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- The WWW Virtual Library Humanities and Humanistic Studies - A directory of resources maintained by the Faculty of Arts and Humanities Göteborg University Sweden Features categories devoted to Architecture Archaeology History Language and Linguistics as well as general resources
- American Academy of Arts and Sciences - Honorary society that recognizes achievement in the natural sciences social sciences arts and humanities and conducts a varied program of projects and studies responsive to the needs of society Features publications in PDF format news events calendar as well as lists of members and fellows
- Australian Humanities Review - Peer-reviewed interdisciplinary electronic journal of the humanities published quarterly Features full-text articles contact details for the editorial board as well as information for authors
- Utah Humanities Council - Promotes lifelong learning using the humanities as a process of reflection conversation and action Features a description of the organization and activities Also offers a calendar of events and contact details
- Modern Humanities Research Association - Promotes advanced study and research in the field of the modern humanities especially modern European languages and literatures including English
- Voice of the Shuttle - Portal maintained by Alan Liu of the University of California Santa Barbara Features a history of the project news and offers visitors the opportunity to participate by becoming volunteer editors
- The EServer - Serves as a broad resource for a wide variety of literature-related materials including text archives of both prose and poetry fiction and non-fiction as well as and other types of literature resources
- Irish Resources in the Humanities - Directory of humanities sites of Irish interest Categories include Irish Archaeology Architecture Archives and Libraries Art Geography History Irish Language Literature and Theatre
- Washington Commission For The Humanities - Dedicated to improving individual and community life through public programs that interpret culture and provide a forum for civic dialogue
- National Humanities Institute - Promotes research publishing and teaching in the humanities with emphasis on the ethical preconditions and purposes of culture and society
- California Council For The Humanities - Nonprofit organization devoted to strengthening communities by creating sponsoring and promoting change
- Penn Humanities Forum - University of Pennsylvania hosted program that provides a common ground for interdisciplinary exchange through cultural programs fellowships and seminars Features information on the program calendar of events and links to related resources
- American Council of Learned Societies - Private non-profit federation of sixty-six national scholarly organizations Provides information on ACLS fellowships and grants in all fields of the humanities publications and news
- Center for the Humanities - Supports individual teaching and research projects as well as serves as a communications resource for school programs and activities at Wesleyan University Information on lecture series and the Andrew Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship
- CTI Centre for Textual Studies - Features links to resources in Literature Linguistics Philosophy Religious Studies Classics Film Studies and Theater Arts Also offers a calendar of events and publications Hosted by the Humanities Computing Unit at the University of Oxford
- Arts and Letters Daily - Daily report of news in art and literature Includes reviews of new books essays and articles
- Virgin Islands Humanities Council - Nonprofit organization supporting research education and public projects in the humanities
- The Stanford Electronic Humanities Review - Online version of the semi-annual interdisciplinary journal Includes full contents of recent issues
- Emily s Page for the Humanities - A collection of annotated links to general resources Contains sections devoted to texts online journals and Medieval and Renaissance links
- Utah Humanities Council - Promotes lifelong learning using the humanities as a process of reflection conversation and action Features a description of the organization and activities Also offers a calendar of events and contact details
- Washington Commission For The Humanities - Dedicated to improving individual and community life through public programs that interpret culture and provide a forum for civic dialogue
- Voice of the Shuttle - Portal maintained by Alan Liu of the University of California Santa Barbara Features a history of the project news and offers visitors the opportunity to participate by becoming volunteer editors
- National Humanities Institute - Promotes research publishing and teaching in the humanities with emphasis on the ethical preconditions and purposes of culture and society
- Modern Humanities Research Association - Promotes advanced study and research in the field of the modern humanities especially modern European languages and literatures including English
- Irish Resources in the Humanities - Directory of humanities sites of Irish interest Categories include Irish Archaeology Architecture Archives and Libraries Art Geography History Irish Language Literature and Theatre
- The EServer - Serves as a broad resource for a wide variety of literature-related materials including text archives of both prose and poetry fiction and non-fiction as well as and other types of literature resources
- California Council For The Humanities - Nonprofit organization devoted to strengthening communities by creating sponsoring and promoting change
- Australian Humanities Review - Peer-reviewed interdisciplinary electronic journal of the humanities published quarterly Features full-text articles contact details for the editorial board as well as information for authors
- American Academy of Arts and Sciences - Honorary society that recognizes achievement in the natural sciences social sciences arts and humanities and conducts a varied program of projects and studies responsive to the needs of society Features publications in PDF format news events calendar as well as lists of members and fellows
- American Council of Learned Societies - Private non-profit federation of sixty-six national scholarly organizations Provides information on ACLS fellowships and grants in all fields of the humanities publications and news
- Penn Humanities Forum - University of Pennsylvania hosted program that provides a common ground for interdisciplinary exchange through cultural programs fellowships and seminars Features information on the program calendar of events and links to related resources
- Center for the Humanities - Supports individual teaching and research projects as well as serves as a communications resource for school programs and activities at Wesleyan University Information on lecture series and the Andrew Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship
- CTI Centre for Textual Studies - Features links to resources in Literature Linguistics Philosophy Religious Studies Classics Film Studies and Theater Arts Also offers a calendar of events and publications Hosted by the Humanities Computing Unit at the University of Oxford
- The WWW Virtual Library Humanities and Humanistic Studies - A directory of resources maintained by the Faculty of Arts and Humanities Göteborg University Sweden Features categories devoted to Architecture Archaeology History Language and Linguistics as well as general resources
- Virgin Islands Humanities Council - Nonprofit organization supporting research education and public projects in the humanities
- Arts and Letters Daily - Daily report of news in art and literature Includes reviews of new books essays and articles
- Emily s Page for the Humanities - A collection of annotated links to general resources Contains sections devoted to texts online journals and Medieval and Renaissance links
- The Stanford Electronic Humanities Review - Online version of the semi-annual interdisciplinary journal Includes full contents of recent issues
- National Humanities Institute - Promotes research publishing and teaching in the humanities with emphasis on the ethical preconditions and purposes of culture and society
- Modern Humanities Research Association - Promotes advanced study and research in the field of the modern humanities especially modern European languages and literatures including English
- Penn Humanities Forum - University of Pennsylvania hosted program that provides a common ground for interdisciplinary exchange through cultural programs fellowships and seminars Features information on the program calendar of events and links to related resources
- Irish Resources in the Humanities - Directory of humanities sites of Irish interest Categories include Irish Archaeology Architecture Archives and Libraries Art Geography History Irish Language Literature and Theatre
- Washington Commission For The Humanities - Dedicated to improving individual and community life through public programs that interpret culture and provide a forum for civic dialogue
- California Council For The Humanities - Nonprofit organization devoted to strengthening communities by creating sponsoring and promoting change
- American Council of Learned Societies - Private non-profit federation of sixty-six national scholarly organizations Provides information on ACLS fellowships and grants in all fields of the humanities publications and news
- Australian Humanities Review - Peer-reviewed interdisciplinary electronic journal of the humanities published quarterly Features full-text articles contact details for the editorial board as well as information for authors
- American Academy of Arts and Sciences - Honorary society that recognizes achievement in the natural sciences social sciences arts and humanities and conducts a varied program of projects and studies responsive to the needs of society Features publications in PDF format news events calendar as well as lists of members and fellows
- Utah Humanities Council - Promotes lifelong learning using the humanities as a process of reflection conversation and action Features a description of the organization and activities Also offers a calendar of events and contact details
- Voice of the Shuttle - Portal maintained by Alan Liu of the University of California Santa Barbara Features a history of the project news and offers visitors the opportunity to participate by becoming volunteer editors
- The EServer - Serves as a broad resource for a wide variety of literature-related materials including text archives of both prose and poetry fiction and non-fiction as well as and other types of literature resources
- Center for the Humanities - Supports individual teaching and research projects as well as serves as a communications resource for school programs and activities at Wesleyan University Information on lecture series and the Andrew Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship
- The WWW Virtual Library Humanities and Humanistic Studies - A directory of resources maintained by the Faculty of Arts and Humanities Göteborg University Sweden Features categories devoted to Architecture Archaeology History Language and Linguistics as well as general resources
- CTI Centre for Textual Studies - Features links to resources in Literature Linguistics Philosophy Religious Studies Classics Film Studies and Theater Arts Also offers a calendar of events and publications Hosted by the Humanities Computing Unit at the University of Oxford
- Arts and Letters Daily - Daily report of news in art and literature Includes reviews of new books essays and articles
- Virgin Islands Humanities Council - Nonprofit organization supporting research education and public projects in the humanities
- The Stanford Electronic Humanities Review - Online version of the semi-annual interdisciplinary journal Includes full contents of recent issues
- Emily s Page for the Humanities - A collection of annotated links to general resources Contains sections devoted to texts online journals and Medieval and Renaissance links
- National Humanities Institute - Promotes research publishing and teaching in the humanities with emphasis on the ethical preconditions and purposes of culture and society
- The EServer - Serves as a broad resource for a wide variety of literature-related materials including text archives of both prose and poetry fiction and non-fiction as well as and other types of literature resources
- Utah Humanities Council - Promotes lifelong learning using the humanities as a process of reflection conversation and action Features a description of the organization and activities Also offers a calendar of events and contact details
- Irish Resources in the Humanities - Directory of humanities sites of Irish interest Categories include Irish Archaeology Architecture Archives and Libraries Art Geography History Irish Language Literature and Theatre
- Penn Humanities Forum - University of Pennsylvania hosted program that provides a common ground for interdisciplinary exchange through cultural programs fellowships and seminars Features information on the program calendar of events and links to related resources
- Modern Humanities Research Association - Promotes advanced study and research in the field of the modern humanities especially modern European languages and literatures including English
- Washington Commission For The Humanities - Dedicated to improving individual and community life through public programs that interpret culture and provide a forum for civic dialogue
- California Council For The Humanities - Nonprofit organization devoted to strengthening communities by creating sponsoring and promoting change
- Australian Humanities Review - Peer-reviewed interdisciplinary electronic journal of the humanities published quarterly Features full-text articles contact details for the editorial board as well as information for authors
- American Academy of Arts and Sciences - Honorary society that recognizes achievement in the natural sciences social sciences arts and humanities and conducts a varied program of projects and studies responsive to the needs of society Features publications in PDF format news events calendar as well as lists of members and fellows
- American Council of Learned Societies - Private non-profit federation of sixty-six national scholarly organizations Provides information on ACLS fellowships and grants in all fields of the humanities publications and news
- Voice of the Shuttle - Portal maintained by Alan Liu of the University of California Santa Barbara Features a history of the project news and offers visitors the opportunity to participate by becoming volunteer editors
- The WWW Virtual Library Humanities and Humanistic Studies - A directory of resources maintained by the Faculty of Arts and Humanities Göteborg University Sweden Features categories devoted to Architecture Archaeology History Language and Linguistics as well as general resources
- Center for the Humanities - Supports individual teaching and research projects as well as serves as a communications resource for school programs and activities at Wesleyan University Information on lecture series and the Andrew Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship
- CTI Centre for Textual Studies - Features links to resources in Literature Linguistics Philosophy Religious Studies Classics Film Studies and Theater Arts Also offers a calendar of events and publications Hosted by the Humanities Computing Unit at the University of Oxford
- Virgin Islands Humanities Council - Nonprofit organization supporting research education and public projects in the humanities
- Arts and Letters Daily - Daily report of news in art and literature Includes reviews of new books essays and articles
- Emily s Page for the Humanities - A collection of annotated links to general resources Contains sections devoted to texts online journals and Medieval and Renaissance links
- The Stanford Electronic Humanities Review - Online version of the semi-annual interdisciplinary journal Includes full contents of recent issues
- Irish Resources in the Humanities - Directory of humanities sites of Irish interest Categories include Irish Archaeology Architecture Archives and Libraries Art Geography History Irish Language Literature and Theatre
- National Humanities Institute - Promotes research publishing and teaching in the humanities with emphasis on the ethical preconditions and purposes of culture and society
- Modern Humanities Research Association - Promotes advanced study and research in the field of the modern humanities especially modern European languages and literatures including English
- California Council For The Humanities - Nonprofit organization devoted to strengthening communities by creating sponsoring and promoting change
- Penn Humanities Forum - University of Pennsylvania hosted program that provides a common ground for interdisciplinary exchange through cultural programs fellowships and seminars Features information on the program calendar of events and links to related resources
- Washington Commission For The Humanities - Dedicated to improving individual and community life through public programs that interpret culture and provide a forum for civic dialogue
- Australian Humanities Review - Peer-reviewed interdisciplinary electronic journal of the humanities published quarterly Features full-text articles contact details for the editorial board as well as information for authors
- American Academy of Arts and Sciences - Honorary society that recognizes achievement in the natural sciences social sciences arts and humanities and conducts a varied program of projects and studies responsive to the needs of society Features publications in PDF format news events calendar as well as lists of members and fellows
- American Council of Learned Societies - Private non-profit federation of sixty-six national scholarly organizations Provides information on ACLS fellowships and grants in all fields of the humanities publications and news
- The EServer - Serves as a broad resource for a wide variety of literature-related materials including text archives of both prose and poetry fiction and non-fiction as well as and other types of literature resources
- Utah Humanities Council - Promotes lifelong learning using the humanities as a process of reflection conversation and action Features a description of the organization and activities Also offers a calendar of events and contact details
- Voice of the Shuttle - Portal maintained by Alan Liu of the University of California Santa Barbara Features a history of the project news and offers visitors the opportunity to participate by becoming volunteer editors
- The WWW Virtual Library Humanities and Humanistic Studies - A directory of resources maintained by the Faculty of Arts and Humanities Göteborg University Sweden Features categories devoted to Architecture Archaeology History Language and Linguistics as well as general resources
- Center for the Humanities - Supports individual teaching and research projects as well as serves as a communications resource for school programs and activities at Wesleyan University Information on lecture series and the Andrew Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship
- CTI Centre for Textual Studies - Features links to resources in Literature Linguistics Philosophy Religious Studies Classics Film Studies and Theater Arts Also offers a calendar of events and publications Hosted by the Humanities Computing Unit at the University of Oxford
- Arts and Letters Daily - Daily report of news in art and literature Includes reviews of new books essays and articles
- Virgin Islands Humanities Council - Nonprofit organization supporting research education and public projects in the humanities
- Emily s Page for the Humanities - A collection of annotated links to general resources Contains sections devoted to texts online journals and Medieval and Renaissance links
- The Stanford Electronic Humanities Review - Online version of the semi-annual interdisciplinary journal Includes full contents of recent issues
- National Humanities Institute - Promotes research publishing and teaching in the humanities with emphasis on the ethical preconditions and purposes of culture and society
- American Council of Learned Societies - Private non-profit federation of sixty-six national scholarly organizations Provides information on ACLS fellowships and grants in all fields of the humanities publications and news
- Voice of the Shuttle - Portal maintained by Alan Liu of the University of California Santa Barbara Features a history of the project news and offers visitors the opportunity to participate by becoming volunteer editors
- The EServer - Serves as a broad resource for a wide variety of literature-related materials including text archives of both prose and poetry fiction and non-fiction as well as and other types of literature resources
- Utah Humanities Council - Promotes lifelong learning using the humanities as a process of reflection conversation and action Features a description of the organization and activities Also offers a calendar of events and contact details
- Washington Commission For The Humanities - Dedicated to improving individual and community life through public programs that interpret culture and provide a forum for civic dialogue
- Irish Resources in the Humanities - Directory of humanities sites of Irish interest Categories include Irish Archaeology Architecture Archives and Libraries Art Geography History Irish Language Literature and Theatre
- Australian Humanities Review - Peer-reviewed interdisciplinary electronic journal of the humanities published quarterly Features full-text articles contact details for the editorial board as well as information for authors
- Penn Humanities Forum - University of Pennsylvania hosted program that provides a common ground for interdisciplinary exchange through cultural programs fellowships and seminars Features information on the program calendar of events and links to related resources
- Modern Humanities Research Association - Promotes advanced study and research in the field of the modern humanities especially modern European languages and literatures including English
- California Council For The Humanities - Nonprofit organization devoted to strengthening communities by creating sponsoring and promoting change
- American Academy of Arts and Sciences - Honorary society that recognizes achievement in the natural sciences social sciences arts and humanities and conducts a varied program of projects and studies responsive to the needs of society Features publications in PDF format news events calendar as well as lists of members and fellows
- The WWW Virtual Library Humanities and Humanistic Studies - A directory of resources maintained by the Faculty of Arts and Humanities Göteborg University Sweden Features categories devoted to Architecture Archaeology History Language and Linguistics as well as general resources
- Center for the Humanities - Supports individual teaching and research projects as well as serves as a communications resource for school programs and activities at Wesleyan University Information on lecture series and the Andrew Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship
- CTI Centre for Textual Studies - Features links to resources in Literature Linguistics Philosophy Religious Studies Classics Film Studies and Theater Arts Also offers a calendar of events and publications Hosted by the Humanities Computing Unit at the University of Oxford
- Virgin Islands Humanities Council - Nonprofit organization supporting research education and public projects in the humanities
- Arts and Letters Daily - Daily report of news in art and literature Includes reviews of new books essays and articles
- The Stanford Electronic Humanities Review - Online version of the semi-annual interdisciplinary journal Includes full contents of recent issues
- Emily s Page for the Humanities - A collection of annotated links to general resources Contains sections devoted to texts online journals and Medieval and Renaissance links
- Modern Humanities Research Association - Promotes advanced study and research in the field of the modern humanities especially modern European languages and literatures including English
- Washington Commission For The Humanities - Dedicated to improving individual and community life through public programs that interpret culture and provide a forum for civic dialogue
- American Council of Learned Societies - Private non-profit federation of sixty-six national scholarly organizations Provides information on ACLS fellowships and grants in all fields of the humanities publications and news
- American Academy of Arts and Sciences - Honorary society that recognizes achievement in the natural sciences social sciences arts and humanities and conducts a varied program of projects and studies responsive to the needs of society Features publications in PDF format news events calendar as well as lists of members and fellows
- Utah Humanities Council - Promotes lifelong learning using the humanities as a process of reflection conversation and action Features a description of the organization and activities Also offers a calendar of events and contact details
- California Council For The Humanities - Nonprofit organization devoted to strengthening communities by creating sponsoring and promoting change
- Voice of the Shuttle - Portal maintained by Alan Liu of the University of California Santa Barbara Features a history of the project news and offers visitors the opportunity to participate by becoming volunteer editors
- National Humanities Institute - Promotes research publishing and teaching in the humanities with emphasis on the ethical preconditions and purposes of culture and society
- Irish Resources in the Humanities - Directory of humanities sites of Irish interest Categories include Irish Archaeology Architecture Archives and Libraries Art Geography History Irish Language Literature and Theatre
- Australian Humanities Review - Peer-reviewed interdisciplinary electronic journal of the humanities published quarterly Features full-text articles contact details for the editorial board as well as information for authors
- Penn Humanities Forum - University of Pennsylvania hosted program that provides a common ground for interdisciplinary exchange through cultural programs fellowships and seminars Features information on the program calendar of events and links to related resources
- The EServer - Serves as a broad resource for a wide variety of literature-related materials including text archives of both prose and poetry fiction and non-fiction as well as and other types of literature resources
- Center for the Humanities - Supports individual teaching and research projects as well as serves as a communications resource for school programs and activities at Wesleyan University Information on lecture series and the Andrew Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship
- The WWW Virtual Library Humanities and Humanistic Studies - A directory of resources maintained by the Faculty of Arts and Humanities Göteborg University Sweden Features categories devoted to Architecture Archaeology History Language and Linguistics as well as general resources
- CTI Centre for Textual Studies - Features links to resources in Literature Linguistics Philosophy Religious Studies Classics Film Studies and Theater Arts Also offers a calendar of events and publications Hosted by the Humanities Computing Unit at the University of Oxford
- Virgin Islands Humanities Council - Nonprofit organization supporting research education and public projects in the humanities
- Arts and Letters Daily - Daily report of news in art and literature Includes reviews of new books essays and articles
- Emily s Page for the Humanities - A collection of annotated links to general resources Contains sections devoted to texts online journals and Medieval and Renaissance links
- The Stanford Electronic Humanities Review - Online version of the semi-annual interdisciplinary journal Includes full contents of recent issues
- American Academy of Arts and Sciences - Honorary society that recognizes achievement in the natural sciences social sciences arts and humanities and conducts a varied program of projects and studies responsive to the needs of society Features publications in PDF format news events calendar as well as lists of members and fellows
- National Humanities Institute - Promotes research publishing and teaching in the humanities with emphasis on the ethical preconditions and purposes of culture and society
- Voice of the Shuttle - Portal maintained by Alan Liu of the University of California Santa Barbara Features a history of the project news and offers visitors the opportunity to participate by becoming volunteer editors
- The EServer - Serves as a broad resource for a wide variety of literature-related materials including text archives of both prose and poetry fiction and non-fiction as well as and other types of literature resources
- Modern Humanities Research Association - Promotes advanced study and research in the field of the modern humanities especially modern European languages and literatures including English
- California Council For The Humanities - Nonprofit organization devoted to strengthening communities by creating sponsoring and promoting change
- Penn Humanities Forum - University of Pennsylvania hosted program that provides a common ground for interdisciplinary exchange through cultural programs fellowships and seminars Features information on the program calendar of events and links to related resources
- Utah Humanities Council - Promotes lifelong learning using the humanities as a process of reflection conversation and action Features a description of the organization and activities Also offers a calendar of events and contact details
- Australian Humanities Review - Peer-reviewed interdisciplinary electronic journal of the humanities published quarterly Features full-text articles contact details for the editorial board as well as information for authors
- Irish Resources in the Humanities - Directory of humanities sites of Irish interest Categories include Irish Archaeology Architecture Archives and Libraries Art Geography History Irish Language Literature and Theatre
- Washington Commission For The Humanities - Dedicated to improving individual and community life through public programs that interpret culture and provide a forum for civic dialogue
- American Council of Learned Societies - Private non-profit federation of sixty-six national scholarly organizations Provides information on ACLS fellowships and grants in all fields of the humanities publications and news
- The WWW Virtual Library Humanities and Humanistic Studies - A directory of resources maintained by the Faculty of Arts and Humanities Göteborg University Sweden Features categories devoted to Architecture Archaeology History Language and Linguistics as well as general resources
- Center for the Humanities - Supports individual teaching and research projects as well as serves as a communications resource for school programs and activities at Wesleyan University Information on lecture series and the Andrew Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship
- CTI Centre for Textual Studies - Features links to resources in Literature Linguistics Philosophy Religious Studies Classics Film Studies and Theater Arts Also offers a calendar of events and publications Hosted by the Humanities Computing Unit at the University of Oxford
- Arts and Letters Daily - Daily report of news in art and literature Includes reviews of new books essays and articles
- Virgin Islands Humanities Council - Nonprofit organization supporting research education and public projects in the humanities
- Emily s Page for the Humanities - A collection of annotated links to general resources Contains sections devoted to texts online journals and Medieval and Renaissance links
- The Stanford Electronic Humanities Review - Online version of the semi-annual interdisciplinary journal Includes full contents of recent issues
- Irish Resources in the Humanities - Directory of humanities sites of Irish interest Categories include Irish Archaeology Architecture Archives and Libraries Art Geography History Irish Language Literature and Theatre
- American Council of Learned Societies - Private non-profit federation of sixty-six national scholarly organizations Provides information on ACLS fellowships and grants in all fields of the humanities publications and news
- Modern Humanities Research Association - Promotes advanced study and research in the field of the modern humanities especially modern European languages and literatures including English
- Penn Humanities Forum - University of Pennsylvania hosted program that provides a common ground for interdisciplinary exchange through cultural programs fellowships and seminars Features information on the program calendar of events and links to related resources
- National Humanities Institute - Promotes research publishing and teaching in the humanities with emphasis on the ethical preconditions and purposes of culture and society
- California Council For The Humanities - Nonprofit organization devoted to strengthening communities by creating sponsoring and promoting change
- American Academy of Arts and Sciences - Honorary society that recognizes achievement in the natural sciences social sciences arts and humanities and conducts a varied program of projects and studies responsive to the needs of society Features publications in PDF format news events calendar as well as lists of members and fellows
- The EServer - Serves as a broad resource for a wide variety of literature-related materials including text archives of both prose and poetry fiction and non-fiction as well as and other types of literature resources
- Washington Commission For The Humanities - Dedicated to improving individual and community life through public programs that interpret culture and provide a forum for civic dialogue
- Australian Humanities Review - Peer-reviewed interdisciplinary electronic journal of the humanities published quarterly Features full-text articles contact details for the editorial board as well as information for authors
- Utah Humanities Council - Promotes lifelong learning using the humanities as a process of reflection conversation and action Features a description of the organization and activities Also offers a calendar of events and contact details
- Voice of the Shuttle - Portal maintained by Alan Liu of the University of California Santa Barbara Features a history of the project news and offers visitors the opportunity to participate by becoming volunteer editors
- Center for the Humanities - Supports individual teaching and research projects as well as serves as a communications resource for school programs and activities at Wesleyan University Information on lecture series and the Andrew Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship
- The WWW Virtual Library Humanities and Humanistic Studies - A directory of resources maintained by the Faculty of Arts and Humanities Göteborg University Sweden Features categories devoted to Architecture Archaeology History Language and Linguistics as well as general resources
- CTI Centre for Textual Studies - Features links to resources in Literature Linguistics Philosophy Religious Studies Classics Film Studies and Theater Arts Also offers a calendar of events and publications Hosted by the Humanities Computing Unit at the University of Oxford
- Arts and Letters Daily - Daily report of news in art and literature Includes reviews of new books essays and articles
- Virgin Islands Humanities Council - Nonprofit organization supporting research education and public projects in the humanities
- Emily s Page for the Humanities - A collection of annotated links to general resources Contains sections devoted to texts online journals and Medieval and Renaissance links
- The Stanford Electronic Humanities Review - Online version of the semi-annual interdisciplinary journal Includes full contents of recent issues
- National Humanities Institute - Promotes research publishing and teaching in the humanities with emphasis on the ethical preconditions and purposes of culture and society
- Washington Commission For The Humanities - Dedicated to improving individual and community life through public programs that interpret culture and provide a forum for civic dialogue
- California Council For The Humanities - Nonprofit organization devoted to strengthening communities by creating sponsoring and promoting change
- American Academy of Arts and Sciences - Honorary society that recognizes achievement in the natural sciences social sciences arts and humanities and conducts a varied program of projects and studies responsive to the needs of society Features publications in PDF format news events calendar as well as lists of members and fellows
- Modern Humanities Research Association - Promotes advanced study and research in the field of the modern humanities especially modern European languages and literatures including English
- Penn Humanities Forum - University of Pennsylvania hosted program that provides a common ground for interdisciplinary exchange through cultural programs fellowships and seminars Features information on the program calendar of events and links to related resources
- The EServer - Serves as a broad resource for a wide variety of literature-related materials including text archives of both prose and poetry fiction and non-fiction as well as and other types of literature resources
- Irish Resources in the Humanities - Directory of humanities sites of Irish interest Categories include Irish Archaeology Architecture Archives and Libraries Art Geography History Irish Language Literature and Theatre
- Voice of the Shuttle - Portal maintained by Alan Liu of the University of California Santa Barbara Features a history of the project news and offers visitors the opportunity to participate by becoming volunteer editors
- Utah Humanities Council - Promotes lifelong learning using the humanities as a process of reflection conversation and action Features a description of the organization and activities Also offers a calendar of events and contact details
- Australian Humanities Review - Peer-reviewed interdisciplinary electronic journal of the humanities published quarterly Features full-text articles contact details for the editorial board as well as information for authors
- American Council of Learned Societies - Private non-profit federation of sixty-six national scholarly organizations Provides information on ACLS fellowships and grants in all fields of the humanities publications and news
- CTI Centre for Textual Studies - Features links to resources in Literature Linguistics Philosophy Religious Studies Classics Film Studies and Theater Arts Also offers a calendar of events and publications Hosted by the Humanities Computing Unit at the University of Oxford
- The WWW Virtual Library Humanities and Humanistic Studies - A directory of resources maintained by the Faculty of Arts and Humanities Göteborg University Sweden Features categories devoted to Architecture Archaeology History Language and Linguistics as well as general resources
- Center for the Humanities - Supports individual teaching and research projects as well as serves as a communications resource for school programs and activities at Wesleyan University Information on lecture series and the Andrew Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship
- Arts and Letters Daily - Daily report of news in art and literature Includes reviews of new books essays and articles
- Virgin Islands Humanities Council - Nonprofit organization supporting research education and public projects in the humanities
- Emily s Page for the Humanities - A collection of annotated links to general resources Contains sections devoted to texts online journals and Medieval and Renaissance links
- The Stanford Electronic Humanities Review - Online version of the semi-annual interdisciplinary journal Includes full contents of recent issues
- Irish Resources in the Humanities - Directory of humanities sites of Irish interest Categories include Irish Archaeology Architecture Archives and Libraries Art Geography History Irish Language Literature and Theatre
- American Council of Learned Societies - Private non-profit federation of sixty-six national scholarly organizations Provides information on ACLS fellowships and grants in all fields of the humanities publications and news
- Australian Humanities Review - Peer-reviewed interdisciplinary electronic journal of the humanities published quarterly Features full-text articles contact details for the editorial board as well as information for authors
- The EServer - Serves as a broad resource for a wide variety of literature-related materials including text archives of both prose and poetry fiction and non-fiction as well as and other types of literature resources
- California Council For The Humanities - Nonprofit organization devoted to strengthening communities by creating sponsoring and promoting change
- American Academy of Arts and Sciences - Honorary society that recognizes achievement in the natural sciences social sciences arts and humanities and conducts a varied program of projects and studies responsive to the needs of society Features publications in PDF format news events calendar as well as lists of members and fellows
- Voice of the Shuttle - Portal maintained by Alan Liu of the University of California Santa Barbara Features a history of the project news and offers visitors the opportunity to participate by becoming volunteer editors
- Modern Humanities Research Association - Promotes advanced study and research in the field of the modern humanities especially modern European languages and literatures including English
- Penn Humanities Forum - University of Pennsylvania hosted program that provides a common ground for interdisciplinary exchange through cultural programs fellowships and seminars Features information on the program calendar of events and links to related resources
- Utah Humanities Council - Promotes lifelong learning using the humanities as a process of reflection conversation and action Features a description of the organization and activities Also offers a calendar of events and contact details
- National Humanities Institute - Promotes research publishing and teaching in the humanities with emphasis on the ethical preconditions and purposes of culture and society
- Washington Commission For The Humanities - Dedicated to improving individual and community life through public programs that interpret culture and provide a forum for civic dialogue
- Center for the Humanities - Supports individual teaching and research projects as well as serves as a communications resource for school programs and activities at Wesleyan University Information on lecture series and the Andrew Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship
- CTI Centre for Textual Studies - Features links to resources in Literature Linguistics Philosophy Religious Studies Classics Film Studies and Theater Arts Also offers a calendar of events and publications Hosted by the Humanities Computing Unit at the University of Oxford
- The WWW Virtual Library Humanities and Humanistic Studies - A directory of resources maintained by the Faculty of Arts and Humanities Göteborg University Sweden Features categories devoted to Architecture Archaeology History Language and Linguistics as well as general resources
- Arts and Letters Daily - Daily report of news in art and literature Includes reviews of new books essays and articles
- Virgin Islands Humanities Council - Nonprofit organization supporting research education and public projects in the humanities
- The Stanford Electronic Humanities Review - Online version of the semi-annual interdisciplinary journal Includes full contents of recent issues
- Emily s Page for the Humanities - A collection of annotated links to general resources Contains sections devoted to texts online journals and Medieval and Renaissance links
- Utah Humanities Council - Promotes lifelong learning using the humanities as a process of reflection conversation and action Features a description of the organization and activities Also offers a calendar of events and contact details
- Penn Humanities Forum - University of Pennsylvania hosted program that provides a common ground for interdisciplinary exchange through cultural programs fellowships and seminars Features information on the program calendar of events and links to related resources
- Modern Humanities Research Association - Promotes advanced study and research in the field of the modern humanities especially modern European languages and literatures including English
- Australian Humanities Review - Peer-reviewed interdisciplinary electronic journal of the humanities published quarterly Features full-text articles contact details for the editorial board as well as information for authors
- National Humanities Institute - Promotes research publishing and teaching in the humanities with emphasis on the ethical preconditions and purposes of culture and society
- Washington Commission For The Humanities - Dedicated to improving individual and community life through public programs that interpret culture and provide a forum for civic dialogue
- American Council of Learned Societies - Private non-profit federation of sixty-six national scholarly organizations Provides information on ACLS fellowships and grants in all fields of the humanities publications and news
- Irish Resources in the Humanities - Directory of humanities sites of Irish interest Categories include Irish Archaeology Architecture Archives and Libraries Art Geography History Irish Language Literature and Theatre
- American Academy of Arts and Sciences - Honorary society that recognizes achievement in the natural sciences social sciences arts and humanities and conducts a varied program of projects and studies responsive to the needs of society Features publications in PDF format news events calendar as well as lists of members and fellows
- The EServer - Serves as a broad resource for a wide variety of literature-related materials including text archives of both prose and poetry fiction and non-fiction as well as and other types of literature resources
- California Council For The Humanities - Nonprofit organization devoted to strengthening communities by creating sponsoring and promoting change
- Voice of the Shuttle - Portal maintained by Alan Liu of the University of California Santa Barbara Features a history of the project news and offers visitors the opportunity to participate by becoming volunteer editors
- Center for the Humanities - Supports individual teaching and research projects as well as serves as a communications resource for school programs and activities at Wesleyan University Information on lecture series and the Andrew Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship
- The WWW Virtual Library Humanities and Humanistic Studies - A directory of resources maintained by the Faculty of Arts and Humanities Göteborg University Sweden Features categories devoted to Architecture Archaeology History Language and Linguistics as well as general resources
- CTI Centre for Textual Studies - Features links to resources in Literature Linguistics Philosophy Religious Studies Classics Film Studies and Theater Arts Also offers a calendar of events and publications Hosted by the Humanities Computing Unit at the University of Oxford
- Arts and Letters Daily - Daily report of news in art and literature Includes reviews of new books essays and articles
- Virgin Islands Humanities Council - Nonprofit organization supporting research education and public projects in the humanities
- Emily s Page for the Humanities - A collection of annotated links to general resources Contains sections devoted to texts online journals and Medieval and Renaissance links
- The Stanford Electronic Humanities Review - Online version of the semi-annual interdisciplinary journal Includes full contents of recent issues
- National Humanities Institute - Promotes research publishing and teaching in the humanities with emphasis on the ethical preconditions and purposes of culture and society
- Irish Resources in the Humanities - Directory of humanities sites of Irish interest Categories include Irish Archaeology Architecture Archives and Libraries Art Geography History Irish Language Literature and Theatre
- Australian Humanities Review - Peer-reviewed interdisciplinary electronic journal of the humanities published quarterly Features full-text articles contact details for the editorial board as well as information for authors
- Penn Humanities Forum - University of Pennsylvania hosted program that provides a common ground for interdisciplinary exchange through cultural programs fellowships and seminars Features information on the program calendar of events and links to related resources
- California Council For The Humanities - Nonprofit organization devoted to strengthening communities by creating sponsoring and promoting change
- American Council of Learned Societies - Private non-profit federation of sixty-six national scholarly organizations Provides information on ACLS fellowships and grants in all fields of the humanities publications and news
- Voice of the Shuttle - Portal maintained by Alan Liu of the University of California Santa Barbara Features a history of the project news and offers visitors the opportunity to participate by becoming volunteer editors
- The EServer - Serves as a broad resource for a wide variety of literature-related materials including text archives of both prose and poetry fiction and non-fiction as well as and other types of literature resources
- Utah Humanities Council - Promotes lifelong learning using the humanities as a process of reflection conversation and action Features a description of the organization and activities Also offers a calendar of events and contact details
- Modern Humanities Research Association - Promotes advanced study and research in the field of the modern humanities especially modern European languages and literatures including English
- Washington Commission For The Humanities - Dedicated to improving individual and community life through public programs that interpret culture and provide a forum for civic dialogue
- American Academy of Arts and Sciences - Honorary society that recognizes achievement in the natural sciences social sciences arts and humanities and conducts a varied program of projects and studies responsive to the needs of society Features publications in PDF format news events calendar as well as lists of members and fellows
- CTI Centre for Textual Studies - Features links to resources in Literature Linguistics Philosophy Religious Studies Classics Film Studies and Theater Arts Also offers a calendar of events and publications Hosted by the Humanities Computing Unit at the University of Oxford
- Center for the Humanities - Supports individual teaching and research projects as well as serves as a communications resource for school programs and activities at Wesleyan University Information on lecture series and the Andrew Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship
- The WWW Virtual Library Humanities and Humanistic Studies - A directory of resources maintained by the Faculty of Arts and Humanities Göteborg University Sweden Features categories devoted to Architecture Archaeology History Language and Linguistics as well as general resources
- Virgin Islands Humanities Council - Nonprofit organization supporting research education and public projects in the humanities
- Arts and Letters Daily - Daily report of news in art and literature Includes reviews of new books essays and articles
- Emily s Page for the Humanities - A collection of annotated links to general resources Contains sections devoted to texts online journals and Medieval and Renaissance links
- The Stanford Electronic Humanities Review - Online version of the semi-annual interdisciplinary journal Includes full contents of recent issues
- Utah Humanities Council - Promotes lifelong learning using the humanities as a process of reflection conversation and action Features a description of the organization and activities Also offers a calendar of events and contact details
- Modern Humanities Research Association - Promotes advanced study and research in the field of the modern humanities especially modern European languages and literatures including English
- Washington Commission For The Humanities - Dedicated to improving individual and community life through public programs that interpret culture and provide a forum for civic dialogue
- The EServer - Serves as a broad resource for a wide variety of literature-related materials including text archives of both prose and poetry fiction and non-fiction as well as and other types of literature resources
- American Council of Learned Societies - Private non-profit federation of sixty-six national scholarly organizations Provides information on ACLS fellowships and grants in all fields of the humanities publications and news
- Penn Humanities Forum - University of Pennsylvania hosted program that provides a common ground for interdisciplinary exchange through cultural programs fellowships and seminars Features information on the program calendar of events and links to related resources
- Australian Humanities Review - Peer-reviewed interdisciplinary electronic journal of the humanities published quarterly Features full-text articles contact details for the editorial board as well as information for authors
- National Humanities Institute - Promotes research publishing and teaching in the humanities with emphasis on the ethical preconditions and purposes of culture and society
- Irish Resources in the Humanities - Directory of humanities sites of Irish interest Categories include Irish Archaeology Architecture Archives and Libraries Art Geography History Irish Language Literature and Theatre
- California Council For The Humanities - Nonprofit organization devoted to strengthening communities by creating sponsoring and promoting change
- American Academy of Arts and Sciences - Honorary society that recognizes achievement in the natural sciences social sciences arts and humanities and conducts a varied program of projects and studies responsive to the needs of society Features publications in PDF format news events calendar as well as lists of members and fellows
- Voice of the Shuttle - Portal maintained by Alan Liu of the University of California Santa Barbara Features a history of the project news and offers visitors the opportunity to participate by becoming volunteer editors
- Center for the Humanities - Supports individual teaching and research projects as well as serves as a communications resource for school programs and activities at Wesleyan University Information on lecture series and the Andrew Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship
- CTI Centre for Textual Studies - Features links to resources in Literature Linguistics Philosophy Religious Studies Classics Film Studies and Theater Arts Also offers a calendar of events and publications Hosted by the Humanities Computing Unit at the University of Oxford
- The WWW Virtual Library Humanities and Humanistic Studies - A directory of resources maintained by the Faculty of Arts and Humanities Göteborg University Sweden Features categories devoted to Architecture Archaeology History Language and Linguistics as well as general resources
- Virgin Islands Humanities Council - Nonprofit organization supporting research education and public projects in the humanities
- Arts and Letters Daily - Daily report of news in art and literature Includes reviews of new books essays and articles
- Emily s Page for the Humanities - A collection of annotated links to general resources Contains sections devoted to texts online journals and Medieval and Renaissance links
- The Stanford Electronic Humanities Review - Online version of the semi-annual interdisciplinary journal Includes full contents of recent issues
- American Academy of Arts and Sciences - Honorary society that recognizes achievement in the natural sciences social sciences arts and humanities and conducts a varied program of projects and studies responsive to the needs of society Features publications in PDF format news events calendar as well as lists of members and fellows
- The EServer - Serves as a broad resource for a wide variety of literature-related materials including text archives of both prose and poetry fiction and non-fiction as well as and other types of literature resources
- Utah Humanities Council - Promotes lifelong learning using the humanities as a process of reflection conversation and action Features a description of the organization and activities Also offers a calendar of events and contact details
- National Humanities Institute - Promotes research publishing and teaching in the humanities with emphasis on the ethical preconditions and purposes of culture and society
- Irish Resources in the Humanities - Directory of humanities sites of Irish interest Categories include Irish Archaeology Architecture Archives and Libraries Art Geography History Irish Language Literature and Theatre
- American Council of Learned Societies - Private non-profit federation of sixty-six national scholarly organizations Provides information on ACLS fellowships and grants in all fields of the humanities publications and news
- Penn Humanities Forum - University of Pennsylvania hosted program that provides a common ground for interdisciplinary exchange through cultural programs fellowships and seminars Features information on the program calendar of events and links to related resources
- Australian Humanities Review - Peer-reviewed interdisciplinary electronic journal of the humanities published quarterly Features full-text articles contact details for the editorial board as well as information for authors
- Voice of the Shuttle - Portal maintained by Alan Liu of the University of California Santa Barbara Features a history of the project news and offers visitors the opportunity to participate by becoming volunteer editors
- Modern Humanities Research Association - Promotes advanced study and research in the field of the modern humanities especially modern European languages and literatures including English
- Washington Commission For The Humanities - Dedicated to improving individual and community life through public programs that interpret culture and provide a forum for civic dialogue
- California Council For The Humanities - Nonprofit organization devoted to strengthening communities by creating sponsoring and promoting change
- The WWW Virtual Library Humanities and Humanistic Studies - A directory of resources maintained by the Faculty of Arts and Humanities Göteborg University Sweden Features categories devoted to Architecture Archaeology History Language and Linguistics as well as general resources
- Center for the Humanities - Supports individual teaching and research projects as well as serves as a communications resource for school programs and activities at Wesleyan University Information on lecture series and the Andrew Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship
- CTI Centre for Textual Studies - Features links to resources in Literature Linguistics Philosophy Religious Studies Classics Film Studies and Theater Arts Also offers a calendar of events and publications Hosted by the Humanities Computing Unit at the University of Oxford
- Arts and Letters Daily - Daily report of news in art and literature Includes reviews of new books essays and articles
- Virgin Islands Humanities Council - Nonprofit organization supporting research education and public projects in the humanities
- Emily s Page for the Humanities - A collection of annotated links to general resources Contains sections devoted to texts online journals and Medieval and Renaissance links
- The Stanford Electronic Humanities Review - Online version of the semi-annual interdisciplinary journal Includes full contents of recent issues
- National Humanities Institute - Promotes research publishing and teaching in the humanities with emphasis on the ethical preconditions and purposes of culture and society
- Modern Humanities Research Association - Promotes advanced study and research in the field of the modern humanities especially modern European languages and literatures including English
- American Academy of Arts and Sciences - Honorary society that recognizes achievement in the natural sciences social sciences arts and humanities and conducts a varied program of projects and studies responsive to the needs of society Features publications in PDF format news events calendar as well as lists of members and fellows
- American Council of Learned Societies - Private non-profit federation of sixty-six national scholarly organizations Provides information on ACLS fellowships and grants in all fields of the humanities publications and news
- Voice of the Shuttle - Portal maintained by Alan Liu of the University of California Santa Barbara Features a history of the project news and offers visitors the opportunity to participate by becoming volunteer editors
- Washington Commission For The Humanities - Dedicated to improving individual and community life through public programs that interpret culture and provide a forum for civic dialogue
- Irish Resources in the Humanities - Directory of humanities sites of Irish interest Categories include Irish Archaeology Architecture Archives and Libraries Art Geography History Irish Language Literature and Theatre
- Australian Humanities Review - Peer-reviewed interdisciplinary electronic journal of the humanities published quarterly Features full-text articles contact details for the editorial board as well as information for authors
- The EServer - Serves as a broad resource for a wide variety of literature-related materials including text archives of both prose and poetry fiction and non-fiction as well as and other types of literature resources
- Utah Humanities Council - Promotes lifelong learning using the humanities as a process of reflection conversation and action Features a description of the organization and activities Also offers a calendar of events and contact details
- California Council For The Humanities - Nonprofit organization devoted to strengthening communities by creating sponsoring and promoting change
- Penn Humanities Forum - University of Pennsylvania hosted program that provides a common ground for interdisciplinary exchange through cultural programs fellowships and seminars Features information on the program calendar of events and links to related resources
- The WWW Virtual Library Humanities and Humanistic Studies - A directory of resources maintained by the Faculty of Arts and Humanities Göteborg University Sweden Features categories devoted to Architecture Archaeology History Language and Linguistics as well as general resources
- Center for the Humanities - Supports individual teaching and research projects as well as serves as a communications resource for school programs and activities at Wesleyan University Information on lecture series and the Andrew Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship
- CTI Centre for Textual Studies - Features links to resources in Literature Linguistics Philosophy Religious Studies Classics Film Studies and Theater Arts Also offers a calendar of events and publications Hosted by the Humanities Computing Unit at the University of Oxford
- Virgin Islands Humanities Council - Nonprofit organization supporting research education and public projects in the humanities
- Arts and Letters Daily - Daily report of news in art and literature Includes reviews of new books essays and articles
- Emily s Page for the Humanities - A collection of annotated links to general resources Contains sections devoted to texts online journals and Medieval and Renaissance links
- The Stanford Electronic Humanities Review - Online version of the semi-annual interdisciplinary journal Includes full contents of recent issues
- Utah Humanities Council - Promotes lifelong learning using the humanities as a process of reflection conversation and action Features a description of the organization and activities Also offers a calendar of events and contact details
- American Council of Learned Societies - Private non-profit federation of sixty-six national scholarly organizations Provides information on ACLS fellowships and grants in all fields of the humanities publications and news
- National Humanities Institute - Promotes research publishing and teaching in the humanities with emphasis on the ethical preconditions and purposes of culture and society
- Modern Humanities Research Association - Promotes advanced study and research in the field of the modern humanities especially modern European languages and literatures including English
- Irish Resources in the Humanities - Directory of humanities sites of Irish interest Categories include Irish Archaeology Architecture Archives and Libraries Art Geography History Irish Language Literature and Theatre
- Washington Commission For The Humanities - Dedicated to improving individual and community life through public programs that interpret culture and provide a forum for civic dialogue
- American Academy of Arts and Sciences - Honorary society that recognizes achievement in the natural sciences social sciences arts and humanities and conducts a varied program of projects and studies responsive to the needs of society Features publications in PDF format news events calendar as well as lists of members and fellows
- Voice of the Shuttle - Portal maintained by Alan Liu of the University of California Santa Barbara Features a history of the project news and offers visitors the opportunity to participate by becoming volunteer editors
- California Council For The Humanities - Nonprofit organization devoted to strengthening communities by creating sponsoring and promoting change
- Penn Humanities Forum - University of Pennsylvania hosted program that provides a common ground for interdisciplinary exchange through cultural programs fellowships and seminars Features information on the program calendar of events and links to related resources
- Australian Humanities Review - Peer-reviewed interdisciplinary electronic journal of the humanities published quarterly Features full-text articles contact details for the editorial board as well as information for authors
- The EServer - Serves as a broad resource for a wide variety of literature-related materials including text archives of both prose and poetry fiction and non-fiction as well as and other types of literature resources
- CTI Centre for Textual Studies - Features links to resources in Literature Linguistics Philosophy Religious Studies Classics Film Studies and Theater Arts Also offers a calendar of events and publications Hosted by the Humanities Computing Unit at the University of Oxford
- Center for the Humanities - Supports individual teaching and research projects as well as serves as a communications resource for school programs and activities at Wesleyan University Information on lecture series and the Andrew Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship
- The WWW Virtual Library Humanities and Humanistic Studies - A directory of resources maintained by the Faculty of Arts and Humanities Göteborg University Sweden Features categories devoted to Architecture Archaeology History Language and Linguistics as well as general resources
- Arts and Letters Daily - Daily report of news in art and literature Includes reviews of new books essays and articles
- Virgin Islands Humanities Council - Nonprofit organization supporting research education and public projects in the humanities
- Emily s Page for the Humanities - A collection of annotated links to general resources Contains sections devoted to texts online journals and Medieval and Renaissance links
- The Stanford Electronic Humanities Review - Online version of the semi-annual interdisciplinary journal Includes full contents of recent issues
- The EServer - Serves as a broad resource for a wide variety of literature-related materials including text archives of both prose and poetry fiction and non-fiction as well as and other types of literature resources
- Washington Commission For The Humanities - Dedicated to improving individual and community life through public programs that interpret culture and provide a forum for civic dialogue
- Australian Humanities Review - Peer-reviewed interdisciplinary electronic journal of the humanities published quarterly Features full-text articles contact details for the editorial board as well as information for authors
- American Academy of Arts and Sciences - Honorary society that recognizes achievement in the natural sciences social sciences arts and humanities and conducts a varied program of projects and studies responsive to the needs of society Features publications in PDF format news events calendar as well as lists of members and fellows
- National Humanities Institute - Promotes research publishing and teaching in the humanities with emphasis on the ethical preconditions and purposes of culture and society
- California Council For The Humanities - Nonprofit organization devoted to strengthening communities by creating sponsoring and promoting change
- Irish Resources in the Humanities - Directory of humanities sites of Irish interest Categories include Irish Archaeology Architecture Archives and Libraries Art Geography History Irish Language Literature and Theatre
- American Council of Learned Societies - Private non-profit federation of sixty-six national scholarly organizations Provides information on ACLS fellowships and grants in all fields of the humanities publications and news
- Voice of the Shuttle - Portal maintained by Alan Liu of the University of California Santa Barbara Features a history of the project news and offers visitors the opportunity to participate by becoming volunteer editors
- Penn Humanities Forum - University of Pennsylvania hosted program that provides a common ground for interdisciplinary exchange through cultural programs fellowships and seminars Features information on the program calendar of events and links to related resources
- Utah Humanities Council - Promotes lifelong learning using the humanities as a process of reflection conversation and action Features a description of the organization and activities Also offers a calendar of events and contact details
- Modern Humanities Research Association - Promotes advanced study and research in the field of the modern humanities especially modern European languages and literatures including English
- Center for the Humanities - Supports individual teaching and research projects as well as serves as a communications resource for school programs and activities at Wesleyan University Information on lecture series and the Andrew Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship
- The WWW Virtual Library Humanities and Humanistic Studies - A directory of resources maintained by the Faculty of Arts and Humanities Göteborg University Sweden Features categories devoted to Architecture Archaeology History Language and Linguistics as well as general resources
- CTI Centre for Textual Studies - Features links to resources in Literature Linguistics Philosophy Religious Studies Classics Film Studies and Theater Arts Also offers a calendar of events and publications Hosted by the Humanities Computing Unit at the University of Oxford
- Arts and Letters Daily - Daily report of news in art and literature Includes reviews of new books essays and articles
- Virgin Islands Humanities Council - Nonprofit organization supporting research education and public projects in the humanities
- Emily s Page for the Humanities - A collection of annotated links to general resources Contains sections devoted to texts online journals and Medieval and Renaissance links
- The Stanford Electronic Humanities Review - Online version of the semi-annual interdisciplinary journal Includes full contents of recent issues
- Irish Resources in the Humanities - Directory of humanities sites of Irish interest Categories include Irish Archaeology Architecture Archives and Libraries Art Geography History Irish Language Literature and Theatre
- American Council of Learned Societies - Private non-profit federation of sixty-six national scholarly organizations Provides information on ACLS fellowships and grants in all fields of the humanities publications and news
- Modern Humanities Research Association - Promotes advanced study and research in the field of the modern humanities especially modern European languages and literatures including English
- Washington Commission For The Humanities - Dedicated to improving individual and community life through public programs that interpret culture and provide a forum for civic dialogue
- California Council For The Humanities - Nonprofit organization devoted to strengthening communities by creating sponsoring and promoting change
- The EServer - Serves as a broad resource for a wide variety of literature-related materials including text archives of both prose and poetry fiction and non-fiction as well as and other types of literature resources
- Utah Humanities Council - Promotes lifelong learning using the humanities as a process of reflection conversation and action Features a description of the organization and activities Also offers a calendar of events and contact details
- Voice of the Shuttle - Portal maintained by Alan Liu of the University of California Santa Barbara Features a history of the project news and offers visitors the opportunity to participate by becoming volunteer editors
- Penn Humanities Forum - University of Pennsylvania hosted program that provides a common ground for interdisciplinary exchange through cultural programs fellowships and seminars Features information on the program calendar of events and links to related resources
- National Humanities Institute - Promotes research publishing and teaching in the humanities with emphasis on the ethical preconditions and purposes of culture and society
- Australian Humanities Review - Peer-reviewed interdisciplinary electronic journal of the humanities published quarterly Features full-text articles contact details for the editorial board as well as information for authors
- American Academy of Arts and Sciences - Honorary society that recognizes achievement in the natural sciences social sciences arts and humanities and conducts a varied program of projects and studies responsive to the needs of society Features publications in PDF format news events calendar as well as lists of members and fellows
- The WWW Virtual Library Humanities and Humanistic Studies - A directory of resources maintained by the Faculty of Arts and Humanities Göteborg University Sweden Features categories devoted to Architecture Archaeology History Language and Linguistics as well as general resources
- CTI Centre for Textual Studies - Features links to resources in Literature Linguistics Philosophy Religious Studies Classics Film Studies and Theater Arts Also offers a calendar of events and publications Hosted by the Humanities Computing Unit at the University of Oxford
- Center for the Humanities - Supports individual teaching and research projects as well as serves as a communications resource for school programs and activities at Wesleyan University Information on lecture series and the Andrew Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship
- Virgin Islands Humanities Council - Nonprofit organization supporting research education and public projects in the humanities
- Arts and Letters Daily - Daily report of news in art and literature Includes reviews of new books essays and articles
- Emily s Page for the Humanities - A collection of annotated links to general resources Contains sections devoted to texts online journals and Medieval and Renaissance links
- The Stanford Electronic Humanities Review - Online version of the semi-annual interdisciplinary journal Includes full contents of recent issues
- California Council For The Humanities - Nonprofit organization devoted to strengthening communities by creating sponsoring and promoting change
- Utah Humanities Council - Promotes lifelong learning using the humanities as a process of reflection conversation and action Features a description of the organization and activities Also offers a calendar of events and contact details
- Australian Humanities Review - Peer-reviewed interdisciplinary electronic journal of the humanities published quarterly Features full-text articles contact details for the editorial board as well as information for authors
- Washington Commission For The Humanities - Dedicated to improving individual and community life through public programs that interpret culture and provide a forum for civic dialogue
- American Council of Learned Societies - Private non-profit federation of sixty-six national scholarly organizations Provides information on ACLS fellowships and grants in all fields of the humanities publications and news
- Voice of the Shuttle - Portal maintained by Alan Liu of the University of California Santa Barbara Features a history of the project news and offers visitors the opportunity to participate by becoming volunteer editors
- Irish Resources in the Humanities - Directory of humanities sites of Irish interest Categories include Irish Archaeology Architecture Archives and Libraries Art Geography History Irish Language Literature and Theatre
- Penn Humanities Forum - University of Pennsylvania hosted program that provides a common ground for interdisciplinary exchange through cultural programs fellowships and seminars Features information on the program calendar of events and links to related resources
- The EServer - Serves as a broad resource for a wide variety of literature-related materials including text archives of both prose and poetry fiction and non-fiction as well as and other types of literature resources
- Modern Humanities Research Association - Promotes advanced study and research in the field of the modern humanities especially modern European languages and literatures including English
- American Academy of Arts and Sciences - Honorary society that recognizes achievement in the natural sciences social sciences arts and humanities and conducts a varied program of projects and studies responsive to the needs of society Features publications in PDF format news events calendar as well as lists of members and fellows
- National Humanities Institute - Promotes research publishing and teaching in the humanities with emphasis on the ethical preconditions and purposes of culture and society
- CTI Centre for Textual Studies - Features links to resources in Literature Linguistics Philosophy Religious Studies Classics Film Studies and Theater Arts Also offers a calendar of events and publications Hosted by the Humanities Computing Unit at the University of Oxford
- The WWW Virtual Library Humanities and Humanistic Studies - A directory of resources maintained by the Faculty of Arts and Humanities Göteborg University Sweden Features categories devoted to Architecture Archaeology History Language and Linguistics as well as general resources
- Center for the Humanities - Supports individual teaching and research projects as well as serves as a communications resource for school programs and activities at Wesleyan University Information on lecture series and the Andrew Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship
- Virgin Islands Humanities Council - Nonprofit organization supporting research education and public projects in the humanities
- Arts and Letters Daily - Daily report of news in art and literature Includes reviews of new books essays and articles
- Emily s Page for the Humanities - A collection of annotated links to general resources Contains sections devoted to texts online journals and Medieval and Renaissance links
- The Stanford Electronic Humanities Review - Online version of the semi-annual interdisciplinary journal Includes full contents of recent issues
- National Humanities Institute - Promotes research publishing and teaching in the humanities with emphasis on the ethical preconditions and purposes of culture and society
- Modern Humanities Research Association - Promotes advanced study and research in the field of the modern humanities especially modern European languages and literatures including English
- The EServer - Serves as a broad resource for a wide variety of literature-related materials including text archives of both prose and poetry fiction and non-fiction as well as and other types of literature resources
- California Council For The Humanities - Nonprofit organization devoted to strengthening communities by creating sponsoring and promoting change
- American Academy of Arts and Sciences - Honorary society that recognizes achievement in the natural sciences social sciences arts and humanities and conducts a varied program of projects and studies responsive to the needs of society Features publications in PDF format news events calendar as well as lists of members and fellows
- American Council of Learned Societies - Private non-profit federation of sixty-six national scholarly organizations Provides information on ACLS fellowships and grants in all fields of the humanities publications and news
- Penn Humanities Forum - University of Pennsylvania hosted program that provides a common ground for interdisciplinary exchange through cultural programs fellowships and seminars Features information on the program calendar of events and links to related resources
- Washington Commission For The Humanities - Dedicated to improving individual and community life through public programs that interpret culture and provide a forum for civic dialogue
- Voice of the Shuttle - Portal maintained by Alan Liu of the University of California Santa Barbara Features a history of the project news and offers visitors the opportunity to participate by becoming volunteer editors
- Utah Humanities Council - Promotes lifelong learning using the humanities as a process of reflection conversation and action Features a description of the organization and activities Also offers a calendar of events and contact details
- Irish Resources in the Humanities - Directory of humanities sites of Irish interest Categories include Irish Archaeology Architecture Archives and Libraries Art Geography History Irish Language Literature and Theatre
- Australian Humanities Review - Peer-reviewed interdisciplinary electronic journal of the humanities published quarterly Features full-text articles contact details for the editorial board as well as information for authors
- CTI Centre for Textual Studies - Features links to resources in Literature Linguistics Philosophy Religious Studies Classics Film Studies and Theater Arts Also offers a calendar of events and publications Hosted by the Humanities Computing Unit at the University of Oxford
- The WWW Virtual Library Humanities and Humanistic Studies - A directory of resources maintained by the Faculty of Arts and Humanities Göteborg University Sweden Features categories devoted to Architecture Archaeology History Language and Linguistics as well as general resources
- Center for the Humanities - Supports individual teaching and research projects as well as serves as a communications resource for school programs and activities at Wesleyan University Information on lecture series and the Andrew Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship
- Virgin Islands Humanities Council - Nonprofit organization supporting research education and public projects in the humanities
- Arts and Letters Daily - Daily report of news in art and literature Includes reviews of new books essays and articles
- Emily s Page for the Humanities - A collection of annotated links to general resources Contains sections devoted to texts online journals and Medieval and Renaissance links
- The Stanford Electronic Humanities Review - Online version of the semi-annual interdisciplinary journal Includes full contents of recent issues
- Modern Humanities Research Association - Promotes advanced study and research in the field of the modern humanities especially modern European languages and literatures including English
- Irish Resources in the Humanities - Directory of humanities sites of Irish interest Categories include Irish Archaeology Architecture Archives and Libraries Art Geography History Irish Language Literature and Theatre
- California Council For The Humanities - Nonprofit organization devoted to strengthening communities by creating sponsoring and promoting change
- Voice of the Shuttle - Portal maintained by Alan Liu of the University of California Santa Barbara Features a history of the project news and offers visitors the opportunity to participate by becoming volunteer editors
- The EServer - Serves as a broad resource for a wide variety of literature-related materials including text archives of both prose and poetry fiction and non-fiction as well as and other types of literature resources
- National Humanities Institute - Promotes research publishing and teaching in the humanities with emphasis on the ethical preconditions and purposes of culture and society
- American Academy of Arts and Sciences - Honorary society that recognizes achievement in the natural sciences social sciences arts and humanities and conducts a varied program of projects and studies responsive to the needs of society Features publications in PDF format news events calendar as well as lists of members and fellows
- American Council of Learned Societies - Private non-profit federation of sixty-six national scholarly organizations Provides information on ACLS fellowships and grants in all fields of the humanities publications and news
- Utah Humanities Council - Promotes lifelong learning using the humanities as a process of reflection conversation and action Features a description of the organization and activities Also offers a calendar of events and contact details
- Washington Commission For The Humanities - Dedicated to improving individual and community life through public programs that interpret culture and provide a forum for civic dialogue
- Australian Humanities Review - Peer-reviewed interdisciplinary electronic journal of the humanities published quarterly Features full-text articles contact details for the editorial board as well as information for authors
- Penn Humanities Forum - University of Pennsylvania hosted program that provides a common ground for interdisciplinary exchange through cultural programs fellowships and seminars Features information on the program calendar of events and links to related resources
- CTI Centre for Textual Studies - Features links to resources in Literature Linguistics Philosophy Religious Studies Classics Film Studies and Theater Arts Also offers a calendar of events and publications Hosted by the Humanities Computing Unit at the University of Oxford
- Center for the Humanities - Supports individual teaching and research projects as well as serves as a communications resource for school programs and activities at Wesleyan University Information on lecture series and the Andrew Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship
- The WWW Virtual Library Humanities and Humanistic Studies - A directory of resources maintained by the Faculty of Arts and Humanities Göteborg University Sweden Features categories devoted to Architecture Archaeology History Language and Linguistics as well as general resources
- Arts and Letters Daily - Daily report of news in art and literature Includes reviews of new books essays and articles
- Virgin Islands Humanities Council - Nonprofit organization supporting research education and public projects in the humanities
- Emily s Page for the Humanities - A collection of annotated links to general resources Contains sections devoted to texts online journals and Medieval and Renaissance links
- The Stanford Electronic Humanities Review - Online version of the semi-annual interdisciplinary journal Includes full contents of recent issues
- National Humanities Institute - Promotes research publishing and teaching in the humanities with emphasis on the ethical preconditions and purposes of culture and society
- Voice of the Shuttle - Portal maintained by Alan Liu of the University of California Santa Barbara Features a history of the project news and offers visitors the opportunity to participate by becoming volunteer editors
- The EServer - Serves as a broad resource for a wide variety of literature-related materials including text archives of both prose and poetry fiction and non-fiction as well as and other types of literature resources
- Modern Humanities Research Association - Promotes advanced study and research in the field of the modern humanities especially modern European languages and literatures including English
- Penn Humanities Forum - University of Pennsylvania hosted program that provides a common ground for interdisciplinary exchange through cultural programs fellowships and seminars Features information on the program calendar of events and links to related resources
- Utah Humanities Council - Promotes lifelong learning using the humanities as a process of reflection conversation and action Features a description of the organization and activities Also offers a calendar of events and contact details
- California Council For The Humanities - Nonprofit organization devoted to strengthening communities by creating sponsoring and promoting change
- American Academy of Arts and Sciences - Honorary society that recognizes achievement in the natural sciences social sciences arts and humanities and conducts a varied program of projects and studies responsive to the needs of society Features publications in PDF format news events calendar as well as lists of members and fellows
- Irish Resources in the Humanities - Directory of humanities sites of Irish interest Categories include Irish Archaeology Architecture Archives and Libraries Art Geography History Irish Language Literature and Theatre
- Australian Humanities Review - Peer-reviewed interdisciplinary electronic journal of the humanities published quarterly Features full-text articles contact details for the editorial board as well as information for authors
- Washington Commission For The Humanities - Dedicated to improving individual and community life through public programs that interpret culture and provide a forum for civic dialogue
- American Council of Learned Societies - Private non-profit federation of sixty-six national scholarly organizations Provides information on ACLS fellowships and grants in all fields of the humanities publications and news
- Center for the Humanities - Supports individual teaching and research projects as well as serves as a communications resource for school programs and activities at Wesleyan University Information on lecture series and the Andrew Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship
- The WWW Virtual Library Humanities and Humanistic Studies - A directory of resources maintained by the Faculty of Arts and Humanities Göteborg University Sweden Features categories devoted to Architecture Archaeology History Language and Linguistics as well as general resources
- CTI Centre for Textual Studies - Features links to resources in Literature Linguistics Philosophy Religious Studies Classics Film Studies and Theater Arts Also offers a calendar of events and publications Hosted by the Humanities Computing Unit at the University of Oxford
- Virgin Islands Humanities Council - Nonprofit organization supporting research education and public projects in the humanities
- Arts and Letters Daily - Daily report of news in art and literature Includes reviews of new books essays and articles
- Emily s Page for the Humanities - A collection of annotated links to general resources Contains sections devoted to texts online journals and Medieval and Renaissance links
- The Stanford Electronic Humanities Review - Online version of the semi-annual interdisciplinary journal Includes full contents of recent issues
- Irish Resources in the Humanities - Directory of humanities sites of Irish interest Categories include Irish Archaeology Architecture Archives and Libraries Art Geography History Irish Language Literature and Theatre
- National Humanities Institute - Promotes research publishing and teaching in the humanities with emphasis on the ethical preconditions and purposes of culture and society
- Australian Humanities Review - Peer-reviewed interdisciplinary electronic journal of the humanities published quarterly Features full-text articles contact details for the editorial board as well as information for authors
- American Council of Learned Societies - Private non-profit federation of sixty-six national scholarly organizations Provides information on ACLS fellowships and grants in all fields of the humanities publications and news
- The EServer - Serves as a broad resource for a wide variety of literature-related materials including text archives of both prose and poetry fiction and non-fiction as well as and other types of literature resources
- Utah Humanities Council - Promotes lifelong learning using the humanities as a process of reflection conversation and action Features a description of the organization and activities Also offers a calendar of events and contact details
- Modern Humanities Research Association - Promotes advanced study and research in the field of the modern humanities especially modern European languages and literatures including English
- California Council For The Humanities - Nonprofit organization devoted to strengthening communities by creating sponsoring and promoting change
- Washington Commission For The Humanities - Dedicated to improving individual and community life through public programs that interpret culture and provide a forum for civic dialogue
- Voice of the Shuttle - Portal maintained by Alan Liu of the University of California Santa Barbara Features a history of the project news and offers visitors the opportunity to participate by becoming volunteer editors
- American Academy of Arts and Sciences - Honorary society that recognizes achievement in the natural sciences social sciences arts and humanities and conducts a varied program of projects and studies responsive to the needs of society Features publications in PDF format news events calendar as well as lists of members and fellows
- Penn Humanities Forum - University of Pennsylvania hosted program that provides a common ground for interdisciplinary exchange through cultural programs fellowships and seminars Features information on the program calendar of events and links to related resources
- CTI Centre for Textual Studies - Features links to resources in Literature Linguistics Philosophy Religious Studies Classics Film Studies and Theater Arts Also offers a calendar of events and publications Hosted by the Humanities Computing Unit at the University of Oxford
- Center for the Humanities - Supports individual teaching and research projects as well as serves as a communications resource for school programs and activities at Wesleyan University Information on lecture series and the Andrew Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship
- The WWW Virtual Library Humanities and Humanistic Studies - A directory of resources maintained by the Faculty of Arts and Humanities Göteborg University Sweden Features categories devoted to Architecture Archaeology History Language and Linguistics as well as general resources
- Virgin Islands Humanities Council - Nonprofit organization supporting research education and public projects in the humanities
- Arts and Letters Daily - Daily report of news in art and literature Includes reviews of new books essays and articles
- Emily s Page for the Humanities - A collection of annotated links to general resources Contains sections devoted to texts online journals and Medieval and Renaissance links
- The Stanford Electronic Humanities Review - Online version of the semi-annual interdisciplinary journal Includes full contents of recent issues
- Modern Humanities Research Association - Promotes advanced study and research in the field of the modern humanities especially modern European languages and literatures including English
- American Academy of Arts and Sciences - Honorary society that recognizes achievement in the natural sciences social sciences arts and humanities and conducts a varied program of projects and studies responsive to the needs of society Features publications in PDF format news events calendar as well as lists of members and fellows
- Utah Humanities Council - Promotes lifelong learning using the humanities as a process of reflection conversation and action Features a description of the organization and activities Also offers a calendar of events and contact details
- National Humanities Institute - Promotes research publishing and teaching in the humanities with emphasis on the ethical preconditions and purposes of culture and society
- Australian Humanities Review - Peer-reviewed interdisciplinary electronic journal of the humanities published quarterly Features full-text articles contact details for the editorial board as well as information for authors
- Voice of the Shuttle - Portal maintained by Alan Liu of the University of California Santa Barbara Features a history of the project news and offers visitors the opportunity to participate by becoming volunteer editors
- The EServer - Serves as a broad resource for a wide variety of literature-related materials including text archives of both prose and poetry fiction and non-fiction as well as and other types of literature resources
- American Council of Learned Societies - Private non-profit federation of sixty-six national scholarly organizations Provides information on ACLS fellowships and grants in all fields of the humanities publications and news
- Penn Humanities Forum - University of Pennsylvania hosted program that provides a common ground for interdisciplinary exchange through cultural programs fellowships and seminars Features information on the program calendar of events and links to related resources
- Irish Resources in the Humanities - Directory of humanities sites of Irish interest Categories include Irish Archaeology Architecture Archives and Libraries Art Geography History Irish Language Literature and Theatre
- Washington Commission For The Humanities - Dedicated to improving individual and community life through public programs that interpret culture and provide a forum for civic dialogue
- California Council For The Humanities - Nonprofit organization devoted to strengthening communities by creating sponsoring and promoting change
- Center for the Humanities - Supports individual teaching and research projects as well as serves as a communications resource for school programs and activities at Wesleyan University Information on lecture series and the Andrew Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship
- The WWW Virtual Library Humanities and Humanistic Studies - A directory of resources maintained by the Faculty of Arts and Humanities Göteborg University Sweden Features categories devoted to Architecture Archaeology History Language and Linguistics as well as general resources
- CTI Centre for Textual Studies - Features links to resources in Literature Linguistics Philosophy Religious Studies Classics Film Studies and Theater Arts Also offers a calendar of events and publications Hosted by the Humanities Computing Unit at the University of Oxford
- Virgin Islands Humanities Council - Nonprofit organization supporting research education and public projects in the humanities
- Arts and Letters Daily - Daily report of news in art and literature Includes reviews of new books essays and articles
- Emily s Page for the Humanities - A collection of annotated links to general resources Contains sections devoted to texts online journals and Medieval and Renaissance links
- The Stanford Electronic Humanities Review - Online version of the semi-annual interdisciplinary journal Includes full contents of recent issues
- Modern Humanities Research Association - Promotes advanced study and research in the field of the modern humanities especially modern European languages and literatures including English
- Irish Resources in the Humanities - Directory of humanities sites of Irish interest Categories include Irish Archaeology Architecture Archives and Libraries Art Geography History Irish Language Literature and Theatre
- American Council of Learned Societies - Private non-profit federation of sixty-six national scholarly organizations Provides information on ACLS fellowships and grants in all fields of the humanities publications and news
- Washington Commission For The Humanities - Dedicated to improving individual and community life through public programs that interpret culture and provide a forum for civic dialogue
- Australian Humanities Review - Peer-reviewed interdisciplinary electronic journal of the humanities published quarterly Features full-text articles contact details for the editorial board as well as information for authors
- American Academy of Arts and Sciences - Honorary society that recognizes achievement in the natural sciences social sciences arts and humanities and conducts a varied program of projects and studies responsive to the needs of society Features publications in PDF format news events calendar as well as lists of members and fellows
- Penn Humanities Forum - University of Pennsylvania hosted program that provides a common ground for interdisciplinary exchange through cultural programs fellowships and seminars Features information on the program calendar of events and links to related resources
- The EServer - Serves as a broad resource for a wide variety of literature-related materials including text archives of both prose and poetry fiction and non-fiction as well as and other types of literature resources
- Voice of the Shuttle - Portal maintained by Alan Liu of the University of California Santa Barbara Features a history of the project news and offers visitors the opportunity to participate by becoming volunteer editors
- Utah Humanities Council - Promotes lifelong learning using the humanities as a process of reflection conversation and action Features a description of the organization and activities Also offers a calendar of events and contact details
- National Humanities Institute - Promotes research publishing and teaching in the humanities with emphasis on the ethical preconditions and purposes of culture and society
- California Council For The Humanities - Nonprofit organization devoted to strengthening communities by creating sponsoring and promoting change
- The WWW Virtual Library Humanities and Humanistic Studies - A directory of resources maintained by the Faculty of Arts and Humanities Göteborg University Sweden Features categories devoted to Architecture Archaeology History Language and Linguistics as well as general resources
- Center for the Humanities - Supports individual teaching and research projects as well as serves as a communications resource for school programs and activities at Wesleyan University Information on lecture series and the Andrew Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship
- CTI Centre for Textual Studies - Features links to resources in Literature Linguistics Philosophy Religious Studies Classics Film Studies and Theater Arts Also offers a calendar of events and publications Hosted by the Humanities Computing Unit at the University of Oxford
- Arts and Letters Daily - Daily report of news in art and literature Includes reviews of new books essays and articles
- Virgin Islands Humanities Council - Nonprofit organization supporting research education and public projects in the humanities
- The Stanford Electronic Humanities Review - Online version of the semi-annual interdisciplinary journal Includes full contents of recent issues
- Emily s Page for the Humanities - A collection of annotated links to general resources Contains sections devoted to texts online journals and Medieval and Renaissance links
- Irish Resources in the Humanities - Directory of humanities sites of Irish interest Categories include Irish Archaeology Architecture Archives and Libraries Art Geography History Irish Language Literature and Theatre
- Australian Humanities Review - Peer-reviewed interdisciplinary electronic journal of the humanities published quarterly Features full-text articles contact details for the editorial board as well as information for authors
- Utah Humanities Council - Promotes lifelong learning using the humanities as a process of reflection conversation and action Features a description of the organization and activities Also offers a calendar of events and contact details
- Modern Humanities Research Association - Promotes advanced study and research in the field of the modern humanities especially modern European languages and literatures including English
- California Council For The Humanities - Nonprofit organization devoted to strengthening communities by creating sponsoring and promoting change
- Penn Humanities Forum - University of Pennsylvania hosted program that provides a common ground for interdisciplinary exchange through cultural programs fellowships and seminars Features information on the program calendar of events and links to related resources
- Voice of the Shuttle - Portal maintained by Alan Liu of the University of California Santa Barbara Features a history of the project news and offers visitors the opportunity to participate by becoming volunteer editors
- Washington Commission For The Humanities - Dedicated to improving individual and community life through public programs that interpret culture and provide a forum for civic dialogue
- American Academy of Arts and Sciences - Honorary society that recognizes achievement in the natural sciences social sciences arts and humanities and conducts a varied program of projects and studies responsive to the needs of society Features publications in PDF format news events calendar as well as lists of members and fellows
- The EServer - Serves as a broad resource for a wide variety of literature-related materials including text archives of both prose and poetry fiction and non-fiction as well as and other types of literature resources
- National Humanities Institute - Promotes research publishing and teaching in the humanities with emphasis on the ethical preconditions and purposes of culture and society
- American Council of Learned Societies - Private non-profit federation of sixty-six national scholarly organizations Provides information on ACLS fellowships and grants in all fields of the humanities publications and news
- The WWW Virtual Library Humanities and Humanistic Studies - A directory of resources maintained by the Faculty of Arts and Humanities Göteborg University Sweden Features categories devoted to Architecture Archaeology History Language and Linguistics as well as general resources
- Center for the Humanities - Supports individual teaching and research projects as well as serves as a communications resource for school programs and activities at Wesleyan University Information on lecture series and the Andrew Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship
- CTI Centre for Textual Studies - Features links to resources in Literature Linguistics Philosophy Religious Studies Classics Film Studies and Theater Arts Also offers a calendar of events and publications Hosted by the Humanities Computing Unit at the University of Oxford
- Virgin Islands Humanities Council - Nonprofit organization supporting research education and public projects in the humanities
- Arts and Letters Daily - Daily report of news in art and literature Includes reviews of new books essays and articles
- The Stanford Electronic Humanities Review - Online version of the semi-annual interdisciplinary journal Includes full contents of recent issues
- Emily s Page for the Humanities - A collection of annotated links to general resources Contains sections devoted to texts online journals and Medieval and Renaissance links
- American Council of Learned Societies - Private non-profit federation of sixty-six national scholarly organizations Provides information on ACLS fellowships and grants in all fields of the humanities publications and news
- American Academy of Arts and Sciences - Honorary society that recognizes achievement in the natural sciences social sciences arts and humanities and conducts a varied program of projects and studies responsive to the needs of society Features publications in PDF format news events calendar as well as lists of members and fellows
- National Humanities Institute - Promotes research publishing and teaching in the humanities with emphasis on the ethical preconditions and purposes of culture and society
- Modern Humanities Research Association - Promotes advanced study and research in the field of the modern humanities especially modern European languages and literatures including English
- Washington Commission For The Humanities - Dedicated to improving individual and community life through public programs that interpret culture and provide a forum for civic dialogue
- Penn Humanities Forum - University of Pennsylvania hosted program that provides a common ground for interdisciplinary exchange through cultural programs fellowships and seminars Features information on the program calendar of events and links to related resources
- The EServer - Serves as a broad resource for a wide variety of literature-related materials including text archives of both prose and poetry fiction and non-fiction as well as and other types of literature resources
- Utah Humanities Council - Promotes lifelong learning using the humanities as a process of reflection conversation and action Features a description of the organization and activities Also offers a calendar of events and contact details
- Irish Resources in the Humanities - Directory of humanities sites of Irish interest Categories include Irish Archaeology Architecture Archives and Libraries Art Geography History Irish Language Literature and Theatre
- California Council For The Humanities - Nonprofit organization devoted to strengthening communities by creating sponsoring and promoting change
- Australian Humanities Review - Peer-reviewed interdisciplinary electronic journal of the humanities published quarterly Features full-text articles contact details for the editorial board as well as information for authors
- Voice of the Shuttle - Portal maintained by Alan Liu of the University of California Santa Barbara Features a history of the project news and offers visitors the opportunity to participate by becoming volunteer editors
- Center for the Humanities - Supports individual teaching and research projects as well as serves as a communications resource for school programs and activities at Wesleyan University Information on lecture series and the Andrew Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship
- CTI Centre for Textual Studies - Features links to resources in Literature Linguistics Philosophy Religious Studies Classics Film Studies and Theater Arts Also offers a calendar of events and publications Hosted by the Humanities Computing Unit at the University of Oxford
- The WWW Virtual Library Humanities and Humanistic Studies - A directory of resources maintained by the Faculty of Arts and Humanities Göteborg University Sweden Features categories devoted to Architecture Archaeology History Language and Linguistics as well as general resources
- Virgin Islands Humanities Council - Nonprofit organization supporting research education and public projects in the humanities
- Arts and Letters Daily - Daily report of news in art and literature Includes reviews of new books essays and articles
- Emily s Page for the Humanities - A collection of annotated links to general resources Contains sections devoted to texts online journals and Medieval and Renaissance links
- The Stanford Electronic Humanities Review - Online version of the semi-annual interdisciplinary journal Includes full contents of recent issues
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