De Pere net - Area information for residents and visitors Includes business directory government contacts parks directory city contacts cookbook photo album churches schools reunions and sports teams
Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church - Religious education school youth ministry calendars fund raising mass schedules history staff directory and a weekly bulletin
Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic School - K-8 parochial school Faculty accreditation athletics calendar policies newsletter lunch menu fund raising technology forms history
St Mary Catholic Community - Includes Mass schedule sacraments committees history and contact information
Notre Dame School - K-8 parochial elementary and middle school Lunch menu calendar of events school information
Hydroclean Equipment - High pressure washing equipment sales and service in Wisconsin and Michigan Description of products and services listing of used equipment map and directions
Pool Works Inc - Residential and commercial pools and spas in Wisconsin and Upper Michigan Description of services and products tips FAQs location information
Tight Lines Fly Fishing Co - Offering fly fishing products guided trips and schools Includes staff biographies hatch chart and photo album
Sierra Coating - Manufacturer of custom coated or laminated specialty substrates for packagers printers and consumer products Includes company background and contact details
Mr Outboards Watersports Marine - Regal MasterCraft Lund Bennington pontoon boats and Tracker fishing and bass boats Factory authorized sales and service of Mercury MerCruiser and Johnson Online ski and parts stores
smcNet LLC - Web site hosting and programming Includes rates services testimonials Palm tools PDF tools and online payment
DeLorey Chiropractic Clinic - Dr Nathan DeLorey Serves the Green Bay and surrounding area Hours location meet the staff and financial policies
St Anne s Episcopal Church - Schedule and directions information about music youth program and Sunday School events and contact information
Riverview Baptist Church - Contains profile of church plan of salvation statement of faith missionaries ministries events and contacts
The CMM Group LLC - Custom manufactures air pollution control and industrial web drying solutions Products and services industries served news releases
Shirley Immanuel Lutheran Church WELS - Includes worship schedule study opportunities faith statements fellowship and service programs youth activities location and contacts
Yesterday s Trees - Tree cutting trimming and removal service Includes company profile testimonials gallery and contact information
Stone Silo Prairie Gardens - Nursery offering native prairie plants wildflowers grasses perennials and rain garden plants Also online sales
Ots Sunrise Farm - Akhal-Teke horse breeder Standing metallic bay stallion at stud Also stands Friesian stallion Includes sales list photos and profiles of horses Contains information on the breeds Offers opportunities for working students
Kress Inn - Boutique hotel located on the campus of St Norbert College Includes online reservations a photo gallery and information about rooms and services
One Law Group S C - Law office Firm overview areas of practice attorney profiles newsletters partial list of clients
Acts 1 8 Ministry - Developer of Planned Acts of Christian Kindness program to improve church outreach services Includes program overview photo gallery press clippings testimonials and contact information
Future Technologies Inc - Home-automation systems Description of products and services photo galleries