Fox Point Lutheran Church - Includes a schedule of worship staff profiles information about ministries and downloadable sermons and newsletters [PDF format]
Calderone Club - Restaurant serving Italian food and pizza Includes a menu and wine list
Village of Fox Point - Official government site Includes information about boards and departments village news a list of ordinances and applications for permits and licenses [PDF format]
Congregation Sinai - Jewish Reform community Includes calendar of events and worship and information about community and social action groups
North Shore Congregational Church - Includes a schedule of worship event calendar an archive of sermons information about ministries and staff profiles
Congregation Shalom - Reform Jewish congregation Includes a schedule of services clergy profiles event information program descriptions and educational offerings
St Eugene s Congregation - Catholic church Includes a mass schedule staff list parish history news and information about other services
Arnow & Associates - Accounting firm and tax consultants Includes a list of services and contact information
Maritime Charters Inc - Port of Milwaukee-based Lake Michigan salmon and trout fishing with Captain Marc Sobeski
Fox Point Local News Topix - Local regional and statewide news collected from diverse sources on the web