Home Collectibles Coins Collectibles Info
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- Numista - A numismatic catalog which help you to identify your coins manage your collection on line and swap with other collectors all around the world
- Coininfo com - Includes live precious metal quotes a listing of US coin dealers with search able database by zip code coin shows and auctions
- Coin Collectors Reference - Site contains reference information for U S coin collectors and coin grading information on most U S coins and U S coin errors
- CopperCoins com - A resource for information relating to collecting copper coins from the United States Provided by a group of collectors who study specific areas of U S copper coinage
- My Coin Collecting - Resource with general information about coins and coin values Provides information about rare coins values and price guide how to articles on photography as well as storage
- Coin Collecting Guide For Beginners - Information on getting started in coin collecting as a hobby Learn about the history of coins how to grade them and where to locate mint marks
- Silver-Coins org - Offers detailed pictures from counterfeit and authentic silver coins completed with coin specifications
- Dakota Coin - Site offers beginning coin collecting information about coin education coin prices and coin values
- CoinSite - Information about coins and currency including numismatic FAQ coin image gallery and a discussion room
- Type Set Coin Collecting - Site dedicated to type variety or theme set coin collectors Collectors can share collecting ideas discuss topics or share information while providing a resource site for the education of coin collecting
- CoinCollector org - Coin collecting FAQs news and a discussion forum Includes information and photos on US 20th century minted coins
- Medals and Coins - Discussion forum and photograph website devoted to collecting coins and medals from around the world
- sibrium Luca Gianazza - Curriculum research activities on Italian coins and download area with numismatic presentations English
- H I P Pocket Change - The US Mint s interactive official site for coin collecting kids The history of coin minting and what new quarters are due to be minted
- CoinLink - Directory of rare coin sites and numismatic news portal updated daily
- CoinFacts com - Free information on United States Coins including pricing rarity and historical information
- Coin Update - Provides a round up of coin collecting news and information and images of popular coins
- Coin Collecting Terms - A glossary of coin collecting terms and meanings
- The Coin Page - Provides images of coins tokens medals elongateds bullion products free of charge
- Coin of the Year - Photos of coins associated with particular years plus brief descriptions and history
- Collecting Currency and Coins for Investment - A blog that is about collecting currency and coins includes information and links
- All About Coin Collection - Provides basic information instruction and tips about coin collecting
- MilitaryCoins com - A vast collection of Military Coins from all Branches of the Service
- Coin Supply Planet - Guide and information about all aspects of coin collecting
- CoinPeople com - A forum site featuring a virtual coin museum chat and grading information
- Coins World - Provides information on coins from Greece foreign coins bank notes euros stamps and medals
- Coin Galaxy - Coin and currency information grading and supplies
- Coin Community Forums - Educational coin collecting forum Free registration required to post
- The Marteau Early 18th-Century Currency Converter - Offers html-pages for the automatic conversion between early 18th century European currencies Designed to become a website for currencies in Europe 1670-1730
- NumisMaster com - Provides free portfolio management tools detailed coin listings for over a million U S world and unusual coins as well as pricing and mintage information by subscription Also features Numismatic news blogs and a comprehensive events calendar for the U S and beyond
- Q and A s for Coins - Experienced collectors answers to your coin collecting questions origin and identification
- A Dictionary of Coin Terms - Dictionary of coin collecting terms Done with some humor
- Penny Structures - Texas Tech engineer shares pictures of U S pennies stacked to make elaborate structures
- Tom s Coin Page - Information about coins found in circulation for collectors
- Metals Used In Coins and Medals - A list of types of metals used in coins with descriptions atomic weights and melting points
- Alwin C Carus Coin Collection - Digital images and descriptions of ancient world and U S coins presented by Hillsdale College
- Money Museum - A history of money including maps images detailed information and tutorials
- Dakota Coin - Site offers beginning coin collecting information about coin education coin prices and coin values
- Coin Collectors Reference - Site contains reference information for U S coin collectors and coin grading information on most U S coins and U S coin errors
- My Coin Collecting - Resource with general information about coins and coin values Provides information about rare coins values and price guide how to articles on photography as well as storage
- Medals and Coins - Discussion forum and photograph website devoted to collecting coins and medals from around the world
- Silver-Coins org - Offers detailed pictures from counterfeit and authentic silver coins completed with coin specifications
- Numista - A numismatic catalog which help you to identify your coins manage your collection on line and swap with other collectors all around the world
- CopperCoins com - A resource for information relating to collecting copper coins from the United States Provided by a group of collectors who study specific areas of U S copper coinage
- Coininfo com - Includes live precious metal quotes a listing of US coin dealers with search able database by zip code coin shows and auctions
- Coin Collecting Guide For Beginners - Information on getting started in coin collecting as a hobby Learn about the history of coins how to grade them and where to locate mint marks
- CoinSite - Information about coins and currency including numismatic FAQ coin image gallery and a discussion room
- Type Set Coin Collecting - Site dedicated to type variety or theme set coin collectors Collectors can share collecting ideas discuss topics or share information while providing a resource site for the education of coin collecting
- CoinCollector org - Coin collecting FAQs news and a discussion forum Includes information and photos on US 20th century minted coins
- H I P Pocket Change - The US Mint s interactive official site for coin collecting kids The history of coin minting and what new quarters are due to be minted
- sibrium Luca Gianazza - Curriculum research activities on Italian coins and download area with numismatic presentations English
- MilitaryCoins com - A vast collection of Military Coins from all Branches of the Service
- Coin Collecting Terms - A glossary of coin collecting terms and meanings
- CoinPeople com - A forum site featuring a virtual coin museum chat and grading information
- CoinLink - Directory of rare coin sites and numismatic news portal updated daily
- Coin Update - Provides a round up of coin collecting news and information and images of popular coins
- All About Coin Collection - Provides basic information instruction and tips about coin collecting
- Coin Galaxy - Coin and currency information grading and supplies
- CoinFacts com - Free information on United States Coins including pricing rarity and historical information
- The Coin Page - Provides images of coins tokens medals elongateds bullion products free of charge
- Coins World - Provides information on coins from Greece foreign coins bank notes euros stamps and medals
- Coin of the Year - Photos of coins associated with particular years plus brief descriptions and history
- Coin Community Forums - Educational coin collecting forum Free registration required to post
- Collecting Currency and Coins for Investment - A blog that is about collecting currency and coins includes information and links
- Coin Supply Planet - Guide and information about all aspects of coin collecting
- The Marteau Early 18th-Century Currency Converter - Offers html-pages for the automatic conversion between early 18th century European currencies Designed to become a website for currencies in Europe 1670-1730
- NumisMaster com - Provides free portfolio management tools detailed coin listings for over a million U S world and unusual coins as well as pricing and mintage information by subscription Also features Numismatic news blogs and a comprehensive events calendar for the U S and beyond
- A Dictionary of Coin Terms - Dictionary of coin collecting terms Done with some humor
- Q and A s for Coins - Experienced collectors answers to your coin collecting questions origin and identification
- Metals Used In Coins and Medals - A list of types of metals used in coins with descriptions atomic weights and melting points
- Tom s Coin Page - Information about coins found in circulation for collectors
- Penny Structures - Texas Tech engineer shares pictures of U S pennies stacked to make elaborate structures
- Alwin C Carus Coin Collection - Digital images and descriptions of ancient world and U S coins presented by Hillsdale College
- Money Museum - A history of money including maps images detailed information and tutorials
- CoinPeople com - A forum site featuring a virtual coin museum chat and grading information
- Coin Collectors Reference - Site contains reference information for U S coin collectors and coin grading information on most U S coins and U S coin errors
- Numista - A numismatic catalog which help you to identify your coins manage your collection on line and swap with other collectors all around the world
- Coininfo com - Includes live precious metal quotes a listing of US coin dealers with search able database by zip code coin shows and auctions
- My Coin Collecting - Resource with general information about coins and coin values Provides information about rare coins values and price guide how to articles on photography as well as storage
- CoinSite - Information about coins and currency including numismatic FAQ coin image gallery and a discussion room
- Coin Collecting Guide For Beginners - Information on getting started in coin collecting as a hobby Learn about the history of coins how to grade them and where to locate mint marks
- CopperCoins com - A resource for information relating to collecting copper coins from the United States Provided by a group of collectors who study specific areas of U S copper coinage
- Type Set Coin Collecting - Site dedicated to type variety or theme set coin collectors Collectors can share collecting ideas discuss topics or share information while providing a resource site for the education of coin collecting
- Dakota Coin - Site offers beginning coin collecting information about coin education coin prices and coin values
- Silver-Coins org - Offers detailed pictures from counterfeit and authentic silver coins completed with coin specifications
- Medals and Coins - Discussion forum and photograph website devoted to collecting coins and medals from around the world
- CoinCollector org - Coin collecting FAQs news and a discussion forum Includes information and photos on US 20th century minted coins
- sibrium Luca Gianazza - Curriculum research activities on Italian coins and download area with numismatic presentations English
- H I P Pocket Change - The US Mint s interactive official site for coin collecting kids The history of coin minting and what new quarters are due to be minted
- CoinFacts com - Free information on United States Coins including pricing rarity and historical information
- Coin Update - Provides a round up of coin collecting news and information and images of popular coins
- Coin Community Forums - Educational coin collecting forum Free registration required to post
- Coin Supply Planet - Guide and information about all aspects of coin collecting
- All About Coin Collection - Provides basic information instruction and tips about coin collecting
- The Coin Page - Provides images of coins tokens medals elongateds bullion products free of charge
- Coin of the Year - Photos of coins associated with particular years plus brief descriptions and history
- MilitaryCoins com - A vast collection of Military Coins from all Branches of the Service
- Coins World - Provides information on coins from Greece foreign coins bank notes euros stamps and medals
- CoinLink - Directory of rare coin sites and numismatic news portal updated daily
- Collecting Currency and Coins for Investment - A blog that is about collecting currency and coins includes information and links
- Coin Collecting Terms - A glossary of coin collecting terms and meanings
- Coin Galaxy - Coin and currency information grading and supplies
- The Marteau Early 18th-Century Currency Converter - Offers html-pages for the automatic conversion between early 18th century European currencies Designed to become a website for currencies in Europe 1670-1730
- NumisMaster com - Provides free portfolio management tools detailed coin listings for over a million U S world and unusual coins as well as pricing and mintage information by subscription Also features Numismatic news blogs and a comprehensive events calendar for the U S and beyond
- A Dictionary of Coin Terms - Dictionary of coin collecting terms Done with some humor
- Q and A s for Coins - Experienced collectors answers to your coin collecting questions origin and identification
- Penny Structures - Texas Tech engineer shares pictures of U S pennies stacked to make elaborate structures
- Tom s Coin Page - Information about coins found in circulation for collectors
- Metals Used In Coins and Medals - A list of types of metals used in coins with descriptions atomic weights and melting points
- Alwin C Carus Coin Collection - Digital images and descriptions of ancient world and U S coins presented by Hillsdale College
- Money Museum - A history of money including maps images detailed information and tutorials
- My Coin Collecting - Resource with general information about coins and coin values Provides information about rare coins values and price guide how to articles on photography as well as storage
- CopperCoins com - A resource for information relating to collecting copper coins from the United States Provided by a group of collectors who study specific areas of U S copper coinage
- Coininfo com - Includes live precious metal quotes a listing of US coin dealers with search able database by zip code coin shows and auctions
- Type Set Coin Collecting - Site dedicated to type variety or theme set coin collectors Collectors can share collecting ideas discuss topics or share information while providing a resource site for the education of coin collecting
- Coin Collectors Reference - Site contains reference information for U S coin collectors and coin grading information on most U S coins and U S coin errors
- Medals and Coins - Discussion forum and photograph website devoted to collecting coins and medals from around the world
- Dakota Coin - Site offers beginning coin collecting information about coin education coin prices and coin values
- Numista - A numismatic catalog which help you to identify your coins manage your collection on line and swap with other collectors all around the world
- Coin Collecting Guide For Beginners - Information on getting started in coin collecting as a hobby Learn about the history of coins how to grade them and where to locate mint marks
- Silver-Coins org - Offers detailed pictures from counterfeit and authentic silver coins completed with coin specifications
- CoinSite - Information about coins and currency including numismatic FAQ coin image gallery and a discussion room
- CoinCollector org - Coin collecting FAQs news and a discussion forum Includes information and photos on US 20th century minted coins
- H I P Pocket Change - The US Mint s interactive official site for coin collecting kids The history of coin minting and what new quarters are due to be minted
- sibrium Luca Gianazza - Curriculum research activities on Italian coins and download area with numismatic presentations English
- Coin of the Year - Photos of coins associated with particular years plus brief descriptions and history
- CoinLink - Directory of rare coin sites and numismatic news portal updated daily
- CoinFacts com - Free information on United States Coins including pricing rarity and historical information
- Coin Collecting Terms - A glossary of coin collecting terms and meanings
- Coin Supply Planet - Guide and information about all aspects of coin collecting
- Coin Galaxy - Coin and currency information grading and supplies
- The Coin Page - Provides images of coins tokens medals elongateds bullion products free of charge
- Collecting Currency and Coins for Investment - A blog that is about collecting currency and coins includes information and links
- Coins World - Provides information on coins from Greece foreign coins bank notes euros stamps and medals
- CoinPeople com - A forum site featuring a virtual coin museum chat and grading information
- All About Coin Collection - Provides basic information instruction and tips about coin collecting
- Coin Community Forums - Educational coin collecting forum Free registration required to post
- MilitaryCoins com - A vast collection of Military Coins from all Branches of the Service
- Coin Update - Provides a round up of coin collecting news and information and images of popular coins
- NumisMaster com - Provides free portfolio management tools detailed coin listings for over a million U S world and unusual coins as well as pricing and mintage information by subscription Also features Numismatic news blogs and a comprehensive events calendar for the U S and beyond
- The Marteau Early 18th-Century Currency Converter - Offers html-pages for the automatic conversion between early 18th century European currencies Designed to become a website for currencies in Europe 1670-1730
- A Dictionary of Coin Terms - Dictionary of coin collecting terms Done with some humor
- Q and A s for Coins - Experienced collectors answers to your coin collecting questions origin and identification
- Metals Used In Coins and Medals - A list of types of metals used in coins with descriptions atomic weights and melting points
- Tom s Coin Page - Information about coins found in circulation for collectors
- Penny Structures - Texas Tech engineer shares pictures of U S pennies stacked to make elaborate structures
- Alwin C Carus Coin Collection - Digital images and descriptions of ancient world and U S coins presented by Hillsdale College
- Money Museum - A history of money including maps images detailed information and tutorials
- Coin Collecting Guide For Beginners - Information on getting started in coin collecting as a hobby Learn about the history of coins how to grade them and where to locate mint marks
- Type Set Coin Collecting - Site dedicated to type variety or theme set coin collectors Collectors can share collecting ideas discuss topics or share information while providing a resource site for the education of coin collecting
- My Coin Collecting - Resource with general information about coins and coin values Provides information about rare coins values and price guide how to articles on photography as well as storage
- Dakota Coin - Site offers beginning coin collecting information about coin education coin prices and coin values
- Medals and Coins - Discussion forum and photograph website devoted to collecting coins and medals from around the world
- CopperCoins com - A resource for information relating to collecting copper coins from the United States Provided by a group of collectors who study specific areas of U S copper coinage
- CoinSite - Information about coins and currency including numismatic FAQ coin image gallery and a discussion room
- Coininfo com - Includes live precious metal quotes a listing of US coin dealers with search able database by zip code coin shows and auctions
- CoinCollector org - Coin collecting FAQs news and a discussion forum Includes information and photos on US 20th century minted coins
- Coin Collectors Reference - Site contains reference information for U S coin collectors and coin grading information on most U S coins and U S coin errors
- Silver-Coins org - Offers detailed pictures from counterfeit and authentic silver coins completed with coin specifications
- Numista - A numismatic catalog which help you to identify your coins manage your collection on line and swap with other collectors all around the world
- sibrium Luca Gianazza - Curriculum research activities on Italian coins and download area with numismatic presentations English
- H I P Pocket Change - The US Mint s interactive official site for coin collecting kids The history of coin minting and what new quarters are due to be minted
- Coin Supply Planet - Guide and information about all aspects of coin collecting
- MilitaryCoins com - A vast collection of Military Coins from all Branches of the Service
- Coin of the Year - Photos of coins associated with particular years plus brief descriptions and history
- Coin Galaxy - Coin and currency information grading and supplies
- Collecting Currency and Coins for Investment - A blog that is about collecting currency and coins includes information and links
- Coins World - Provides information on coins from Greece foreign coins bank notes euros stamps and medals
- CoinLink - Directory of rare coin sites and numismatic news portal updated daily
- Coin Collecting Terms - A glossary of coin collecting terms and meanings
- CoinPeople com - A forum site featuring a virtual coin museum chat and grading information
- Coin Community Forums - Educational coin collecting forum Free registration required to post
- All About Coin Collection - Provides basic information instruction and tips about coin collecting
- The Coin Page - Provides images of coins tokens medals elongateds bullion products free of charge
- CoinFacts com - Free information on United States Coins including pricing rarity and historical information
- Coin Update - Provides a round up of coin collecting news and information and images of popular coins
- NumisMaster com - Provides free portfolio management tools detailed coin listings for over a million U S world and unusual coins as well as pricing and mintage information by subscription Also features Numismatic news blogs and a comprehensive events calendar for the U S and beyond
- The Marteau Early 18th-Century Currency Converter - Offers html-pages for the automatic conversion between early 18th century European currencies Designed to become a website for currencies in Europe 1670-1730
- A Dictionary of Coin Terms - Dictionary of coin collecting terms Done with some humor
- Q and A s for Coins - Experienced collectors answers to your coin collecting questions origin and identification
- Metals Used In Coins and Medals - A list of types of metals used in coins with descriptions atomic weights and melting points
- Penny Structures - Texas Tech engineer shares pictures of U S pennies stacked to make elaborate structures
- Tom s Coin Page - Information about coins found in circulation for collectors
- Alwin C Carus Coin Collection - Digital images and descriptions of ancient world and U S coins presented by Hillsdale College
- Money Museum - A history of money including maps images detailed information and tutorials
- Coin Collecting Guide For Beginners - Information on getting started in coin collecting as a hobby Learn about the history of coins how to grade them and where to locate mint marks
- Medals and Coins - Discussion forum and photograph website devoted to collecting coins and medals from around the world
- Dakota Coin - Site offers beginning coin collecting information about coin education coin prices and coin values
- CoinCollector org - Coin collecting FAQs news and a discussion forum Includes information and photos on US 20th century minted coins
- Silver-Coins org - Offers detailed pictures from counterfeit and authentic silver coins completed with coin specifications
- My Coin Collecting - Resource with general information about coins and coin values Provides information about rare coins values and price guide how to articles on photography as well as storage
- CoinSite - Information about coins and currency including numismatic FAQ coin image gallery and a discussion room
- Numista - A numismatic catalog which help you to identify your coins manage your collection on line and swap with other collectors all around the world
- Type Set Coin Collecting - Site dedicated to type variety or theme set coin collectors Collectors can share collecting ideas discuss topics or share information while providing a resource site for the education of coin collecting
- Coin Collectors Reference - Site contains reference information for U S coin collectors and coin grading information on most U S coins and U S coin errors
- CopperCoins com - A resource for information relating to collecting copper coins from the United States Provided by a group of collectors who study specific areas of U S copper coinage
- Coininfo com - Includes live precious metal quotes a listing of US coin dealers with search able database by zip code coin shows and auctions
- H I P Pocket Change - The US Mint s interactive official site for coin collecting kids The history of coin minting and what new quarters are due to be minted
- sibrium Luca Gianazza - Curriculum research activities on Italian coins and download area with numismatic presentations English
- CoinPeople com - A forum site featuring a virtual coin museum chat and grading information
- Coin Galaxy - Coin and currency information grading and supplies
- Collecting Currency and Coins for Investment - A blog that is about collecting currency and coins includes information and links
- Coin Collecting Terms - A glossary of coin collecting terms and meanings
- The Coin Page - Provides images of coins tokens medals elongateds bullion products free of charge
- Coin of the Year - Photos of coins associated with particular years plus brief descriptions and history
- Coins World - Provides information on coins from Greece foreign coins bank notes euros stamps and medals
- CoinLink - Directory of rare coin sites and numismatic news portal updated daily
- Coin Update - Provides a round up of coin collecting news and information and images of popular coins
- Coin Supply Planet - Guide and information about all aspects of coin collecting
- All About Coin Collection - Provides basic information instruction and tips about coin collecting
- CoinFacts com - Free information on United States Coins including pricing rarity and historical information
- MilitaryCoins com - A vast collection of Military Coins from all Branches of the Service
- Coin Community Forums - Educational coin collecting forum Free registration required to post
- The Marteau Early 18th-Century Currency Converter - Offers html-pages for the automatic conversion between early 18th century European currencies Designed to become a website for currencies in Europe 1670-1730
- NumisMaster com - Provides free portfolio management tools detailed coin listings for over a million U S world and unusual coins as well as pricing and mintage information by subscription Also features Numismatic news blogs and a comprehensive events calendar for the U S and beyond
- A Dictionary of Coin Terms - Dictionary of coin collecting terms Done with some humor
- Q and A s for Coins - Experienced collectors answers to your coin collecting questions origin and identification
- Metals Used In Coins and Medals - A list of types of metals used in coins with descriptions atomic weights and melting points
- Tom s Coin Page - Information about coins found in circulation for collectors
- Penny Structures - Texas Tech engineer shares pictures of U S pennies stacked to make elaborate structures
- Alwin C Carus Coin Collection - Digital images and descriptions of ancient world and U S coins presented by Hillsdale College
- Money Museum - A history of money including maps images detailed information and tutorials
- Numista - A numismatic catalog which help you to identify your coins manage your collection on line and swap with other collectors all around the world
- CoinCollector org - Coin collecting FAQs news and a discussion forum Includes information and photos on US 20th century minted coins
- Coin Collectors Reference - Site contains reference information for U S coin collectors and coin grading information on most U S coins and U S coin errors
- My Coin Collecting - Resource with general information about coins and coin values Provides information about rare coins values and price guide how to articles on photography as well as storage
- Dakota Coin - Site offers beginning coin collecting information about coin education coin prices and coin values
- Coin Collecting Guide For Beginners - Information on getting started in coin collecting as a hobby Learn about the history of coins how to grade them and where to locate mint marks
- Type Set Coin Collecting - Site dedicated to type variety or theme set coin collectors Collectors can share collecting ideas discuss topics or share information while providing a resource site for the education of coin collecting
- CopperCoins com - A resource for information relating to collecting copper coins from the United States Provided by a group of collectors who study specific areas of U S copper coinage
- Silver-Coins org - Offers detailed pictures from counterfeit and authentic silver coins completed with coin specifications
- Medals and Coins - Discussion forum and photograph website devoted to collecting coins and medals from around the world
- CoinSite - Information about coins and currency including numismatic FAQ coin image gallery and a discussion room
- Coininfo com - Includes live precious metal quotes a listing of US coin dealers with search able database by zip code coin shows and auctions
- H I P Pocket Change - The US Mint s interactive official site for coin collecting kids The history of coin minting and what new quarters are due to be minted
- sibrium Luca Gianazza - Curriculum research activities on Italian coins and download area with numismatic presentations English
- Coins World - Provides information on coins from Greece foreign coins bank notes euros stamps and medals
- Coin Galaxy - Coin and currency information grading and supplies
- Coin Community Forums - Educational coin collecting forum Free registration required to post
- CoinPeople com - A forum site featuring a virtual coin museum chat and grading information
- Coin of the Year - Photos of coins associated with particular years plus brief descriptions and history
- Coin Collecting Terms - A glossary of coin collecting terms and meanings
- CoinLink - Directory of rare coin sites and numismatic news portal updated daily
- Collecting Currency and Coins for Investment - A blog that is about collecting currency and coins includes information and links
- The Coin Page - Provides images of coins tokens medals elongateds bullion products free of charge
- All About Coin Collection - Provides basic information instruction and tips about coin collecting
- CoinFacts com - Free information on United States Coins including pricing rarity and historical information
- Coin Update - Provides a round up of coin collecting news and information and images of popular coins
- MilitaryCoins com - A vast collection of Military Coins from all Branches of the Service
- Coin Supply Planet - Guide and information about all aspects of coin collecting
- NumisMaster com - Provides free portfolio management tools detailed coin listings for over a million U S world and unusual coins as well as pricing and mintage information by subscription Also features Numismatic news blogs and a comprehensive events calendar for the U S and beyond
- The Marteau Early 18th-Century Currency Converter - Offers html-pages for the automatic conversion between early 18th century European currencies Designed to become a website for currencies in Europe 1670-1730
- Q and A s for Coins - Experienced collectors answers to your coin collecting questions origin and identification
- A Dictionary of Coin Terms - Dictionary of coin collecting terms Done with some humor
- Metals Used In Coins and Medals - A list of types of metals used in coins with descriptions atomic weights and melting points
- Penny Structures - Texas Tech engineer shares pictures of U S pennies stacked to make elaborate structures
- Tom s Coin Page - Information about coins found in circulation for collectors
- Alwin C Carus Coin Collection - Digital images and descriptions of ancient world and U S coins presented by Hillsdale College
- Money Museum - A history of money including maps images detailed information and tutorials
- CoinCollector org - Coin collecting FAQs news and a discussion forum Includes information and photos on US 20th century minted coins
- CopperCoins com - A resource for information relating to collecting copper coins from the United States Provided by a group of collectors who study specific areas of U S copper coinage
- Silver-Coins org - Offers detailed pictures from counterfeit and authentic silver coins completed with coin specifications
- Numista - A numismatic catalog which help you to identify your coins manage your collection on line and swap with other collectors all around the world
- Coin Collectors Reference - Site contains reference information for U S coin collectors and coin grading information on most U S coins and U S coin errors
- Dakota Coin - Site offers beginning coin collecting information about coin education coin prices and coin values
- Coininfo com - Includes live precious metal quotes a listing of US coin dealers with search able database by zip code coin shows and auctions
- CoinSite - Information about coins and currency including numismatic FAQ coin image gallery and a discussion room
- Coin Collecting Guide For Beginners - Information on getting started in coin collecting as a hobby Learn about the history of coins how to grade them and where to locate mint marks
- My Coin Collecting - Resource with general information about coins and coin values Provides information about rare coins values and price guide how to articles on photography as well as storage
- Medals and Coins - Discussion forum and photograph website devoted to collecting coins and medals from around the world
- Type Set Coin Collecting - Site dedicated to type variety or theme set coin collectors Collectors can share collecting ideas discuss topics or share information while providing a resource site for the education of coin collecting
- H I P Pocket Change - The US Mint s interactive official site for coin collecting kids The history of coin minting and what new quarters are due to be minted
- sibrium Luca Gianazza - Curriculum research activities on Italian coins and download area with numismatic presentations English
- MilitaryCoins com - A vast collection of Military Coins from all Branches of the Service
- Coins World - Provides information on coins from Greece foreign coins bank notes euros stamps and medals
- Coin Galaxy - Coin and currency information grading and supplies
- CoinFacts com - Free information on United States Coins including pricing rarity and historical information
- Coin of the Year - Photos of coins associated with particular years plus brief descriptions and history
- Coin Update - Provides a round up of coin collecting news and information and images of popular coins
- Collecting Currency and Coins for Investment - A blog that is about collecting currency and coins includes information and links
- Coin Supply Planet - Guide and information about all aspects of coin collecting
- CoinPeople com - A forum site featuring a virtual coin museum chat and grading information
- Coin Community Forums - Educational coin collecting forum Free registration required to post
- All About Coin Collection - Provides basic information instruction and tips about coin collecting
- The Coin Page - Provides images of coins tokens medals elongateds bullion products free of charge
- Coin Collecting Terms - A glossary of coin collecting terms and meanings
- CoinLink - Directory of rare coin sites and numismatic news portal updated daily
- NumisMaster com - Provides free portfolio management tools detailed coin listings for over a million U S world and unusual coins as well as pricing and mintage information by subscription Also features Numismatic news blogs and a comprehensive events calendar for the U S and beyond
- The Marteau Early 18th-Century Currency Converter - Offers html-pages for the automatic conversion between early 18th century European currencies Designed to become a website for currencies in Europe 1670-1730
- A Dictionary of Coin Terms - Dictionary of coin collecting terms Done with some humor
- Q and A s for Coins - Experienced collectors answers to your coin collecting questions origin and identification
- Penny Structures - Texas Tech engineer shares pictures of U S pennies stacked to make elaborate structures
- Tom s Coin Page - Information about coins found in circulation for collectors
- Metals Used In Coins and Medals - A list of types of metals used in coins with descriptions atomic weights and melting points
- Alwin C Carus Coin Collection - Digital images and descriptions of ancient world and U S coins presented by Hillsdale College
- Money Museum - A history of money including maps images detailed information and tutorials
- Coininfo com - Includes live precious metal quotes a listing of US coin dealers with search able database by zip code coin shows and auctions
- Coin Collecting Guide For Beginners - Information on getting started in coin collecting as a hobby Learn about the history of coins how to grade them and where to locate mint marks
- Type Set Coin Collecting - Site dedicated to type variety or theme set coin collectors Collectors can share collecting ideas discuss topics or share information while providing a resource site for the education of coin collecting
- CoinCollector org - Coin collecting FAQs news and a discussion forum Includes information and photos on US 20th century minted coins
- CopperCoins com - A resource for information relating to collecting copper coins from the United States Provided by a group of collectors who study specific areas of U S copper coinage
- Numista - A numismatic catalog which help you to identify your coins manage your collection on line and swap with other collectors all around the world
- My Coin Collecting - Resource with general information about coins and coin values Provides information about rare coins values and price guide how to articles on photography as well as storage
- CoinSite - Information about coins and currency including numismatic FAQ coin image gallery and a discussion room
- Silver-Coins org - Offers detailed pictures from counterfeit and authentic silver coins completed with coin specifications
- Coin Collectors Reference - Site contains reference information for U S coin collectors and coin grading information on most U S coins and U S coin errors
- Medals and Coins - Discussion forum and photograph website devoted to collecting coins and medals from around the world
- Dakota Coin - Site offers beginning coin collecting information about coin education coin prices and coin values
- H I P Pocket Change - The US Mint s interactive official site for coin collecting kids The history of coin minting and what new quarters are due to be minted
- sibrium Luca Gianazza - Curriculum research activities on Italian coins and download area with numismatic presentations English
- Coins World - Provides information on coins from Greece foreign coins bank notes euros stamps and medals
- CoinPeople com - A forum site featuring a virtual coin museum chat and grading information
- The Coin Page - Provides images of coins tokens medals elongateds bullion products free of charge
- CoinLink - Directory of rare coin sites and numismatic news portal updated daily
- CoinFacts com - Free information on United States Coins including pricing rarity and historical information
- All About Coin Collection - Provides basic information instruction and tips about coin collecting
- Collecting Currency and Coins for Investment - A blog that is about collecting currency and coins includes information and links
- Coin Supply Planet - Guide and information about all aspects of coin collecting
- MilitaryCoins com - A vast collection of Military Coins from all Branches of the Service
- Coin Update - Provides a round up of coin collecting news and information and images of popular coins
- Coin Collecting Terms - A glossary of coin collecting terms and meanings
- Coin of the Year - Photos of coins associated with particular years plus brief descriptions and history
- Coin Galaxy - Coin and currency information grading and supplies
- Coin Community Forums - Educational coin collecting forum Free registration required to post
- The Marteau Early 18th-Century Currency Converter - Offers html-pages for the automatic conversion between early 18th century European currencies Designed to become a website for currencies in Europe 1670-1730
- NumisMaster com - Provides free portfolio management tools detailed coin listings for over a million U S world and unusual coins as well as pricing and mintage information by subscription Also features Numismatic news blogs and a comprehensive events calendar for the U S and beyond
- Q and A s for Coins - Experienced collectors answers to your coin collecting questions origin and identification
- A Dictionary of Coin Terms - Dictionary of coin collecting terms Done with some humor
- Penny Structures - Texas Tech engineer shares pictures of U S pennies stacked to make elaborate structures
- Metals Used In Coins and Medals - A list of types of metals used in coins with descriptions atomic weights and melting points
- Tom s Coin Page - Information about coins found in circulation for collectors
- Alwin C Carus Coin Collection - Digital images and descriptions of ancient world and U S coins presented by Hillsdale College
- Money Museum - A history of money including maps images detailed information and tutorials
- Type Set Coin Collecting - Site dedicated to type variety or theme set coin collectors Collectors can share collecting ideas discuss topics or share information while providing a resource site for the education of coin collecting
- CoinSite - Information about coins and currency including numismatic FAQ coin image gallery and a discussion room
- Coin Collectors Reference - Site contains reference information for U S coin collectors and coin grading information on most U S coins and U S coin errors
- Silver-Coins org - Offers detailed pictures from counterfeit and authentic silver coins completed with coin specifications
- Numista - A numismatic catalog which help you to identify your coins manage your collection on line and swap with other collectors all around the world
- Coininfo com - Includes live precious metal quotes a listing of US coin dealers with search able database by zip code coin shows and auctions
- Coin Collecting Guide For Beginners - Information on getting started in coin collecting as a hobby Learn about the history of coins how to grade them and where to locate mint marks
- Medals and Coins - Discussion forum and photograph website devoted to collecting coins and medals from around the world
- Dakota Coin - Site offers beginning coin collecting information about coin education coin prices and coin values
- My Coin Collecting - Resource with general information about coins and coin values Provides information about rare coins values and price guide how to articles on photography as well as storage
- CopperCoins com - A resource for information relating to collecting copper coins from the United States Provided by a group of collectors who study specific areas of U S copper coinage
- CoinCollector org - Coin collecting FAQs news and a discussion forum Includes information and photos on US 20th century minted coins
- sibrium Luca Gianazza - Curriculum research activities on Italian coins and download area with numismatic presentations English
- H I P Pocket Change - The US Mint s interactive official site for coin collecting kids The history of coin minting and what new quarters are due to be minted
- Coins World - Provides information on coins from Greece foreign coins bank notes euros stamps and medals
- CoinPeople com - A forum site featuring a virtual coin museum chat and grading information
- CoinLink - Directory of rare coin sites and numismatic news portal updated daily
- Collecting Currency and Coins for Investment - A blog that is about collecting currency and coins includes information and links
- All About Coin Collection - Provides basic information instruction and tips about coin collecting
- Coin of the Year - Photos of coins associated with particular years plus brief descriptions and history
- Coin Update - Provides a round up of coin collecting news and information and images of popular coins
- Coin Supply Planet - Guide and information about all aspects of coin collecting
- Coin Galaxy - Coin and currency information grading and supplies
- CoinFacts com - Free information on United States Coins including pricing rarity and historical information
- Coin Community Forums - Educational coin collecting forum Free registration required to post
- Coin Collecting Terms - A glossary of coin collecting terms and meanings
- MilitaryCoins com - A vast collection of Military Coins from all Branches of the Service
- The Coin Page - Provides images of coins tokens medals elongateds bullion products free of charge
- The Marteau Early 18th-Century Currency Converter - Offers html-pages for the automatic conversion between early 18th century European currencies Designed to become a website for currencies in Europe 1670-1730
- NumisMaster com - Provides free portfolio management tools detailed coin listings for over a million U S world and unusual coins as well as pricing and mintage information by subscription Also features Numismatic news blogs and a comprehensive events calendar for the U S and beyond
- Q and A s for Coins - Experienced collectors answers to your coin collecting questions origin and identification
- A Dictionary of Coin Terms - Dictionary of coin collecting terms Done with some humor
- Penny Structures - Texas Tech engineer shares pictures of U S pennies stacked to make elaborate structures
- Tom s Coin Page - Information about coins found in circulation for collectors
- Metals Used In Coins and Medals - A list of types of metals used in coins with descriptions atomic weights and melting points
- Alwin C Carus Coin Collection - Digital images and descriptions of ancient world and U S coins presented by Hillsdale College
- Money Museum - A history of money including maps images detailed information and tutorials
- Type Set Coin Collecting - Site dedicated to type variety or theme set coin collectors Collectors can share collecting ideas discuss topics or share information while providing a resource site for the education of coin collecting
- CoinCollector org - Coin collecting FAQs news and a discussion forum Includes information and photos on US 20th century minted coins
- Numista - A numismatic catalog which help you to identify your coins manage your collection on line and swap with other collectors all around the world
- Medals and Coins - Discussion forum and photograph website devoted to collecting coins and medals from around the world
- Dakota Coin - Site offers beginning coin collecting information about coin education coin prices and coin values
- CoinSite - Information about coins and currency including numismatic FAQ coin image gallery and a discussion room
- Coininfo com - Includes live precious metal quotes a listing of US coin dealers with search able database by zip code coin shows and auctions
- My Coin Collecting - Resource with general information about coins and coin values Provides information about rare coins values and price guide how to articles on photography as well as storage
- Silver-Coins org - Offers detailed pictures from counterfeit and authentic silver coins completed with coin specifications
- Coin Collectors Reference - Site contains reference information for U S coin collectors and coin grading information on most U S coins and U S coin errors
- CopperCoins com - A resource for information relating to collecting copper coins from the United States Provided by a group of collectors who study specific areas of U S copper coinage
- Coin Collecting Guide For Beginners - Information on getting started in coin collecting as a hobby Learn about the history of coins how to grade them and where to locate mint marks
- sibrium Luca Gianazza - Curriculum research activities on Italian coins and download area with numismatic presentations English
- H I P Pocket Change - The US Mint s interactive official site for coin collecting kids The history of coin minting and what new quarters are due to be minted
- Coin Galaxy - Coin and currency information grading and supplies
- CoinFacts com - Free information on United States Coins including pricing rarity and historical information
- Collecting Currency and Coins for Investment - A blog that is about collecting currency and coins includes information and links
- Coins World - Provides information on coins from Greece foreign coins bank notes euros stamps and medals
- The Coin Page - Provides images of coins tokens medals elongateds bullion products free of charge
- Coin Community Forums - Educational coin collecting forum Free registration required to post
- MilitaryCoins com - A vast collection of Military Coins from all Branches of the Service
- CoinLink - Directory of rare coin sites and numismatic news portal updated daily
- Coin Update - Provides a round up of coin collecting news and information and images of popular coins
- All About Coin Collection - Provides basic information instruction and tips about coin collecting
- Coin of the Year - Photos of coins associated with particular years plus brief descriptions and history
- Coin Collecting Terms - A glossary of coin collecting terms and meanings
- CoinPeople com - A forum site featuring a virtual coin museum chat and grading information
- Coin Supply Planet - Guide and information about all aspects of coin collecting
- The Marteau Early 18th-Century Currency Converter - Offers html-pages for the automatic conversion between early 18th century European currencies Designed to become a website for currencies in Europe 1670-1730
- NumisMaster com - Provides free portfolio management tools detailed coin listings for over a million U S world and unusual coins as well as pricing and mintage information by subscription Also features Numismatic news blogs and a comprehensive events calendar for the U S and beyond
- Q and A s for Coins - Experienced collectors answers to your coin collecting questions origin and identification
- A Dictionary of Coin Terms - Dictionary of coin collecting terms Done with some humor
- Metals Used In Coins and Medals - A list of types of metals used in coins with descriptions atomic weights and melting points
- Tom s Coin Page - Information about coins found in circulation for collectors
- Penny Structures - Texas Tech engineer shares pictures of U S pennies stacked to make elaborate structures
- Alwin C Carus Coin Collection - Digital images and descriptions of ancient world and U S coins presented by Hillsdale College
- Money Museum - A history of money including maps images detailed information and tutorials
- Coin Collecting Guide For Beginners - Information on getting started in coin collecting as a hobby Learn about the history of coins how to grade them and where to locate mint marks
- My Coin Collecting - Resource with general information about coins and coin values Provides information about rare coins values and price guide how to articles on photography as well as storage
- CoinCollector org - Coin collecting FAQs news and a discussion forum Includes information and photos on US 20th century minted coins
- Coin Collectors Reference - Site contains reference information for U S coin collectors and coin grading information on most U S coins and U S coin errors
- Coininfo com - Includes live precious metal quotes a listing of US coin dealers with search able database by zip code coin shows and auctions
- Silver-Coins org - Offers detailed pictures from counterfeit and authentic silver coins completed with coin specifications
- Medals and Coins - Discussion forum and photograph website devoted to collecting coins and medals from around the world
- Dakota Coin - Site offers beginning coin collecting information about coin education coin prices and coin values
- CopperCoins com - A resource for information relating to collecting copper coins from the United States Provided by a group of collectors who study specific areas of U S copper coinage
- Type Set Coin Collecting - Site dedicated to type variety or theme set coin collectors Collectors can share collecting ideas discuss topics or share information while providing a resource site for the education of coin collecting
- CoinSite - Information about coins and currency including numismatic FAQ coin image gallery and a discussion room
- Numista - A numismatic catalog which help you to identify your coins manage your collection on line and swap with other collectors all around the world
- H I P Pocket Change - The US Mint s interactive official site for coin collecting kids The history of coin minting and what new quarters are due to be minted
- sibrium Luca Gianazza - Curriculum research activities on Italian coins and download area with numismatic presentations English
- Coins World - Provides information on coins from Greece foreign coins bank notes euros stamps and medals
- Collecting Currency and Coins for Investment - A blog that is about collecting currency and coins includes information and links
- CoinPeople com - A forum site featuring a virtual coin museum chat and grading information
- Coin of the Year - Photos of coins associated with particular years plus brief descriptions and history
- CoinFacts com - Free information on United States Coins including pricing rarity and historical information
- Coin Community Forums - Educational coin collecting forum Free registration required to post
- Coin Supply Planet - Guide and information about all aspects of coin collecting
- All About Coin Collection - Provides basic information instruction and tips about coin collecting
- Coin Update - Provides a round up of coin collecting news and information and images of popular coins
- Coin Galaxy - Coin and currency information grading and supplies
- Coin Collecting Terms - A glossary of coin collecting terms and meanings
- MilitaryCoins com - A vast collection of Military Coins from all Branches of the Service
- The Coin Page - Provides images of coins tokens medals elongateds bullion products free of charge
- CoinLink - Directory of rare coin sites and numismatic news portal updated daily
- NumisMaster com - Provides free portfolio management tools detailed coin listings for over a million U S world and unusual coins as well as pricing and mintage information by subscription Also features Numismatic news blogs and a comprehensive events calendar for the U S and beyond
- The Marteau Early 18th-Century Currency Converter - Offers html-pages for the automatic conversion between early 18th century European currencies Designed to become a website for currencies in Europe 1670-1730
- A Dictionary of Coin Terms - Dictionary of coin collecting terms Done with some humor
- Q and A s for Coins - Experienced collectors answers to your coin collecting questions origin and identification
- Metals Used In Coins and Medals - A list of types of metals used in coins with descriptions atomic weights and melting points
- Penny Structures - Texas Tech engineer shares pictures of U S pennies stacked to make elaborate structures
- Tom s Coin Page - Information about coins found in circulation for collectors
- Alwin C Carus Coin Collection - Digital images and descriptions of ancient world and U S coins presented by Hillsdale College
- Money Museum - A history of money including maps images detailed information and tutorials
- All About Coin Collection - Provides basic information instruction and tips about coin collecting
- My Coin Collecting - Resource with general information about coins and coin values Provides information about rare coins values and price guide how to articles on photography as well as storage
- CopperCoins com - A resource for information relating to collecting copper coins from the United States Provided by a group of collectors who study specific areas of U S copper coinage
- Coininfo com - Includes live precious metal quotes a listing of US coin dealers with search able database by zip code coin shows and auctions
- Coin Collectors Reference - Site contains reference information for U S coin collectors and coin grading information on most U S coins and U S coin errors
- Medals and Coins - Discussion forum and photograph website devoted to collecting coins and medals from around the world
- CoinCollector org - Coin collecting FAQs news and a discussion forum Includes information and photos on US 20th century minted coins
- CoinSite - Information about coins and currency including numismatic FAQ coin image gallery and a discussion room
- Silver-Coins org - Offers detailed pictures from counterfeit and authentic silver coins completed with coin specifications
- Coin Collecting Guide For Beginners - Information on getting started in coin collecting as a hobby Learn about the history of coins how to grade them and where to locate mint marks
- Numista - A numismatic catalog which help you to identify your coins manage your collection on line and swap with other collectors all around the world
- Type Set Coin Collecting - Site dedicated to type variety or theme set coin collectors Collectors can share collecting ideas discuss topics or share information while providing a resource site for the education of coin collecting
- Dakota Coin - Site offers beginning coin collecting information about coin education coin prices and coin values
- sibrium Luca Gianazza - Curriculum research activities on Italian coins and download area with numismatic presentations English
- H I P Pocket Change - The US Mint s interactive official site for coin collecting kids The history of coin minting and what new quarters are due to be minted
- CoinPeople com - A forum site featuring a virtual coin museum chat and grading information
- Coin Galaxy - Coin and currency information grading and supplies
- Collecting Currency and Coins for Investment - A blog that is about collecting currency and coins includes information and links
- Coins World - Provides information on coins from Greece foreign coins bank notes euros stamps and medals
- CoinFacts com - Free information on United States Coins including pricing rarity and historical information
- Coin Update - Provides a round up of coin collecting news and information and images of popular coins
- The Coin Page - Provides images of coins tokens medals elongateds bullion products free of charge
- Coin Collecting Terms - A glossary of coin collecting terms and meanings
- MilitaryCoins com - A vast collection of Military Coins from all Branches of the Service
- Coin Community Forums - Educational coin collecting forum Free registration required to post
- Coin Supply Planet - Guide and information about all aspects of coin collecting
- Coin of the Year - Photos of coins associated with particular years plus brief descriptions and history
- CoinLink - Directory of rare coin sites and numismatic news portal updated daily
- The Marteau Early 18th-Century Currency Converter - Offers html-pages for the automatic conversion between early 18th century European currencies Designed to become a website for currencies in Europe 1670-1730
- NumisMaster com - Provides free portfolio management tools detailed coin listings for over a million U S world and unusual coins as well as pricing and mintage information by subscription Also features Numismatic news blogs and a comprehensive events calendar for the U S and beyond
- Q and A s for Coins - Experienced collectors answers to your coin collecting questions origin and identification
- A Dictionary of Coin Terms - Dictionary of coin collecting terms Done with some humor
- Metals Used In Coins and Medals - A list of types of metals used in coins with descriptions atomic weights and melting points
- Penny Structures - Texas Tech engineer shares pictures of U S pennies stacked to make elaborate structures
- Tom s Coin Page - Information about coins found in circulation for collectors
- Alwin C Carus Coin Collection - Digital images and descriptions of ancient world and U S coins presented by Hillsdale College
- Money Museum - A history of money including maps images detailed information and tutorials
- Dakota Coin - Site offers beginning coin collecting information about coin education coin prices and coin values
- CoinSite - Information about coins and currency including numismatic FAQ coin image gallery and a discussion room
- Coin Collectors Reference - Site contains reference information for U S coin collectors and coin grading information on most U S coins and U S coin errors
- Numista - A numismatic catalog which help you to identify your coins manage your collection on line and swap with other collectors all around the world
- Medals and Coins - Discussion forum and photograph website devoted to collecting coins and medals from around the world
- Type Set Coin Collecting - Site dedicated to type variety or theme set coin collectors Collectors can share collecting ideas discuss topics or share information while providing a resource site for the education of coin collecting
- My Coin Collecting - Resource with general information about coins and coin values Provides information about rare coins values and price guide how to articles on photography as well as storage
- CoinCollector org - Coin collecting FAQs news and a discussion forum Includes information and photos on US 20th century minted coins
- Coin Collecting Guide For Beginners - Information on getting started in coin collecting as a hobby Learn about the history of coins how to grade them and where to locate mint marks
- Silver-Coins org - Offers detailed pictures from counterfeit and authentic silver coins completed with coin specifications
- CopperCoins com - A resource for information relating to collecting copper coins from the United States Provided by a group of collectors who study specific areas of U S copper coinage
- Coininfo com - Includes live precious metal quotes a listing of US coin dealers with search able database by zip code coin shows and auctions
- H I P Pocket Change - The US Mint s interactive official site for coin collecting kids The history of coin minting and what new quarters are due to be minted
- sibrium Luca Gianazza - Curriculum research activities on Italian coins and download area with numismatic presentations English
- CoinLink - Directory of rare coin sites and numismatic news portal updated daily
- CoinFacts com - Free information on United States Coins including pricing rarity and historical information
- All About Coin Collection - Provides basic information instruction and tips about coin collecting
- CoinPeople com - A forum site featuring a virtual coin museum chat and grading information
- Coin Galaxy - Coin and currency information grading and supplies
- Coins World - Provides information on coins from Greece foreign coins bank notes euros stamps and medals
- The Coin Page - Provides images of coins tokens medals elongateds bullion products free of charge
- Coin Community Forums - Educational coin collecting forum Free registration required to post
- Coin Update - Provides a round up of coin collecting news and information and images of popular coins
- Collecting Currency and Coins for Investment - A blog that is about collecting currency and coins includes information and links
- Coin Collecting Terms - A glossary of coin collecting terms and meanings
- Coin Supply Planet - Guide and information about all aspects of coin collecting
- Coin of the Year - Photos of coins associated with particular years plus brief descriptions and history
- MilitaryCoins com - A vast collection of Military Coins from all Branches of the Service
- NumisMaster com - Provides free portfolio management tools detailed coin listings for over a million U S world and unusual coins as well as pricing and mintage information by subscription Also features Numismatic news blogs and a comprehensive events calendar for the U S and beyond
- The Marteau Early 18th-Century Currency Converter - Offers html-pages for the automatic conversion between early 18th century European currencies Designed to become a website for currencies in Europe 1670-1730
- A Dictionary of Coin Terms - Dictionary of coin collecting terms Done with some humor
- Q and A s for Coins - Experienced collectors answers to your coin collecting questions origin and identification
- Penny Structures - Texas Tech engineer shares pictures of U S pennies stacked to make elaborate structures
- Tom s Coin Page - Information about coins found in circulation for collectors
- Metals Used In Coins and Medals - A list of types of metals used in coins with descriptions atomic weights and melting points
- Alwin C Carus Coin Collection - Digital images and descriptions of ancient world and U S coins presented by Hillsdale College
- Money Museum - A history of money including maps images detailed information and tutorials
- Coin Collectors Reference - Site contains reference information for U S coin collectors and coin grading information on most U S coins and U S coin errors
- Medals and Coins - Discussion forum and photograph website devoted to collecting coins and medals from around the world
- Dakota Coin - Site offers beginning coin collecting information about coin education coin prices and coin values
- CopperCoins com - A resource for information relating to collecting copper coins from the United States Provided by a group of collectors who study specific areas of U S copper coinage
- CoinCollector org - Coin collecting FAQs news and a discussion forum Includes information and photos on US 20th century minted coins
- Silver-Coins org - Offers detailed pictures from counterfeit and authentic silver coins completed with coin specifications
- My Coin Collecting - Resource with general information about coins and coin values Provides information about rare coins values and price guide how to articles on photography as well as storage
- Coininfo com - Includes live precious metal quotes a listing of US coin dealers with search able database by zip code coin shows and auctions
- Numista - A numismatic catalog which help you to identify your coins manage your collection on line and swap with other collectors all around the world
- CoinSite - Information about coins and currency including numismatic FAQ coin image gallery and a discussion room
- Coin Collecting Guide For Beginners - Information on getting started in coin collecting as a hobby Learn about the history of coins how to grade them and where to locate mint marks
- Type Set Coin Collecting - Site dedicated to type variety or theme set coin collectors Collectors can share collecting ideas discuss topics or share information while providing a resource site for the education of coin collecting
- H I P Pocket Change - The US Mint s interactive official site for coin collecting kids The history of coin minting and what new quarters are due to be minted
- sibrium Luca Gianazza - Curriculum research activities on Italian coins and download area with numismatic presentations English
- CoinLink - Directory of rare coin sites and numismatic news portal updated daily
- Collecting Currency and Coins for Investment - A blog that is about collecting currency and coins includes information and links
- Coin Galaxy - Coin and currency information grading and supplies
- CoinFacts com - Free information on United States Coins including pricing rarity and historical information
- All About Coin Collection - Provides basic information instruction and tips about coin collecting
- The Coin Page - Provides images of coins tokens medals elongateds bullion products free of charge
- Coin Community Forums - Educational coin collecting forum Free registration required to post
- CoinPeople com - A forum site featuring a virtual coin museum chat and grading information
- Coin of the Year - Photos of coins associated with particular years plus brief descriptions and history
- Coin Update - Provides a round up of coin collecting news and information and images of popular coins
- MilitaryCoins com - A vast collection of Military Coins from all Branches of the Service
- Coins World - Provides information on coins from Greece foreign coins bank notes euros stamps and medals
- Coin Collecting Terms - A glossary of coin collecting terms and meanings
- Coin Supply Planet - Guide and information about all aspects of coin collecting
- The Marteau Early 18th-Century Currency Converter - Offers html-pages for the automatic conversion between early 18th century European currencies Designed to become a website for currencies in Europe 1670-1730
- NumisMaster com - Provides free portfolio management tools detailed coin listings for over a million U S world and unusual coins as well as pricing and mintage information by subscription Also features Numismatic news blogs and a comprehensive events calendar for the U S and beyond
- A Dictionary of Coin Terms - Dictionary of coin collecting terms Done with some humor
- Q and A s for Coins - Experienced collectors answers to your coin collecting questions origin and identification
- Penny Structures - Texas Tech engineer shares pictures of U S pennies stacked to make elaborate structures
- Metals Used In Coins and Medals - A list of types of metals used in coins with descriptions atomic weights and melting points
- Tom s Coin Page - Information about coins found in circulation for collectors
- Alwin C Carus Coin Collection - Digital images and descriptions of ancient world and U S coins presented by Hillsdale College
- Money Museum - A history of money including maps images detailed information and tutorials
- My Coin Collecting - Resource with general information about coins and coin values Provides information about rare coins values and price guide how to articles on photography as well as storage
- CopperCoins com - A resource for information relating to collecting copper coins from the United States Provided by a group of collectors who study specific areas of U S copper coinage
- CoinSite - Information about coins and currency including numismatic FAQ coin image gallery and a discussion room
- Coin Collectors Reference - Site contains reference information for U S coin collectors and coin grading information on most U S coins and U S coin errors
- Medals and Coins - Discussion forum and photograph website devoted to collecting coins and medals from around the world
- Coin Collecting Guide For Beginners - Information on getting started in coin collecting as a hobby Learn about the history of coins how to grade them and where to locate mint marks
- Numista - A numismatic catalog which help you to identify your coins manage your collection on line and swap with other collectors all around the world
- CoinCollector org - Coin collecting FAQs news and a discussion forum Includes information and photos on US 20th century minted coins
- Silver-Coins org - Offers detailed pictures from counterfeit and authentic silver coins completed with coin specifications
- Type Set Coin Collecting - Site dedicated to type variety or theme set coin collectors Collectors can share collecting ideas discuss topics or share information while providing a resource site for the education of coin collecting
- Dakota Coin - Site offers beginning coin collecting information about coin education coin prices and coin values
- Coininfo com - Includes live precious metal quotes a listing of US coin dealers with search able database by zip code coin shows and auctions
- H I P Pocket Change - The US Mint s interactive official site for coin collecting kids The history of coin minting and what new quarters are due to be minted
- sibrium Luca Gianazza - Curriculum research activities on Italian coins and download area with numismatic presentations English
- The Coin Page - Provides images of coins tokens medals elongateds bullion products free of charge
- Coin Community Forums - Educational coin collecting forum Free registration required to post
- Collecting Currency and Coins for Investment - A blog that is about collecting currency and coins includes information and links
- Coin Supply Planet - Guide and information about all aspects of coin collecting
- Coins World - Provides information on coins from Greece foreign coins bank notes euros stamps and medals
- MilitaryCoins com - A vast collection of Military Coins from all Branches of the Service
- CoinFacts com - Free information on United States Coins including pricing rarity and historical information
- Coin Galaxy - Coin and currency information grading and supplies
- Coin Update - Provides a round up of coin collecting news and information and images of popular coins
- All About Coin Collection - Provides basic information instruction and tips about coin collecting
- CoinPeople com - A forum site featuring a virtual coin museum chat and grading information
- CoinLink - Directory of rare coin sites and numismatic news portal updated daily
- Coin of the Year - Photos of coins associated with particular years plus brief descriptions and history
- Coin Collecting Terms - A glossary of coin collecting terms and meanings
- The Marteau Early 18th-Century Currency Converter - Offers html-pages for the automatic conversion between early 18th century European currencies Designed to become a website for currencies in Europe 1670-1730
- NumisMaster com - Provides free portfolio management tools detailed coin listings for over a million U S world and unusual coins as well as pricing and mintage information by subscription Also features Numismatic news blogs and a comprehensive events calendar for the U S and beyond
- Q and A s for Coins - Experienced collectors answers to your coin collecting questions origin and identification
- A Dictionary of Coin Terms - Dictionary of coin collecting terms Done with some humor
- Penny Structures - Texas Tech engineer shares pictures of U S pennies stacked to make elaborate structures
- Metals Used In Coins and Medals - A list of types of metals used in coins with descriptions atomic weights and melting points
- Tom s Coin Page - Information about coins found in circulation for collectors
- Alwin C Carus Coin Collection - Digital images and descriptions of ancient world and U S coins presented by Hillsdale College
- Money Museum - A history of money including maps images detailed information and tutorials
- Coin Collectors Reference - Site contains reference information for U S coin collectors and coin grading information on most U S coins and U S coin errors
- My Coin Collecting - Resource with general information about coins and coin values Provides information about rare coins values and price guide how to articles on photography as well as storage
- Dakota Coin - Site offers beginning coin collecting information about coin education coin prices and coin values
- CoinCollector org - Coin collecting FAQs news and a discussion forum Includes information and photos on US 20th century minted coins
- Coin Collecting Guide For Beginners - Information on getting started in coin collecting as a hobby Learn about the history of coins how to grade them and where to locate mint marks
- CopperCoins com - A resource for information relating to collecting copper coins from the United States Provided by a group of collectors who study specific areas of U S copper coinage
- Numista - A numismatic catalog which help you to identify your coins manage your collection on line and swap with other collectors all around the world
- Medals and Coins - Discussion forum and photograph website devoted to collecting coins and medals from around the world
- CoinSite - Information about coins and currency including numismatic FAQ coin image gallery and a discussion room
- Type Set Coin Collecting - Site dedicated to type variety or theme set coin collectors Collectors can share collecting ideas discuss topics or share information while providing a resource site for the education of coin collecting
- Silver-Coins org - Offers detailed pictures from counterfeit and authentic silver coins completed with coin specifications
- Coininfo com - Includes live precious metal quotes a listing of US coin dealers with search able database by zip code coin shows and auctions
- sibrium Luca Gianazza - Curriculum research activities on Italian coins and download area with numismatic presentations English
- H I P Pocket Change - The US Mint s interactive official site for coin collecting kids The history of coin minting and what new quarters are due to be minted
- CoinLink - Directory of rare coin sites and numismatic news portal updated daily
- Coin Collecting Terms - A glossary of coin collecting terms and meanings
- Coin Galaxy - Coin and currency information grading and supplies
- All About Coin Collection - Provides basic information instruction and tips about coin collecting
- CoinPeople com - A forum site featuring a virtual coin museum chat and grading information
- Coin Community Forums - Educational coin collecting forum Free registration required to post
- Coin Supply Planet - Guide and information about all aspects of coin collecting
- MilitaryCoins com - A vast collection of Military Coins from all Branches of the Service
- The Coin Page - Provides images of coins tokens medals elongateds bullion products free of charge
- Coin of the Year - Photos of coins associated with particular years plus brief descriptions and history
- CoinFacts com - Free information on United States Coins including pricing rarity and historical information
- Collecting Currency and Coins for Investment - A blog that is about collecting currency and coins includes information and links
- Coins World - Provides information on coins from Greece foreign coins bank notes euros stamps and medals
- Coin Update - Provides a round up of coin collecting news and information and images of popular coins
- The Marteau Early 18th-Century Currency Converter - Offers html-pages for the automatic conversion between early 18th century European currencies Designed to become a website for currencies in Europe 1670-1730
- NumisMaster com - Provides free portfolio management tools detailed coin listings for over a million U S world and unusual coins as well as pricing and mintage information by subscription Also features Numismatic news blogs and a comprehensive events calendar for the U S and beyond
- Q and A s for Coins - Experienced collectors answers to your coin collecting questions origin and identification
- A Dictionary of Coin Terms - Dictionary of coin collecting terms Done with some humor
- Metals Used In Coins and Medals - A list of types of metals used in coins with descriptions atomic weights and melting points
- Penny Structures - Texas Tech engineer shares pictures of U S pennies stacked to make elaborate structures
- Tom s Coin Page - Information about coins found in circulation for collectors
- Alwin C Carus Coin Collection - Digital images and descriptions of ancient world and U S coins presented by Hillsdale College
- Money Museum - A history of money including maps images detailed information and tutorials
- Silver-Coins org - Offers detailed pictures from counterfeit and authentic silver coins completed with coin specifications
- Numista - A numismatic catalog which help you to identify your coins manage your collection on line and swap with other collectors all around the world
- Dakota Coin - Site offers beginning coin collecting information about coin education coin prices and coin values
- CopperCoins com - A resource for information relating to collecting copper coins from the United States Provided by a group of collectors who study specific areas of U S copper coinage
- Coin Collecting Guide For Beginners - Information on getting started in coin collecting as a hobby Learn about the history of coins how to grade them and where to locate mint marks
- Medals and Coins - Discussion forum and photograph website devoted to collecting coins and medals from around the world
- CoinSite - Information about coins and currency including numismatic FAQ coin image gallery and a discussion room
- Coin Collectors Reference - Site contains reference information for U S coin collectors and coin grading information on most U S coins and U S coin errors
- Type Set Coin Collecting - Site dedicated to type variety or theme set coin collectors Collectors can share collecting ideas discuss topics or share information while providing a resource site for the education of coin collecting
- My Coin Collecting - Resource with general information about coins and coin values Provides information about rare coins values and price guide how to articles on photography as well as storage
- Coininfo com - Includes live precious metal quotes a listing of US coin dealers with search able database by zip code coin shows and auctions
- CoinCollector org - Coin collecting FAQs news and a discussion forum Includes information and photos on US 20th century minted coins
- sibrium Luca Gianazza - Curriculum research activities on Italian coins and download area with numismatic presentations English
- H I P Pocket Change - The US Mint s interactive official site for coin collecting kids The history of coin minting and what new quarters are due to be minted
- MilitaryCoins com - A vast collection of Military Coins from all Branches of the Service
- CoinFacts com - Free information on United States Coins including pricing rarity and historical information
- Coin Collecting Terms - A glossary of coin collecting terms and meanings
- CoinPeople com - A forum site featuring a virtual coin museum chat and grading information
- Coin of the Year - Photos of coins associated with particular years plus brief descriptions and history
- Coin Galaxy - Coin and currency information grading and supplies
- Coin Update - Provides a round up of coin collecting news and information and images of popular coins
- Collecting Currency and Coins for Investment - A blog that is about collecting currency and coins includes information and links
- Coin Supply Planet - Guide and information about all aspects of coin collecting
- Coin Community Forums - Educational coin collecting forum Free registration required to post
- Coins World - Provides information on coins from Greece foreign coins bank notes euros stamps and medals
- The Coin Page - Provides images of coins tokens medals elongateds bullion products free of charge
- CoinLink - Directory of rare coin sites and numismatic news portal updated daily
- All About Coin Collection - Provides basic information instruction and tips about coin collecting
- The Marteau Early 18th-Century Currency Converter - Offers html-pages for the automatic conversion between early 18th century European currencies Designed to become a website for currencies in Europe 1670-1730
- NumisMaster com - Provides free portfolio management tools detailed coin listings for over a million U S world and unusual coins as well as pricing and mintage information by subscription Also features Numismatic news blogs and a comprehensive events calendar for the U S and beyond
- A Dictionary of Coin Terms - Dictionary of coin collecting terms Done with some humor
- Q and A s for Coins - Experienced collectors answers to your coin collecting questions origin and identification
- Tom s Coin Page - Information about coins found in circulation for collectors
- Penny Structures - Texas Tech engineer shares pictures of U S pennies stacked to make elaborate structures
- Metals Used In Coins and Medals - A list of types of metals used in coins with descriptions atomic weights and melting points
- Alwin C Carus Coin Collection - Digital images and descriptions of ancient world and U S coins presented by Hillsdale College
- Money Museum - A history of money including maps images detailed information and tutorials
- Silver-Coins org - Offers detailed pictures from counterfeit and authentic silver coins completed with coin specifications
- CopperCoins com - A resource for information relating to collecting copper coins from the United States Provided by a group of collectors who study specific areas of U S copper coinage
- Numista - A numismatic catalog which help you to identify your coins manage your collection on line and swap with other collectors all around the world
- My Coin Collecting - Resource with general information about coins and coin values Provides information about rare coins values and price guide how to articles on photography as well as storage
- Medals and Coins - Discussion forum and photograph website devoted to collecting coins and medals from around the world
- CoinCollector org - Coin collecting FAQs news and a discussion forum Includes information and photos on US 20th century minted coins
- Coin Collectors Reference - Site contains reference information for U S coin collectors and coin grading information on most U S coins and U S coin errors
- Dakota Coin - Site offers beginning coin collecting information about coin education coin prices and coin values
- CoinSite - Information about coins and currency including numismatic FAQ coin image gallery and a discussion room
- Coininfo com - Includes live precious metal quotes a listing of US coin dealers with search able database by zip code coin shows and auctions
- Coin Collecting Guide For Beginners - Information on getting started in coin collecting as a hobby Learn about the history of coins how to grade them and where to locate mint marks
- Type Set Coin Collecting - Site dedicated to type variety or theme set coin collectors Collectors can share collecting ideas discuss topics or share information while providing a resource site for the education of coin collecting
- H I P Pocket Change - The US Mint s interactive official site for coin collecting kids The history of coin minting and what new quarters are due to be minted
- sibrium Luca Gianazza - Curriculum research activities on Italian coins and download area with numismatic presentations English
- CoinPeople com - A forum site featuring a virtual coin museum chat and grading information
- Coin of the Year - Photos of coins associated with particular years plus brief descriptions and history
- Coin Supply Planet - Guide and information about all aspects of coin collecting
- MilitaryCoins com - A vast collection of Military Coins from all Branches of the Service
- CoinLink - Directory of rare coin sites and numismatic news portal updated daily
- CoinFacts com - Free information on United States Coins including pricing rarity and historical information
- The Coin Page - Provides images of coins tokens medals elongateds bullion products free of charge
- Collecting Currency and Coins for Investment - A blog that is about collecting currency and coins includes information and links
- All About Coin Collection - Provides basic information instruction and tips about coin collecting
- Coin Galaxy - Coin and currency information grading and supplies
- Coin Community Forums - Educational coin collecting forum Free registration required to post
- Coin Collecting Terms - A glossary of coin collecting terms and meanings
- Coins World - Provides information on coins from Greece foreign coins bank notes euros stamps and medals
- Coin Update - Provides a round up of coin collecting news and information and images of popular coins
- The Marteau Early 18th-Century Currency Converter - Offers html-pages for the automatic conversion between early 18th century European currencies Designed to become a website for currencies in Europe 1670-1730
- NumisMaster com - Provides free portfolio management tools detailed coin listings for over a million U S world and unusual coins as well as pricing and mintage information by subscription Also features Numismatic news blogs and a comprehensive events calendar for the U S and beyond
- Q and A s for Coins - Experienced collectors answers to your coin collecting questions origin and identification
- A Dictionary of Coin Terms - Dictionary of coin collecting terms Done with some humor
- Tom s Coin Page - Information about coins found in circulation for collectors
- Metals Used In Coins and Medals - A list of types of metals used in coins with descriptions atomic weights and melting points
- Penny Structures - Texas Tech engineer shares pictures of U S pennies stacked to make elaborate structures
- Alwin C Carus Coin Collection - Digital images and descriptions of ancient world and U S coins presented by Hillsdale College
- Money Museum - A history of money including maps images detailed information and tutorials
- Dakota Coin - Site offers beginning coin collecting information about coin education coin prices and coin values
- Coin Collecting Guide For Beginners - Information on getting started in coin collecting as a hobby Learn about the history of coins how to grade them and where to locate mint marks
- CoinSite - Information about coins and currency including numismatic FAQ coin image gallery and a discussion room
- CoinCollector org - Coin collecting FAQs news and a discussion forum Includes information and photos on US 20th century minted coins
- Silver-Coins org - Offers detailed pictures from counterfeit and authentic silver coins completed with coin specifications
- Type Set Coin Collecting - Site dedicated to type variety or theme set coin collectors Collectors can share collecting ideas discuss topics or share information while providing a resource site for the education of coin collecting
- Coin Collectors Reference - Site contains reference information for U S coin collectors and coin grading information on most U S coins and U S coin errors
- Coininfo com - Includes live precious metal quotes a listing of US coin dealers with search able database by zip code coin shows and auctions
- Numista - A numismatic catalog which help you to identify your coins manage your collection on line and swap with other collectors all around the world
- My Coin Collecting - Resource with general information about coins and coin values Provides information about rare coins values and price guide how to articles on photography as well as storage
- Medals and Coins - Discussion forum and photograph website devoted to collecting coins and medals from around the world
- CopperCoins com - A resource for information relating to collecting copper coins from the United States Provided by a group of collectors who study specific areas of U S copper coinage
- H I P Pocket Change - The US Mint s interactive official site for coin collecting kids The history of coin minting and what new quarters are due to be minted
- sibrium Luca Gianazza - Curriculum research activities on Italian coins and download area with numismatic presentations English
- CoinPeople com - A forum site featuring a virtual coin museum chat and grading information
- CoinLink - Directory of rare coin sites and numismatic news portal updated daily
- Coin Community Forums - Educational coin collecting forum Free registration required to post
- Coin Collecting Terms - A glossary of coin collecting terms and meanings
- The Coin Page - Provides images of coins tokens medals elongateds bullion products free of charge
- Coin Update - Provides a round up of coin collecting news and information and images of popular coins
- Coin Galaxy - Coin and currency information grading and supplies
- MilitaryCoins com - A vast collection of Military Coins from all Branches of the Service
- Collecting Currency and Coins for Investment - A blog that is about collecting currency and coins includes information and links
- Coins World - Provides information on coins from Greece foreign coins bank notes euros stamps and medals
- Coin of the Year - Photos of coins associated with particular years plus brief descriptions and history
- CoinFacts com - Free information on United States Coins including pricing rarity and historical information
- Coin Supply Planet - Guide and information about all aspects of coin collecting
- All About Coin Collection - Provides basic information instruction and tips about coin collecting
- NumisMaster com - Provides free portfolio management tools detailed coin listings for over a million U S world and unusual coins as well as pricing and mintage information by subscription Also features Numismatic news blogs and a comprehensive events calendar for the U S and beyond
- The Marteau Early 18th-Century Currency Converter - Offers html-pages for the automatic conversion between early 18th century European currencies Designed to become a website for currencies in Europe 1670-1730
- Q and A s for Coins - Experienced collectors answers to your coin collecting questions origin and identification
- A Dictionary of Coin Terms - Dictionary of coin collecting terms Done with some humor
- Penny Structures - Texas Tech engineer shares pictures of U S pennies stacked to make elaborate structures
- Metals Used In Coins and Medals - A list of types of metals used in coins with descriptions atomic weights and melting points
- Tom s Coin Page - Information about coins found in circulation for collectors
- Alwin C Carus Coin Collection - Digital images and descriptions of ancient world and U S coins presented by Hillsdale College
- Money Museum - A history of money including maps images detailed information and tutorials
- Dakota Coin - Site offers beginning coin collecting information about coin education coin prices and coin values
- CopperCoins com - A resource for information relating to collecting copper coins from the United States Provided by a group of collectors who study specific areas of U S copper coinage
- CoinCollector org - Coin collecting FAQs news and a discussion forum Includes information and photos on US 20th century minted coins
- Coin Collectors Reference - Site contains reference information for U S coin collectors and coin grading information on most U S coins and U S coin errors
- Silver-Coins org - Offers detailed pictures from counterfeit and authentic silver coins completed with coin specifications
- My Coin Collecting - Resource with general information about coins and coin values Provides information about rare coins values and price guide how to articles on photography as well as storage
- Coininfo com - Includes live precious metal quotes a listing of US coin dealers with search able database by zip code coin shows and auctions
- Medals and Coins - Discussion forum and photograph website devoted to collecting coins and medals from around the world
- Type Set Coin Collecting - Site dedicated to type variety or theme set coin collectors Collectors can share collecting ideas discuss topics or share information while providing a resource site for the education of coin collecting
- Coin Collecting Guide For Beginners - Information on getting started in coin collecting as a hobby Learn about the history of coins how to grade them and where to locate mint marks
- Numista - A numismatic catalog which help you to identify your coins manage your collection on line and swap with other collectors all around the world
- CoinSite - Information about coins and currency including numismatic FAQ coin image gallery and a discussion room
- sibrium Luca Gianazza - Curriculum research activities on Italian coins and download area with numismatic presentations English
- H I P Pocket Change - The US Mint s interactive official site for coin collecting kids The history of coin minting and what new quarters are due to be minted
- Coin Supply Planet - Guide and information about all aspects of coin collecting
- CoinPeople com - A forum site featuring a virtual coin museum chat and grading information
- Coin Community Forums - Educational coin collecting forum Free registration required to post
- Collecting Currency and Coins for Investment - A blog that is about collecting currency and coins includes information and links
- The Coin Page - Provides images of coins tokens medals elongateds bullion products free of charge
- Coin Collecting Terms - A glossary of coin collecting terms and meanings
- All About Coin Collection - Provides basic information instruction and tips about coin collecting
- MilitaryCoins com - A vast collection of Military Coins from all Branches of the Service
- CoinLink - Directory of rare coin sites and numismatic news portal updated daily
- Coin Galaxy - Coin and currency information grading and supplies
- Coins World - Provides information on coins from Greece foreign coins bank notes euros stamps and medals
- Coin of the Year - Photos of coins associated with particular years plus brief descriptions and history
- CoinFacts com - Free information on United States Coins including pricing rarity and historical information
- Coin Update - Provides a round up of coin collecting news and information and images of popular coins
- The Marteau Early 18th-Century Currency Converter - Offers html-pages for the automatic conversion between early 18th century European currencies Designed to become a website for currencies in Europe 1670-1730
- NumisMaster com - Provides free portfolio management tools detailed coin listings for over a million U S world and unusual coins as well as pricing and mintage information by subscription Also features Numismatic news blogs and a comprehensive events calendar for the U S and beyond
- A Dictionary of Coin Terms - Dictionary of coin collecting terms Done with some humor
- Q and A s for Coins - Experienced collectors answers to your coin collecting questions origin and identification
- Metals Used In Coins and Medals - A list of types of metals used in coins with descriptions atomic weights and melting points
- Tom s Coin Page - Information about coins found in circulation for collectors
- Penny Structures - Texas Tech engineer shares pictures of U S pennies stacked to make elaborate structures
- Alwin C Carus Coin Collection - Digital images and descriptions of ancient world and U S coins presented by Hillsdale College
- Money Museum - A history of money including maps images detailed information and tutorials
- Medals and Coins - Discussion forum and photograph website devoted to collecting coins and medals from around the world
- Dakota Coin - Site offers beginning coin collecting information about coin education coin prices and coin values
- Coin Collectors Reference - Site contains reference information for U S coin collectors and coin grading information on most U S coins and U S coin errors
- Silver-Coins org - Offers detailed pictures from counterfeit and authentic silver coins completed with coin specifications
- Type Set Coin Collecting - Site dedicated to type variety or theme set coin collectors Collectors can share collecting ideas discuss topics or share information while providing a resource site for the education of coin collecting
- CoinCollector org - Coin collecting FAQs news and a discussion forum Includes information and photos on US 20th century minted coins
- Numista - A numismatic catalog which help you to identify your coins manage your collection on line and swap with other collectors all around the world
- CoinSite - Information about coins and currency including numismatic FAQ coin image gallery and a discussion room
- Coin Collecting Guide For Beginners - Information on getting started in coin collecting as a hobby Learn about the history of coins how to grade them and where to locate mint marks
- My Coin Collecting - Resource with general information about coins and coin values Provides information about rare coins values and price guide how to articles on photography as well as storage
- CopperCoins com - A resource for information relating to collecting copper coins from the United States Provided by a group of collectors who study specific areas of U S copper coinage
- Coininfo com - Includes live precious metal quotes a listing of US coin dealers with search able database by zip code coin shows and auctions
- sibrium Luca Gianazza - Curriculum research activities on Italian coins and download area with numismatic presentations English
- H I P Pocket Change - The US Mint s interactive official site for coin collecting kids The history of coin minting and what new quarters are due to be minted
- Coins World - Provides information on coins from Greece foreign coins bank notes euros stamps and medals
- CoinFacts com - Free information on United States Coins including pricing rarity and historical information
- Coin Update - Provides a round up of coin collecting news and information and images of popular coins
- Collecting Currency and Coins for Investment - A blog that is about collecting currency and coins includes information and links
- CoinPeople com - A forum site featuring a virtual coin museum chat and grading information
- Coin Community Forums - Educational coin collecting forum Free registration required to post
- All About Coin Collection - Provides basic information instruction and tips about coin collecting
- MilitaryCoins com - A vast collection of Military Coins from all Branches of the Service
- CoinLink - Directory of rare coin sites and numismatic news portal updated daily
- Coin Galaxy - Coin and currency information grading and supplies
- Coin of the Year - Photos of coins associated with particular years plus brief descriptions and history
- The Coin Page - Provides images of coins tokens medals elongateds bullion products free of charge
- Coin Supply Planet - Guide and information about all aspects of coin collecting
- Coin Collecting Terms - A glossary of coin collecting terms and meanings
- The Marteau Early 18th-Century Currency Converter - Offers html-pages for the automatic conversion between early 18th century European currencies Designed to become a website for currencies in Europe 1670-1730
- NumisMaster com - Provides free portfolio management tools detailed coin listings for over a million U S world and unusual coins as well as pricing and mintage information by subscription Also features Numismatic news blogs and a comprehensive events calendar for the U S and beyond
- Q and A s for Coins - Experienced collectors answers to your coin collecting questions origin and identification
- A Dictionary of Coin Terms - Dictionary of coin collecting terms Done with some humor
- Penny Structures - Texas Tech engineer shares pictures of U S pennies stacked to make elaborate structures
- Metals Used In Coins and Medals - A list of types of metals used in coins with descriptions atomic weights and melting points
- Tom s Coin Page - Information about coins found in circulation for collectors
- Alwin C Carus Coin Collection - Digital images and descriptions of ancient world and U S coins presented by Hillsdale College
- Money Museum - A history of money including maps images detailed information and tutorials
- Silver-Coins org - Offers detailed pictures from counterfeit and authentic silver coins completed with coin specifications
- Numista - A numismatic catalog which help you to identify your coins manage your collection on line and swap with other collectors all around the world
- Coin Collecting Guide For Beginners - Information on getting started in coin collecting as a hobby Learn about the history of coins how to grade them and where to locate mint marks
- My Coin Collecting - Resource with general information about coins and coin values Provides information about rare coins values and price guide how to articles on photography as well as storage
- Dakota Coin - Site offers beginning coin collecting information about coin education coin prices and coin values
- CoinSite - Information about coins and currency including numismatic FAQ coin image gallery and a discussion room
- CoinCollector org - Coin collecting FAQs news and a discussion forum Includes information and photos on US 20th century minted coins
- Medals and Coins - Discussion forum and photograph website devoted to collecting coins and medals from around the world
- CopperCoins com - A resource for information relating to collecting copper coins from the United States Provided by a group of collectors who study specific areas of U S copper coinage
- Coininfo com - Includes live precious metal quotes a listing of US coin dealers with search able database by zip code coin shows and auctions
- Type Set Coin Collecting - Site dedicated to type variety or theme set coin collectors Collectors can share collecting ideas discuss topics or share information while providing a resource site for the education of coin collecting
- Coin Collectors Reference - Site contains reference information for U S coin collectors and coin grading information on most U S coins and U S coin errors
- H I P Pocket Change - The US Mint s interactive official site for coin collecting kids The history of coin minting and what new quarters are due to be minted
- sibrium Luca Gianazza - Curriculum research activities on Italian coins and download area with numismatic presentations English
- Coins World - Provides information on coins from Greece foreign coins bank notes euros stamps and medals
- The Coin Page - Provides images of coins tokens medals elongateds bullion products free of charge
- Coin of the Year - Photos of coins associated with particular years plus brief descriptions and history
- CoinLink - Directory of rare coin sites and numismatic news portal updated daily
- Coin Galaxy - Coin and currency information grading and supplies
- CoinFacts com - Free information on United States Coins including pricing rarity and historical information
- Coin Community Forums - Educational coin collecting forum Free registration required to post
- CoinPeople com - A forum site featuring a virtual coin museum chat and grading information
- Coin Update - Provides a round up of coin collecting news and information and images of popular coins
- Collecting Currency and Coins for Investment - A blog that is about collecting currency and coins includes information and links
- Coin Collecting Terms - A glossary of coin collecting terms and meanings
- Coin Supply Planet - Guide and information about all aspects of coin collecting
- MilitaryCoins com - A vast collection of Military Coins from all Branches of the Service
- All About Coin Collection - Provides basic information instruction and tips about coin collecting
- NumisMaster com - Provides free portfolio management tools detailed coin listings for over a million U S world and unusual coins as well as pricing and mintage information by subscription Also features Numismatic news blogs and a comprehensive events calendar for the U S and beyond
- The Marteau Early 18th-Century Currency Converter - Offers html-pages for the automatic conversion between early 18th century European currencies Designed to become a website for currencies in Europe 1670-1730
- A Dictionary of Coin Terms - Dictionary of coin collecting terms Done with some humor
- Q and A s for Coins - Experienced collectors answers to your coin collecting questions origin and identification
- Penny Structures - Texas Tech engineer shares pictures of U S pennies stacked to make elaborate structures
- Tom s Coin Page - Information about coins found in circulation for collectors
- Metals Used In Coins and Medals - A list of types of metals used in coins with descriptions atomic weights and melting points
- Alwin C Carus Coin Collection - Digital images and descriptions of ancient world and U S coins presented by Hillsdale College
- Money Museum - A history of money including maps images detailed information and tutorials
- Coin Community Forums - Educational coin collecting forum Free registration required to post
- Dakota Coin - Site offers beginning coin collecting information about coin education coin prices and coin values
- Type Set Coin Collecting - Site dedicated to type variety or theme set coin collectors Collectors can share collecting ideas discuss topics or share information while providing a resource site for the education of coin collecting
- Coin Collectors Reference - Site contains reference information for U S coin collectors and coin grading information on most U S coins and U S coin errors
- Silver-Coins org - Offers detailed pictures from counterfeit and authentic silver coins completed with coin specifications
- CoinSite - Information about coins and currency including numismatic FAQ coin image gallery and a discussion room
- Coin Collecting Guide For Beginners - Information on getting started in coin collecting as a hobby Learn about the history of coins how to grade them and where to locate mint marks
- CopperCoins com - A resource for information relating to collecting copper coins from the United States Provided by a group of collectors who study specific areas of U S copper coinage
- My Coin Collecting - Resource with general information about coins and coin values Provides information about rare coins values and price guide how to articles on photography as well as storage
- Medals and Coins - Discussion forum and photograph website devoted to collecting coins and medals from around the world
- Numista - A numismatic catalog which help you to identify your coins manage your collection on line and swap with other collectors all around the world
- Coininfo com - Includes live precious metal quotes a listing of US coin dealers with search able database by zip code coin shows and auctions
- CoinCollector org - Coin collecting FAQs news and a discussion forum Includes information and photos on US 20th century minted coins
- H I P Pocket Change - The US Mint s interactive official site for coin collecting kids The history of coin minting and what new quarters are due to be minted
- sibrium Luca Gianazza - Curriculum research activities on Italian coins and download area with numismatic presentations English
- The Coin Page - Provides images of coins tokens medals elongateds bullion products free of charge
- All About Coin Collection - Provides basic information instruction and tips about coin collecting
- CoinPeople com - A forum site featuring a virtual coin museum chat and grading information
- MilitaryCoins com - A vast collection of Military Coins from all Branches of the Service
- CoinFacts com - Free information on United States Coins including pricing rarity and historical information
- Coins World - Provides information on coins from Greece foreign coins bank notes euros stamps and medals
- Coin of the Year - Photos of coins associated with particular years plus brief descriptions and history
- CoinLink - Directory of rare coin sites and numismatic news portal updated daily
- Coin Collecting Terms - A glossary of coin collecting terms and meanings
- Coin Supply Planet - Guide and information about all aspects of coin collecting
- Coin Galaxy - Coin and currency information grading and supplies
- Coin Update - Provides a round up of coin collecting news and information and images of popular coins
- Collecting Currency and Coins for Investment - A blog that is about collecting currency and coins includes information and links
- The Marteau Early 18th-Century Currency Converter - Offers html-pages for the automatic conversion between early 18th century European currencies Designed to become a website for currencies in Europe 1670-1730
- NumisMaster com - Provides free portfolio management tools detailed coin listings for over a million U S world and unusual coins as well as pricing and mintage information by subscription Also features Numismatic news blogs and a comprehensive events calendar for the U S and beyond
- A Dictionary of Coin Terms - Dictionary of coin collecting terms Done with some humor
- Q and A s for Coins - Experienced collectors answers to your coin collecting questions origin and identification
- Tom s Coin Page - Information about coins found in circulation for collectors
- Penny Structures - Texas Tech engineer shares pictures of U S pennies stacked to make elaborate structures
- Metals Used In Coins and Medals - A list of types of metals used in coins with descriptions atomic weights and melting points
- Alwin C Carus Coin Collection - Digital images and descriptions of ancient world and U S coins presented by Hillsdale College
- Money Museum - A history of money including maps images detailed information and tutorials
- Dakota Coin - Site offers beginning coin collecting information about coin education coin prices and coin values
- Coin Collectors Reference - Site contains reference information for U S coin collectors and coin grading information on most U S coins and U S coin errors
- Silver-Coins org - Offers detailed pictures from counterfeit and authentic silver coins completed with coin specifications
- Medals and Coins - Discussion forum and photograph website devoted to collecting coins and medals from around the world
- My Coin Collecting - Resource with general information about coins and coin values Provides information about rare coins values and price guide how to articles on photography as well as storage
- Coininfo com - Includes live precious metal quotes a listing of US coin dealers with search able database by zip code coin shows and auctions
- Coin Collecting Guide For Beginners - Information on getting started in coin collecting as a hobby Learn about the history of coins how to grade them and where to locate mint marks
- Type Set Coin Collecting - Site dedicated to type variety or theme set coin collectors Collectors can share collecting ideas discuss topics or share information while providing a resource site for the education of coin collecting
- CopperCoins com - A resource for information relating to collecting copper coins from the United States Provided by a group of collectors who study specific areas of U S copper coinage
- CoinCollector org - Coin collecting FAQs news and a discussion forum Includes information and photos on US 20th century minted coins
- Numista - A numismatic catalog which help you to identify your coins manage your collection on line and swap with other collectors all around the world
- CoinSite - Information about coins and currency including numismatic FAQ coin image gallery and a discussion room
- H I P Pocket Change - The US Mint s interactive official site for coin collecting kids The history of coin minting and what new quarters are due to be minted
- sibrium Luca Gianazza - Curriculum research activities on Italian coins and download area with numismatic presentations English
- Coins World - Provides information on coins from Greece foreign coins bank notes euros stamps and medals
- Coin of the Year - Photos of coins associated with particular years plus brief descriptions and history
- Coin Galaxy - Coin and currency information grading and supplies
- CoinFacts com - Free information on United States Coins including pricing rarity and historical information
- Coin Supply Planet - Guide and information about all aspects of coin collecting
- CoinLink - Directory of rare coin sites and numismatic news portal updated daily
- MilitaryCoins com - A vast collection of Military Coins from all Branches of the Service
- Collecting Currency and Coins for Investment - A blog that is about collecting currency and coins includes information and links
- Coin Collecting Terms - A glossary of coin collecting terms and meanings
- CoinPeople com - A forum site featuring a virtual coin museum chat and grading information
- The Coin Page - Provides images of coins tokens medals elongateds bullion products free of charge
- Coin Community Forums - Educational coin collecting forum Free registration required to post
- All About Coin Collection - Provides basic information instruction and tips about coin collecting
- Coin Update - Provides a round up of coin collecting news and information and images of popular coins
- The Marteau Early 18th-Century Currency Converter - Offers html-pages for the automatic conversion between early 18th century European currencies Designed to become a website for currencies in Europe 1670-1730
- NumisMaster com - Provides free portfolio management tools detailed coin listings for over a million U S world and unusual coins as well as pricing and mintage information by subscription Also features Numismatic news blogs and a comprehensive events calendar for the U S and beyond
- Q and A s for Coins - Experienced collectors answers to your coin collecting questions origin and identification
- A Dictionary of Coin Terms - Dictionary of coin collecting terms Done with some humor
- Tom s Coin Page - Information about coins found in circulation for collectors
- Metals Used In Coins and Medals - A list of types of metals used in coins with descriptions atomic weights and melting points
- Penny Structures - Texas Tech engineer shares pictures of U S pennies stacked to make elaborate structures
- Alwin C Carus Coin Collection - Digital images and descriptions of ancient world and U S coins presented by Hillsdale College
- Money Museum - A history of money including maps images detailed information and tutorials
- Numista - A numismatic catalog which help you to identify your coins manage your collection on line and swap with other collectors all around the world
- Coininfo com - Includes live precious metal quotes a listing of US coin dealers with search able database by zip code coin shows and auctions
- Type Set Coin Collecting - Site dedicated to type variety or theme set coin collectors Collectors can share collecting ideas discuss topics or share information while providing a resource site for the education of coin collecting
- Medals and Coins - Discussion forum and photograph website devoted to collecting coins and medals from around the world
- Dakota Coin - Site offers beginning coin collecting information about coin education coin prices and coin values
- CopperCoins com - A resource for information relating to collecting copper coins from the United States Provided by a group of collectors who study specific areas of U S copper coinage
- CoinSite - Information about coins and currency including numismatic FAQ coin image gallery and a discussion room
- Silver-Coins org - Offers detailed pictures from counterfeit and authentic silver coins completed with coin specifications
- Coin Collecting Guide For Beginners - Information on getting started in coin collecting as a hobby Learn about the history of coins how to grade them and where to locate mint marks
- Coin Collectors Reference - Site contains reference information for U S coin collectors and coin grading information on most U S coins and U S coin errors
- My Coin Collecting - Resource with general information about coins and coin values Provides information about rare coins values and price guide how to articles on photography as well as storage
- CoinCollector org - Coin collecting FAQs news and a discussion forum Includes information and photos on US 20th century minted coins
- sibrium Luca Gianazza - Curriculum research activities on Italian coins and download area with numismatic presentations English
- H I P Pocket Change - The US Mint s interactive official site for coin collecting kids The history of coin minting and what new quarters are due to be minted
- MilitaryCoins com - A vast collection of Military Coins from all Branches of the Service
- The Coin Page - Provides images of coins tokens medals elongateds bullion products free of charge
- Coin of the Year - Photos of coins associated with particular years plus brief descriptions and history
- Coin Galaxy - Coin and currency information grading and supplies
- Coin Community Forums - Educational coin collecting forum Free registration required to post
- CoinFacts com - Free information on United States Coins including pricing rarity and historical information
- CoinLink - Directory of rare coin sites and numismatic news portal updated daily
- Coin Supply Planet - Guide and information about all aspects of coin collecting
- Coins World - Provides information on coins from Greece foreign coins bank notes euros stamps and medals
- Coin Collecting Terms - A glossary of coin collecting terms and meanings
- All About Coin Collection - Provides basic information instruction and tips about coin collecting
- CoinPeople com - A forum site featuring a virtual coin museum chat and grading information
- Coin Update - Provides a round up of coin collecting news and information and images of popular coins
- Collecting Currency and Coins for Investment - A blog that is about collecting currency and coins includes information and links
- NumisMaster com - Provides free portfolio management tools detailed coin listings for over a million U S world and unusual coins as well as pricing and mintage information by subscription Also features Numismatic news blogs and a comprehensive events calendar for the U S and beyond
- The Marteau Early 18th-Century Currency Converter - Offers html-pages for the automatic conversion between early 18th century European currencies Designed to become a website for currencies in Europe 1670-1730
- A Dictionary of Coin Terms - Dictionary of coin collecting terms Done with some humor
- Q and A s for Coins - Experienced collectors answers to your coin collecting questions origin and identification
- Penny Structures - Texas Tech engineer shares pictures of U S pennies stacked to make elaborate structures
- Tom s Coin Page - Information about coins found in circulation for collectors
- Metals Used In Coins and Medals - A list of types of metals used in coins with descriptions atomic weights and melting points
- Alwin C Carus Coin Collection - Digital images and descriptions of ancient world and U S coins presented by Hillsdale College
- Money Museum - A history of money including maps images detailed information and tutorials
- Coin Collectors Reference - Site contains reference information for U S coin collectors and coin grading information on most U S coins and U S coin errors
- My Coin Collecting - Resource with general information about coins and coin values Provides information about rare coins values and price guide how to articles on photography as well as storage
- CopperCoins com - A resource for information relating to collecting copper coins from the United States Provided by a group of collectors who study specific areas of U S copper coinage
- Numista - A numismatic catalog which help you to identify your coins manage your collection on line and swap with other collectors all around the world
- Medals and Coins - Discussion forum and photograph website devoted to collecting coins and medals from around the world
- Coininfo com - Includes live precious metal quotes a listing of US coin dealers with search able database by zip code coin shows and auctions
- Type Set Coin Collecting - Site dedicated to type variety or theme set coin collectors Collectors can share collecting ideas discuss topics or share information while providing a resource site for the education of coin collecting
- CoinCollector org - Coin collecting FAQs news and a discussion forum Includes information and photos on US 20th century minted coins
- Silver-Coins org - Offers detailed pictures from counterfeit and authentic silver coins completed with coin specifications
- Dakota Coin - Site offers beginning coin collecting information about coin education coin prices and coin values
- CoinSite - Information about coins and currency including numismatic FAQ coin image gallery and a discussion room
- Coin Collecting Guide For Beginners - Information on getting started in coin collecting as a hobby Learn about the history of coins how to grade them and where to locate mint marks
- sibrium Luca Gianazza - Curriculum research activities on Italian coins and download area with numismatic presentations English
- H I P Pocket Change - The US Mint s interactive official site for coin collecting kids The history of coin minting and what new quarters are due to be minted
- Coins World - Provides information on coins from Greece foreign coins bank notes euros stamps and medals
- CoinPeople com - A forum site featuring a virtual coin museum chat and grading information
- The Coin Page - Provides images of coins tokens medals elongateds bullion products free of charge
- Coin Update - Provides a round up of coin collecting news and information and images of popular coins
- CoinLink - Directory of rare coin sites and numismatic news portal updated daily
- CoinFacts com - Free information on United States Coins including pricing rarity and historical information
- Collecting Currency and Coins for Investment - A blog that is about collecting currency and coins includes information and links
- MilitaryCoins com - A vast collection of Military Coins from all Branches of the Service
- Coin of the Year - Photos of coins associated with particular years plus brief descriptions and history
- Coin Community Forums - Educational coin collecting forum Free registration required to post
- Coin Collecting Terms - A glossary of coin collecting terms and meanings
- Coin Supply Planet - Guide and information about all aspects of coin collecting
- All About Coin Collection - Provides basic information instruction and tips about coin collecting
- Coin Galaxy - Coin and currency information grading and supplies
- NumisMaster com - Provides free portfolio management tools detailed coin listings for over a million U S world and unusual coins as well as pricing and mintage information by subscription Also features Numismatic news blogs and a comprehensive events calendar for the U S and beyond
- The Marteau Early 18th-Century Currency Converter - Offers html-pages for the automatic conversion between early 18th century European currencies Designed to become a website for currencies in Europe 1670-1730
- A Dictionary of Coin Terms - Dictionary of coin collecting terms Done with some humor
- Q and A s for Coins - Experienced collectors answers to your coin collecting questions origin and identification
- Metals Used In Coins and Medals - A list of types of metals used in coins with descriptions atomic weights and melting points
- Tom s Coin Page - Information about coins found in circulation for collectors
- Penny Structures - Texas Tech engineer shares pictures of U S pennies stacked to make elaborate structures
- Alwin C Carus Coin Collection - Digital images and descriptions of ancient world and U S coins presented by Hillsdale College
- Money Museum - A history of money including maps images detailed information and tutorials
- Medals and Coins - Discussion forum and photograph website devoted to collecting coins and medals from around the world
- Coininfo com - Includes live precious metal quotes a listing of US coin dealers with search able database by zip code coin shows and auctions
- Silver-Coins org - Offers detailed pictures from counterfeit and authentic silver coins completed with coin specifications
- My Coin Collecting - Resource with general information about coins and coin values Provides information about rare coins values and price guide how to articles on photography as well as storage
- CopperCoins com - A resource for information relating to collecting copper coins from the United States Provided by a group of collectors who study specific areas of U S copper coinage
- Coin Collectors Reference - Site contains reference information for U S coin collectors and coin grading information on most U S coins and U S coin errors
- Dakota Coin - Site offers beginning coin collecting information about coin education coin prices and coin values
- CoinSite - Information about coins and currency including numismatic FAQ coin image gallery and a discussion room
- Type Set Coin Collecting - Site dedicated to type variety or theme set coin collectors Collectors can share collecting ideas discuss topics or share information while providing a resource site for the education of coin collecting
- CoinCollector org - Coin collecting FAQs news and a discussion forum Includes information and photos on US 20th century minted coins
- Numista - A numismatic catalog which help you to identify your coins manage your collection on line and swap with other collectors all around the world
- Coin Collecting Guide For Beginners - Information on getting started in coin collecting as a hobby Learn about the history of coins how to grade them and where to locate mint marks
- H I P Pocket Change - The US Mint s interactive official site for coin collecting kids The history of coin minting and what new quarters are due to be minted
- sibrium Luca Gianazza - Curriculum research activities on Italian coins and download area with numismatic presentations English
- CoinFacts com - Free information on United States Coins including pricing rarity and historical information
- Coin Update - Provides a round up of coin collecting news and information and images of popular coins
- MilitaryCoins com - A vast collection of Military Coins from all Branches of the Service
- Coin Collecting Terms - A glossary of coin collecting terms and meanings
- All About Coin Collection - Provides basic information instruction and tips about coin collecting
- Coins World - Provides information on coins from Greece foreign coins bank notes euros stamps and medals
- Coin of the Year - Photos of coins associated with particular years plus brief descriptions and history
- Coin Galaxy - Coin and currency information grading and supplies
- Collecting Currency and Coins for Investment - A blog that is about collecting currency and coins includes information and links
- Coin Supply Planet - Guide and information about all aspects of coin collecting
- The Coin Page - Provides images of coins tokens medals elongateds bullion products free of charge
- CoinLink - Directory of rare coin sites and numismatic news portal updated daily
- CoinPeople com - A forum site featuring a virtual coin museum chat and grading information
- Coin Community Forums - Educational coin collecting forum Free registration required to post
- The Marteau Early 18th-Century Currency Converter - Offers html-pages for the automatic conversion between early 18th century European currencies Designed to become a website for currencies in Europe 1670-1730
- NumisMaster com - Provides free portfolio management tools detailed coin listings for over a million U S world and unusual coins as well as pricing and mintage information by subscription Also features Numismatic news blogs and a comprehensive events calendar for the U S and beyond
- Q and A s for Coins - Experienced collectors answers to your coin collecting questions origin and identification
- A Dictionary of Coin Terms - Dictionary of coin collecting terms Done with some humor
- Metals Used In Coins and Medals - A list of types of metals used in coins with descriptions atomic weights and melting points
- Penny Structures - Texas Tech engineer shares pictures of U S pennies stacked to make elaborate structures
- Tom s Coin Page - Information about coins found in circulation for collectors
- Alwin C Carus Coin Collection - Digital images and descriptions of ancient world and U S coins presented by Hillsdale College
- Money Museum - A history of money including maps images detailed information and tutorials
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