League of Women Voters of Greater Green Bay - Serves the Green Bay area Howard Suamico De Pere Ashwaubenon Allouez Green Bay Bellevue and Oneida Features events voting resources and membership information
Cellcom Green Bay Marathon - Includes a full marathon half marathon children s run and 4 mile run walk with charity details applications and past results
Northeastern Wisconsin Woodworkers Guild - Purpose is to further education and fellowship for area amateur and professional woodworkers to advance the collective interest of woodworking Includes list of books and videos from their library
Ninpo in Green Bay - Training in ninpo a combat martial art Brief description class schedule contact information
Victory Games and Billiards LLC - Commercial game equipment and accessories including billiard tables foosball carpet ball and table tennis
Bay Area Humane Society - Photographs of animals in need of homes frequently asked questions about adopting a pet tips for finding a lost pet shelter statistics form for people looking for a specific breed of animal and wish list
Green Bay Scuba Online - Full service shop in Green Bay offers lessons gear rentals Trips include tropical dives shipwrecks and treasure hunts
Divine Nature - Fresh flowers for weddings and special events Includes photographs of sample arrangements and contact details
Kaap s Old World Chocolates - Established in 1907 offering hand-dipped chocolates truffles caramels and other candies Includes online ordering and a company history
National Railroad Museum - Collects and preserves the equipment artifacts and historical material associated with railroading Exhibits display and interpret the history and significance of railroading for education and entertainment
Positive Voice Inc - Provides educational networking and social opportunities for gay lesbian and transgender individuals