WhitefishBayNOW com - Community news from the North Shore Herald and the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Community guide calendar and photos Run by cninewsonline com
Peregrine Video Production - Specializing in wedding video production and videotaping services Joel Peregrine serves Milwaukee and southeastern Wisconsin
Gallery 505 - Original contemporary fine art gallery Photos of inventory services directions and contact information
Defenseworks - Systema military art personal instruction Includes programs upcoming classes and seminars products and contact information
St Monica School - A Catholic K-8 school Information for students parents and alumni School calendar admissions information archived articles and weekly reminders are also included
Whitefish Bay Schools - Information on all of the village s public schools village recreation department public education foundation and employment opportunities
Jack Pandl s Whitefish Bay Inn - Serves German and American cuisine Includes a sample menu and a company history along with pictures of the restaurant and its antique beer stein collection
Whitefish Bay Community Band - The village s volunteer summer concert band Includes photos schedule list of contacts and related news
Holy Family Parish - Catholic church with private K4-8 school Includes directory history mission volunteer activities and school information
Dominican High School - Private Catholic school staffed by the Sinsinawa Dominicans Includes information about academics activities and admissions along with alumni services and a school calendar
Peabody s Interiors - Interior decorators Company profile description of services location information and map