to Work Office - Focuses on three components school-based learning opportunities work-based learning opportunities and connecting activities
City of Chippewa Falls - Official website describes government departments public meetings and minutes events and a FAQ
Thunderbolt Heated Electric Socks - Provides electric socks to help keep feet warm for hours Modern rechargeable battery pack is worn at the waist
Jacob Leinenkugel Brewing Company - Family brewery since 1867 Includes a history gift shop a product listing and the Leinie Lodge [requires Flash plugin]
Dental Seminars and Symposia LLC - Conducts accredited continuing dental education programs in Hawaii Bolivia and South America Offers humanitarian ecological and adventure travel programs and seminars
Krista Computers Inc - Offers home computers repairs and upgrades as well as design and installation of networks in schools and businesses servicing existing network installations and computer hardware and software sales to businesses and retailers
Johnson Monument Company - Offers monuments civic monuments grave markers and headstones crafted from the finest granite Includes company details
Indianhead Motel - Located half a mile south of downtown Includes rates normal and special event pictures of rooms and online reservations
Chippewa Valley Bible Church - Independent non-denominational Christian church Includes mission statement schedule archived sermon notes and newsletters
Christ Lutheran School - Offering kindergarten through 8th grade education using a curriculum combining Bob Jones and A Beka courses
Chippewa Falls Area Unified School District - Official site of the public school system with a subsite for each school in the district Also includes Board of Education calendar lunch system personnel pictures and links