Silverbrook Middle School - Course information guidance gifted and talented program information school newspaper calendar special events sports faculty list special services extra curricular activities and news
McLane Elementary School - Faculty list contact information parents guide students guide newsletter lunch menu and a school supply list
Fifth Avenue United Methodist Church - Directions sermons a staff list a calendar of events program and ministry information and membership details
Holy Angels School - Newsletter weekly parish bulletin calendar of events school board and committee information and a family handbook
West Bend West High School - Announcements department information administration list athletics calendar of events clubs and activities and career center
West Bend School District - Contact information school locations superintendent s message school closings enrollment details district newsletters district e-mail school calendars curriculum connections lunch menus Marco Polo information and the Sally Ride Academy
West Bend East High School - Announcements administration list athletics career center clubs and activities departments calendar of events student handbook and contact information
Decorah Elementary School - Faculty list contact information mission statement handbook school hours lunch information lunch menus news early childhood program details parent group information and the school calendar
Barton Elementary School - Faculty information a calendar of events lunch menu school closings daily schedule supply lists and the curriculum connection
Badger Middle School - School schedule athletic news exploratories faculty lists by grade parent group co-curriculars and class schedule
Green Tree Elementary - Information for classes by grade kindergarten through 5th faculty list guidance counseling speech art media center school calendar lunch menu newsletter ABC parent group and pictures
Fair Park Elementary - Faculty list calendar contact information PTO details mission statement bus company information school closings day care and school times
West Bend Area Chamber of Commerce - Community profile history of West Bend commerce and industry calendar of events membership directory tourism information bulletin board leadership and contact information
Full Gospel Church - Service times directions Sunday school news "Bible Study in a Bag" and the history of the church