Cedar Mall - A hometown shopping mall with 24 stores including department stores specialty shops personal service boutiques and restaurants
RealEstateRiceLake - Real Estate listings for the Rice Lake Wisconsin area including Barron Cameron Cumberland Birchwood Chetek Bruce Weyerhaeuser Homes land lots acreage waterfront and commercial
Rice Lake Area School District - Provides a challenging education preparing individuals to be knowledgeable resourceful and resilient members of society
Rice Lake Area Chamber of Commerce - Rice Lake is a thriving community with a strong industrial base and a great retail trade center for the area They have an excellent educational and health care system and nature supplies us with some of the finest recreational opportunities
First Lutheran Church and Preschool - Our church is a member of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod LCMS Our baptized membership numbers 600
Rice Lake Public Library Home Page - Information about the programs services and collections along with access to its catalogs and other databases
Rice Lake Rotary Club - Supports the youth high school rotars and awards scholarships Also supports STRIVE students Other projects include Honors Banquet International Exchange Students Cedar Side Trail and Rice Lake Aquafest Duck Chase
Alliance Realty LLC - Residential waterfront and commercial properties Part of the Northwestern Wisconsin Multiple Listing Service
WKFX 99 1 FM The Fox - Live radio Sports Northern Wisconsin High School Football Auctions Advertising Opportunities Contests Meet the DJs Billboard Top 40 Classic Rock Music
Baribeau Implement Co Inc - Baribeau Implement Co Inc of Rice Lake Wisconsin and St Croix Falls Wisconsin The only Case IH Certified Dealerships in Northwestern Wisconsin
Bargain Bills - Everything from soup to nuts Food stuffs household health and beauty small tools toys pet items craft supplies rubber stamps candles gifts decor flooring and green house
Wisconsin Indianhead Technical College WITC - A public postsecondary educational institution providing comprehensive educational programming and support services for career preparation and personal effectiveness
Appleyards Home for Funerals - Family owned provider of funeral cremation and monument services contact information and planning guide request form
D & S Construction - Offers design and build of new homes additions and remodeling Includes company profile project galleries and sample proposal
Lakeview Medical Center - Doctors and specialist information services news and community information and job opportunities
Antczak Construction Inc - Photographs and details of services including erosion control earthwork road building and land grading
Northstar Bison - Ranches encompass several hundred acres where the bison graze naturally among the woodland meadows never receiving hormones steroids or grain They have steaks patties roasts sausages and ribs
Miller s Cheese House - A family owned and operated business for over 40 years selling cheese and sausage They also carry homemade fudge maple syrup honey jams cheese spreads and souvenirs
UW-Barron County - Academics administration admissions apply on-line course schedules faculty staff information financial aid library resources student life student organizations student services
Turtleback Golf Dining and Conference Center - A 4 5 star-rated 18-hole course that will challenge and please every level of golfer A formal dining room and a conference center
Video Prints - Award winning video production and duplication Rice Lake Wisconsin
Kinship - Provides an adult friend and role model for a child in need Adult volunteers are screened and matched to children in the Rice Lake School District in hopes of forming a friendship