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- ZoeSoft - A scientific calculator has a UNIX-like interface and many advanced mathematical functions [Win32]
- ReplSoft com - Provides free plug-ins for Word and Excel to help perform multi-replacement operations Also provides other utilities
- LuckyMe Software - Mom s Calendar b3 1 4 is a free simple printable calendar that helps people keep organized for Macintosh or Windows
- Site Journal - A program is intended to help site-supervising architects engineers and construction companies document site inspections [Win32]
- Radio3000 - Various utilities for radio stations and broadcasters including a broadcast calendar generator and ad scheduling software
- PhraseExpress - Manages frequently used text phrases in a taskbar icon and pastes them into any application with a single mouse click
- The Open Technology Portal - A web resource for open source software news products discussion tools and licenses Most freely available code from open source projects is cataloged
- HandyFind - A tool that finds the words in a document as you type in Internet Explorer Microsoft Word Notepad Outlook Emails and other programs [Windows NT 2K XP]
- Burn to the Brim - Windows Utility which takes the group of files or directories and selects those which optimally fill a cdr
- snsware net - Author s site A collection of useful Visual Basic freeware programs including a small HTML editor
- JFileChecker - A java application used to check delimited and fixed width data files to ensure they contain properly formatted data
- Advanced Biorhythms - A biorhythms calculator with charts printable monthly calendar and partners compatibility reports Free and paid versions available [Windows]
- MediaMan - A personal media catalog manager that can categorize your collection of music CDs movie DVDs books and VHS tapes
- Video Caster - Software to easily capture a video file upload it to a Windows Streaming Server and distribute video clips through an e-mail link to friends or stream the videos directly from the web site
- PolyGlot - Allows one to learn or to teach multiple foreign languages Users work with personal parameters own dictionaries and games Available in English and French
- MeD s Movie Manager - Customizable movie manager with add edit delete database functions imports movie information from IMDb [Windows 95 98 Me NT 2000]
- PDF Explorer - A program to catalog pdf files and extract images from them Includes support for multiple disks and scanning for pdf s in compressed archives
- eflo net commerce Software - Credit card number Mod10 and type validator and an automated clearing house ACH routing number lookup
- Meazure 1 0 - Measure magnify and capture arbitrary portions of the screen in a number of different ways [Windows 95 98 ME NT 4 2000 XP]
- TurboNote - Sticky note program that includes network and email sending alarm search and quick launch feature to easily open files email and URLs
- Click-N-Type Virtual Keyboard - On-screen virtual keyboard for anyone with a disability who can t type on a physical computer keyboard but can use a pointing device like a mouse
- CamStudio - Records screen activity from the Windows desktop into standard AVI movie files It is an ideal tool for creating software demonstrations and active presentations [Freeware Opensource]
- Bret Johnson - DOS TSR Terminate Stay Resident keyboard and screen utilities Some can also be used in Windows Source Code is available for most
- PublicWare - A small Danish spare time company that makes free software including music management software called Music Archive and a file renamer
- Gadwin PrintScreen - Easy to use freeware utility that allows you to capture any portion of the screen save it to a file copy it to Windows clipboard print it or e-mail it to a recipient of your choice
- TrID - A binary file identifier tool that can identify file types and provide information about the file type Site available in English and Italian
- STG FolderPrint - Print and visualize Windows folders with disk space indicators file filters and display customization
- SlavaSoft Inc - HashCalc - Calculator to compute message digests checksums and HMACs for files as well as for text and hex strings
- Point-N-Click - On-screen virtual mouse for anyone with a disability who can t click a mouse but can otherwise move a pointing device like a mouse or trackball
- Yoshi-Gamata - Offers MagicBin a "throw the file into the bin" game and Mathburst the simple and powerful calculator [Win32]
- BareGrep - An interactive windowed version of the Unix Grep tool The results are presented in a table for easy navigation and sorting
- JExplorer - Dual-panel "Commander"-style file manager web browser FTP client compression decompression utility and mail monitor based on Explorer [Windows 95 98 ME NT 4 2000 XP]
- PrintDeskTop - Free screen print utility for Windows
- HelpNDoc - A simple tool to create HTML help files PDF and WEB based documentation
- Tedium Compensator - Sets a random background startup wave file and shutdown wave file on Windows bootup
- Dienhart Freeware - Site contains PERL scripts graphics and CAD drawings
- AB-Tools - Musik-Menü and Search Backups Site in English and German
- BMP EMF Grapher - A 2-D mathematical package that exports to BMP EMF CSV and imports to CSV
- Zipoid - A ZIP Code verification look-up and distance calculator tool
- Downloads ch - Swiss portal with large archive of freeware and shareware In German and English
- Bexonsoft - A bulk file renamer
- Krapplets org - Free applications for Windows 95 and NT4
- Ulfwood - Freeware Utilities - Text utilities for file searching content modifying and word translating For personal use
- Tingan s Homepage - 3D Solar System various games and screensavers
- Plop - Plop Linux and Plop bootmanager
- Cupid Systems - Offers various software including programs for cybercafes and various simple games
- WinMac - Macintosh style menubar that can be used in Windows 95 98 NT4 2000
- Tinnes Software - Various useful programs like Desktop Calendar Timed Shutdown and 10 Slide Show
- RocketDock - Application launcher for Windows 2000 XP Vista 7
- DataMonkey - Open Source Windows data translation and conversion application
- Binary Modular DataFlow Machine - A Parallel Programming Environment [Linux SunOS]
- Aadsoft com - Programs for webmasters investors and news-group users
- Execute Query - A java based database utility Requires Java VM [Open Source GPL]
- the jackol s den - Drive Cleanup Wizard gets rid of useless temporary files
- Movie Organizer - Get organized with the OXD data movie organizer It s easy-to-use and fun
- Passreminder - An open-source secure password manager [Requires Java VM]
- SpiraClock - Small Java program that continuously displays upcoming events from schedules and time-tables inside a desktop clock
- Don s PhoneGuard - A program that checks the name number of phone callers against a personal database of banned name numbers and hangs up on banned callers [Windows 2000 XP]
- Clickie - Utility that can add two new features to the right click context menu of Windows Explorer Copy Path Name and Open MS-DOS Prompt
- LoanCalc - A simple and powerful loan calculator [Win32]
- FlvCapture - Download FLV MP4 video from any video website
- AddUp 1 2 by Orefa com - A simple calculator designed to process non-trivial arithmetic expressions [Win32]
- DateInTray - A program that displays the day of the month next to the clock in the Windows system tray
- XCalc - A Reverse Polish Notation calculator [Win32]
- Songwave - Includes ISA Server site blocker and blocklists
- Health Software - A body mass index calculator [Win98+]
- Chris Oldwoods Stuff - Various network and database tools for Windows DOS and Java Source and binaries available
- SpeedFan - A program that can control fan speeds according to system temperatures
- PDF-Analyzer - Allows one to find out various information about pdf-files [Win32]
- MacExplorer - Windows program allowing to analyze Macintosh files stored on a Windows NT Server Download and a general information page on the software [Windows 95 98 NT 2000]
- Zipdy - Program for Linux to calculate the distance between two zip codes [Open Source GPL]
- Batprint - A batch printing tool for Microsoft Excel
- Loan Calculator Plus - A collection of 7 financial calculators that deal with all aspects of a loan
- JHead - A Exif Jpeg camera setting parser and thumbnail remover for Windows Linux SunOS and MacOSX
- Spell Checker for Edit Boxes - A near-universal spell checker for Windows edit boxes free for private use
- Copy Path to Clipboard - Adds a new command "Copy Path to Clipboard" to the context menu for files and folders
- Ware-Lords - Original programs and games for Windows including an MP3 player a picture puzzle and a Tetris clone
- dir2html - A tool that creates a html file of directory contents with links
- Shadowcraft homepage - Home to iNFERNO and other freeware software
- MeD s Movie Manager - Customizable movie manager with add edit delete database functions imports movie information from IMDb [Windows 95 98 Me NT 2000]
- MediaMan - A personal media catalog manager that can categorize your collection of music CDs movie DVDs books and VHS tapes
- HandyFind - A tool that finds the words in a document as you type in Internet Explorer Microsoft Word Notepad Outlook Emails and other programs [Windows NT 2K XP]
- Meazure 1 0 - Measure magnify and capture arbitrary portions of the screen in a number of different ways [Windows 95 98 ME NT 4 2000 XP]
- TurboNote - Sticky note program that includes network and email sending alarm search and quick launch feature to easily open files email and URLs
- PolyGlot - Allows one to learn or to teach multiple foreign languages Users work with personal parameters own dictionaries and games Available in English and French
- CamStudio - Records screen activity from the Windows desktop into standard AVI movie files It is an ideal tool for creating software demonstrations and active presentations [Freeware Opensource]
- Burn to the Brim - Windows Utility which takes the group of files or directories and selects those which optimally fill a cdr
- Advanced Biorhythms - A biorhythms calculator with charts printable monthly calendar and partners compatibility reports Free and paid versions available [Windows]
- PDF Explorer - A program to catalog pdf files and extract images from them Includes support for multiple disks and scanning for pdf s in compressed archives
- Radio3000 - Various utilities for radio stations and broadcasters including a broadcast calendar generator and ad scheduling software
- Video Caster - Software to easily capture a video file upload it to a Windows Streaming Server and distribute video clips through an e-mail link to friends or stream the videos directly from the web site
- JFileChecker - A java application used to check delimited and fixed width data files to ensure they contain properly formatted data
- PhraseExpress - Manages frequently used text phrases in a taskbar icon and pastes them into any application with a single mouse click
- The Open Technology Portal - A web resource for open source software news products discussion tools and licenses Most freely available code from open source projects is cataloged
- Click-N-Type Virtual Keyboard - On-screen virtual keyboard for anyone with a disability who can t type on a physical computer keyboard but can use a pointing device like a mouse
- LuckyMe Software - Mom s Calendar b3 1 4 is a free simple printable calendar that helps people keep organized for Macintosh or Windows
- eflo net commerce Software - Credit card number Mod10 and type validator and an automated clearing house ACH routing number lookup
- ZoeSoft - A scientific calculator has a UNIX-like interface and many advanced mathematical functions [Win32]
- snsware net - Author s site A collection of useful Visual Basic freeware programs including a small HTML editor
- ReplSoft com - Provides free plug-ins for Word and Excel to help perform multi-replacement operations Also provides other utilities
- Site Journal - A program is intended to help site-supervising architects engineers and construction companies document site inspections [Win32]
- Bret Johnson - DOS TSR Terminate Stay Resident keyboard and screen utilities Some can also be used in Windows Source Code is available for most
- TrID - A binary file identifier tool that can identify file types and provide information about the file type Site available in English and Italian
- Yoshi-Gamata - Offers MagicBin a "throw the file into the bin" game and Mathburst the simple and powerful calculator [Win32]
- JExplorer - Dual-panel "Commander"-style file manager web browser FTP client compression decompression utility and mail monitor based on Explorer [Windows 95 98 ME NT 4 2000 XP]
- Point-N-Click - On-screen virtual mouse for anyone with a disability who can t click a mouse but can otherwise move a pointing device like a mouse or trackball
- BareGrep - An interactive windowed version of the Unix Grep tool The results are presented in a table for easy navigation and sorting
- STG FolderPrint - Print and visualize Windows folders with disk space indicators file filters and display customization
- SlavaSoft Inc - HashCalc - Calculator to compute message digests checksums and HMACs for files as well as for text and hex strings
- PublicWare - A small Danish spare time company that makes free software including music management software called Music Archive and a file renamer
- Gadwin PrintScreen - Easy to use freeware utility that allows you to capture any portion of the screen save it to a file copy it to Windows clipboard print it or e-mail it to a recipient of your choice
- Ulfwood - Freeware Utilities - Text utilities for file searching content modifying and word translating For personal use
- Movie Organizer - Get organized with the OXD data movie organizer It s easy-to-use and fun
- Zipoid - A ZIP Code verification look-up and distance calculator tool
- Cupid Systems - Offers various software including programs for cybercafes and various simple games
- HelpNDoc - A simple tool to create HTML help files PDF and WEB based documentation
- Krapplets org - Free applications for Windows 95 and NT4
- PrintDeskTop - Free screen print utility for Windows
- Downloads ch - Swiss portal with large archive of freeware and shareware In German and English
- Plop - Plop Linux and Plop bootmanager
- Dienhart Freeware - Site contains PERL scripts graphics and CAD drawings
- Bexonsoft - A bulk file renamer
- AB-Tools - Musik-Menü and Search Backups Site in English and German
- Tinnes Software - Various useful programs like Desktop Calendar Timed Shutdown and 10 Slide Show
- BMP EMF Grapher - A 2-D mathematical package that exports to BMP EMF CSV and imports to CSV
- Binary Modular DataFlow Machine - A Parallel Programming Environment [Linux SunOS]
- Tingan s Homepage - 3D Solar System various games and screensavers
- the jackol s den - Drive Cleanup Wizard gets rid of useless temporary files
- Tedium Compensator - Sets a random background startup wave file and shutdown wave file on Windows bootup
- Aadsoft com - Programs for webmasters investors and news-group users
- WinMac - Macintosh style menubar that can be used in Windows 95 98 NT4 2000
- RocketDock - Application launcher for Windows 2000 XP Vista 7
- Passreminder - An open-source secure password manager [Requires Java VM]
- Execute Query - A java based database utility Requires Java VM [Open Source GPL]
- DataMonkey - Open Source Windows data translation and conversion application
- SpiraClock - Small Java program that continuously displays upcoming events from schedules and time-tables inside a desktop clock
- Clickie - Utility that can add two new features to the right click context menu of Windows Explorer Copy Path Name and Open MS-DOS Prompt
- Don s PhoneGuard - A program that checks the name number of phone callers against a personal database of banned name numbers and hangs up on banned callers [Windows 2000 XP]
- Songwave - Includes ISA Server site blocker and blocklists
- AddUp 1 2 by Orefa com - A simple calculator designed to process non-trivial arithmetic expressions [Win32]
- Health Software - A body mass index calculator [Win98+]
- LoanCalc - A simple and powerful loan calculator [Win32]
- Chris Oldwoods Stuff - Various network and database tools for Windows DOS and Java Source and binaries available
- XCalc - A Reverse Polish Notation calculator [Win32]
- FlvCapture - Download FLV MP4 video from any video website
- PDF-Analyzer - Allows one to find out various information about pdf-files [Win32]
- DateInTray - A program that displays the day of the month next to the clock in the Windows system tray
- SpeedFan - A program that can control fan speeds according to system temperatures
- MacExplorer - Windows program allowing to analyze Macintosh files stored on a Windows NT Server Download and a general information page on the software [Windows 95 98 NT 2000]
- Spell Checker for Edit Boxes - A near-universal spell checker for Windows edit boxes free for private use
- JHead - A Exif Jpeg camera setting parser and thumbnail remover for Windows Linux SunOS and MacOSX
- Loan Calculator Plus - A collection of 7 financial calculators that deal with all aspects of a loan
- Zipdy - Program for Linux to calculate the distance between two zip codes [Open Source GPL]
- Batprint - A batch printing tool for Microsoft Excel
- Copy Path to Clipboard - Adds a new command "Copy Path to Clipboard" to the context menu for files and folders
- Ware-Lords - Original programs and games for Windows including an MP3 player a picture puzzle and a Tetris clone
- dir2html - A tool that creates a html file of directory contents with links
- Shadowcraft homepage - Home to iNFERNO and other freeware software
- Execute Query - A java based database utility Requires Java VM [Open Source GPL]
- snsware net - Author s site A collection of useful Visual Basic freeware programs including a small HTML editor
- PhraseExpress - Manages frequently used text phrases in a taskbar icon and pastes them into any application with a single mouse click
- MediaMan - A personal media catalog manager that can categorize your collection of music CDs movie DVDs books and VHS tapes
- Site Journal - A program is intended to help site-supervising architects engineers and construction companies document site inspections [Win32]
- ReplSoft com - Provides free plug-ins for Word and Excel to help perform multi-replacement operations Also provides other utilities
- PolyGlot - Allows one to learn or to teach multiple foreign languages Users work with personal parameters own dictionaries and games Available in English and French
- MeD s Movie Manager - Customizable movie manager with add edit delete database functions imports movie information from IMDb [Windows 95 98 Me NT 2000]
- PDF Explorer - A program to catalog pdf files and extract images from them Includes support for multiple disks and scanning for pdf s in compressed archives
- The Open Technology Portal - A web resource for open source software news products discussion tools and licenses Most freely available code from open source projects is cataloged
- eflo net commerce Software - Credit card number Mod10 and type validator and an automated clearing house ACH routing number lookup
- JFileChecker - A java application used to check delimited and fixed width data files to ensure they contain properly formatted data
- Bret Johnson - DOS TSR Terminate Stay Resident keyboard and screen utilities Some can also be used in Windows Source Code is available for most
- HandyFind - A tool that finds the words in a document as you type in Internet Explorer Microsoft Word Notepad Outlook Emails and other programs [Windows NT 2K XP]
- TurboNote - Sticky note program that includes network and email sending alarm search and quick launch feature to easily open files email and URLs
- Click-N-Type Virtual Keyboard - On-screen virtual keyboard for anyone with a disability who can t type on a physical computer keyboard but can use a pointing device like a mouse
- Radio3000 - Various utilities for radio stations and broadcasters including a broadcast calendar generator and ad scheduling software
- LuckyMe Software - Mom s Calendar b3 1 4 is a free simple printable calendar that helps people keep organized for Macintosh or Windows
- Video Caster - Software to easily capture a video file upload it to a Windows Streaming Server and distribute video clips through an e-mail link to friends or stream the videos directly from the web site
- CamStudio - Records screen activity from the Windows desktop into standard AVI movie files It is an ideal tool for creating software demonstrations and active presentations [Freeware Opensource]
- ZoeSoft - A scientific calculator has a UNIX-like interface and many advanced mathematical functions [Win32]
- Advanced Biorhythms - A biorhythms calculator with charts printable monthly calendar and partners compatibility reports Free and paid versions available [Windows]
- Meazure 1 0 - Measure magnify and capture arbitrary portions of the screen in a number of different ways [Windows 95 98 ME NT 4 2000 XP]
- Burn to the Brim - Windows Utility which takes the group of files or directories and selects those which optimally fill a cdr
- Point-N-Click - On-screen virtual mouse for anyone with a disability who can t click a mouse but can otherwise move a pointing device like a mouse or trackball
- TrID - A binary file identifier tool that can identify file types and provide information about the file type Site available in English and Italian
- Yoshi-Gamata - Offers MagicBin a "throw the file into the bin" game and Mathburst the simple and powerful calculator [Win32]
- Gadwin PrintScreen - Easy to use freeware utility that allows you to capture any portion of the screen save it to a file copy it to Windows clipboard print it or e-mail it to a recipient of your choice
- SlavaSoft Inc - HashCalc - Calculator to compute message digests checksums and HMACs for files as well as for text and hex strings
- PublicWare - A small Danish spare time company that makes free software including music management software called Music Archive and a file renamer
- JExplorer - Dual-panel "Commander"-style file manager web browser FTP client compression decompression utility and mail monitor based on Explorer [Windows 95 98 ME NT 4 2000 XP]
- STG FolderPrint - Print and visualize Windows folders with disk space indicators file filters and display customization
- BareGrep - An interactive windowed version of the Unix Grep tool The results are presented in a table for easy navigation and sorting
- Ulfwood - Freeware Utilities - Text utilities for file searching content modifying and word translating For personal use
- Zipoid - A ZIP Code verification look-up and distance calculator tool
- Tedium Compensator - Sets a random background startup wave file and shutdown wave file on Windows bootup
- Bexonsoft - A bulk file renamer
- Tinnes Software - Various useful programs like Desktop Calendar Timed Shutdown and 10 Slide Show
- DataMonkey - Open Source Windows data translation and conversion application
- Cupid Systems - Offers various software including programs for cybercafes and various simple games
- Aadsoft com - Programs for webmasters investors and news-group users
- Binary Modular DataFlow Machine - A Parallel Programming Environment [Linux SunOS]
- Downloads ch - Swiss portal with large archive of freeware and shareware In German and English
- Dienhart Freeware - Site contains PERL scripts graphics and CAD drawings
- AB-Tools - Musik-Menü and Search Backups Site in English and German
- WinMac - Macintosh style menubar that can be used in Windows 95 98 NT4 2000
- BMP EMF Grapher - A 2-D mathematical package that exports to BMP EMF CSV and imports to CSV
- Tingan s Homepage - 3D Solar System various games and screensavers
- Plop - Plop Linux and Plop bootmanager
- Movie Organizer - Get organized with the OXD data movie organizer It s easy-to-use and fun
- the jackol s den - Drive Cleanup Wizard gets rid of useless temporary files
- PrintDeskTop - Free screen print utility for Windows
- HelpNDoc - A simple tool to create HTML help files PDF and WEB based documentation
- RocketDock - Application launcher for Windows 2000 XP Vista 7
- Krapplets org - Free applications for Windows 95 and NT4
- Passreminder - An open-source secure password manager [Requires Java VM]
- Don s PhoneGuard - A program that checks the name number of phone callers against a personal database of banned name numbers and hangs up on banned callers [Windows 2000 XP]
- SpiraClock - Small Java program that continuously displays upcoming events from schedules and time-tables inside a desktop clock
- Clickie - Utility that can add two new features to the right click context menu of Windows Explorer Copy Path Name and Open MS-DOS Prompt
- FlvCapture - Download FLV MP4 video from any video website
- Health Software - A body mass index calculator [Win98+]
- XCalc - A Reverse Polish Notation calculator [Win32]
- Songwave - Includes ISA Server site blocker and blocklists
- LoanCalc - A simple and powerful loan calculator [Win32]
- SpeedFan - A program that can control fan speeds according to system temperatures
- AddUp 1 2 by Orefa com - A simple calculator designed to process non-trivial arithmetic expressions [Win32]
- DateInTray - A program that displays the day of the month next to the clock in the Windows system tray
- Chris Oldwoods Stuff - Various network and database tools for Windows DOS and Java Source and binaries available
- PDF-Analyzer - Allows one to find out various information about pdf-files [Win32]
- MacExplorer - Windows program allowing to analyze Macintosh files stored on a Windows NT Server Download and a general information page on the software [Windows 95 98 NT 2000]
- JHead - A Exif Jpeg camera setting parser and thumbnail remover for Windows Linux SunOS and MacOSX
- Batprint - A batch printing tool for Microsoft Excel
- Zipdy - Program for Linux to calculate the distance between two zip codes [Open Source GPL]
- Spell Checker for Edit Boxes - A near-universal spell checker for Windows edit boxes free for private use
- Loan Calculator Plus - A collection of 7 financial calculators that deal with all aspects of a loan
- Copy Path to Clipboard - Adds a new command "Copy Path to Clipboard" to the context menu for files and folders
- Ware-Lords - Original programs and games for Windows including an MP3 player a picture puzzle and a Tetris clone
- dir2html - A tool that creates a html file of directory contents with links
- Shadowcraft homepage - Home to iNFERNO and other freeware software
- JFileChecker - A java application used to check delimited and fixed width data files to ensure they contain properly formatted data
- Bret Johnson - DOS TSR Terminate Stay Resident keyboard and screen utilities Some can also be used in Windows Source Code is available for most
- MeD s Movie Manager - Customizable movie manager with add edit delete database functions imports movie information from IMDb [Windows 95 98 Me NT 2000]
- Radio3000 - Various utilities for radio stations and broadcasters including a broadcast calendar generator and ad scheduling software
- snsware net - Author s site A collection of useful Visual Basic freeware programs including a small HTML editor
- The Open Technology Portal - A web resource for open source software news products discussion tools and licenses Most freely available code from open source projects is cataloged
- Site Journal - A program is intended to help site-supervising architects engineers and construction companies document site inspections [Win32]
- PolyGlot - Allows one to learn or to teach multiple foreign languages Users work with personal parameters own dictionaries and games Available in English and French
- Click-N-Type Virtual Keyboard - On-screen virtual keyboard for anyone with a disability who can t type on a physical computer keyboard but can use a pointing device like a mouse
- ReplSoft com - Provides free plug-ins for Word and Excel to help perform multi-replacement operations Also provides other utilities
- PhraseExpress - Manages frequently used text phrases in a taskbar icon and pastes them into any application with a single mouse click
- LuckyMe Software - Mom s Calendar b3 1 4 is a free simple printable calendar that helps people keep organized for Macintosh or Windows
- eflo net commerce Software - Credit card number Mod10 and type validator and an automated clearing house ACH routing number lookup
- Meazure 1 0 - Measure magnify and capture arbitrary portions of the screen in a number of different ways [Windows 95 98 ME NT 4 2000 XP]
- CamStudio - Records screen activity from the Windows desktop into standard AVI movie files It is an ideal tool for creating software demonstrations and active presentations [Freeware Opensource]
- Advanced Biorhythms - A biorhythms calculator with charts printable monthly calendar and partners compatibility reports Free and paid versions available [Windows]
- MediaMan - A personal media catalog manager that can categorize your collection of music CDs movie DVDs books and VHS tapes
- TurboNote - Sticky note program that includes network and email sending alarm search and quick launch feature to easily open files email and URLs
- ZoeSoft - A scientific calculator has a UNIX-like interface and many advanced mathematical functions [Win32]
- PDF Explorer - A program to catalog pdf files and extract images from them Includes support for multiple disks and scanning for pdf s in compressed archives
- HandyFind - A tool that finds the words in a document as you type in Internet Explorer Microsoft Word Notepad Outlook Emails and other programs [Windows NT 2K XP]
- Video Caster - Software to easily capture a video file upload it to a Windows Streaming Server and distribute video clips through an e-mail link to friends or stream the videos directly from the web site
- Burn to the Brim - Windows Utility which takes the group of files or directories and selects those which optimally fill a cdr
- BareGrep - An interactive windowed version of the Unix Grep tool The results are presented in a table for easy navigation and sorting
- STG FolderPrint - Print and visualize Windows folders with disk space indicators file filters and display customization
- Point-N-Click - On-screen virtual mouse for anyone with a disability who can t click a mouse but can otherwise move a pointing device like a mouse or trackball
- JExplorer - Dual-panel "Commander"-style file manager web browser FTP client compression decompression utility and mail monitor based on Explorer [Windows 95 98 ME NT 4 2000 XP]
- Yoshi-Gamata - Offers MagicBin a "throw the file into the bin" game and Mathburst the simple and powerful calculator [Win32]
- SlavaSoft Inc - HashCalc - Calculator to compute message digests checksums and HMACs for files as well as for text and hex strings
- PublicWare - A small Danish spare time company that makes free software including music management software called Music Archive and a file renamer
- Gadwin PrintScreen - Easy to use freeware utility that allows you to capture any portion of the screen save it to a file copy it to Windows clipboard print it or e-mail it to a recipient of your choice
- TrID - A binary file identifier tool that can identify file types and provide information about the file type Site available in English and Italian
- the jackol s den - Drive Cleanup Wizard gets rid of useless temporary files
- Zipoid - A ZIP Code verification look-up and distance calculator tool
- Execute Query - A java based database utility Requires Java VM [Open Source GPL]
- Ulfwood - Freeware Utilities - Text utilities for file searching content modifying and word translating For personal use
- HelpNDoc - A simple tool to create HTML help files PDF and WEB based documentation
- Dienhart Freeware - Site contains PERL scripts graphics and CAD drawings
- PrintDeskTop - Free screen print utility for Windows
- Plop - Plop Linux and Plop bootmanager
- Tedium Compensator - Sets a random background startup wave file and shutdown wave file on Windows bootup
- Aadsoft com - Programs for webmasters investors and news-group users
- Tinnes Software - Various useful programs like Desktop Calendar Timed Shutdown and 10 Slide Show
- Downloads ch - Swiss portal with large archive of freeware and shareware In German and English
- Bexonsoft - A bulk file renamer
- AB-Tools - Musik-Menü and Search Backups Site in English and German
- Binary Modular DataFlow Machine - A Parallel Programming Environment [Linux SunOS]
- Tingan s Homepage - 3D Solar System various games and screensavers
- Cupid Systems - Offers various software including programs for cybercafes and various simple games
- RocketDock - Application launcher for Windows 2000 XP Vista 7
- Passreminder - An open-source secure password manager [Requires Java VM]
- DataMonkey - Open Source Windows data translation and conversion application
- BMP EMF Grapher - A 2-D mathematical package that exports to BMP EMF CSV and imports to CSV
- Movie Organizer - Get organized with the OXD data movie organizer It s easy-to-use and fun
- WinMac - Macintosh style menubar that can be used in Windows 95 98 NT4 2000
- Krapplets org - Free applications for Windows 95 and NT4
- Don s PhoneGuard - A program that checks the name number of phone callers against a personal database of banned name numbers and hangs up on banned callers [Windows 2000 XP]
- Clickie - Utility that can add two new features to the right click context menu of Windows Explorer Copy Path Name and Open MS-DOS Prompt
- SpiraClock - Small Java program that continuously displays upcoming events from schedules and time-tables inside a desktop clock
- Songwave - Includes ISA Server site blocker and blocklists
- LoanCalc - A simple and powerful loan calculator [Win32]
- Chris Oldwoods Stuff - Various network and database tools for Windows DOS and Java Source and binaries available
- FlvCapture - Download FLV MP4 video from any video website
- SpeedFan - A program that can control fan speeds according to system temperatures
- Health Software - A body mass index calculator [Win98+]
- DateInTray - A program that displays the day of the month next to the clock in the Windows system tray
- AddUp 1 2 by Orefa com - A simple calculator designed to process non-trivial arithmetic expressions [Win32]
- XCalc - A Reverse Polish Notation calculator [Win32]
- PDF-Analyzer - Allows one to find out various information about pdf-files [Win32]
- MacExplorer - Windows program allowing to analyze Macintosh files stored on a Windows NT Server Download and a general information page on the software [Windows 95 98 NT 2000]
- JHead - A Exif Jpeg camera setting parser and thumbnail remover for Windows Linux SunOS and MacOSX
- Spell Checker for Edit Boxes - A near-universal spell checker for Windows edit boxes free for private use
- Loan Calculator Plus - A collection of 7 financial calculators that deal with all aspects of a loan
- Batprint - A batch printing tool for Microsoft Excel
- Zipdy - Program for Linux to calculate the distance between two zip codes [Open Source GPL]
- Copy Path to Clipboard - Adds a new command "Copy Path to Clipboard" to the context menu for files and folders
- Ware-Lords - Original programs and games for Windows including an MP3 player a picture puzzle and a Tetris clone
- dir2html - A tool that creates a html file of directory contents with links
- Shadowcraft homepage - Home to iNFERNO and other freeware software
- ZoeSoft - A scientific calculator has a UNIX-like interface and many advanced mathematical functions [Win32]
- Advanced Biorhythms - A biorhythms calculator with charts printable monthly calendar and partners compatibility reports Free and paid versions available [Windows]
- MediaMan - A personal media catalog manager that can categorize your collection of music CDs movie DVDs books and VHS tapes
- TurboNote - Sticky note program that includes network and email sending alarm search and quick launch feature to easily open files email and URLs
- LuckyMe Software - Mom s Calendar b3 1 4 is a free simple printable calendar that helps people keep organized for Macintosh or Windows
- Click-N-Type Virtual Keyboard - On-screen virtual keyboard for anyone with a disability who can t type on a physical computer keyboard but can use a pointing device like a mouse
- Burn to the Brim - Windows Utility which takes the group of files or directories and selects those which optimally fill a cdr
- MeD s Movie Manager - Customizable movie manager with add edit delete database functions imports movie information from IMDb [Windows 95 98 Me NT 2000]
- snsware net - Author s site A collection of useful Visual Basic freeware programs including a small HTML editor
- PDF Explorer - A program to catalog pdf files and extract images from them Includes support for multiple disks and scanning for pdf s in compressed archives
- The Open Technology Portal - A web resource for open source software news products discussion tools and licenses Most freely available code from open source projects is cataloged
- Site Journal - A program is intended to help site-supervising architects engineers and construction companies document site inspections [Win32]
- JFileChecker - A java application used to check delimited and fixed width data files to ensure they contain properly formatted data
- Radio3000 - Various utilities for radio stations and broadcasters including a broadcast calendar generator and ad scheduling software
- PhraseExpress - Manages frequently used text phrases in a taskbar icon and pastes them into any application with a single mouse click
- eflo net commerce Software - Credit card number Mod10 and type validator and an automated clearing house ACH routing number lookup
- ReplSoft com - Provides free plug-ins for Word and Excel to help perform multi-replacement operations Also provides other utilities
- Video Caster - Software to easily capture a video file upload it to a Windows Streaming Server and distribute video clips through an e-mail link to friends or stream the videos directly from the web site
- Meazure 1 0 - Measure magnify and capture arbitrary portions of the screen in a number of different ways [Windows 95 98 ME NT 4 2000 XP]
- HandyFind - A tool that finds the words in a document as you type in Internet Explorer Microsoft Word Notepad Outlook Emails and other programs [Windows NT 2K XP]
- PolyGlot - Allows one to learn or to teach multiple foreign languages Users work with personal parameters own dictionaries and games Available in English and French
- CamStudio - Records screen activity from the Windows desktop into standard AVI movie files It is an ideal tool for creating software demonstrations and active presentations [Freeware Opensource]
- Bret Johnson - DOS TSR Terminate Stay Resident keyboard and screen utilities Some can also be used in Windows Source Code is available for most
- STG FolderPrint - Print and visualize Windows folders with disk space indicators file filters and display customization
- JExplorer - Dual-panel "Commander"-style file manager web browser FTP client compression decompression utility and mail monitor based on Explorer [Windows 95 98 ME NT 4 2000 XP]
- SlavaSoft Inc - HashCalc - Calculator to compute message digests checksums and HMACs for files as well as for text and hex strings
- Gadwin PrintScreen - Easy to use freeware utility that allows you to capture any portion of the screen save it to a file copy it to Windows clipboard print it or e-mail it to a recipient of your choice
- TrID - A binary file identifier tool that can identify file types and provide information about the file type Site available in English and Italian
- Point-N-Click - On-screen virtual mouse for anyone with a disability who can t click a mouse but can otherwise move a pointing device like a mouse or trackball
- BareGrep - An interactive windowed version of the Unix Grep tool The results are presented in a table for easy navigation and sorting
- Yoshi-Gamata - Offers MagicBin a "throw the file into the bin" game and Mathburst the simple and powerful calculator [Win32]
- PublicWare - A small Danish spare time company that makes free software including music management software called Music Archive and a file renamer
- Zipoid - A ZIP Code verification look-up and distance calculator tool
- Tedium Compensator - Sets a random background startup wave file and shutdown wave file on Windows bootup
- Aadsoft com - Programs for webmasters investors and news-group users
- Krapplets org - Free applications for Windows 95 and NT4
- Execute Query - A java based database utility Requires Java VM [Open Source GPL]
- the jackol s den - Drive Cleanup Wizard gets rid of useless temporary files
- Downloads ch - Swiss portal with large archive of freeware and shareware In German and English
- Bexonsoft - A bulk file renamer
- Ulfwood - Freeware Utilities - Text utilities for file searching content modifying and word translating For personal use
- Tinnes Software - Various useful programs like Desktop Calendar Timed Shutdown and 10 Slide Show
- DataMonkey - Open Source Windows data translation and conversion application
- BMP EMF Grapher - A 2-D mathematical package that exports to BMP EMF CSV and imports to CSV
- PrintDeskTop - Free screen print utility for Windows
- Movie Organizer - Get organized with the OXD data movie organizer It s easy-to-use and fun
- HelpNDoc - A simple tool to create HTML help files PDF and WEB based documentation
- WinMac - Macintosh style menubar that can be used in Windows 95 98 NT4 2000
- Passreminder - An open-source secure password manager [Requires Java VM]
- Binary Modular DataFlow Machine - A Parallel Programming Environment [Linux SunOS]
- AB-Tools - Musik-Menü and Search Backups Site in English and German
- Tingan s Homepage - 3D Solar System various games and screensavers
- Plop - Plop Linux and Plop bootmanager
- Dienhart Freeware - Site contains PERL scripts graphics and CAD drawings
- Cupid Systems - Offers various software including programs for cybercafes and various simple games
- RocketDock - Application launcher for Windows 2000 XP Vista 7
- SpiraClock - Small Java program that continuously displays upcoming events from schedules and time-tables inside a desktop clock
- Don s PhoneGuard - A program that checks the name number of phone callers against a personal database of banned name numbers and hangs up on banned callers [Windows 2000 XP]
- Clickie - Utility that can add two new features to the right click context menu of Windows Explorer Copy Path Name and Open MS-DOS Prompt
- XCalc - A Reverse Polish Notation calculator [Win32]
- Chris Oldwoods Stuff - Various network and database tools for Windows DOS and Java Source and binaries available
- FlvCapture - Download FLV MP4 video from any video website
- AddUp 1 2 by Orefa com - A simple calculator designed to process non-trivial arithmetic expressions [Win32]
- LoanCalc - A simple and powerful loan calculator [Win32]
- Health Software - A body mass index calculator [Win98+]
- PDF-Analyzer - Allows one to find out various information about pdf-files [Win32]
- DateInTray - A program that displays the day of the month next to the clock in the Windows system tray
- Songwave - Includes ISA Server site blocker and blocklists
- SpeedFan - A program that can control fan speeds according to system temperatures
- MacExplorer - Windows program allowing to analyze Macintosh files stored on a Windows NT Server Download and a general information page on the software [Windows 95 98 NT 2000]
- Copy Path to Clipboard - Adds a new command "Copy Path to Clipboard" to the context menu for files and folders
- Spell Checker for Edit Boxes - A near-universal spell checker for Windows edit boxes free for private use
- Batprint - A batch printing tool for Microsoft Excel
- JHead - A Exif Jpeg camera setting parser and thumbnail remover for Windows Linux SunOS and MacOSX
- Loan Calculator Plus - A collection of 7 financial calculators that deal with all aspects of a loan
- Zipdy - Program for Linux to calculate the distance between two zip codes [Open Source GPL]
- Ware-Lords - Original programs and games for Windows including an MP3 player a picture puzzle and a Tetris clone
- dir2html - A tool that creates a html file of directory contents with links
- Shadowcraft homepage - Home to iNFERNO and other freeware software
- PhraseExpress - Manages frequently used text phrases in a taskbar icon and pastes them into any application with a single mouse click
- Meazure 1 0 - Measure magnify and capture arbitrary portions of the screen in a number of different ways [Windows 95 98 ME NT 4 2000 XP]
- Bret Johnson - DOS TSR Terminate Stay Resident keyboard and screen utilities Some can also be used in Windows Source Code is available for most
- MediaMan - A personal media catalog manager that can categorize your collection of music CDs movie DVDs books and VHS tapes
- Video Caster - Software to easily capture a video file upload it to a Windows Streaming Server and distribute video clips through an e-mail link to friends or stream the videos directly from the web site
- JFileChecker - A java application used to check delimited and fixed width data files to ensure they contain properly formatted data
- Burn to the Brim - Windows Utility which takes the group of files or directories and selects those which optimally fill a cdr
- Advanced Biorhythms - A biorhythms calculator with charts printable monthly calendar and partners compatibility reports Free and paid versions available [Windows]
- PDF Explorer - A program to catalog pdf files and extract images from them Includes support for multiple disks and scanning for pdf s in compressed archives
- The Open Technology Portal - A web resource for open source software news products discussion tools and licenses Most freely available code from open source projects is cataloged
- TurboNote - Sticky note program that includes network and email sending alarm search and quick launch feature to easily open files email and URLs
- Site Journal - A program is intended to help site-supervising architects engineers and construction companies document site inspections [Win32]
- Click-N-Type Virtual Keyboard - On-screen virtual keyboard for anyone with a disability who can t type on a physical computer keyboard but can use a pointing device like a mouse
- HandyFind - A tool that finds the words in a document as you type in Internet Explorer Microsoft Word Notepad Outlook Emails and other programs [Windows NT 2K XP]
- MeD s Movie Manager - Customizable movie manager with add edit delete database functions imports movie information from IMDb [Windows 95 98 Me NT 2000]
- Radio3000 - Various utilities for radio stations and broadcasters including a broadcast calendar generator and ad scheduling software
- ZoeSoft - A scientific calculator has a UNIX-like interface and many advanced mathematical functions [Win32]
- snsware net - Author s site A collection of useful Visual Basic freeware programs including a small HTML editor
- ReplSoft com - Provides free plug-ins for Word and Excel to help perform multi-replacement operations Also provides other utilities
- LuckyMe Software - Mom s Calendar b3 1 4 is a free simple printable calendar that helps people keep organized for Macintosh or Windows
- eflo net commerce Software - Credit card number Mod10 and type validator and an automated clearing house ACH routing number lookup
- PolyGlot - Allows one to learn or to teach multiple foreign languages Users work with personal parameters own dictionaries and games Available in English and French
- CamStudio - Records screen activity from the Windows desktop into standard AVI movie files It is an ideal tool for creating software demonstrations and active presentations [Freeware Opensource]
- STG FolderPrint - Print and visualize Windows folders with disk space indicators file filters and display customization
- BareGrep - An interactive windowed version of the Unix Grep tool The results are presented in a table for easy navigation and sorting
- Point-N-Click - On-screen virtual mouse for anyone with a disability who can t click a mouse but can otherwise move a pointing device like a mouse or trackball
- TrID - A binary file identifier tool that can identify file types and provide information about the file type Site available in English and Italian
- JExplorer - Dual-panel "Commander"-style file manager web browser FTP client compression decompression utility and mail monitor based on Explorer [Windows 95 98 ME NT 4 2000 XP]
- PublicWare - A small Danish spare time company that makes free software including music management software called Music Archive and a file renamer
- Yoshi-Gamata - Offers MagicBin a "throw the file into the bin" game and Mathburst the simple and powerful calculator [Win32]
- SlavaSoft Inc - HashCalc - Calculator to compute message digests checksums and HMACs for files as well as for text and hex strings
- Gadwin PrintScreen - Easy to use freeware utility that allows you to capture any portion of the screen save it to a file copy it to Windows clipboard print it or e-mail it to a recipient of your choice
- Movie Organizer - Get organized with the OXD data movie organizer It s easy-to-use and fun
- AB-Tools - Musik-Menü and Search Backups Site in English and German
- the jackol s den - Drive Cleanup Wizard gets rid of useless temporary files
- Downloads ch - Swiss portal with large archive of freeware and shareware In German and English
- Bexonsoft - A bulk file renamer
- Krapplets org - Free applications for Windows 95 and NT4
- Passreminder - An open-source secure password manager [Requires Java VM]
- BMP EMF Grapher - A 2-D mathematical package that exports to BMP EMF CSV and imports to CSV
- Ulfwood - Freeware Utilities - Text utilities for file searching content modifying and word translating For personal use
- Plop - Plop Linux and Plop bootmanager
- HelpNDoc - A simple tool to create HTML help files PDF and WEB based documentation
- Tedium Compensator - Sets a random background startup wave file and shutdown wave file on Windows bootup
- RocketDock - Application launcher for Windows 2000 XP Vista 7
- Execute Query - A java based database utility Requires Java VM [Open Source GPL]
- Zipoid - A ZIP Code verification look-up and distance calculator tool
- Dienhart Freeware - Site contains PERL scripts graphics and CAD drawings
- Aadsoft com - Programs for webmasters investors and news-group users
- Tinnes Software - Various useful programs like Desktop Calendar Timed Shutdown and 10 Slide Show
- Binary Modular DataFlow Machine - A Parallel Programming Environment [Linux SunOS]
- DataMonkey - Open Source Windows data translation and conversion application
- Tingan s Homepage - 3D Solar System various games and screensavers
- PrintDeskTop - Free screen print utility for Windows
- Cupid Systems - Offers various software including programs for cybercafes and various simple games
- WinMac - Macintosh style menubar that can be used in Windows 95 98 NT4 2000
- SpiraClock - Small Java program that continuously displays upcoming events from schedules and time-tables inside a desktop clock
- Don s PhoneGuard - A program that checks the name number of phone callers against a personal database of banned name numbers and hangs up on banned callers [Windows 2000 XP]
- Clickie - Utility that can add two new features to the right click context menu of Windows Explorer Copy Path Name and Open MS-DOS Prompt
- Songwave - Includes ISA Server site blocker and blocklists
- FlvCapture - Download FLV MP4 video from any video website
- Chris Oldwoods Stuff - Various network and database tools for Windows DOS and Java Source and binaries available
- SpeedFan - A program that can control fan speeds according to system temperatures
- Health Software - A body mass index calculator [Win98+]
- XCalc - A Reverse Polish Notation calculator [Win32]
- LoanCalc - A simple and powerful loan calculator [Win32]
- PDF-Analyzer - Allows one to find out various information about pdf-files [Win32]
- DateInTray - A program that displays the day of the month next to the clock in the Windows system tray
- AddUp 1 2 by Orefa com - A simple calculator designed to process non-trivial arithmetic expressions [Win32]
- MacExplorer - Windows program allowing to analyze Macintosh files stored on a Windows NT Server Download and a general information page on the software [Windows 95 98 NT 2000]
- Zipdy - Program for Linux to calculate the distance between two zip codes [Open Source GPL]
- JHead - A Exif Jpeg camera setting parser and thumbnail remover for Windows Linux SunOS and MacOSX
- Spell Checker for Edit Boxes - A near-universal spell checker for Windows edit boxes free for private use
- Copy Path to Clipboard - Adds a new command "Copy Path to Clipboard" to the context menu for files and folders
- Batprint - A batch printing tool for Microsoft Excel
- Loan Calculator Plus - A collection of 7 financial calculators that deal with all aspects of a loan
- Ware-Lords - Original programs and games for Windows including an MP3 player a picture puzzle and a Tetris clone
- dir2html - A tool that creates a html file of directory contents with links
- Shadowcraft homepage - Home to iNFERNO and other freeware software
- LoanCalc - A simple and powerful loan calculator [Win32]
- MeD s Movie Manager - Customizable movie manager with add edit delete database functions imports movie information from IMDb [Windows 95 98 Me NT 2000]
- ZoeSoft - A scientific calculator has a UNIX-like interface and many advanced mathematical functions [Win32]
- The Open Technology Portal - A web resource for open source software news products discussion tools and licenses Most freely available code from open source projects is cataloged
- Meazure 1 0 - Measure magnify and capture arbitrary portions of the screen in a number of different ways [Windows 95 98 ME NT 4 2000 XP]
- Advanced Biorhythms - A biorhythms calculator with charts printable monthly calendar and partners compatibility reports Free and paid versions available [Windows]
- PhraseExpress - Manages frequently used text phrases in a taskbar icon and pastes them into any application with a single mouse click
- HandyFind - A tool that finds the words in a document as you type in Internet Explorer Microsoft Word Notepad Outlook Emails and other programs [Windows NT 2K XP]
- Video Caster - Software to easily capture a video file upload it to a Windows Streaming Server and distribute video clips through an e-mail link to friends or stream the videos directly from the web site
- PolyGlot - Allows one to learn or to teach multiple foreign languages Users work with personal parameters own dictionaries and games Available in English and French
- Click-N-Type Virtual Keyboard - On-screen virtual keyboard for anyone with a disability who can t type on a physical computer keyboard but can use a pointing device like a mouse
- ReplSoft com - Provides free plug-ins for Word and Excel to help perform multi-replacement operations Also provides other utilities
- CamStudio - Records screen activity from the Windows desktop into standard AVI movie files It is an ideal tool for creating software demonstrations and active presentations [Freeware Opensource]
- LuckyMe Software - Mom s Calendar b3 1 4 is a free simple printable calendar that helps people keep organized for Macintosh or Windows
- eflo net commerce Software - Credit card number Mod10 and type validator and an automated clearing house ACH routing number lookup
- Bret Johnson - DOS TSR Terminate Stay Resident keyboard and screen utilities Some can also be used in Windows Source Code is available for most
- PDF Explorer - A program to catalog pdf files and extract images from them Includes support for multiple disks and scanning for pdf s in compressed archives
- TurboNote - Sticky note program that includes network and email sending alarm search and quick launch feature to easily open files email and URLs
- JFileChecker - A java application used to check delimited and fixed width data files to ensure they contain properly formatted data
- snsware net - Author s site A collection of useful Visual Basic freeware programs including a small HTML editor
- Radio3000 - Various utilities for radio stations and broadcasters including a broadcast calendar generator and ad scheduling software
- MediaMan - A personal media catalog manager that can categorize your collection of music CDs movie DVDs books and VHS tapes
- Site Journal - A program is intended to help site-supervising architects engineers and construction companies document site inspections [Win32]
- Burn to the Brim - Windows Utility which takes the group of files or directories and selects those which optimally fill a cdr
- BareGrep - An interactive windowed version of the Unix Grep tool The results are presented in a table for easy navigation and sorting
- JExplorer - Dual-panel "Commander"-style file manager web browser FTP client compression decompression utility and mail monitor based on Explorer [Windows 95 98 ME NT 4 2000 XP]
- STG FolderPrint - Print and visualize Windows folders with disk space indicators file filters and display customization
- Gadwin PrintScreen - Easy to use freeware utility that allows you to capture any portion of the screen save it to a file copy it to Windows clipboard print it or e-mail it to a recipient of your choice
- TrID - A binary file identifier tool that can identify file types and provide information about the file type Site available in English and Italian
- Point-N-Click - On-screen virtual mouse for anyone with a disability who can t click a mouse but can otherwise move a pointing device like a mouse or trackball
- PublicWare - A small Danish spare time company that makes free software including music management software called Music Archive and a file renamer
- Yoshi-Gamata - Offers MagicBin a "throw the file into the bin" game and Mathburst the simple and powerful calculator [Win32]
- SlavaSoft Inc - HashCalc - Calculator to compute message digests checksums and HMACs for files as well as for text and hex strings
- Downloads ch - Swiss portal with large archive of freeware and shareware In German and English
- Bexonsoft - A bulk file renamer
- Aadsoft com - Programs for webmasters investors and news-group users
- WinMac - Macintosh style menubar that can be used in Windows 95 98 NT4 2000
- Tingan s Homepage - 3D Solar System various games and screensavers
- PrintDeskTop - Free screen print utility for Windows
- Plop - Plop Linux and Plop bootmanager
- Tedium Compensator - Sets a random background startup wave file and shutdown wave file on Windows bootup
- Cupid Systems - Offers various software including programs for cybercafes and various simple games
- Movie Organizer - Get organized with the OXD data movie organizer It s easy-to-use and fun
- HelpNDoc - A simple tool to create HTML help files PDF and WEB based documentation
- Zipoid - A ZIP Code verification look-up and distance calculator tool
- RocketDock - Application launcher for Windows 2000 XP Vista 7
- BMP EMF Grapher - A 2-D mathematical package that exports to BMP EMF CSV and imports to CSV
- Dienhart Freeware - Site contains PERL scripts graphics and CAD drawings
- Execute Query - A java based database utility Requires Java VM [Open Source GPL]
- Ulfwood - Freeware Utilities - Text utilities for file searching content modifying and word translating For personal use
- the jackol s den - Drive Cleanup Wizard gets rid of useless temporary files
- Passreminder - An open-source secure password manager [Requires Java VM]
- AB-Tools - Musik-Menü and Search Backups Site in English and German
- Tinnes Software - Various useful programs like Desktop Calendar Timed Shutdown and 10 Slide Show
- Krapplets org - Free applications for Windows 95 and NT4
- DataMonkey - Open Source Windows data translation and conversion application
- Binary Modular DataFlow Machine - A Parallel Programming Environment [Linux SunOS]
- SpiraClock - Small Java program that continuously displays upcoming events from schedules and time-tables inside a desktop clock
- Don s PhoneGuard - A program that checks the name number of phone callers against a personal database of banned name numbers and hangs up on banned callers [Windows 2000 XP]
- Clickie - Utility that can add two new features to the right click context menu of Windows Explorer Copy Path Name and Open MS-DOS Prompt
- XCalc - A Reverse Polish Notation calculator [Win32]
- DateInTray - A program that displays the day of the month next to the clock in the Windows system tray
- Health Software - A body mass index calculator [Win98+]
- PDF-Analyzer - Allows one to find out various information about pdf-files [Win32]
- FlvCapture - Download FLV MP4 video from any video website
- SpeedFan - A program that can control fan speeds according to system temperatures
- Chris Oldwoods Stuff - Various network and database tools for Windows DOS and Java Source and binaries available
- Songwave - Includes ISA Server site blocker and blocklists
- AddUp 1 2 by Orefa com - A simple calculator designed to process non-trivial arithmetic expressions [Win32]
- MacExplorer - Windows program allowing to analyze Macintosh files stored on a Windows NT Server Download and a general information page on the software [Windows 95 98 NT 2000]
- Spell Checker for Edit Boxes - A near-universal spell checker for Windows edit boxes free for private use
- Loan Calculator Plus - A collection of 7 financial calculators that deal with all aspects of a loan
- Batprint - A batch printing tool for Microsoft Excel
- JHead - A Exif Jpeg camera setting parser and thumbnail remover for Windows Linux SunOS and MacOSX
- Zipdy - Program for Linux to calculate the distance between two zip codes [Open Source GPL]
- Copy Path to Clipboard - Adds a new command "Copy Path to Clipboard" to the context menu for files and folders
- Ware-Lords - Original programs and games for Windows including an MP3 player a picture puzzle and a Tetris clone
- dir2html - A tool that creates a html file of directory contents with links
- Shadowcraft homepage - Home to iNFERNO and other freeware software
- LoanCalc - A simple and powerful loan calculator [Win32]
- LuckyMe Software - Mom s Calendar b3 1 4 is a free simple printable calendar that helps people keep organized for Macintosh or Windows
- Site Journal - A program is intended to help site-supervising architects engineers and construction companies document site inspections [Win32]
- PolyGlot - Allows one to learn or to teach multiple foreign languages Users work with personal parameters own dictionaries and games Available in English and French
- JFileChecker - A java application used to check delimited and fixed width data files to ensure they contain properly formatted data
- Bret Johnson - DOS TSR Terminate Stay Resident keyboard and screen utilities Some can also be used in Windows Source Code is available for most
- MeD s Movie Manager - Customizable movie manager with add edit delete database functions imports movie information from IMDb [Windows 95 98 Me NT 2000]
- Advanced Biorhythms - A biorhythms calculator with charts printable monthly calendar and partners compatibility reports Free and paid versions available [Windows]
- Radio3000 - Various utilities for radio stations and broadcasters including a broadcast calendar generator and ad scheduling software
- PhraseExpress - Manages frequently used text phrases in a taskbar icon and pastes them into any application with a single mouse click
- MediaMan - A personal media catalog manager that can categorize your collection of music CDs movie DVDs books and VHS tapes
- HandyFind - A tool that finds the words in a document as you type in Internet Explorer Microsoft Word Notepad Outlook Emails and other programs [Windows NT 2K XP]
- CamStudio - Records screen activity from the Windows desktop into standard AVI movie files It is an ideal tool for creating software demonstrations and active presentations [Freeware Opensource]
- PDF Explorer - A program to catalog pdf files and extract images from them Includes support for multiple disks and scanning for pdf s in compressed archives
- ReplSoft com - Provides free plug-ins for Word and Excel to help perform multi-replacement operations Also provides other utilities
- The Open Technology Portal - A web resource for open source software news products discussion tools and licenses Most freely available code from open source projects is cataloged
- Click-N-Type Virtual Keyboard - On-screen virtual keyboard for anyone with a disability who can t type on a physical computer keyboard but can use a pointing device like a mouse
- Burn to the Brim - Windows Utility which takes the group of files or directories and selects those which optimally fill a cdr
- ZoeSoft - A scientific calculator has a UNIX-like interface and many advanced mathematical functions [Win32]
- snsware net - Author s site A collection of useful Visual Basic freeware programs including a small HTML editor
- eflo net commerce Software - Credit card number Mod10 and type validator and an automated clearing house ACH routing number lookup
- Video Caster - Software to easily capture a video file upload it to a Windows Streaming Server and distribute video clips through an e-mail link to friends or stream the videos directly from the web site
- Meazure 1 0 - Measure magnify and capture arbitrary portions of the screen in a number of different ways [Windows 95 98 ME NT 4 2000 XP]
- TurboNote - Sticky note program that includes network and email sending alarm search and quick launch feature to easily open files email and URLs
- PublicWare - A small Danish spare time company that makes free software including music management software called Music Archive and a file renamer
- JExplorer - Dual-panel "Commander"-style file manager web browser FTP client compression decompression utility and mail monitor based on Explorer [Windows 95 98 ME NT 4 2000 XP]
- STG FolderPrint - Print and visualize Windows folders with disk space indicators file filters and display customization
- Point-N-Click - On-screen virtual mouse for anyone with a disability who can t click a mouse but can otherwise move a pointing device like a mouse or trackball
- TrID - A binary file identifier tool that can identify file types and provide information about the file type Site available in English and Italian
- Gadwin PrintScreen - Easy to use freeware utility that allows you to capture any portion of the screen save it to a file copy it to Windows clipboard print it or e-mail it to a recipient of your choice
- BareGrep - An interactive windowed version of the Unix Grep tool The results are presented in a table for easy navigation and sorting
- SlavaSoft Inc - HashCalc - Calculator to compute message digests checksums and HMACs for files as well as for text and hex strings
- Yoshi-Gamata - Offers MagicBin a "throw the file into the bin" game and Mathburst the simple and powerful calculator [Win32]
- Dienhart Freeware - Site contains PERL scripts graphics and CAD drawings
- Krapplets org - Free applications for Windows 95 and NT4
- HelpNDoc - A simple tool to create HTML help files PDF and WEB based documentation
- AB-Tools - Musik-Menü and Search Backups Site in English and German
- Aadsoft com - Programs for webmasters investors and news-group users
- Tinnes Software - Various useful programs like Desktop Calendar Timed Shutdown and 10 Slide Show
- Passreminder - An open-source secure password manager [Requires Java VM]
- Binary Modular DataFlow Machine - A Parallel Programming Environment [Linux SunOS]
- Ulfwood - Freeware Utilities - Text utilities for file searching content modifying and word translating For personal use
- Tingan s Homepage - 3D Solar System various games and screensavers
- Zipoid - A ZIP Code verification look-up and distance calculator tool
- Downloads ch - Swiss portal with large archive of freeware and shareware In German and English
- WinMac - Macintosh style menubar that can be used in Windows 95 98 NT4 2000
- Execute Query - A java based database utility Requires Java VM [Open Source GPL]
- DataMonkey - Open Source Windows data translation and conversion application
- Plop - Plop Linux and Plop bootmanager
- RocketDock - Application launcher for Windows 2000 XP Vista 7
- Tedium Compensator - Sets a random background startup wave file and shutdown wave file on Windows bootup
- Cupid Systems - Offers various software including programs for cybercafes and various simple games
- the jackol s den - Drive Cleanup Wizard gets rid of useless temporary files
- PrintDeskTop - Free screen print utility for Windows
- Movie Organizer - Get organized with the OXD data movie organizer It s easy-to-use and fun
- Bexonsoft - A bulk file renamer
- BMP EMF Grapher - A 2-D mathematical package that exports to BMP EMF CSV and imports to CSV
- Don s PhoneGuard - A program that checks the name number of phone callers against a personal database of banned name numbers and hangs up on banned callers [Windows 2000 XP]
- SpiraClock - Small Java program that continuously displays upcoming events from schedules and time-tables inside a desktop clock
- Clickie - Utility that can add two new features to the right click context menu of Windows Explorer Copy Path Name and Open MS-DOS Prompt
- XCalc - A Reverse Polish Notation calculator [Win32]
- Chris Oldwoods Stuff - Various network and database tools for Windows DOS and Java Source and binaries available
- Health Software - A body mass index calculator [Win98+]
- Songwave - Includes ISA Server site blocker and blocklists
- PDF-Analyzer - Allows one to find out various information about pdf-files [Win32]
- FlvCapture - Download FLV MP4 video from any video website
- AddUp 1 2 by Orefa com - A simple calculator designed to process non-trivial arithmetic expressions [Win32]
- DateInTray - A program that displays the day of the month next to the clock in the Windows system tray
- SpeedFan - A program that can control fan speeds according to system temperatures
- MacExplorer - Windows program allowing to analyze Macintosh files stored on a Windows NT Server Download and a general information page on the software [Windows 95 98 NT 2000]
- Spell Checker for Edit Boxes - A near-universal spell checker for Windows edit boxes free for private use
- Copy Path to Clipboard - Adds a new command "Copy Path to Clipboard" to the context menu for files and folders
- JHead - A Exif Jpeg camera setting parser and thumbnail remover for Windows Linux SunOS and MacOSX
- Loan Calculator Plus - A collection of 7 financial calculators that deal with all aspects of a loan
- Zipdy - Program for Linux to calculate the distance between two zip codes [Open Source GPL]
- Batprint - A batch printing tool for Microsoft Excel
- Ware-Lords - Original programs and games for Windows including an MP3 player a picture puzzle and a Tetris clone
- dir2html - A tool that creates a html file of directory contents with links
- Shadowcraft homepage - Home to iNFERNO and other freeware software
- PDF Explorer - A program to catalog pdf files and extract images from them Includes support for multiple disks and scanning for pdf s in compressed archives
- MediaMan - A personal media catalog manager that can categorize your collection of music CDs movie DVDs books and VHS tapes
- MeD s Movie Manager - Customizable movie manager with add edit delete database functions imports movie information from IMDb [Windows 95 98 Me NT 2000]
- ReplSoft com - Provides free plug-ins for Word and Excel to help perform multi-replacement operations Also provides other utilities
- TurboNote - Sticky note program that includes network and email sending alarm search and quick launch feature to easily open files email and URLs
- Bret Johnson - DOS TSR Terminate Stay Resident keyboard and screen utilities Some can also be used in Windows Source Code is available for most
- Radio3000 - Various utilities for radio stations and broadcasters including a broadcast calendar generator and ad scheduling software
- PhraseExpress - Manages frequently used text phrases in a taskbar icon and pastes them into any application with a single mouse click
- The Open Technology Portal - A web resource for open source software news products discussion tools and licenses Most freely available code from open source projects is cataloged
- LuckyMe Software - Mom s Calendar b3 1 4 is a free simple printable calendar that helps people keep organized for Macintosh or Windows
- eflo net commerce Software - Credit card number Mod10 and type validator and an automated clearing house ACH routing number lookup
- Site Journal - A program is intended to help site-supervising architects engineers and construction companies document site inspections [Win32]
- PolyGlot - Allows one to learn or to teach multiple foreign languages Users work with personal parameters own dictionaries and games Available in English and French
- CamStudio - Records screen activity from the Windows desktop into standard AVI movie files It is an ideal tool for creating software demonstrations and active presentations [Freeware Opensource]
- ZoeSoft - A scientific calculator has a UNIX-like interface and many advanced mathematical functions [Win32]
- HandyFind - A tool that finds the words in a document as you type in Internet Explorer Microsoft Word Notepad Outlook Emails and other programs [Windows NT 2K XP]
- Video Caster - Software to easily capture a video file upload it to a Windows Streaming Server and distribute video clips through an e-mail link to friends or stream the videos directly from the web site
- Click-N-Type Virtual Keyboard - On-screen virtual keyboard for anyone with a disability who can t type on a physical computer keyboard but can use a pointing device like a mouse
- Burn to the Brim - Windows Utility which takes the group of files or directories and selects those which optimally fill a cdr
- snsware net - Author s site A collection of useful Visual Basic freeware programs including a small HTML editor
- JFileChecker - A java application used to check delimited and fixed width data files to ensure they contain properly formatted data
- Advanced Biorhythms - A biorhythms calculator with charts printable monthly calendar and partners compatibility reports Free and paid versions available [Windows]
- Meazure 1 0 - Measure magnify and capture arbitrary portions of the screen in a number of different ways [Windows 95 98 ME NT 4 2000 XP]
- STG FolderPrint - Print and visualize Windows folders with disk space indicators file filters and display customization
- PublicWare - A small Danish spare time company that makes free software including music management software called Music Archive and a file renamer
- Point-N-Click - On-screen virtual mouse for anyone with a disability who can t click a mouse but can otherwise move a pointing device like a mouse or trackball
- TrID - A binary file identifier tool that can identify file types and provide information about the file type Site available in English and Italian
- Yoshi-Gamata - Offers MagicBin a "throw the file into the bin" game and Mathburst the simple and powerful calculator [Win32]
- BareGrep - An interactive windowed version of the Unix Grep tool The results are presented in a table for easy navigation and sorting
- JExplorer - Dual-panel "Commander"-style file manager web browser FTP client compression decompression utility and mail monitor based on Explorer [Windows 95 98 ME NT 4 2000 XP]
- SlavaSoft Inc - HashCalc - Calculator to compute message digests checksums and HMACs for files as well as for text and hex strings
- Gadwin PrintScreen - Easy to use freeware utility that allows you to capture any portion of the screen save it to a file copy it to Windows clipboard print it or e-mail it to a recipient of your choice
- Ulfwood - Freeware Utilities - Text utilities for file searching content modifying and word translating For personal use
- Tingan s Homepage - 3D Solar System various games and screensavers
- Movie Organizer - Get organized with the OXD data movie organizer It s easy-to-use and fun
- Cupid Systems - Offers various software including programs for cybercafes and various simple games
- Bexonsoft - A bulk file renamer
- Execute Query - A java based database utility Requires Java VM [Open Source GPL]
- the jackol s den - Drive Cleanup Wizard gets rid of useless temporary files
- Plop - Plop Linux and Plop bootmanager
- HelpNDoc - A simple tool to create HTML help files PDF and WEB based documentation
- AB-Tools - Musik-Menü and Search Backups Site in English and German
- Binary Modular DataFlow Machine - A Parallel Programming Environment [Linux SunOS]
- RocketDock - Application launcher for Windows 2000 XP Vista 7
- BMP EMF Grapher - A 2-D mathematical package that exports to BMP EMF CSV and imports to CSV
- PrintDeskTop - Free screen print utility for Windows
- Zipoid - A ZIP Code verification look-up and distance calculator tool
- Aadsoft com - Programs for webmasters investors and news-group users
- Tinnes Software - Various useful programs like Desktop Calendar Timed Shutdown and 10 Slide Show
- Krapplets org - Free applications for Windows 95 and NT4
- DataMonkey - Open Source Windows data translation and conversion application
- Downloads ch - Swiss portal with large archive of freeware and shareware In German and English
- Tedium Compensator - Sets a random background startup wave file and shutdown wave file on Windows bootup
- Dienhart Freeware - Site contains PERL scripts graphics and CAD drawings
- WinMac - Macintosh style menubar that can be used in Windows 95 98 NT4 2000
- Passreminder - An open-source secure password manager [Requires Java VM]
- Clickie - Utility that can add two new features to the right click context menu of Windows Explorer Copy Path Name and Open MS-DOS Prompt
- SpiraClock - Small Java program that continuously displays upcoming events from schedules and time-tables inside a desktop clock
- Don s PhoneGuard - A program that checks the name number of phone callers against a personal database of banned name numbers and hangs up on banned callers [Windows 2000 XP]
- Health Software - A body mass index calculator [Win98+]
- Songwave - Includes ISA Server site blocker and blocklists
- LoanCalc - A simple and powerful loan calculator [Win32]
- SpeedFan - A program that can control fan speeds according to system temperatures
- XCalc - A Reverse Polish Notation calculator [Win32]
- Chris Oldwoods Stuff - Various network and database tools for Windows DOS and Java Source and binaries available
- AddUp 1 2 by Orefa com - A simple calculator designed to process non-trivial arithmetic expressions [Win32]
- PDF-Analyzer - Allows one to find out various information about pdf-files [Win32]
- FlvCapture - Download FLV MP4 video from any video website
- DateInTray - A program that displays the day of the month next to the clock in the Windows system tray
- MacExplorer - Windows program allowing to analyze Macintosh files stored on a Windows NT Server Download and a general information page on the software [Windows 95 98 NT 2000]
- Zipdy - Program for Linux to calculate the distance between two zip codes [Open Source GPL]
- JHead - A Exif Jpeg camera setting parser and thumbnail remover for Windows Linux SunOS and MacOSX
- Copy Path to Clipboard - Adds a new command "Copy Path to Clipboard" to the context menu for files and folders
- Loan Calculator Plus - A collection of 7 financial calculators that deal with all aspects of a loan
- Batprint - A batch printing tool for Microsoft Excel
- Spell Checker for Edit Boxes - A near-universal spell checker for Windows edit boxes free for private use
- Ware-Lords - Original programs and games for Windows including an MP3 player a picture puzzle and a Tetris clone
- dir2html - A tool that creates a html file of directory contents with links
- Shadowcraft homepage - Home to iNFERNO and other freeware software
- LuckyMe Software - Mom s Calendar b3 1 4 is a free simple printable calendar that helps people keep organized for Macintosh or Windows
- HandyFind - A tool that finds the words in a document as you type in Internet Explorer Microsoft Word Notepad Outlook Emails and other programs [Windows NT 2K XP]
- PolyGlot - Allows one to learn or to teach multiple foreign languages Users work with personal parameters own dictionaries and games Available in English and French
- Bret Johnson - DOS TSR Terminate Stay Resident keyboard and screen utilities Some can also be used in Windows Source Code is available for most
- MeD s Movie Manager - Customizable movie manager with add edit delete database functions imports movie information from IMDb [Windows 95 98 Me NT 2000]
- PhraseExpress - Manages frequently used text phrases in a taskbar icon and pastes them into any application with a single mouse click
- Video Caster - Software to easily capture a video file upload it to a Windows Streaming Server and distribute video clips through an e-mail link to friends or stream the videos directly from the web site
- The Open Technology Portal - A web resource for open source software news products discussion tools and licenses Most freely available code from open source projects is cataloged
- snsware net - Author s site A collection of useful Visual Basic freeware programs including a small HTML editor
- ReplSoft com - Provides free plug-ins for Word and Excel to help perform multi-replacement operations Also provides other utilities
- MediaMan - A personal media catalog manager that can categorize your collection of music CDs movie DVDs books and VHS tapes
- eflo net commerce Software - Credit card number Mod10 and type validator and an automated clearing house ACH routing number lookup
- Advanced Biorhythms - A biorhythms calculator with charts printable monthly calendar and partners compatibility reports Free and paid versions available [Windows]
- TurboNote - Sticky note program that includes network and email sending alarm search and quick launch feature to easily open files email and URLs
- Site Journal - A program is intended to help site-supervising architects engineers and construction companies document site inspections [Win32]
- CamStudio - Records screen activity from the Windows desktop into standard AVI movie files It is an ideal tool for creating software demonstrations and active presentations [Freeware Opensource]
- ZoeSoft - A scientific calculator has a UNIX-like interface and many advanced mathematical functions [Win32]
- PDF Explorer - A program to catalog pdf files and extract images from them Includes support for multiple disks and scanning for pdf s in compressed archives
- Radio3000 - Various utilities for radio stations and broadcasters including a broadcast calendar generator and ad scheduling software
- Meazure 1 0 - Measure magnify and capture arbitrary portions of the screen in a number of different ways [Windows 95 98 ME NT 4 2000 XP]
- JFileChecker - A java application used to check delimited and fixed width data files to ensure they contain properly formatted data
- Click-N-Type Virtual Keyboard - On-screen virtual keyboard for anyone with a disability who can t type on a physical computer keyboard but can use a pointing device like a mouse
- Burn to the Brim - Windows Utility which takes the group of files or directories and selects those which optimally fill a cdr
- JExplorer - Dual-panel "Commander"-style file manager web browser FTP client compression decompression utility and mail monitor based on Explorer [Windows 95 98 ME NT 4 2000 XP]
- Gadwin PrintScreen - Easy to use freeware utility that allows you to capture any portion of the screen save it to a file copy it to Windows clipboard print it or e-mail it to a recipient of your choice
- PublicWare - A small Danish spare time company that makes free software including music management software called Music Archive and a file renamer
- Point-N-Click - On-screen virtual mouse for anyone with a disability who can t click a mouse but can otherwise move a pointing device like a mouse or trackball
- STG FolderPrint - Print and visualize Windows folders with disk space indicators file filters and display customization
- SlavaSoft Inc - HashCalc - Calculator to compute message digests checksums and HMACs for files as well as for text and hex strings
- TrID - A binary file identifier tool that can identify file types and provide information about the file type Site available in English and Italian
- BareGrep - An interactive windowed version of the Unix Grep tool The results are presented in a table for easy navigation and sorting
- Yoshi-Gamata - Offers MagicBin a "throw the file into the bin" game and Mathburst the simple and powerful calculator [Win32]
- Downloads ch - Swiss portal with large archive of freeware and shareware In German and English
- Bexonsoft - A bulk file renamer
- Passreminder - An open-source secure password manager [Requires Java VM]
- Tingan s Homepage - 3D Solar System various games and screensavers
- Dienhart Freeware - Site contains PERL scripts graphics and CAD drawings
- Cupid Systems - Offers various software including programs for cybercafes and various simple games
- Ulfwood - Freeware Utilities - Text utilities for file searching content modifying and word translating For personal use
- PrintDeskTop - Free screen print utility for Windows
- Zipoid - A ZIP Code verification look-up and distance calculator tool
- Tedium Compensator - Sets a random background startup wave file and shutdown wave file on Windows bootup
- AB-Tools - Musik-Menü and Search Backups Site in English and German
- Binary Modular DataFlow Machine - A Parallel Programming Environment [Linux SunOS]
- Tinnes Software - Various useful programs like Desktop Calendar Timed Shutdown and 10 Slide Show
- RocketDock - Application launcher for Windows 2000 XP Vista 7
- Execute Query - A java based database utility Requires Java VM [Open Source GPL]
- BMP EMF Grapher - A 2-D mathematical package that exports to BMP EMF CSV and imports to CSV
- the jackol s den - Drive Cleanup Wizard gets rid of useless temporary files
- Plop - Plop Linux and Plop bootmanager
- Aadsoft com - Programs for webmasters investors and news-group users
- DataMonkey - Open Source Windows data translation and conversion application
- Movie Organizer - Get organized with the OXD data movie organizer It s easy-to-use and fun
- HelpNDoc - A simple tool to create HTML help files PDF and WEB based documentation
- WinMac - Macintosh style menubar that can be used in Windows 95 98 NT4 2000
- Krapplets org - Free applications for Windows 95 and NT4
- SpiraClock - Small Java program that continuously displays upcoming events from schedules and time-tables inside a desktop clock
- Don s PhoneGuard - A program that checks the name number of phone callers against a personal database of banned name numbers and hangs up on banned callers [Windows 2000 XP]
- Clickie - Utility that can add two new features to the right click context menu of Windows Explorer Copy Path Name and Open MS-DOS Prompt
- AddUp 1 2 by Orefa com - A simple calculator designed to process non-trivial arithmetic expressions [Win32]
- Songwave - Includes ISA Server site blocker and blocklists
- LoanCalc - A simple and powerful loan calculator [Win32]
- FlvCapture - Download FLV MP4 video from any video website
- DateInTray - A program that displays the day of the month next to the clock in the Windows system tray
- XCalc - A Reverse Polish Notation calculator [Win32]
- PDF-Analyzer - Allows one to find out various information about pdf-files [Win32]
- SpeedFan - A program that can control fan speeds according to system temperatures
- Health Software - A body mass index calculator [Win98+]
- Chris Oldwoods Stuff - Various network and database tools for Windows DOS and Java Source and binaries available
- MacExplorer - Windows program allowing to analyze Macintosh files stored on a Windows NT Server Download and a general information page on the software [Windows 95 98 NT 2000]
- JHead - A Exif Jpeg camera setting parser and thumbnail remover for Windows Linux SunOS and MacOSX
- Spell Checker for Edit Boxes - A near-universal spell checker for Windows edit boxes free for private use
- Loan Calculator Plus - A collection of 7 financial calculators that deal with all aspects of a loan
- Zipdy - Program for Linux to calculate the distance between two zip codes [Open Source GPL]
- Batprint - A batch printing tool for Microsoft Excel
- Copy Path to Clipboard - Adds a new command "Copy Path to Clipboard" to the context menu for files and folders
- Ware-Lords - Original programs and games for Windows including an MP3 player a picture puzzle and a Tetris clone
- dir2html - A tool that creates a html file of directory contents with links
- Shadowcraft homepage - Home to iNFERNO and other freeware software
- Click-N-Type Virtual Keyboard - On-screen virtual keyboard for anyone with a disability who can t type on a physical computer keyboard but can use a pointing device like a mouse
- Video Caster - Software to easily capture a video file upload it to a Windows Streaming Server and distribute video clips through an e-mail link to friends or stream the videos directly from the web site
- Bret Johnson - DOS TSR Terminate Stay Resident keyboard and screen utilities Some can also be used in Windows Source Code is available for most
- MeD s Movie Manager - Customizable movie manager with add edit delete database functions imports movie information from IMDb [Windows 95 98 Me NT 2000]
- PDF Explorer - A program to catalog pdf files and extract images from them Includes support for multiple disks and scanning for pdf s in compressed archives
- ReplSoft com - Provides free plug-ins for Word and Excel to help perform multi-replacement operations Also provides other utilities
- LuckyMe Software - Mom s Calendar b3 1 4 is a free simple printable calendar that helps people keep organized for Macintosh or Windows
- MediaMan - A personal media catalog manager that can categorize your collection of music CDs movie DVDs books and VHS tapes
- Site Journal - A program is intended to help site-supervising architects engineers and construction companies document site inspections [Win32]
- PolyGlot - Allows one to learn or to teach multiple foreign languages Users work with personal parameters own dictionaries and games Available in English and French
- JFileChecker - A java application used to check delimited and fixed width data files to ensure they contain properly formatted data
- Burn to the Brim - Windows Utility which takes the group of files or directories and selects those which optimally fill a cdr
- snsware net - Author s site A collection of useful Visual Basic freeware programs including a small HTML editor
- eflo net commerce Software - Credit card number Mod10 and type validator and an automated clearing house ACH routing number lookup
- CamStudio - Records screen activity from the Windows desktop into standard AVI movie files It is an ideal tool for creating software demonstrations and active presentations [Freeware Opensource]
- Radio3000 - Various utilities for radio stations and broadcasters including a broadcast calendar generator and ad scheduling software
- The Open Technology Portal - A web resource for open source software news products discussion tools and licenses Most freely available code from open source projects is cataloged
- HandyFind - A tool that finds the words in a document as you type in Internet Explorer Microsoft Word Notepad Outlook Emails and other programs [Windows NT 2K XP]
- Meazure 1 0 - Measure magnify and capture arbitrary portions of the screen in a number of different ways [Windows 95 98 ME NT 4 2000 XP]
- ZoeSoft - A scientific calculator has a UNIX-like interface and many advanced mathematical functions [Win32]
- Advanced Biorhythms - A biorhythms calculator with charts printable monthly calendar and partners compatibility reports Free and paid versions available [Windows]
- PhraseExpress - Manages frequently used text phrases in a taskbar icon and pastes them into any application with a single mouse click
- TurboNote - Sticky note program that includes network and email sending alarm search and quick launch feature to easily open files email and URLs
- PublicWare - A small Danish spare time company that makes free software including music management software called Music Archive and a file renamer
- STG FolderPrint - Print and visualize Windows folders with disk space indicators file filters and display customization
- JExplorer - Dual-panel "Commander"-style file manager web browser FTP client compression decompression utility and mail monitor based on Explorer [Windows 95 98 ME NT 4 2000 XP]
- SlavaSoft Inc - HashCalc - Calculator to compute message digests checksums and HMACs for files as well as for text and hex strings
- Point-N-Click - On-screen virtual mouse for anyone with a disability who can t click a mouse but can otherwise move a pointing device like a mouse or trackball
- Gadwin PrintScreen - Easy to use freeware utility that allows you to capture any portion of the screen save it to a file copy it to Windows clipboard print it or e-mail it to a recipient of your choice
- BareGrep - An interactive windowed version of the Unix Grep tool The results are presented in a table for easy navigation and sorting
- TrID - A binary file identifier tool that can identify file types and provide information about the file type Site available in English and Italian
- Yoshi-Gamata - Offers MagicBin a "throw the file into the bin" game and Mathburst the simple and powerful calculator [Win32]
- Krapplets org - Free applications for Windows 95 and NT4
- the jackol s den - Drive Cleanup Wizard gets rid of useless temporary files
- PrintDeskTop - Free screen print utility for Windows
- HelpNDoc - A simple tool to create HTML help files PDF and WEB based documentation
- DataMonkey - Open Source Windows data translation and conversion application
- Tingan s Homepage - 3D Solar System various games and screensavers
- Dienhart Freeware - Site contains PERL scripts graphics and CAD drawings
- Cupid Systems - Offers various software including programs for cybercafes and various simple games
- AB-Tools - Musik-Menü and Search Backups Site in English and German
- Execute Query - A java based database utility Requires Java VM [Open Source GPL]
- Ulfwood - Freeware Utilities - Text utilities for file searching content modifying and word translating For personal use
- Movie Organizer - Get organized with the OXD data movie organizer It s easy-to-use and fun
- Aadsoft com - Programs for webmasters investors and news-group users
- WinMac - Macintosh style menubar that can be used in Windows 95 98 NT4 2000
- BMP EMF Grapher - A 2-D mathematical package that exports to BMP EMF CSV and imports to CSV
- Binary Modular DataFlow Machine - A Parallel Programming Environment [Linux SunOS]
- Zipoid - A ZIP Code verification look-up and distance calculator tool
- Downloads ch - Swiss portal with large archive of freeware and shareware In German and English
- Bexonsoft - A bulk file renamer
- RocketDock - Application launcher for Windows 2000 XP Vista 7
- Plop - Plop Linux and Plop bootmanager
- Tedium Compensator - Sets a random background startup wave file and shutdown wave file on Windows bootup
- Tinnes Software - Various useful programs like Desktop Calendar Timed Shutdown and 10 Slide Show
- Passreminder - An open-source secure password manager [Requires Java VM]
- Clickie - Utility that can add two new features to the right click context menu of Windows Explorer Copy Path Name and Open MS-DOS Prompt
- SpiraClock - Small Java program that continuously displays upcoming events from schedules and time-tables inside a desktop clock
- Don s PhoneGuard - A program that checks the name number of phone callers against a personal database of banned name numbers and hangs up on banned callers [Windows 2000 XP]
- PDF-Analyzer - Allows one to find out various information about pdf-files [Win32]
- SpeedFan - A program that can control fan speeds according to system temperatures
- FlvCapture - Download FLV MP4 video from any video website
- Chris Oldwoods Stuff - Various network and database tools for Windows DOS and Java Source and binaries available
- DateInTray - A program that displays the day of the month next to the clock in the Windows system tray
- AddUp 1 2 by Orefa com - A simple calculator designed to process non-trivial arithmetic expressions [Win32]
- XCalc - A Reverse Polish Notation calculator [Win32]
- Health Software - A body mass index calculator [Win98+]
- Songwave - Includes ISA Server site blocker and blocklists
- LoanCalc - A simple and powerful loan calculator [Win32]
- MacExplorer - Windows program allowing to analyze Macintosh files stored on a Windows NT Server Download and a general information page on the software [Windows 95 98 NT 2000]
- Batprint - A batch printing tool for Microsoft Excel
- Zipdy - Program for Linux to calculate the distance between two zip codes [Open Source GPL]
- Loan Calculator Plus - A collection of 7 financial calculators that deal with all aspects of a loan
- Copy Path to Clipboard - Adds a new command "Copy Path to Clipboard" to the context menu for files and folders
- JHead - A Exif Jpeg camera setting parser and thumbnail remover for Windows Linux SunOS and MacOSX
- Spell Checker for Edit Boxes - A near-universal spell checker for Windows edit boxes free for private use
- Ware-Lords - Original programs and games for Windows including an MP3 player a picture puzzle and a Tetris clone
- dir2html - A tool that creates a html file of directory contents with links
- Shadowcraft homepage - Home to iNFERNO and other freeware software
- MeD s Movie Manager - Customizable movie manager with add edit delete database functions imports movie information from IMDb [Windows 95 98 Me NT 2000]
- ZoeSoft - A scientific calculator has a UNIX-like interface and many advanced mathematical functions [Win32]
- ReplSoft com - Provides free plug-ins for Word and Excel to help perform multi-replacement operations Also provides other utilities
- Radio3000 - Various utilities for radio stations and broadcasters including a broadcast calendar generator and ad scheduling software
- HandyFind - A tool that finds the words in a document as you type in Internet Explorer Microsoft Word Notepad Outlook Emails and other programs [Windows NT 2K XP]
- PolyGlot - Allows one to learn or to teach multiple foreign languages Users work with personal parameters own dictionaries and games Available in English and French
- Bret Johnson - DOS TSR Terminate Stay Resident keyboard and screen utilities Some can also be used in Windows Source Code is available for most
- PhraseExpress - Manages frequently used text phrases in a taskbar icon and pastes them into any application with a single mouse click
- The Open Technology Portal - A web resource for open source software news products discussion tools and licenses Most freely available code from open source projects is cataloged
- MediaMan - A personal media catalog manager that can categorize your collection of music CDs movie DVDs books and VHS tapes
- Meazure 1 0 - Measure magnify and capture arbitrary portions of the screen in a number of different ways [Windows 95 98 ME NT 4 2000 XP]
- Site Journal - A program is intended to help site-supervising architects engineers and construction companies document site inspections [Win32]
- CamStudio - Records screen activity from the Windows desktop into standard AVI movie files It is an ideal tool for creating software demonstrations and active presentations [Freeware Opensource]
- Burn to the Brim - Windows Utility which takes the group of files or directories and selects those which optimally fill a cdr
- Advanced Biorhythms - A biorhythms calculator with charts printable monthly calendar and partners compatibility reports Free and paid versions available [Windows]
- LuckyMe Software - Mom s Calendar b3 1 4 is a free simple printable calendar that helps people keep organized for Macintosh or Windows
- eflo net commerce Software - Credit card number Mod10 and type validator and an automated clearing house ACH routing number lookup
- JFileChecker - A java application used to check delimited and fixed width data files to ensure they contain properly formatted data
- Click-N-Type Virtual Keyboard - On-screen virtual keyboard for anyone with a disability who can t type on a physical computer keyboard but can use a pointing device like a mouse
- PDF Explorer - A program to catalog pdf files and extract images from them Includes support for multiple disks and scanning for pdf s in compressed archives
- TurboNote - Sticky note program that includes network and email sending alarm search and quick launch feature to easily open files email and URLs
- snsware net - Author s site A collection of useful Visual Basic freeware programs including a small HTML editor
- Video Caster - Software to easily capture a video file upload it to a Windows Streaming Server and distribute video clips through an e-mail link to friends or stream the videos directly from the web site
- SlavaSoft Inc - HashCalc - Calculator to compute message digests checksums and HMACs for files as well as for text and hex strings
- Point-N-Click - On-screen virtual mouse for anyone with a disability who can t click a mouse but can otherwise move a pointing device like a mouse or trackball
- Yoshi-Gamata - Offers MagicBin a "throw the file into the bin" game and Mathburst the simple and powerful calculator [Win32]
- TrID - A binary file identifier tool that can identify file types and provide information about the file type Site available in English and Italian
- JExplorer - Dual-panel "Commander"-style file manager web browser FTP client compression decompression utility and mail monitor based on Explorer [Windows 95 98 ME NT 4 2000 XP]
- PublicWare - A small Danish spare time company that makes free software including music management software called Music Archive and a file renamer
- Gadwin PrintScreen - Easy to use freeware utility that allows you to capture any portion of the screen save it to a file copy it to Windows clipboard print it or e-mail it to a recipient of your choice
- BareGrep - An interactive windowed version of the Unix Grep tool The results are presented in a table for easy navigation and sorting
- STG FolderPrint - Print and visualize Windows folders with disk space indicators file filters and display customization
- Ulfwood - Freeware Utilities - Text utilities for file searching content modifying and word translating For personal use
- Aadsoft com - Programs for webmasters investors and news-group users
- Krapplets org - Free applications for Windows 95 and NT4
- Passreminder - An open-source secure password manager [Requires Java VM]
- BMP EMF Grapher - A 2-D mathematical package that exports to BMP EMF CSV and imports to CSV
- the jackol s den - Drive Cleanup Wizard gets rid of useless temporary files
- HelpNDoc - A simple tool to create HTML help files PDF and WEB based documentation
- Zipoid - A ZIP Code verification look-up and distance calculator tool
- Downloads ch - Swiss portal with large archive of freeware and shareware In German and English
- Tedium Compensator - Sets a random background startup wave file and shutdown wave file on Windows bootup
- Cupid Systems - Offers various software including programs for cybercafes and various simple games
- Bexonsoft - A bulk file renamer
- Execute Query - A java based database utility Requires Java VM [Open Source GPL]
- Tingan s Homepage - 3D Solar System various games and screensavers
- Dienhart Freeware - Site contains PERL scripts graphics and CAD drawings
- Binary Modular DataFlow Machine - A Parallel Programming Environment [Linux SunOS]
- AB-Tools - Musik-Menü and Search Backups Site in English and German
- Tinnes Software - Various useful programs like Desktop Calendar Timed Shutdown and 10 Slide Show
- PrintDeskTop - Free screen print utility for Windows
- Plop - Plop Linux and Plop bootmanager
- Movie Organizer - Get organized with the OXD data movie organizer It s easy-to-use and fun
- WinMac - Macintosh style menubar that can be used in Windows 95 98 NT4 2000
- RocketDock - Application launcher for Windows 2000 XP Vista 7
- DataMonkey - Open Source Windows data translation and conversion application
- SpiraClock - Small Java program that continuously displays upcoming events from schedules and time-tables inside a desktop clock
- Don s PhoneGuard - A program that checks the name number of phone callers against a personal database of banned name numbers and hangs up on banned callers [Windows 2000 XP]
- Clickie - Utility that can add two new features to the right click context menu of Windows Explorer Copy Path Name and Open MS-DOS Prompt
- PDF-Analyzer - Allows one to find out various information about pdf-files [Win32]
- FlvCapture - Download FLV MP4 video from any video website
- Health Software - A body mass index calculator [Win98+]
- Songwave - Includes ISA Server site blocker and blocklists
- Chris Oldwoods Stuff - Various network and database tools for Windows DOS and Java Source and binaries available
- SpeedFan - A program that can control fan speeds according to system temperatures
- XCalc - A Reverse Polish Notation calculator [Win32]
- LoanCalc - A simple and powerful loan calculator [Win32]
- DateInTray - A program that displays the day of the month next to the clock in the Windows system tray
- AddUp 1 2 by Orefa com - A simple calculator designed to process non-trivial arithmetic expressions [Win32]
- MacExplorer - Windows program allowing to analyze Macintosh files stored on a Windows NT Server Download and a general information page on the software [Windows 95 98 NT 2000]
- Loan Calculator Plus - A collection of 7 financial calculators that deal with all aspects of a loan
- Copy Path to Clipboard - Adds a new command "Copy Path to Clipboard" to the context menu for files and folders
- Spell Checker for Edit Boxes - A near-universal spell checker for Windows edit boxes free for private use
- Zipdy - Program for Linux to calculate the distance between two zip codes [Open Source GPL]
- JHead - A Exif Jpeg camera setting parser and thumbnail remover for Windows Linux SunOS and MacOSX
- Batprint - A batch printing tool for Microsoft Excel
- Ware-Lords - Original programs and games for Windows including an MP3 player a picture puzzle and a Tetris clone
- dir2html - A tool that creates a html file of directory contents with links
- Shadowcraft homepage - Home to iNFERNO and other freeware software
- ZoeSoft - A scientific calculator has a UNIX-like interface and many advanced mathematical functions [Win32]
- HandyFind - A tool that finds the words in a document as you type in Internet Explorer Microsoft Word Notepad Outlook Emails and other programs [Windows NT 2K XP]
- MeD s Movie Manager - Customizable movie manager with add edit delete database functions imports movie information from IMDb [Windows 95 98 Me NT 2000]
- ReplSoft com - Provides free plug-ins for Word and Excel to help perform multi-replacement operations Also provides other utilities
- Radio3000 - Various utilities for radio stations and broadcasters including a broadcast calendar generator and ad scheduling software
- The Open Technology Portal - A web resource for open source software news products discussion tools and licenses Most freely available code from open source projects is cataloged
- LuckyMe Software - Mom s Calendar b3 1 4 is a free simple printable calendar that helps people keep organized for Macintosh or Windows
- Click-N-Type Virtual Keyboard - On-screen virtual keyboard for anyone with a disability who can t type on a physical computer keyboard but can use a pointing device like a mouse
- Advanced Biorhythms - A biorhythms calculator with charts printable monthly calendar and partners compatibility reports Free and paid versions available [Windows]
- PDF Explorer - A program to catalog pdf files and extract images from them Includes support for multiple disks and scanning for pdf s in compressed archives
- Meazure 1 0 - Measure magnify and capture arbitrary portions of the screen in a number of different ways [Windows 95 98 ME NT 4 2000 XP]
- TurboNote - Sticky note program that includes network and email sending alarm search and quick launch feature to easily open files email and URLs
- PolyGlot - Allows one to learn or to teach multiple foreign languages Users work with personal parameters own dictionaries and games Available in English and French
- CamStudio - Records screen activity from the Windows desktop into standard AVI movie files It is an ideal tool for creating software demonstrations and active presentations [Freeware Opensource]
- Burn to the Brim - Windows Utility which takes the group of files or directories and selects those which optimally fill a cdr
- MediaMan - A personal media catalog manager that can categorize your collection of music CDs movie DVDs books and VHS tapes
- JFileChecker - A java application used to check delimited and fixed width data files to ensure they contain properly formatted data
- snsware net - Author s site A collection of useful Visual Basic freeware programs including a small HTML editor
- Video Caster - Software to easily capture a video file upload it to a Windows Streaming Server and distribute video clips through an e-mail link to friends or stream the videos directly from the web site
- Bret Johnson - DOS TSR Terminate Stay Resident keyboard and screen utilities Some can also be used in Windows Source Code is available for most
- PhraseExpress - Manages frequently used text phrases in a taskbar icon and pastes them into any application with a single mouse click
- eflo net commerce Software - Credit card number Mod10 and type validator and an automated clearing house ACH routing number lookup
- Site Journal - A program is intended to help site-supervising architects engineers and construction companies document site inspections [Win32]
- STG FolderPrint - Print and visualize Windows folders with disk space indicators file filters and display customization
- Point-N-Click - On-screen virtual mouse for anyone with a disability who can t click a mouse but can otherwise move a pointing device like a mouse or trackball
- BareGrep - An interactive windowed version of the Unix Grep tool The results are presented in a table for easy navigation and sorting
- SlavaSoft Inc - HashCalc - Calculator to compute message digests checksums and HMACs for files as well as for text and hex strings
- PublicWare - A small Danish spare time company that makes free software including music management software called Music Archive and a file renamer
- Gadwin PrintScreen - Easy to use freeware utility that allows you to capture any portion of the screen save it to a file copy it to Windows clipboard print it or e-mail it to a recipient of your choice
- TrID - A binary file identifier tool that can identify file types and provide information about the file type Site available in English and Italian
- Yoshi-Gamata - Offers MagicBin a "throw the file into the bin" game and Mathburst the simple and powerful calculator [Win32]
- JExplorer - Dual-panel "Commander"-style file manager web browser FTP client compression decompression utility and mail monitor based on Explorer [Windows 95 98 ME NT 4 2000 XP]
- Aadsoft com - Programs for webmasters investors and news-group users
- Tinnes Software - Various useful programs like Desktop Calendar Timed Shutdown and 10 Slide Show
- DataMonkey - Open Source Windows data translation and conversion application
- Binary Modular DataFlow Machine - A Parallel Programming Environment [Linux SunOS]
- PrintDeskTop - Free screen print utility for Windows
- Tedium Compensator - Sets a random background startup wave file and shutdown wave file on Windows bootup
- Dienhart Freeware - Site contains PERL scripts graphics and CAD drawings
- Cupid Systems - Offers various software including programs for cybercafes and various simple games
- WinMac - Macintosh style menubar that can be used in Windows 95 98 NT4 2000
- Passreminder - An open-source secure password manager [Requires Java VM]
- Ulfwood - Freeware Utilities - Text utilities for file searching content modifying and word translating For personal use
- Zipoid - A ZIP Code verification look-up and distance calculator tool
- Downloads ch - Swiss portal with large archive of freeware and shareware In German and English
- Krapplets org - Free applications for Windows 95 and NT4
- Tingan s Homepage - 3D Solar System various games and screensavers
- the jackol s den - Drive Cleanup Wizard gets rid of useless temporary files
- Movie Organizer - Get organized with the OXD data movie organizer It s easy-to-use and fun
- AB-Tools - Musik-Menü and Search Backups Site in English and German
- Execute Query - A java based database utility Requires Java VM [Open Source GPL]
- BMP EMF Grapher - A 2-D mathematical package that exports to BMP EMF CSV and imports to CSV
- Plop - Plop Linux and Plop bootmanager
- HelpNDoc - A simple tool to create HTML help files PDF and WEB based documentation
- Bexonsoft - A bulk file renamer
- RocketDock - Application launcher for Windows 2000 XP Vista 7
- SpiraClock - Small Java program that continuously displays upcoming events from schedules and time-tables inside a desktop clock
- Don s PhoneGuard - A program that checks the name number of phone callers against a personal database of banned name numbers and hangs up on banned callers [Windows 2000 XP]
- Clickie - Utility that can add two new features to the right click context menu of Windows Explorer Copy Path Name and Open MS-DOS Prompt
- Health Software - A body mass index calculator [Win98+]
- PDF-Analyzer - Allows one to find out various information about pdf-files [Win32]
- FlvCapture - Download FLV MP4 video from any video website
- Chris Oldwoods Stuff - Various network and database tools for Windows DOS and Java Source and binaries available
- XCalc - A Reverse Polish Notation calculator [Win32]
- SpeedFan - A program that can control fan speeds according to system temperatures
- AddUp 1 2 by Orefa com - A simple calculator designed to process non-trivial arithmetic expressions [Win32]
- LoanCalc - A simple and powerful loan calculator [Win32]
- DateInTray - A program that displays the day of the month next to the clock in the Windows system tray
- Songwave - Includes ISA Server site blocker and blocklists
- MacExplorer - Windows program allowing to analyze Macintosh files stored on a Windows NT Server Download and a general information page on the software [Windows 95 98 NT 2000]
- Spell Checker for Edit Boxes - A near-universal spell checker for Windows edit boxes free for private use
- Zipdy - Program for Linux to calculate the distance between two zip codes [Open Source GPL]
- JHead - A Exif Jpeg camera setting parser and thumbnail remover for Windows Linux SunOS and MacOSX
- Loan Calculator Plus - A collection of 7 financial calculators that deal with all aspects of a loan
- Copy Path to Clipboard - Adds a new command "Copy Path to Clipboard" to the context menu for files and folders
- Batprint - A batch printing tool for Microsoft Excel
- Ware-Lords - Original programs and games for Windows including an MP3 player a picture puzzle and a Tetris clone
- dir2html - A tool that creates a html file of directory contents with links
- Shadowcraft homepage - Home to iNFERNO and other freeware software
- Advanced Biorhythms - A biorhythms calculator with charts printable monthly calendar and partners compatibility reports Free and paid versions available [Windows]
- PhraseExpress - Manages frequently used text phrases in a taskbar icon and pastes them into any application with a single mouse click
- LuckyMe Software - Mom s Calendar b3 1 4 is a free simple printable calendar that helps people keep organized for Macintosh or Windows
- JFileChecker - A java application used to check delimited and fixed width data files to ensure they contain properly formatted data
- The Open Technology Portal - A web resource for open source software news products discussion tools and licenses Most freely available code from open source projects is cataloged
- eflo net commerce Software - Credit card number Mod10 and type validator and an automated clearing house ACH routing number lookup
- Meazure 1 0 - Measure magnify and capture arbitrary portions of the screen in a number of different ways [Windows 95 98 ME NT 4 2000 XP]
- Site Journal - A program is intended to help site-supervising architects engineers and construction companies document site inspections [Win32]
- PolyGlot - Allows one to learn or to teach multiple foreign languages Users work with personal parameters own dictionaries and games Available in English and French
- CamStudio - Records screen activity from the Windows desktop into standard AVI movie files It is an ideal tool for creating software demonstrations and active presentations [Freeware Opensource]
- MeD s Movie Manager - Customizable movie manager with add edit delete database functions imports movie information from IMDb [Windows 95 98 Me NT 2000]
- Burn to the Brim - Windows Utility which takes the group of files or directories and selects those which optimally fill a cdr
- snsware net - Author s site A collection of useful Visual Basic freeware programs including a small HTML editor
- PDF Explorer - A program to catalog pdf files and extract images from them Includes support for multiple disks and scanning for pdf s in compressed archives
- Radio3000 - Various utilities for radio stations and broadcasters including a broadcast calendar generator and ad scheduling software
- Video Caster - Software to easily capture a video file upload it to a Windows Streaming Server and distribute video clips through an e-mail link to friends or stream the videos directly from the web site
- TurboNote - Sticky note program that includes network and email sending alarm search and quick launch feature to easily open files email and URLs
- Bret Johnson - DOS TSR Terminate Stay Resident keyboard and screen utilities Some can also be used in Windows Source Code is available for most
- MediaMan - A personal media catalog manager that can categorize your collection of music CDs movie DVDs books and VHS tapes
- Click-N-Type Virtual Keyboard - On-screen virtual keyboard for anyone with a disability who can t type on a physical computer keyboard but can use a pointing device like a mouse
- ZoeSoft - A scientific calculator has a UNIX-like interface and many advanced mathematical functions [Win32]
- ReplSoft com - Provides free plug-ins for Word and Excel to help perform multi-replacement operations Also provides other utilities
- HandyFind - A tool that finds the words in a document as you type in Internet Explorer Microsoft Word Notepad Outlook Emails and other programs [Windows NT 2K XP]
- STG FolderPrint - Print and visualize Windows folders with disk space indicators file filters and display customization
- TrID - A binary file identifier tool that can identify file types and provide information about the file type Site available in English and Italian
- SlavaSoft Inc - HashCalc - Calculator to compute message digests checksums and HMACs for files as well as for text and hex strings
- PublicWare - A small Danish spare time company that makes free software including music management software called Music Archive and a file renamer
- Point-N-Click - On-screen virtual mouse for anyone with a disability who can t click a mouse but can otherwise move a pointing device like a mouse or trackball
- Gadwin PrintScreen - Easy to use freeware utility that allows you to capture any portion of the screen save it to a file copy it to Windows clipboard print it or e-mail it to a recipient of your choice
- BareGrep - An interactive windowed version of the Unix Grep tool The results are presented in a table for easy navigation and sorting
- Yoshi-Gamata - Offers MagicBin a "throw the file into the bin" game and Mathburst the simple and powerful calculator [Win32]
- JExplorer - Dual-panel "Commander"-style file manager web browser FTP client compression decompression utility and mail monitor based on Explorer [Windows 95 98 ME NT 4 2000 XP]
- HelpNDoc - A simple tool to create HTML help files PDF and WEB based documentation
- Tedium Compensator - Sets a random background startup wave file and shutdown wave file on Windows bootup
- Tinnes Software - Various useful programs like Desktop Calendar Timed Shutdown and 10 Slide Show
- RocketDock - Application launcher for Windows 2000 XP Vista 7
- DataMonkey - Open Source Windows data translation and conversion application
- Ulfwood - Freeware Utilities - Text utilities for file searching content modifying and word translating For personal use
- PrintDeskTop - Free screen print utility for Windows
- Bexonsoft - A bulk file renamer
- AB-Tools - Musik-Menü and Search Backups Site in English and German
- WinMac - Macintosh style menubar that can be used in Windows 95 98 NT4 2000
- Binary Modular DataFlow Machine - A Parallel Programming Environment [Linux SunOS]
- Krapplets org - Free applications for Windows 95 and NT4
- Passreminder - An open-source secure password manager [Requires Java VM]
- BMP EMF Grapher - A 2-D mathematical package that exports to BMP EMF CSV and imports to CSV
- Tingan s Homepage - 3D Solar System various games and screensavers
- Movie Organizer - Get organized with the OXD data movie organizer It s easy-to-use and fun
- Zipoid - A ZIP Code verification look-up and distance calculator tool
- Plop - Plop Linux and Plop bootmanager
- Dienhart Freeware - Site contains PERL scripts graphics and CAD drawings
- Cupid Systems - Offers various software including programs for cybercafes and various simple games
- Aadsoft com - Programs for webmasters investors and news-group users
- Execute Query - A java based database utility Requires Java VM [Open Source GPL]
- the jackol s den - Drive Cleanup Wizard gets rid of useless temporary files
- Downloads ch - Swiss portal with large archive of freeware and shareware In German and English
- Clickie - Utility that can add two new features to the right click context menu of Windows Explorer Copy Path Name and Open MS-DOS Prompt
- SpiraClock - Small Java program that continuously displays upcoming events from schedules and time-tables inside a desktop clock
- Don s PhoneGuard - A program that checks the name number of phone callers against a personal database of banned name numbers and hangs up on banned callers [Windows 2000 XP]
- SpeedFan - A program that can control fan speeds according to system temperatures
- XCalc - A Reverse Polish Notation calculator [Win32]
- FlvCapture - Download FLV MP4 video from any video website
- Chris Oldwoods Stuff - Various network and database tools for Windows DOS and Java Source and binaries available
- Health Software - A body mass index calculator [Win98+]
- Songwave - Includes ISA Server site blocker and blocklists
- LoanCalc - A simple and powerful loan calculator [Win32]
- PDF-Analyzer - Allows one to find out various information about pdf-files [Win32]
- DateInTray - A program that displays the day of the month next to the clock in the Windows system tray
- AddUp 1 2 by Orefa com - A simple calculator designed to process non-trivial arithmetic expressions [Win32]
- MacExplorer - Windows program allowing to analyze Macintosh files stored on a Windows NT Server Download and a general information page on the software [Windows 95 98 NT 2000]
- JHead - A Exif Jpeg camera setting parser and thumbnail remover for Windows Linux SunOS and MacOSX
- Zipdy - Program for Linux to calculate the distance between two zip codes [Open Source GPL]
- Copy Path to Clipboard - Adds a new command "Copy Path to Clipboard" to the context menu for files and folders
- Batprint - A batch printing tool for Microsoft Excel
- Spell Checker for Edit Boxes - A near-universal spell checker for Windows edit boxes free for private use
- Loan Calculator Plus - A collection of 7 financial calculators that deal with all aspects of a loan
- Ware-Lords - Original programs and games for Windows including an MP3 player a picture puzzle and a Tetris clone
- dir2html - A tool that creates a html file of directory contents with links
- Shadowcraft homepage - Home to iNFERNO and other freeware software
- MeD s Movie Manager - Customizable movie manager with add edit delete database functions imports movie information from IMDb [Windows 95 98 Me NT 2000]
- Video Caster - Software to easily capture a video file upload it to a Windows Streaming Server and distribute video clips through an e-mail link to friends or stream the videos directly from the web site
- PolyGlot - Allows one to learn or to teach multiple foreign languages Users work with personal parameters own dictionaries and games Available in English and French
- JFileChecker - A java application used to check delimited and fixed width data files to ensure they contain properly formatted data
- Advanced Biorhythms - A biorhythms calculator with charts printable monthly calendar and partners compatibility reports Free and paid versions available [Windows]
- Radio3000 - Various utilities for radio stations and broadcasters including a broadcast calendar generator and ad scheduling software
- PhraseExpress - Manages frequently used text phrases in a taskbar icon and pastes them into any application with a single mouse click
- MediaMan - A personal media catalog manager that can categorize your collection of music CDs movie DVDs books and VHS tapes
- ReplSoft com - Provides free plug-ins for Word and Excel to help perform multi-replacement operations Also provides other utilities
- LuckyMe Software - Mom s Calendar b3 1 4 is a free simple printable calendar that helps people keep organized for Macintosh or Windows
- HandyFind - A tool that finds the words in a document as you type in Internet Explorer Microsoft Word Notepad Outlook Emails and other programs [Windows NT 2K XP]
- TurboNote - Sticky note program that includes network and email sending alarm search and quick launch feature to easily open files email and URLs
- Bret Johnson - DOS TSR Terminate Stay Resident keyboard and screen utilities Some can also be used in Windows Source Code is available for most
- PDF Explorer - A program to catalog pdf files and extract images from them Includes support for multiple disks and scanning for pdf s in compressed archives
- eflo net commerce Software - Credit card number Mod10 and type validator and an automated clearing house ACH routing number lookup
- Site Journal - A program is intended to help site-supervising architects engineers and construction companies document site inspections [Win32]
- ZoeSoft - A scientific calculator has a UNIX-like interface and many advanced mathematical functions [Win32]
- snsware net - Author s site A collection of useful Visual Basic freeware programs including a small HTML editor
- The Open Technology Portal - A web resource for open source software news products discussion tools and licenses Most freely available code from open source projects is cataloged
- Meazure 1 0 - Measure magnify and capture arbitrary portions of the screen in a number of different ways [Windows 95 98 ME NT 4 2000 XP]
- Click-N-Type Virtual Keyboard - On-screen virtual keyboard for anyone with a disability who can t type on a physical computer keyboard but can use a pointing device like a mouse
- CamStudio - Records screen activity from the Windows desktop into standard AVI movie files It is an ideal tool for creating software demonstrations and active presentations [Freeware Opensource]
- Burn to the Brim - Windows Utility which takes the group of files or directories and selects those which optimally fill a cdr
- STG FolderPrint - Print and visualize Windows folders with disk space indicators file filters and display customization
- Gadwin PrintScreen - Easy to use freeware utility that allows you to capture any portion of the screen save it to a file copy it to Windows clipboard print it or e-mail it to a recipient of your choice
- BareGrep - An interactive windowed version of the Unix Grep tool The results are presented in a table for easy navigation and sorting
- PublicWare - A small Danish spare time company that makes free software including music management software called Music Archive and a file renamer
- Point-N-Click - On-screen virtual mouse for anyone with a disability who can t click a mouse but can otherwise move a pointing device like a mouse or trackball
- TrID - A binary file identifier tool that can identify file types and provide information about the file type Site available in English and Italian
- Yoshi-Gamata - Offers MagicBin a "throw the file into the bin" game and Mathburst the simple and powerful calculator [Win32]
- SlavaSoft Inc - HashCalc - Calculator to compute message digests checksums and HMACs for files as well as for text and hex strings
- JExplorer - Dual-panel "Commander"-style file manager web browser FTP client compression decompression utility and mail monitor based on Explorer [Windows 95 98 ME NT 4 2000 XP]
- DataMonkey - Open Source Windows data translation and conversion application
- Movie Organizer - Get organized with the OXD data movie organizer It s easy-to-use and fun
- Downloads ch - Swiss portal with large archive of freeware and shareware In German and English
- Aadsoft com - Programs for webmasters investors and news-group users
- Plop - Plop Linux and Plop bootmanager
- Zipoid - A ZIP Code verification look-up and distance calculator tool
- Tedium Compensator - Sets a random background startup wave file and shutdown wave file on Windows bootup
- RocketDock - Application launcher for Windows 2000 XP Vista 7
- Ulfwood - Freeware Utilities - Text utilities for file searching content modifying and word translating For personal use
- Tingan s Homepage - 3D Solar System various games and screensavers
- the jackol s den - Drive Cleanup Wizard gets rid of useless temporary files
- PrintDeskTop - Free screen print utility for Windows
- HelpNDoc - A simple tool to create HTML help files PDF and WEB based documentation
- Cupid Systems - Offers various software including programs for cybercafes and various simple games
- Bexonsoft - A bulk file renamer
- Execute Query - A java based database utility Requires Java VM [Open Source GPL]
- BMP EMF Grapher - A 2-D mathematical package that exports to BMP EMF CSV and imports to CSV
- Dienhart Freeware - Site contains PERL scripts graphics and CAD drawings
- AB-Tools - Musik-Menü and Search Backups Site in English and German
- Tinnes Software - Various useful programs like Desktop Calendar Timed Shutdown and 10 Slide Show
- Krapplets org - Free applications for Windows 95 and NT4
- WinMac - Macintosh style menubar that can be used in Windows 95 98 NT4 2000
- Passreminder - An open-source secure password manager [Requires Java VM]
- Binary Modular DataFlow Machine - A Parallel Programming Environment [Linux SunOS]
- Clickie - Utility that can add two new features to the right click context menu of Windows Explorer Copy Path Name and Open MS-DOS Prompt
- Don s PhoneGuard - A program that checks the name number of phone callers against a personal database of banned name numbers and hangs up on banned callers [Windows 2000 XP]
- SpiraClock - Small Java program that continuously displays upcoming events from schedules and time-tables inside a desktop clock
- XCalc - A Reverse Polish Notation calculator [Win32]
- DateInTray - A program that displays the day of the month next to the clock in the Windows system tray
- Songwave - Includes ISA Server site blocker and blocklists
- LoanCalc - A simple and powerful loan calculator [Win32]
- FlvCapture - Download FLV MP4 video from any video website
- SpeedFan - A program that can control fan speeds according to system temperatures
- AddUp 1 2 by Orefa com - A simple calculator designed to process non-trivial arithmetic expressions [Win32]
- Health Software - A body mass index calculator [Win98+]
- PDF-Analyzer - Allows one to find out various information about pdf-files [Win32]
- Chris Oldwoods Stuff - Various network and database tools for Windows DOS and Java Source and binaries available
- MacExplorer - Windows program allowing to analyze Macintosh files stored on a Windows NT Server Download and a general information page on the software [Windows 95 98 NT 2000]
- Zipdy - Program for Linux to calculate the distance between two zip codes [Open Source GPL]
- JHead - A Exif Jpeg camera setting parser and thumbnail remover for Windows Linux SunOS and MacOSX
- Spell Checker for Edit Boxes - A near-universal spell checker for Windows edit boxes free for private use
- Loan Calculator Plus - A collection of 7 financial calculators that deal with all aspects of a loan
- Batprint - A batch printing tool for Microsoft Excel
- Copy Path to Clipboard - Adds a new command "Copy Path to Clipboard" to the context menu for files and folders
- Ware-Lords - Original programs and games for Windows including an MP3 player a picture puzzle and a Tetris clone
- dir2html - A tool that creates a html file of directory contents with links
- Shadowcraft homepage - Home to iNFERNO and other freeware software
- ReplSoft com - Provides free plug-ins for Word and Excel to help perform multi-replacement operations Also provides other utilities
- SpeedFan - A program that can control fan speeds according to system temperatures
- Radio3000 - Various utilities for radio stations and broadcasters including a broadcast calendar generator and ad scheduling software
- PolyGlot - Allows one to learn or to teach multiple foreign languages Users work with personal parameters own dictionaries and games Available in English and French
- ZoeSoft - A scientific calculator has a UNIX-like interface and many advanced mathematical functions [Win32]
- PDF Explorer - A program to catalog pdf files and extract images from them Includes support for multiple disks and scanning for pdf s in compressed archives
- LuckyMe Software - Mom s Calendar b3 1 4 is a free simple printable calendar that helps people keep organized for Macintosh or Windows
- MediaMan - A personal media catalog manager that can categorize your collection of music CDs movie DVDs books and VHS tapes
- eflo net commerce Software - Credit card number Mod10 and type validator and an automated clearing house ACH routing number lookup
- Meazure 1 0 - Measure magnify and capture arbitrary portions of the screen in a number of different ways [Windows 95 98 ME NT 4 2000 XP]
- TurboNote - Sticky note program that includes network and email sending alarm search and quick launch feature to easily open files email and URLs
- Burn to the Brim - Windows Utility which takes the group of files or directories and selects those which optimally fill a cdr
- Advanced Biorhythms - A biorhythms calculator with charts printable monthly calendar and partners compatibility reports Free and paid versions available [Windows]
- HandyFind - A tool that finds the words in a document as you type in Internet Explorer Microsoft Word Notepad Outlook Emails and other programs [Windows NT 2K XP]
- Video Caster - Software to easily capture a video file upload it to a Windows Streaming Server and distribute video clips through an e-mail link to friends or stream the videos directly from the web site
- Bret Johnson - DOS TSR Terminate Stay Resident keyboard and screen utilities Some can also be used in Windows Source Code is available for most
- MeD s Movie Manager - Customizable movie manager with add edit delete database functions imports movie information from IMDb [Windows 95 98 Me NT 2000]
- The Open Technology Portal - A web resource for open source software news products discussion tools and licenses Most freely available code from open source projects is cataloged
- Site Journal - A program is intended to help site-supervising architects engineers and construction companies document site inspections [Win32]
- JFileChecker - A java application used to check delimited and fixed width data files to ensure they contain properly formatted data
- Click-N-Type Virtual Keyboard - On-screen virtual keyboard for anyone with a disability who can t type on a physical computer keyboard but can use a pointing device like a mouse
- snsware net - Author s site A collection of useful Visual Basic freeware programs including a small HTML editor
- PhraseExpress - Manages frequently used text phrases in a taskbar icon and pastes them into any application with a single mouse click
- CamStudio - Records screen activity from the Windows desktop into standard AVI movie files It is an ideal tool for creating software demonstrations and active presentations [Freeware Opensource]
- Gadwin PrintScreen - Easy to use freeware utility that allows you to capture any portion of the screen save it to a file copy it to Windows clipboard print it or e-mail it to a recipient of your choice
- STG FolderPrint - Print and visualize Windows folders with disk space indicators file filters and display customization
- SlavaSoft Inc - HashCalc - Calculator to compute message digests checksums and HMACs for files as well as for text and hex strings
- PublicWare - A small Danish spare time company that makes free software including music management software called Music Archive and a file renamer
- JExplorer - Dual-panel "Commander"-style file manager web browser FTP client compression decompression utility and mail monitor based on Explorer [Windows 95 98 ME NT 4 2000 XP]
- TrID - A binary file identifier tool that can identify file types and provide information about the file type Site available in English and Italian
- Yoshi-Gamata - Offers MagicBin a "throw the file into the bin" game and Mathburst the simple and powerful calculator [Win32]
- Point-N-Click - On-screen virtual mouse for anyone with a disability who can t click a mouse but can otherwise move a pointing device like a mouse or trackball
- BareGrep - An interactive windowed version of the Unix Grep tool The results are presented in a table for easy navigation and sorting
- the jackol s den - Drive Cleanup Wizard gets rid of useless temporary files
- Movie Organizer - Get organized with the OXD data movie organizer It s easy-to-use and fun
- Tedium Compensator - Sets a random background startup wave file and shutdown wave file on Windows bootup
- WinMac - Macintosh style menubar that can be used in Windows 95 98 NT4 2000
- Tinnes Software - Various useful programs like Desktop Calendar Timed Shutdown and 10 Slide Show
- Passreminder - An open-source secure password manager [Requires Java VM]
- BMP EMF Grapher - A 2-D mathematical package that exports to BMP EMF CSV and imports to CSV
- PrintDeskTop - Free screen print utility for Windows
- Plop - Plop Linux and Plop bootmanager
- Zipoid - A ZIP Code verification look-up and distance calculator tool
- Cupid Systems - Offers various software including programs for cybercafes and various simple games
- RocketDock - Application launcher for Windows 2000 XP Vista 7
- Binary Modular DataFlow Machine - A Parallel Programming Environment [Linux SunOS]
- Bexonsoft - A bulk file renamer
- AB-Tools - Musik-Menü and Search Backups Site in English and German
- Aadsoft com - Programs for webmasters investors and news-group users
- Krapplets org - Free applications for Windows 95 and NT4
- Execute Query - A java based database utility Requires Java VM [Open Source GPL]
- DataMonkey - Open Source Windows data translation and conversion application
- Downloads ch - Swiss portal with large archive of freeware and shareware In German and English
- Ulfwood - Freeware Utilities - Text utilities for file searching content modifying and word translating For personal use
- Tingan s Homepage - 3D Solar System various games and screensavers
- Dienhart Freeware - Site contains PERL scripts graphics and CAD drawings
- HelpNDoc - A simple tool to create HTML help files PDF and WEB based documentation
- Don s PhoneGuard - A program that checks the name number of phone callers against a personal database of banned name numbers and hangs up on banned callers [Windows 2000 XP]
- SpiraClock - Small Java program that continuously displays upcoming events from schedules and time-tables inside a desktop clock
- Clickie - Utility that can add two new features to the right click context menu of Windows Explorer Copy Path Name and Open MS-DOS Prompt
- XCalc - A Reverse Polish Notation calculator [Win32]
- Songwave - Includes ISA Server site blocker and blocklists
- Health Software - A body mass index calculator [Win98+]
- FlvCapture - Download FLV MP4 video from any video website
- Chris Oldwoods Stuff - Various network and database tools for Windows DOS and Java Source and binaries available
- DateInTray - A program that displays the day of the month next to the clock in the Windows system tray
- AddUp 1 2 by Orefa com - A simple calculator designed to process non-trivial arithmetic expressions [Win32]
- LoanCalc - A simple and powerful loan calculator [Win32]
- PDF-Analyzer - Allows one to find out various information about pdf-files [Win32]
- MacExplorer - Windows program allowing to analyze Macintosh files stored on a Windows NT Server Download and a general information page on the software [Windows 95 98 NT 2000]
- Spell Checker for Edit Boxes - A near-universal spell checker for Windows edit boxes free for private use
- Loan Calculator Plus - A collection of 7 financial calculators that deal with all aspects of a loan
- Batprint - A batch printing tool for Microsoft Excel
- Copy Path to Clipboard - Adds a new command "Copy Path to Clipboard" to the context menu for files and folders
- JHead - A Exif Jpeg camera setting parser and thumbnail remover for Windows Linux SunOS and MacOSX
- Zipdy - Program for Linux to calculate the distance between two zip codes [Open Source GPL]
- Ware-Lords - Original programs and games for Windows including an MP3 player a picture puzzle and a Tetris clone
- dir2html - A tool that creates a html file of directory contents with links
- Shadowcraft homepage - Home to iNFERNO and other freeware software
- PolyGlot - Allows one to learn or to teach multiple foreign languages Users work with personal parameters own dictionaries and games Available in English and French
- MeD s Movie Manager - Customizable movie manager with add edit delete database functions imports movie information from IMDb [Windows 95 98 Me NT 2000]
- ZoeSoft - A scientific calculator has a UNIX-like interface and many advanced mathematical functions [Win32]
- PhraseExpress - Manages frequently used text phrases in a taskbar icon and pastes them into any application with a single mouse click
- MediaMan - A personal media catalog manager that can categorize your collection of music CDs movie DVDs books and VHS tapes
- Burn to the Brim - Windows Utility which takes the group of files or directories and selects those which optimally fill a cdr
- LuckyMe Software - Mom s Calendar b3 1 4 is a free simple printable calendar that helps people keep organized for Macintosh or Windows
- eflo net commerce Software - Credit card number Mod10 and type validator and an automated clearing house ACH routing number lookup
- Meazure 1 0 - Measure magnify and capture arbitrary portions of the screen in a number of different ways [Windows 95 98 ME NT 4 2000 XP]
- TurboNote - Sticky note program that includes network and email sending alarm search and quick launch feature to easily open files email and URLs
- Site Journal - A program is intended to help site-supervising architects engineers and construction companies document site inspections [Win32]
- Click-N-Type Virtual Keyboard - On-screen virtual keyboard for anyone with a disability who can t type on a physical computer keyboard but can use a pointing device like a mouse
- Advanced Biorhythms - A biorhythms calculator with charts printable monthly calendar and partners compatibility reports Free and paid versions available [Windows]
- ReplSoft com - Provides free plug-ins for Word and Excel to help perform multi-replacement operations Also provides other utilities
- Radio3000 - Various utilities for radio stations and broadcasters including a broadcast calendar generator and ad scheduling software
- Bret Johnson - DOS TSR Terminate Stay Resident keyboard and screen utilities Some can also be used in Windows Source Code is available for most
- HandyFind - A tool that finds the words in a document as you type in Internet Explorer Microsoft Word Notepad Outlook Emails and other programs [Windows NT 2K XP]
- Video Caster - Software to easily capture a video file upload it to a Windows Streaming Server and distribute video clips through an e-mail link to friends or stream the videos directly from the web site
- JFileChecker - A java application used to check delimited and fixed width data files to ensure they contain properly formatted data
- CamStudio - Records screen activity from the Windows desktop into standard AVI movie files It is an ideal tool for creating software demonstrations and active presentations [Freeware Opensource]
- snsware net - Author s site A collection of useful Visual Basic freeware programs including a small HTML editor
- PDF Explorer - A program to catalog pdf files and extract images from them Includes support for multiple disks and scanning for pdf s in compressed archives
- The Open Technology Portal - A web resource for open source software news products discussion tools and licenses Most freely available code from open source projects is cataloged
- SlavaSoft Inc - HashCalc - Calculator to compute message digests checksums and HMACs for files as well as for text and hex strings
- PublicWare - A small Danish spare time company that makes free software including music management software called Music Archive and a file renamer
- TrID - A binary file identifier tool that can identify file types and provide information about the file type Site available in English and Italian
- STG FolderPrint - Print and visualize Windows folders with disk space indicators file filters and display customization
- Yoshi-Gamata - Offers MagicBin a "throw the file into the bin" game and Mathburst the simple and powerful calculator [Win32]
- JExplorer - Dual-panel "Commander"-style file manager web browser FTP client compression decompression utility and mail monitor based on Explorer [Windows 95 98 ME NT 4 2000 XP]
- Point-N-Click - On-screen virtual mouse for anyone with a disability who can t click a mouse but can otherwise move a pointing device like a mouse or trackball
- Gadwin PrintScreen - Easy to use freeware utility that allows you to capture any portion of the screen save it to a file copy it to Windows clipboard print it or e-mail it to a recipient of your choice
- BareGrep - An interactive windowed version of the Unix Grep tool The results are presented in a table for easy navigation and sorting
- Tingan s Homepage - 3D Solar System various games and screensavers
- Aadsoft com - Programs for webmasters investors and news-group users
- BMP EMF Grapher - A 2-D mathematical package that exports to BMP EMF CSV and imports to CSV
- Ulfwood - Freeware Utilities - Text utilities for file searching content modifying and word translating For personal use
- Bexonsoft - A bulk file renamer
- Tinnes Software - Various useful programs like Desktop Calendar Timed Shutdown and 10 Slide Show
- Binary Modular DataFlow Machine - A Parallel Programming Environment [Linux SunOS]
- the jackol s den - Drive Cleanup Wizard gets rid of useless temporary files
- PrintDeskTop - Free screen print utility for Windows
- Plop - Plop Linux and Plop bootmanager
- Movie Organizer - Get organized with the OXD data movie organizer It s easy-to-use and fun
- Downloads ch - Swiss portal with large archive of freeware and shareware In German and English
- Dienhart Freeware - Site contains PERL scripts graphics and CAD drawings
- Cupid Systems - Offers various software including programs for cybercafes and various simple games
- RocketDock - Application launcher for Windows 2000 XP Vista 7
- Passreminder - An open-source secure password manager [Requires Java VM]
- HelpNDoc - A simple tool to create HTML help files PDF and WEB based documentation
- Zipoid - A ZIP Code verification look-up and distance calculator tool
- AB-Tools - Musik-Menü and Search Backups Site in English and German
- DataMonkey - Open Source Windows data translation and conversion application
- Tedium Compensator - Sets a random background startup wave file and shutdown wave file on Windows bootup
- WinMac - Macintosh style menubar that can be used in Windows 95 98 NT4 2000
- Krapplets org - Free applications for Windows 95 and NT4
- Execute Query - A java based database utility Requires Java VM [Open Source GPL]
- SpiraClock - Small Java program that continuously displays upcoming events from schedules and time-tables inside a desktop clock
- Clickie - Utility that can add two new features to the right click context menu of Windows Explorer Copy Path Name and Open MS-DOS Prompt
- Don s PhoneGuard - A program that checks the name number of phone callers against a personal database of banned name numbers and hangs up on banned callers [Windows 2000 XP]
- PDF-Analyzer - Allows one to find out various information about pdf-files [Win32]
- Chris Oldwoods Stuff - Various network and database tools for Windows DOS and Java Source and binaries available
- AddUp 1 2 by Orefa com - A simple calculator designed to process non-trivial arithmetic expressions [Win32]
- Songwave - Includes ISA Server site blocker and blocklists
- SpeedFan - A program that can control fan speeds according to system temperatures
- XCalc - A Reverse Polish Notation calculator [Win32]
- LoanCalc - A simple and powerful loan calculator [Win32]
- Health Software - A body mass index calculator [Win98+]
- FlvCapture - Download FLV MP4 video from any video website
- DateInTray - A program that displays the day of the month next to the clock in the Windows system tray
- MacExplorer - Windows program allowing to analyze Macintosh files stored on a Windows NT Server Download and a general information page on the software [Windows 95 98 NT 2000]
- Spell Checker for Edit Boxes - A near-universal spell checker for Windows edit boxes free for private use
- Loan Calculator Plus - A collection of 7 financial calculators that deal with all aspects of a loan
- Copy Path to Clipboard - Adds a new command "Copy Path to Clipboard" to the context menu for files and folders
- JHead - A Exif Jpeg camera setting parser and thumbnail remover for Windows Linux SunOS and MacOSX
- Zipdy - Program for Linux to calculate the distance between two zip codes [Open Source GPL]
- Batprint - A batch printing tool for Microsoft Excel
- Ware-Lords - Original programs and games for Windows including an MP3 player a picture puzzle and a Tetris clone
- dir2html - A tool that creates a html file of directory contents with links
- Shadowcraft homepage - Home to iNFERNO and other freeware software
- Aadsoft com - Programs for webmasters investors and news-group users
- snsware net - Author s site A collection of useful Visual Basic freeware programs including a small HTML editor
- Radio3000 - Various utilities for radio stations and broadcasters including a broadcast calendar generator and ad scheduling software
- HandyFind - A tool that finds the words in a document as you type in Internet Explorer Microsoft Word Notepad Outlook Emails and other programs [Windows NT 2K XP]
- ZoeSoft - A scientific calculator has a UNIX-like interface and many advanced mathematical functions [Win32]
- PDF Explorer - A program to catalog pdf files and extract images from them Includes support for multiple disks and scanning for pdf s in compressed archives
- PhraseExpress - Manages frequently used text phrases in a taskbar icon and pastes them into any application with a single mouse click
- MediaMan - A personal media catalog manager that can categorize your collection of music CDs movie DVDs books and VHS tapes
- eflo net commerce Software - Credit card number Mod10 and type validator and an automated clearing house ACH routing number lookup
- TurboNote - Sticky note program that includes network and email sending alarm search and quick launch feature to easily open files email and URLs
- JFileChecker - A java application used to check delimited and fixed width data files to ensure they contain properly formatted data
- Click-N-Type Virtual Keyboard - On-screen virtual keyboard for anyone with a disability who can t type on a physical computer keyboard but can use a pointing device like a mouse
- Burn to the Brim - Windows Utility which takes the group of files or directories and selects those which optimally fill a cdr
- Bret Johnson - DOS TSR Terminate Stay Resident keyboard and screen utilities Some can also be used in Windows Source Code is available for most
- Advanced Biorhythms - A biorhythms calculator with charts printable monthly calendar and partners compatibility reports Free and paid versions available [Windows]
- The Open Technology Portal - A web resource for open source software news products discussion tools and licenses Most freely available code from open source projects is cataloged
- Meazure 1 0 - Measure magnify and capture arbitrary portions of the screen in a number of different ways [Windows 95 98 ME NT 4 2000 XP]
- PolyGlot - Allows one to learn or to teach multiple foreign languages Users work with personal parameters own dictionaries and games Available in English and French
- CamStudio - Records screen activity from the Windows desktop into standard AVI movie files It is an ideal tool for creating software demonstrations and active presentations [Freeware Opensource]
- MeD s Movie Manager - Customizable movie manager with add edit delete database functions imports movie information from IMDb [Windows 95 98 Me NT 2000]
- Video Caster - Software to easily capture a video file upload it to a Windows Streaming Server and distribute video clips through an e-mail link to friends or stream the videos directly from the web site
- ReplSoft com - Provides free plug-ins for Word and Excel to help perform multi-replacement operations Also provides other utilities
- LuckyMe Software - Mom s Calendar b3 1 4 is a free simple printable calendar that helps people keep organized for Macintosh or Windows
- Site Journal - A program is intended to help site-supervising architects engineers and construction companies document site inspections [Win32]
- STG FolderPrint - Print and visualize Windows folders with disk space indicators file filters and display customization
- SlavaSoft Inc - HashCalc - Calculator to compute message digests checksums and HMACs for files as well as for text and hex strings
- PublicWare - A small Danish spare time company that makes free software including music management software called Music Archive and a file renamer
- Point-N-Click - On-screen virtual mouse for anyone with a disability who can t click a mouse but can otherwise move a pointing device like a mouse or trackball
- Gadwin PrintScreen - Easy to use freeware utility that allows you to capture any portion of the screen save it to a file copy it to Windows clipboard print it or e-mail it to a recipient of your choice
- TrID - A binary file identifier tool that can identify file types and provide information about the file type Site available in English and Italian
- BareGrep - An interactive windowed version of the Unix Grep tool The results are presented in a table for easy navigation and sorting
- JExplorer - Dual-panel "Commander"-style file manager web browser FTP client compression decompression utility and mail monitor based on Explorer [Windows 95 98 ME NT 4 2000 XP]
- Yoshi-Gamata - Offers MagicBin a "throw the file into the bin" game and Mathburst the simple and powerful calculator [Win32]
- Movie Organizer - Get organized with the OXD data movie organizer It s easy-to-use and fun
- Tinnes Software - Various useful programs like Desktop Calendar Timed Shutdown and 10 Slide Show
- Execute Query - A java based database utility Requires Java VM [Open Source GPL]
- Binary Modular DataFlow Machine - A Parallel Programming Environment [Linux SunOS]
- Downloads ch - Swiss portal with large archive of freeware and shareware In German and English
- AB-Tools - Musik-Menü and Search Backups Site in English and German
- RocketDock - Application launcher for Windows 2000 XP Vista 7
- DataMonkey - Open Source Windows data translation and conversion application
- Plop - Plop Linux and Plop bootmanager
- HelpNDoc - A simple tool to create HTML help files PDF and WEB based documentation
- Cupid Systems - Offers various software including programs for cybercafes and various simple games
- Bexonsoft - A bulk file renamer
- Passreminder - An open-source secure password manager [Requires Java VM]
- Krapplets org - Free applications for Windows 95 and NT4
- BMP EMF Grapher - A 2-D mathematical package that exports to BMP EMF CSV and imports to CSV
- Tingan s Homepage - 3D Solar System various games and screensavers
- Dienhart Freeware - Site contains PERL scripts graphics and CAD drawings
- WinMac - Macintosh style menubar that can be used in Windows 95 98 NT4 2000
- Ulfwood - Freeware Utilities - Text utilities for file searching content modifying and word translating For personal use
- the jackol s den - Drive Cleanup Wizard gets rid of useless temporary files
- PrintDeskTop - Free screen print utility for Windows
- Zipoid - A ZIP Code verification look-up and distance calculator tool
- Tedium Compensator - Sets a random background startup wave file and shutdown wave file on Windows bootup
- Don s PhoneGuard - A program that checks the name number of phone callers against a personal database of banned name numbers and hangs up on banned callers [Windows 2000 XP]
- SpiraClock - Small Java program that continuously displays upcoming events from schedules and time-tables inside a desktop clock
- Clickie - Utility that can add two new features to the right click context menu of Windows Explorer Copy Path Name and Open MS-DOS Prompt
- SpeedFan - A program that can control fan speeds according to system temperatures
- LoanCalc - A simple and powerful loan calculator [Win32]
- PDF-Analyzer - Allows one to find out various information about pdf-files [Win32]
- DateInTray - A program that displays the day of the month next to the clock in the Windows system tray
- AddUp 1 2 by Orefa com - A simple calculator designed to process non-trivial arithmetic expressions [Win32]
- XCalc - A Reverse Polish Notation calculator [Win32]
- Health Software - A body mass index calculator [Win98+]
- Songwave - Includes ISA Server site blocker and blocklists
- FlvCapture - Download FLV MP4 video from any video website
- Chris Oldwoods Stuff - Various network and database tools for Windows DOS and Java Source and binaries available
- MacExplorer - Windows program allowing to analyze Macintosh files stored on a Windows NT Server Download and a general information page on the software [Windows 95 98 NT 2000]
- Loan Calculator Plus - A collection of 7 financial calculators that deal with all aspects of a loan
- Spell Checker for Edit Boxes - A near-universal spell checker for Windows edit boxes free for private use
- Zipdy - Program for Linux to calculate the distance between two zip codes [Open Source GPL]
- Copy Path to Clipboard - Adds a new command "Copy Path to Clipboard" to the context menu for files and folders
- JHead - A Exif Jpeg camera setting parser and thumbnail remover for Windows Linux SunOS and MacOSX
- Batprint - A batch printing tool for Microsoft Excel
- Ware-Lords - Original programs and games for Windows including an MP3 player a picture puzzle and a Tetris clone
- dir2html - A tool that creates a html file of directory contents with links
- Shadowcraft homepage - Home to iNFERNO and other freeware software
- The Open Technology Portal - A web resource for open source software news products discussion tools and licenses Most freely available code from open source projects is cataloged
- Click-N-Type Virtual Keyboard - On-screen virtual keyboard for anyone with a disability who can t type on a physical computer keyboard but can use a pointing device like a mouse
- CamStudio - Records screen activity from the Windows desktop into standard AVI movie files It is an ideal tool for creating software demonstrations and active presentations [Freeware Opensource]
- Bret Johnson - DOS TSR Terminate Stay Resident keyboard and screen utilities Some can also be used in Windows Source Code is available for most
- MeD s Movie Manager - Customizable movie manager with add edit delete database functions imports movie information from IMDb [Windows 95 98 Me NT 2000]
- PhraseExpress - Manages frequently used text phrases in a taskbar icon and pastes them into any application with a single mouse click
- LuckyMe Software - Mom s Calendar b3 1 4 is a free simple printable calendar that helps people keep organized for Macintosh or Windows
- snsware net - Author s site A collection of useful Visual Basic freeware programs including a small HTML editor
- ReplSoft com - Provides free plug-ins for Word and Excel to help perform multi-replacement operations Also provides other utilities
- Radio3000 - Various utilities for radio stations and broadcasters including a broadcast calendar generator and ad scheduling software
- Video Caster - Software to easily capture a video file upload it to a Windows Streaming Server and distribute video clips through an e-mail link to friends or stream the videos directly from the web site
- Meazure 1 0 - Measure magnify and capture arbitrary portions of the screen in a number of different ways [Windows 95 98 ME NT 4 2000 XP]
- Site Journal - A program is intended to help site-supervising architects engineers and construction companies document site inspections [Win32]
- Burn to the Brim - Windows Utility which takes the group of files or directories and selects those which optimally fill a cdr
- PDF Explorer - A program to catalog pdf files and extract images from them Includes support for multiple disks and scanning for pdf s in compressed archives
- MediaMan - A personal media catalog manager that can categorize your collection of music CDs movie DVDs books and VHS tapes
- JFileChecker - A java application used to check delimited and fixed width data files to ensure they contain properly formatted data
- ZoeSoft - A scientific calculator has a UNIX-like interface and many advanced mathematical functions [Win32]
- Advanced Biorhythms - A biorhythms calculator with charts printable monthly calendar and partners compatibility reports Free and paid versions available [Windows]
- HandyFind - A tool that finds the words in a document as you type in Internet Explorer Microsoft Word Notepad Outlook Emails and other programs [Windows NT 2K XP]
- eflo net commerce Software - Credit card number Mod10 and type validator and an automated clearing house ACH routing number lookup
- TurboNote - Sticky note program that includes network and email sending alarm search and quick launch feature to easily open files email and URLs
- PolyGlot - Allows one to learn or to teach multiple foreign languages Users work with personal parameters own dictionaries and games Available in English and French
- STG FolderPrint - Print and visualize Windows folders with disk space indicators file filters and display customization
- Gadwin PrintScreen - Easy to use freeware utility that allows you to capture any portion of the screen save it to a file copy it to Windows clipboard print it or e-mail it to a recipient of your choice
- BareGrep - An interactive windowed version of the Unix Grep tool The results are presented in a table for easy navigation and sorting
- SlavaSoft Inc - HashCalc - Calculator to compute message digests checksums and HMACs for files as well as for text and hex strings
- Yoshi-Gamata - Offers MagicBin a "throw the file into the bin" game and Mathburst the simple and powerful calculator [Win32]
- JExplorer - Dual-panel "Commander"-style file manager web browser FTP client compression decompression utility and mail monitor based on Explorer [Windows 95 98 ME NT 4 2000 XP]
- PublicWare - A small Danish spare time company that makes free software including music management software called Music Archive and a file renamer
- Point-N-Click - On-screen virtual mouse for anyone with a disability who can t click a mouse but can otherwise move a pointing device like a mouse or trackball
- TrID - A binary file identifier tool that can identify file types and provide information about the file type Site available in English and Italian
- Plop - Plop Linux and Plop bootmanager
- Zipoid - A ZIP Code verification look-up and distance calculator tool
- Tedium Compensator - Sets a random background startup wave file and shutdown wave file on Windows bootup
- Cupid Systems - Offers various software including programs for cybercafes and various simple games
- RocketDock - Application launcher for Windows 2000 XP Vista 7
- BMP EMF Grapher - A 2-D mathematical package that exports to BMP EMF CSV and imports to CSV
- the jackol s den - Drive Cleanup Wizard gets rid of useless temporary files
- Movie Organizer - Get organized with the OXD data movie organizer It s easy-to-use and fun
- HelpNDoc - A simple tool to create HTML help files PDF and WEB based documentation
- Dienhart Freeware - Site contains PERL scripts graphics and CAD drawings
- Aadsoft com - Programs for webmasters investors and news-group users
- AB-Tools - Musik-Menü and Search Backups Site in English and German
- WinMac - Macintosh style menubar that can be used in Windows 95 98 NT4 2000
- Tinnes Software - Various useful programs like Desktop Calendar Timed Shutdown and 10 Slide Show
- Krapplets org - Free applications for Windows 95 and NT4
- Ulfwood - Freeware Utilities - Text utilities for file searching content modifying and word translating For personal use
- PrintDeskTop - Free screen print utility for Windows
- Passreminder - An open-source secure password manager [Requires Java VM]
- Tingan s Homepage - 3D Solar System various games and screensavers
- Bexonsoft - A bulk file renamer
- Downloads ch - Swiss portal with large archive of freeware and shareware In German and English
- Execute Query - A java based database utility Requires Java VM [Open Source GPL]
- DataMonkey - Open Source Windows data translation and conversion application
- Binary Modular DataFlow Machine - A Parallel Programming Environment [Linux SunOS]
- Clickie - Utility that can add two new features to the right click context menu of Windows Explorer Copy Path Name and Open MS-DOS Prompt
- SpiraClock - Small Java program that continuously displays upcoming events from schedules and time-tables inside a desktop clock
- Don s PhoneGuard - A program that checks the name number of phone callers against a personal database of banned name numbers and hangs up on banned callers [Windows 2000 XP]
- PDF-Analyzer - Allows one to find out various information about pdf-files [Win32]
- DateInTray - A program that displays the day of the month next to the clock in the Windows system tray
- Chris Oldwoods Stuff - Various network and database tools for Windows DOS and Java Source and binaries available
- AddUp 1 2 by Orefa com - A simple calculator designed to process non-trivial arithmetic expressions [Win32]
- LoanCalc - A simple and powerful loan calculator [Win32]
- Health Software - A body mass index calculator [Win98+]
- SpeedFan - A program that can control fan speeds according to system temperatures
- Songwave - Includes ISA Server site blocker and blocklists
- FlvCapture - Download FLV MP4 video from any video website
- XCalc - A Reverse Polish Notation calculator [Win32]
- MacExplorer - Windows program allowing to analyze Macintosh files stored on a Windows NT Server Download and a general information page on the software [Windows 95 98 NT 2000]
- JHead - A Exif Jpeg camera setting parser and thumbnail remover for Windows Linux SunOS and MacOSX
- Loan Calculator Plus - A collection of 7 financial calculators that deal with all aspects of a loan
- Zipdy - Program for Linux to calculate the distance between two zip codes [Open Source GPL]
- Spell Checker for Edit Boxes - A near-universal spell checker for Windows edit boxes free for private use
- Copy Path to Clipboard - Adds a new command "Copy Path to Clipboard" to the context menu for files and folders
- Batprint - A batch printing tool for Microsoft Excel
- Ware-Lords - Original programs and games for Windows including an MP3 player a picture puzzle and a Tetris clone
- dir2html - A tool that creates a html file of directory contents with links
- Shadowcraft homepage - Home to iNFERNO and other freeware software
- dir2html - A tool that creates a html file of directory contents with links
- Radio3000 - Various utilities for radio stations and broadcasters including a broadcast calendar generator and ad scheduling software
- MediaMan - A personal media catalog manager that can categorize your collection of music CDs movie DVDs books and VHS tapes
- eflo net commerce Software - Credit card number Mod10 and type validator and an automated clearing house ACH routing number lookup
- Click-N-Type Virtual Keyboard - On-screen virtual keyboard for anyone with a disability who can t type on a physical computer keyboard but can use a pointing device like a mouse
- snsware net - Author s site A collection of useful Visual Basic freeware programs including a small HTML editor
- PDF Explorer - A program to catalog pdf files and extract images from them Includes support for multiple disks and scanning for pdf s in compressed archives
- ReplSoft com - Provides free plug-ins for Word and Excel to help perform multi-replacement operations Also provides other utilities
- PhraseExpress - Manages frequently used text phrases in a taskbar icon and pastes them into any application with a single mouse click
- JFileChecker - A java application used to check delimited and fixed width data files to ensure they contain properly formatted data
- Bret Johnson - DOS TSR Terminate Stay Resident keyboard and screen utilities Some can also be used in Windows Source Code is available for most
- Advanced Biorhythms - A biorhythms calculator with charts printable monthly calendar and partners compatibility reports Free and paid versions available [Windows]
- The Open Technology Portal - A web resource for open source software news products discussion tools and licenses Most freely available code from open source projects is cataloged
- PolyGlot - Allows one to learn or to teach multiple foreign languages Users work with personal parameters own dictionaries and games Available in English and French
- CamStudio - Records screen activity from the Windows desktop into standard AVI movie files It is an ideal tool for creating software demonstrations and active presentations [Freeware Opensource]
- MeD s Movie Manager - Customizable movie manager with add edit delete database functions imports movie information from IMDb [Windows 95 98 Me NT 2000]
- TurboNote - Sticky note program that includes network and email sending alarm search and quick launch feature to easily open files email and URLs
- ZoeSoft - A scientific calculator has a UNIX-like interface and many advanced mathematical functions [Win32]
- LuckyMe Software - Mom s Calendar b3 1 4 is a free simple printable calendar that helps people keep organized for Macintosh or Windows
- HandyFind - A tool that finds the words in a document as you type in Internet Explorer Microsoft Word Notepad Outlook Emails and other programs [Windows NT 2K XP]
- Video Caster - Software to easily capture a video file upload it to a Windows Streaming Server and distribute video clips through an e-mail link to friends or stream the videos directly from the web site
- Meazure 1 0 - Measure magnify and capture arbitrary portions of the screen in a number of different ways [Windows 95 98 ME NT 4 2000 XP]
- Site Journal - A program is intended to help site-supervising architects engineers and construction companies document site inspections [Win32]
- Burn to the Brim - Windows Utility which takes the group of files or directories and selects those which optimally fill a cdr
- STG FolderPrint - Print and visualize Windows folders with disk space indicators file filters and display customization
- SlavaSoft Inc - HashCalc - Calculator to compute message digests checksums and HMACs for files as well as for text and hex strings
- Gadwin PrintScreen - Easy to use freeware utility that allows you to capture any portion of the screen save it to a file copy it to Windows clipboard print it or e-mail it to a recipient of your choice
- BareGrep - An interactive windowed version of the Unix Grep tool The results are presented in a table for easy navigation and sorting
- JExplorer - Dual-panel "Commander"-style file manager web browser FTP client compression decompression utility and mail monitor based on Explorer [Windows 95 98 ME NT 4 2000 XP]
- PublicWare - A small Danish spare time company that makes free software including music management software called Music Archive and a file renamer
- Point-N-Click - On-screen virtual mouse for anyone with a disability who can t click a mouse but can otherwise move a pointing device like a mouse or trackball
- TrID - A binary file identifier tool that can identify file types and provide information about the file type Site available in English and Italian
- Yoshi-Gamata - Offers MagicBin a "throw the file into the bin" game and Mathburst the simple and powerful calculator [Win32]
- Tingan s Homepage - 3D Solar System various games and screensavers
- the jackol s den - Drive Cleanup Wizard gets rid of useless temporary files
- Movie Organizer - Get organized with the OXD data movie organizer It s easy-to-use and fun
- Cupid Systems - Offers various software including programs for cybercafes and various simple games
- AB-Tools - Musik-Menü and Search Backups Site in English and German
- RocketDock - Application launcher for Windows 2000 XP Vista 7
- Passreminder - An open-source secure password manager [Requires Java VM]
- PrintDeskTop - Free screen print utility for Windows
- HelpNDoc - A simple tool to create HTML help files PDF and WEB based documentation
- Zipoid - A ZIP Code verification look-up and distance calculator tool
- Krapplets org - Free applications for Windows 95 and NT4
- Execute Query - A java based database utility Requires Java VM [Open Source GPL]
- Plop - Plop Linux and Plop bootmanager
- Dienhart Freeware - Site contains PERL scripts graphics and CAD drawings
- Aadsoft com - Programs for webmasters investors and news-group users
- BMP EMF Grapher - A 2-D mathematical package that exports to BMP EMF CSV and imports to CSV
- Ulfwood - Freeware Utilities - Text utilities for file searching content modifying and word translating For personal use
- Tedium Compensator - Sets a random background startup wave file and shutdown wave file on Windows bootup
- WinMac - Macintosh style menubar that can be used in Windows 95 98 NT4 2000
- Tinnes Software - Various useful programs like Desktop Calendar Timed Shutdown and 10 Slide Show
- DataMonkey - Open Source Windows data translation and conversion application
- Downloads ch - Swiss portal with large archive of freeware and shareware In German and English
- Bexonsoft - A bulk file renamer
- Binary Modular DataFlow Machine - A Parallel Programming Environment [Linux SunOS]
- Clickie - Utility that can add two new features to the right click context menu of Windows Explorer Copy Path Name and Open MS-DOS Prompt
- SpiraClock - Small Java program that continuously displays upcoming events from schedules and time-tables inside a desktop clock
- Don s PhoneGuard - A program that checks the name number of phone callers against a personal database of banned name numbers and hangs up on banned callers [Windows 2000 XP]
- PDF-Analyzer - Allows one to find out various information about pdf-files [Win32]
- XCalc - A Reverse Polish Notation calculator [Win32]
- LoanCalc - A simple and powerful loan calculator [Win32]
- Health Software - A body mass index calculator [Win98+]
- SpeedFan - A program that can control fan speeds according to system temperatures
- Chris Oldwoods Stuff - Various network and database tools for Windows DOS and Java Source and binaries available
- Songwave - Includes ISA Server site blocker and blocklists
- FlvCapture - Download FLV MP4 video from any video website
- AddUp 1 2 by Orefa com - A simple calculator designed to process non-trivial arithmetic expressions [Win32]
- DateInTray - A program that displays the day of the month next to the clock in the Windows system tray
- MacExplorer - Windows program allowing to analyze Macintosh files stored on a Windows NT Server Download and a general information page on the software [Windows 95 98 NT 2000]
- Copy Path to Clipboard - Adds a new command "Copy Path to Clipboard" to the context menu for files and folders
- Spell Checker for Edit Boxes - A near-universal spell checker for Windows edit boxes free for private use
- JHead - A Exif Jpeg camera setting parser and thumbnail remover for Windows Linux SunOS and MacOSX
- Loan Calculator Plus - A collection of 7 financial calculators that deal with all aspects of a loan
- Batprint - A batch printing tool for Microsoft Excel
- Zipdy - Program for Linux to calculate the distance between two zip codes [Open Source GPL]
- Ware-Lords - Original programs and games for Windows including an MP3 player a picture puzzle and a Tetris clone
- Shadowcraft homepage - Home to iNFERNO and other freeware software
- DataMonkey - Open Source Windows data translation and conversion application
- Burn to the Brim - Windows Utility which takes the group of files or directories and selects those which optimally fill a cdr
- Bret Johnson - DOS TSR Terminate Stay Resident keyboard and screen utilities Some can also be used in Windows Source Code is available for most
- PDF Explorer - A program to catalog pdf files and extract images from them Includes support for multiple disks and scanning for pdf s in compressed archives
- LuckyMe Software - Mom s Calendar b3 1 4 is a free simple printable calendar that helps people keep organized for Macintosh or Windows
- PolyGlot - Allows one to learn or to teach multiple foreign languages Users work with personal parameters own dictionaries and games Available in English and French
- PhraseExpress - Manages frequently used text phrases in a taskbar icon and pastes them into any application with a single mouse click
- eflo net commerce Software - Credit card number Mod10 and type validator and an automated clearing house ACH routing number lookup
- CamStudio - Records screen activity from the Windows desktop into standard AVI movie files It is an ideal tool for creating software demonstrations and active presentations [Freeware Opensource]
- ZoeSoft - A scientific calculator has a UNIX-like interface and many advanced mathematical functions [Win32]
- Advanced Biorhythms - A biorhythms calculator with charts printable monthly calendar and partners compatibility reports Free and paid versions available [Windows]
- ReplSoft com - Provides free plug-ins for Word and Excel to help perform multi-replacement operations Also provides other utilities
- Radio3000 - Various utilities for radio stations and broadcasters including a broadcast calendar generator and ad scheduling software
- Meazure 1 0 - Measure magnify and capture arbitrary portions of the screen in a number of different ways [Windows 95 98 ME NT 4 2000 XP]
- Site Journal - A program is intended to help site-supervising architects engineers and construction companies document site inspections [Win32]
- MeD s Movie Manager - Customizable movie manager with add edit delete database functions imports movie information from IMDb [Windows 95 98 Me NT 2000]
- The Open Technology Portal - A web resource for open source software news products discussion tools and licenses Most freely available code from open source projects is cataloged
- HandyFind - A tool that finds the words in a document as you type in Internet Explorer Microsoft Word Notepad Outlook Emails and other programs [Windows NT 2K XP]
- Video Caster - Software to easily capture a video file upload it to a Windows Streaming Server and distribute video clips through an e-mail link to friends or stream the videos directly from the web site
- JFileChecker - A java application used to check delimited and fixed width data files to ensure they contain properly formatted data
- snsware net - Author s site A collection of useful Visual Basic freeware programs including a small HTML editor
- MediaMan - A personal media catalog manager that can categorize your collection of music CDs movie DVDs books and VHS tapes
- TurboNote - Sticky note program that includes network and email sending alarm search and quick launch feature to easily open files email and URLs
- Click-N-Type Virtual Keyboard - On-screen virtual keyboard for anyone with a disability who can t type on a physical computer keyboard but can use a pointing device like a mouse
- Point-N-Click - On-screen virtual mouse for anyone with a disability who can t click a mouse but can otherwise move a pointing device like a mouse or trackball
- STG FolderPrint - Print and visualize Windows folders with disk space indicators file filters and display customization
- Gadwin PrintScreen - Easy to use freeware utility that allows you to capture any portion of the screen save it to a file copy it to Windows clipboard print it or e-mail it to a recipient of your choice
- Yoshi-Gamata - Offers MagicBin a "throw the file into the bin" game and Mathburst the simple and powerful calculator [Win32]
- JExplorer - Dual-panel "Commander"-style file manager web browser FTP client compression decompression utility and mail monitor based on Explorer [Windows 95 98 ME NT 4 2000 XP]
- PublicWare - A small Danish spare time company that makes free software including music management software called Music Archive and a file renamer
- TrID - A binary file identifier tool that can identify file types and provide information about the file type Site available in English and Italian
- SlavaSoft Inc - HashCalc - Calculator to compute message digests checksums and HMACs for files as well as for text and hex strings
- BareGrep - An interactive windowed version of the Unix Grep tool The results are presented in a table for easy navigation and sorting
- AB-Tools - Musik-Menü and Search Backups Site in English and German
- Aadsoft com - Programs for webmasters investors and news-group users
- WinMac - Macintosh style menubar that can be used in Windows 95 98 NT4 2000
- Krapplets org - Free applications for Windows 95 and NT4
- BMP EMF Grapher - A 2-D mathematical package that exports to BMP EMF CSV and imports to CSV
- Binary Modular DataFlow Machine - A Parallel Programming Environment [Linux SunOS]
- Ulfwood - Freeware Utilities - Text utilities for file searching content modifying and word translating For personal use
- PrintDeskTop - Free screen print utility for Windows
- Dienhart Freeware - Site contains PERL scripts graphics and CAD drawings
- Tinnes Software - Various useful programs like Desktop Calendar Timed Shutdown and 10 Slide Show
- Passreminder - An open-source secure password manager [Requires Java VM]
- Tingan s Homepage - 3D Solar System various games and screensavers
- Plop - Plop Linux and Plop bootmanager
- Movie Organizer - Get organized with the OXD data movie organizer It s easy-to-use and fun
- the jackol s den - Drive Cleanup Wizard gets rid of useless temporary files
- Zipoid - A ZIP Code verification look-up and distance calculator tool
- Downloads ch - Swiss portal with large archive of freeware and shareware In German and English
- Tedium Compensator - Sets a random background startup wave file and shutdown wave file on Windows bootup
- Cupid Systems - Offers various software including programs for cybercafes and various simple games
- Bexonsoft - A bulk file renamer
- Execute Query - A java based database utility Requires Java VM [Open Source GPL]
- HelpNDoc - A simple tool to create HTML help files PDF and WEB based documentation
- RocketDock - Application launcher for Windows 2000 XP Vista 7
- Clickie - Utility that can add two new features to the right click context menu of Windows Explorer Copy Path Name and Open MS-DOS Prompt
- Don s PhoneGuard - A program that checks the name number of phone callers against a personal database of banned name numbers and hangs up on banned callers [Windows 2000 XP]
- SpiraClock - Small Java program that continuously displays upcoming events from schedules and time-tables inside a desktop clock
- DateInTray - A program that displays the day of the month next to the clock in the Windows system tray
- SpeedFan - A program that can control fan speeds according to system temperatures
- XCalc - A Reverse Polish Notation calculator [Win32]
- PDF-Analyzer - Allows one to find out various information about pdf-files [Win32]
- FlvCapture - Download FLV MP4 video from any video website
- AddUp 1 2 by Orefa com - A simple calculator designed to process non-trivial arithmetic expressions [Win32]
- Health Software - A body mass index calculator [Win98+]
- Songwave - Includes ISA Server site blocker and blocklists
- LoanCalc - A simple and powerful loan calculator [Win32]
- Chris Oldwoods Stuff - Various network and database tools for Windows DOS and Java Source and binaries available
- MacExplorer - Windows program allowing to analyze Macintosh files stored on a Windows NT Server Download and a general information page on the software [Windows 95 98 NT 2000]
- JHead - A Exif Jpeg camera setting parser and thumbnail remover for Windows Linux SunOS and MacOSX
- Batprint - A batch printing tool for Microsoft Excel
- Spell Checker for Edit Boxes - A near-universal spell checker for Windows edit boxes free for private use
- Loan Calculator Plus - A collection of 7 financial calculators that deal with all aspects of a loan
- Zipdy - Program for Linux to calculate the distance between two zip codes [Open Source GPL]
- Copy Path to Clipboard - Adds a new command "Copy Path to Clipboard" to the context menu for files and folders
- Ware-Lords - Original programs and games for Windows including an MP3 player a picture puzzle and a Tetris clone
- dir2html - A tool that creates a html file of directory contents with links
- Shadowcraft homepage - Home to iNFERNO and other freeware software
- snsware net - Author s site A collection of useful Visual Basic freeware programs including a small HTML editor
- PhraseExpress - Manages frequently used text phrases in a taskbar icon and pastes them into any application with a single mouse click
- eflo net commerce Software - Credit card number Mod10 and type validator and an automated clearing house ACH routing number lookup
- Meazure 1 0 - Measure magnify and capture arbitrary portions of the screen in a number of different ways [Windows 95 98 ME NT 4 2000 XP]
- TurboNote - Sticky note program that includes network and email sending alarm search and quick launch feature to easily open files email and URLs
- PolyGlot - Allows one to learn or to teach multiple foreign languages Users work with personal parameters own dictionaries and games Available in English and French
- Burn to the Brim - Windows Utility which takes the group of files or directories and selects those which optimally fill a cdr
- Bret Johnson - DOS TSR Terminate Stay Resident keyboard and screen utilities Some can also be used in Windows Source Code is available for most
- ZoeSoft - A scientific calculator has a UNIX-like interface and many advanced mathematical functions [Win32]
- PDF Explorer - A program to catalog pdf files and extract images from them Includes support for multiple disks and scanning for pdf s in compressed archives
- Radio3000 - Various utilities for radio stations and broadcasters including a broadcast calendar generator and ad scheduling software
- LuckyMe Software - Mom s Calendar b3 1 4 is a free simple printable calendar that helps people keep organized for Macintosh or Windows
- JFileChecker - A java application used to check delimited and fixed width data files to ensure they contain properly formatted data
- Click-N-Type Virtual Keyboard - On-screen virtual keyboard for anyone with a disability who can t type on a physical computer keyboard but can use a pointing device like a mouse
- CamStudio - Records screen activity from the Windows desktop into standard AVI movie files It is an ideal tool for creating software demonstrations and active presentations [Freeware Opensource]
- MeD s Movie Manager - Customizable movie manager with add edit delete database functions imports movie information from IMDb [Windows 95 98 Me NT 2000]
- Advanced Biorhythms - A biorhythms calculator with charts printable monthly calendar and partners compatibility reports Free and paid versions available [Windows]
- HandyFind - A tool that finds the words in a document as you type in Internet Explorer Microsoft Word Notepad Outlook Emails and other programs [Windows NT 2K XP]
- ReplSoft com - Provides free plug-ins for Word and Excel to help perform multi-replacement operations Also provides other utilities
- The Open Technology Portal - A web resource for open source software news products discussion tools and licenses Most freely available code from open source projects is cataloged
- MediaMan - A personal media catalog manager that can categorize your collection of music CDs movie DVDs books and VHS tapes
- Video Caster - Software to easily capture a video file upload it to a Windows Streaming Server and distribute video clips through an e-mail link to friends or stream the videos directly from the web site
- Site Journal - A program is intended to help site-supervising architects engineers and construction companies document site inspections [Win32]
- Point-N-Click - On-screen virtual mouse for anyone with a disability who can t click a mouse but can otherwise move a pointing device like a mouse or trackball
- BareGrep - An interactive windowed version of the Unix Grep tool The results are presented in a table for easy navigation and sorting
- STG FolderPrint - Print and visualize Windows folders with disk space indicators file filters and display customization
- Yoshi-Gamata - Offers MagicBin a "throw the file into the bin" game and Mathburst the simple and powerful calculator [Win32]
- PublicWare - A small Danish spare time company that makes free software including music management software called Music Archive and a file renamer
- Gadwin PrintScreen - Easy to use freeware utility that allows you to capture any portion of the screen save it to a file copy it to Windows clipboard print it or e-mail it to a recipient of your choice
- JExplorer - Dual-panel "Commander"-style file manager web browser FTP client compression decompression utility and mail monitor based on Explorer [Windows 95 98 ME NT 4 2000 XP]
- SlavaSoft Inc - HashCalc - Calculator to compute message digests checksums and HMACs for files as well as for text and hex strings
- TrID - A binary file identifier tool that can identify file types and provide information about the file type Site available in English and Italian
- Tingan s Homepage - 3D Solar System various games and screensavers
- Movie Organizer - Get organized with the OXD data movie organizer It s easy-to-use and fun
- HelpNDoc - A simple tool to create HTML help files PDF and WEB based documentation
- Dienhart Freeware - Site contains PERL scripts graphics and CAD drawings
- DataMonkey - Open Source Windows data translation and conversion application
- Cupid Systems - Offers various software including programs for cybercafes and various simple games
- Bexonsoft - A bulk file renamer
- Krapplets org - Free applications for Windows 95 and NT4
- Ulfwood - Freeware Utilities - Text utilities for file searching content modifying and word translating For personal use
- Downloads ch - Swiss portal with large archive of freeware and shareware In German and English
- the jackol s den - Drive Cleanup Wizard gets rid of useless temporary files
- PrintDeskTop - Free screen print utility for Windows
- RocketDock - Application launcher for Windows 2000 XP Vista 7
- Binary Modular DataFlow Machine - A Parallel Programming Environment [Linux SunOS]
- Tedium Compensator - Sets a random background startup wave file and shutdown wave file on Windows bootup
- Aadsoft com - Programs for webmasters investors and news-group users
- BMP EMF Grapher - A 2-D mathematical package that exports to BMP EMF CSV and imports to CSV
- Plop - Plop Linux and Plop bootmanager
- Zipoid - A ZIP Code verification look-up and distance calculator tool
- AB-Tools - Musik-Menü and Search Backups Site in English and German
- WinMac - Macintosh style menubar that can be used in Windows 95 98 NT4 2000
- Tinnes Software - Various useful programs like Desktop Calendar Timed Shutdown and 10 Slide Show
- Passreminder - An open-source secure password manager [Requires Java VM]
- Execute Query - A java based database utility Requires Java VM [Open Source GPL]
- Don s PhoneGuard - A program that checks the name number of phone callers against a personal database of banned name numbers and hangs up on banned callers [Windows 2000 XP]
- SpiraClock - Small Java program that continuously displays upcoming events from schedules and time-tables inside a desktop clock
- Clickie - Utility that can add two new features to the right click context menu of Windows Explorer Copy Path Name and Open MS-DOS Prompt
- SpeedFan - A program that can control fan speeds according to system temperatures
- LoanCalc - A simple and powerful loan calculator [Win32]
- XCalc - A Reverse Polish Notation calculator [Win32]
- FlvCapture - Download FLV MP4 video from any video website
- PDF-Analyzer - Allows one to find out various information about pdf-files [Win32]
- Health Software - A body mass index calculator [Win98+]
- Songwave - Includes ISA Server site blocker and blocklists
- DateInTray - A program that displays the day of the month next to the clock in the Windows system tray
- Chris Oldwoods Stuff - Various network and database tools for Windows DOS and Java Source and binaries available
- AddUp 1 2 by Orefa com - A simple calculator designed to process non-trivial arithmetic expressions [Win32]
- MacExplorer - Windows program allowing to analyze Macintosh files stored on a Windows NT Server Download and a general information page on the software [Windows 95 98 NT 2000]
- Loan Calculator Plus - A collection of 7 financial calculators that deal with all aspects of a loan
- JHead - A Exif Jpeg camera setting parser and thumbnail remover for Windows Linux SunOS and MacOSX
- Batprint - A batch printing tool for Microsoft Excel
- Spell Checker for Edit Boxes - A near-universal spell checker for Windows edit boxes free for private use
- Copy Path to Clipboard - Adds a new command "Copy Path to Clipboard" to the context menu for files and folders
- Zipdy - Program for Linux to calculate the distance between two zip codes [Open Source GPL]
- Ware-Lords - Original programs and games for Windows including an MP3 player a picture puzzle and a Tetris clone
- dir2html - A tool that creates a html file of directory contents with links
- Shadowcraft homepage - Home to iNFERNO and other freeware software
- LuckyMe Software - Mom s Calendar b3 1 4 is a free simple printable calendar that helps people keep organized for Macintosh or Windows
- PhraseExpress - Manages frequently used text phrases in a taskbar icon and pastes them into any application with a single mouse click
- Video Caster - Software to easily capture a video file upload it to a Windows Streaming Server and distribute video clips through an e-mail link to friends or stream the videos directly from the web site
- snsware net - Author s site A collection of useful Visual Basic freeware programs including a small HTML editor
- Meazure 1 0 - Measure magnify and capture arbitrary portions of the screen in a number of different ways [Windows 95 98 ME NT 4 2000 XP]
- TurboNote - Sticky note program that includes network and email sending alarm search and quick launch feature to easily open files email and URLs
- MeD s Movie Manager - Customizable movie manager with add edit delete database functions imports movie information from IMDb [Windows 95 98 Me NT 2000]
- The Open Technology Portal - A web resource for open source software news products discussion tools and licenses Most freely available code from open source projects is cataloged
- Site Journal - A program is intended to help site-supervising architects engineers and construction companies document site inspections [Win32]
- Advanced Biorhythms - A biorhythms calculator with charts printable monthly calendar and partners compatibility reports Free and paid versions available [Windows]
- ReplSoft com - Provides free plug-ins for Word and Excel to help perform multi-replacement operations Also provides other utilities
- HandyFind - A tool that finds the words in a document as you type in Internet Explorer Microsoft Word Notepad Outlook Emails and other programs [Windows NT 2K XP]
- eflo net commerce Software - Credit card number Mod10 and type validator and an automated clearing house ACH routing number lookup
- CamStudio - Records screen activity from the Windows desktop into standard AVI movie files It is an ideal tool for creating software demonstrations and active presentations [Freeware Opensource]
- MediaMan - A personal media catalog manager that can categorize your collection of music CDs movie DVDs books and VHS tapes
- PolyGlot - Allows one to learn or to teach multiple foreign languages Users work with personal parameters own dictionaries and games Available in English and French
- JFileChecker - A java application used to check delimited and fixed width data files to ensure they contain properly formatted data
- Bret Johnson - DOS TSR Terminate Stay Resident keyboard and screen utilities Some can also be used in Windows Source Code is available for most
- ZoeSoft - A scientific calculator has a UNIX-like interface and many advanced mathematical functions [Win32]
- PDF Explorer - A program to catalog pdf files and extract images from them Includes support for multiple disks and scanning for pdf s in compressed archives
- Radio3000 - Various utilities for radio stations and broadcasters including a broadcast calendar generator and ad scheduling software
- Click-N-Type Virtual Keyboard - On-screen virtual keyboard for anyone with a disability who can t type on a physical computer keyboard but can use a pointing device like a mouse
- Burn to the Brim - Windows Utility which takes the group of files or directories and selects those which optimally fill a cdr
- SlavaSoft Inc - HashCalc - Calculator to compute message digests checksums and HMACs for files as well as for text and hex strings
- PublicWare - A small Danish spare time company that makes free software including music management software called Music Archive and a file renamer
- STG FolderPrint - Print and visualize Windows folders with disk space indicators file filters and display customization
- Gadwin PrintScreen - Easy to use freeware utility that allows you to capture any portion of the screen save it to a file copy it to Windows clipboard print it or e-mail it to a recipient of your choice
- TrID - A binary file identifier tool that can identify file types and provide information about the file type Site available in English and Italian
- Yoshi-Gamata - Offers MagicBin a "throw the file into the bin" game and Mathburst the simple and powerful calculator [Win32]
- Point-N-Click - On-screen virtual mouse for anyone with a disability who can t click a mouse but can otherwise move a pointing device like a mouse or trackball
- BareGrep - An interactive windowed version of the Unix Grep tool The results are presented in a table for easy navigation and sorting
- JExplorer - Dual-panel "Commander"-style file manager web browser FTP client compression decompression utility and mail monitor based on Explorer [Windows 95 98 ME NT 4 2000 XP]
- AB-Tools - Musik-Menü and Search Backups Site in English and German
- Aadsoft com - Programs for webmasters investors and news-group users
- Krapplets org - Free applications for Windows 95 and NT4
- Zipoid - A ZIP Code verification look-up and distance calculator tool
- Dienhart Freeware - Site contains PERL scripts graphics and CAD drawings
- BMP EMF Grapher - A 2-D mathematical package that exports to BMP EMF CSV and imports to CSV
- Binary Modular DataFlow Machine - A Parallel Programming Environment [Linux SunOS]
- Tingan s Homepage - 3D Solar System various games and screensavers
- Tedium Compensator - Sets a random background startup wave file and shutdown wave file on Windows bootup
- Tinnes Software - Various useful programs like Desktop Calendar Timed Shutdown and 10 Slide Show
- PrintDeskTop - Free screen print utility for Windows
- Downloads ch - Swiss portal with large archive of freeware and shareware In German and English
- Cupid Systems - Offers various software including programs for cybercafes and various simple games
- Bexonsoft - A bulk file renamer
- Passreminder - An open-source secure password manager [Requires Java VM]
- DataMonkey - Open Source Windows data translation and conversion application
- Ulfwood - Freeware Utilities - Text utilities for file searching content modifying and word translating For personal use
- the jackol s den - Drive Cleanup Wizard gets rid of useless temporary files
- Plop - Plop Linux and Plop bootmanager
- Movie Organizer - Get organized with the OXD data movie organizer It s easy-to-use and fun
- HelpNDoc - A simple tool to create HTML help files PDF and WEB based documentation
- WinMac - Macintosh style menubar that can be used in Windows 95 98 NT4 2000
- RocketDock - Application launcher for Windows 2000 XP Vista 7
- Execute Query - A java based database utility Requires Java VM [Open Source GPL]
- Don s PhoneGuard - A program that checks the name number of phone callers against a personal database of banned name numbers and hangs up on banned callers [Windows 2000 XP]
- SpiraClock - Small Java program that continuously displays upcoming events from schedules and time-tables inside a desktop clock
- Clickie - Utility that can add two new features to the right click context menu of Windows Explorer Copy Path Name and Open MS-DOS Prompt
- Songwave - Includes ISA Server site blocker and blocklists
- LoanCalc - A simple and powerful loan calculator [Win32]
- SpeedFan - A program that can control fan speeds according to system temperatures
- DateInTray - A program that displays the day of the month next to the clock in the Windows system tray
- AddUp 1 2 by Orefa com - A simple calculator designed to process non-trivial arithmetic expressions [Win32]
- XCalc - A Reverse Polish Notation calculator [Win32]
- PDF-Analyzer - Allows one to find out various information about pdf-files [Win32]
- FlvCapture - Download FLV MP4 video from any video website
- Health Software - A body mass index calculator [Win98+]
- Chris Oldwoods Stuff - Various network and database tools for Windows DOS and Java Source and binaries available
- MacExplorer - Windows program allowing to analyze Macintosh files stored on a Windows NT Server Download and a general information page on the software [Windows 95 98 NT 2000]
- Loan Calculator Plus - A collection of 7 financial calculators that deal with all aspects of a loan
- Spell Checker for Edit Boxes - A near-universal spell checker for Windows edit boxes free for private use
- Zipdy - Program for Linux to calculate the distance between two zip codes [Open Source GPL]
- Copy Path to Clipboard - Adds a new command "Copy Path to Clipboard" to the context menu for files and folders
- JHead - A Exif Jpeg camera setting parser and thumbnail remover for Windows Linux SunOS and MacOSX
- Batprint - A batch printing tool for Microsoft Excel
- Ware-Lords - Original programs and games for Windows including an MP3 player a picture puzzle and a Tetris clone
- dir2html - A tool that creates a html file of directory contents with links
- Shadowcraft homepage - Home to iNFERNO and other freeware software
- the jackol s den - Drive Cleanup Wizard gets rid of useless temporary files
- PDF Explorer - A program to catalog pdf files and extract images from them Includes support for multiple disks and scanning for pdf s in compressed archives
- LuckyMe Software - Mom s Calendar b3 1 4 is a free simple printable calendar that helps people keep organized for Macintosh or Windows
- MediaMan - A personal media catalog manager that can categorize your collection of music CDs movie DVDs books and VHS tapes
- JFileChecker - A java application used to check delimited and fixed width data files to ensure they contain properly formatted data
- Burn to the Brim - Windows Utility which takes the group of files or directories and selects those which optimally fill a cdr
- ZoeSoft - A scientific calculator has a UNIX-like interface and many advanced mathematical functions [Win32]
- PhraseExpress - Manages frequently used text phrases in a taskbar icon and pastes them into any application with a single mouse click
- Video Caster - Software to easily capture a video file upload it to a Windows Streaming Server and distribute video clips through an e-mail link to friends or stream the videos directly from the web site
- Meazure 1 0 - Measure magnify and capture arbitrary portions of the screen in a number of different ways [Windows 95 98 ME NT 4 2000 XP]
- TurboNote - Sticky note program that includes network and email sending alarm search and quick launch feature to easily open files email and URLs
- Click-N-Type Virtual Keyboard - On-screen virtual keyboard for anyone with a disability who can t type on a physical computer keyboard but can use a pointing device like a mouse
- Radio3000 - Various utilities for radio stations and broadcasters including a broadcast calendar generator and ad scheduling software
- The Open Technology Portal - A web resource for open source software news products discussion tools and licenses Most freely available code from open source projects is cataloged
- eflo net commerce Software - Credit card number Mod10 and type validator and an automated clearing house ACH routing number lookup
- PolyGlot - Allows one to learn or to teach multiple foreign languages Users work with personal parameters own dictionaries and games Available in English and French
- MeD s Movie Manager - Customizable movie manager with add edit delete database functions imports movie information from IMDb [Windows 95 98 Me NT 2000]
- Advanced Biorhythms - A biorhythms calculator with charts printable monthly calendar and partners compatibility reports Free and paid versions available [Windows]
- snsware net - Author s site A collection of useful Visual Basic freeware programs including a small HTML editor
- ReplSoft com - Provides free plug-ins for Word and Excel to help perform multi-replacement operations Also provides other utilities
- Site Journal - A program is intended to help site-supervising architects engineers and construction companies document site inspections [Win32]
- Bret Johnson - DOS TSR Terminate Stay Resident keyboard and screen utilities Some can also be used in Windows Source Code is available for most
- HandyFind - A tool that finds the words in a document as you type in Internet Explorer Microsoft Word Notepad Outlook Emails and other programs [Windows NT 2K XP]
- CamStudio - Records screen activity from the Windows desktop into standard AVI movie files It is an ideal tool for creating software demonstrations and active presentations [Freeware Opensource]
- PublicWare - A small Danish spare time company that makes free software including music management software called Music Archive and a file renamer
- STG FolderPrint - Print and visualize Windows folders with disk space indicators file filters and display customization
- JExplorer - Dual-panel "Commander"-style file manager web browser FTP client compression decompression utility and mail monitor based on Explorer [Windows 95 98 ME NT 4 2000 XP]
- Gadwin PrintScreen - Easy to use freeware utility that allows you to capture any portion of the screen save it to a file copy it to Windows clipboard print it or e-mail it to a recipient of your choice
- BareGrep - An interactive windowed version of the Unix Grep tool The results are presented in a table for easy navigation and sorting
- Point-N-Click - On-screen virtual mouse for anyone with a disability who can t click a mouse but can otherwise move a pointing device like a mouse or trackball
- SlavaSoft Inc - HashCalc - Calculator to compute message digests checksums and HMACs for files as well as for text and hex strings
- TrID - A binary file identifier tool that can identify file types and provide information about the file type Site available in English and Italian
- Yoshi-Gamata - Offers MagicBin a "throw the file into the bin" game and Mathburst the simple and powerful calculator [Win32]
- PrintDeskTop - Free screen print utility for Windows
- AB-Tools - Musik-Menü and Search Backups Site in English and German
- DataMonkey - Open Source Windows data translation and conversion application
- Binary Modular DataFlow Machine - A Parallel Programming Environment [Linux SunOS]
- Plop - Plop Linux and Plop bootmanager
- Tedium Compensator - Sets a random background startup wave file and shutdown wave file on Windows bootup
- WinMac - Macintosh style menubar that can be used in Windows 95 98 NT4 2000
- Passreminder - An open-source secure password manager [Requires Java VM]
- Ulfwood - Freeware Utilities - Text utilities for file searching content modifying and word translating For personal use
- Movie Organizer - Get organized with the OXD data movie organizer It s easy-to-use and fun
- Downloads ch - Swiss portal with large archive of freeware and shareware In German and English
- Cupid Systems - Offers various software including programs for cybercafes and various simple games
- Aadsoft com - Programs for webmasters investors and news-group users
- RocketDock - Application launcher for Windows 2000 XP Vista 7
- Krapplets org - Free applications for Windows 95 and NT4
- Tingan s Homepage - 3D Solar System various games and screensavers
- HelpNDoc - A simple tool to create HTML help files PDF and WEB based documentation
- Zipoid - A ZIP Code verification look-up and distance calculator tool
- Dienhart Freeware - Site contains PERL scripts graphics and CAD drawings
- Bexonsoft - A bulk file renamer
- Tinnes Software - Various useful programs like Desktop Calendar Timed Shutdown and 10 Slide Show
- Execute Query - A java based database utility Requires Java VM [Open Source GPL]
- BMP EMF Grapher - A 2-D mathematical package that exports to BMP EMF CSV and imports to CSV
- SpiraClock - Small Java program that continuously displays upcoming events from schedules and time-tables inside a desktop clock
- Don s PhoneGuard - A program that checks the name number of phone callers against a personal database of banned name numbers and hangs up on banned callers [Windows 2000 XP]
- Clickie - Utility that can add two new features to the right click context menu of Windows Explorer Copy Path Name and Open MS-DOS Prompt
- Songwave - Includes ISA Server site blocker and blocklists
- XCalc - A Reverse Polish Notation calculator [Win32]
- PDF-Analyzer - Allows one to find out various information about pdf-files [Win32]
- Chris Oldwoods Stuff - Various network and database tools for Windows DOS and Java Source and binaries available
- Health Software - A body mass index calculator [Win98+]
- DateInTray - A program that displays the day of the month next to the clock in the Windows system tray
- SpeedFan - A program that can control fan speeds according to system temperatures
- AddUp 1 2 by Orefa com - A simple calculator designed to process non-trivial arithmetic expressions [Win32]
- LoanCalc - A simple and powerful loan calculator [Win32]
- FlvCapture - Download FLV MP4 video from any video website
- MacExplorer - Windows program allowing to analyze Macintosh files stored on a Windows NT Server Download and a general information page on the software [Windows 95 98 NT 2000]
- JHead - A Exif Jpeg camera setting parser and thumbnail remover for Windows Linux SunOS and MacOSX
- Loan Calculator Plus - A collection of 7 financial calculators that deal with all aspects of a loan
- Zipdy - Program for Linux to calculate the distance between two zip codes [Open Source GPL]
- Copy Path to Clipboard - Adds a new command "Copy Path to Clipboard" to the context menu for files and folders
- Spell Checker for Edit Boxes - A near-universal spell checker for Windows edit boxes free for private use
- Batprint - A batch printing tool for Microsoft Excel
- Ware-Lords - Original programs and games for Windows including an MP3 player a picture puzzle and a Tetris clone
- dir2html - A tool that creates a html file of directory contents with links
- Shadowcraft homepage - Home to iNFERNO and other freeware software
- snsware net - Author s site A collection of useful Visual Basic freeware programs including a small HTML editor
- PhraseExpress - Manages frequently used text phrases in a taskbar icon and pastes them into any application with a single mouse click
- LuckyMe Software - Mom s Calendar b3 1 4 is a free simple printable calendar that helps people keep organized for Macintosh or Windows
- TurboNote - Sticky note program that includes network and email sending alarm search and quick launch feature to easily open files email and URLs
- JFileChecker - A java application used to check delimited and fixed width data files to ensure they contain properly formatted data
- CamStudio - Records screen activity from the Windows desktop into standard AVI movie files It is an ideal tool for creating software demonstrations and active presentations [Freeware Opensource]
- ZoeSoft - A scientific calculator has a UNIX-like interface and many advanced mathematical functions [Win32]
- PDF Explorer - A program to catalog pdf files and extract images from them Includes support for multiple disks and scanning for pdf s in compressed archives
- ReplSoft com - Provides free plug-ins for Word and Excel to help perform multi-replacement operations Also provides other utilities
- Radio3000 - Various utilities for radio stations and broadcasters including a broadcast calendar generator and ad scheduling software
- HandyFind - A tool that finds the words in a document as you type in Internet Explorer Microsoft Word Notepad Outlook Emails and other programs [Windows NT 2K XP]
- eflo net commerce Software - Credit card number Mod10 and type validator and an automated clearing house ACH routing number lookup
- Burn to the Brim - Windows Utility which takes the group of files or directories and selects those which optimally fill a cdr
- The Open Technology Portal - A web resource for open source software news products discussion tools and licenses Most freely available code from open source projects is cataloged
- Video Caster - Software to easily capture a video file upload it to a Windows Streaming Server and distribute video clips through an e-mail link to friends or stream the videos directly from the web site
- Site Journal - A program is intended to help site-supervising architects engineers and construction companies document site inspections [Win32]
- Click-N-Type Virtual Keyboard - On-screen virtual keyboard for anyone with a disability who can t type on a physical computer keyboard but can use a pointing device like a mouse
- MeD s Movie Manager - Customizable movie manager with add edit delete database functions imports movie information from IMDb [Windows 95 98 Me NT 2000]
- Bret Johnson - DOS TSR Terminate Stay Resident keyboard and screen utilities Some can also be used in Windows Source Code is available for most
- Advanced Biorhythms - A biorhythms calculator with charts printable monthly calendar and partners compatibility reports Free and paid versions available [Windows]
- MediaMan - A personal media catalog manager that can categorize your collection of music CDs movie DVDs books and VHS tapes
- Meazure 1 0 - Measure magnify and capture arbitrary portions of the screen in a number of different ways [Windows 95 98 ME NT 4 2000 XP]
- PolyGlot - Allows one to learn or to teach multiple foreign languages Users work with personal parameters own dictionaries and games Available in English and French
- Gadwin PrintScreen - Easy to use freeware utility that allows you to capture any portion of the screen save it to a file copy it to Windows clipboard print it or e-mail it to a recipient of your choice
- TrID - A binary file identifier tool that can identify file types and provide information about the file type Site available in English and Italian
- STG FolderPrint - Print and visualize Windows folders with disk space indicators file filters and display customization
- Yoshi-Gamata - Offers MagicBin a "throw the file into the bin" game and Mathburst the simple and powerful calculator [Win32]
- SlavaSoft Inc - HashCalc - Calculator to compute message digests checksums and HMACs for files as well as for text and hex strings
- Point-N-Click - On-screen virtual mouse for anyone with a disability who can t click a mouse but can otherwise move a pointing device like a mouse or trackball
- BareGrep - An interactive windowed version of the Unix Grep tool The results are presented in a table for easy navigation and sorting
- PublicWare - A small Danish spare time company that makes free software including music management software called Music Archive and a file renamer
- JExplorer - Dual-panel "Commander"-style file manager web browser FTP client compression decompression utility and mail monitor based on Explorer [Windows 95 98 ME NT 4 2000 XP]
- WinMac - Macintosh style menubar that can be used in Windows 95 98 NT4 2000
- Tinnes Software - Various useful programs like Desktop Calendar Timed Shutdown and 10 Slide Show
- Plop - Plop Linux and Plop bootmanager
- HelpNDoc - A simple tool to create HTML help files PDF and WEB based documentation
- AB-Tools - Musik-Menü and Search Backups Site in English and German
- Aadsoft com - Programs for webmasters investors and news-group users
- DataMonkey - Open Source Windows data translation and conversion application
- BMP EMF Grapher - A 2-D mathematical package that exports to BMP EMF CSV and imports to CSV
- PrintDeskTop - Free screen print utility for Windows
- Downloads ch - Swiss portal with large archive of freeware and shareware In German and English
- Cupid Systems - Offers various software including programs for cybercafes and various simple games
- Bexonsoft - A bulk file renamer
- Krapplets org - Free applications for Windows 95 and NT4
- Ulfwood - Freeware Utilities - Text utilities for file searching content modifying and word translating For personal use
- the jackol s den - Drive Cleanup Wizard gets rid of useless temporary files
- Movie Organizer - Get organized with the OXD data movie organizer It s easy-to-use and fun
- Tedium Compensator - Sets a random background startup wave file and shutdown wave file on Windows bootup
- Dienhart Freeware - Site contains PERL scripts graphics and CAD drawings
- Binary Modular DataFlow Machine - A Parallel Programming Environment [Linux SunOS]
- Tingan s Homepage - 3D Solar System various games and screensavers
- RocketDock - Application launcher for Windows 2000 XP Vista 7
- Passreminder - An open-source secure password manager [Requires Java VM]
- Zipoid - A ZIP Code verification look-up and distance calculator tool
- Execute Query - A java based database utility Requires Java VM [Open Source GPL]
- Clickie - Utility that can add two new features to the right click context menu of Windows Explorer Copy Path Name and Open MS-DOS Prompt
- SpiraClock - Small Java program that continuously displays upcoming events from schedules and time-tables inside a desktop clock
- Don s PhoneGuard - A program that checks the name number of phone callers against a personal database of banned name numbers and hangs up on banned callers [Windows 2000 XP]
- Health Software - A body mass index calculator [Win98+]
- FlvCapture - Download FLV MP4 video from any video website
- PDF-Analyzer - Allows one to find out various information about pdf-files [Win32]
- XCalc - A Reverse Polish Notation calculator [Win32]
- LoanCalc - A simple and powerful loan calculator [Win32]
- SpeedFan - A program that can control fan speeds according to system temperatures
- Chris Oldwoods Stuff - Various network and database tools for Windows DOS and Java Source and binaries available
- DateInTray - A program that displays the day of the month next to the clock in the Windows system tray
- Songwave - Includes ISA Server site blocker and blocklists
- AddUp 1 2 by Orefa com - A simple calculator designed to process non-trivial arithmetic expressions [Win32]
- MacExplorer - Windows program allowing to analyze Macintosh files stored on a Windows NT Server Download and a general information page on the software [Windows 95 98 NT 2000]
- Zipdy - Program for Linux to calculate the distance between two zip codes [Open Source GPL]
- Copy Path to Clipboard - Adds a new command "Copy Path to Clipboard" to the context menu for files and folders
- Batprint - A batch printing tool for Microsoft Excel
- JHead - A Exif Jpeg camera setting parser and thumbnail remover for Windows Linux SunOS and MacOSX
- Spell Checker for Edit Boxes - A near-universal spell checker for Windows edit boxes free for private use
- Loan Calculator Plus - A collection of 7 financial calculators that deal with all aspects of a loan
- Ware-Lords - Original programs and games for Windows including an MP3 player a picture puzzle and a Tetris clone
- dir2html - A tool that creates a html file of directory contents with links
- Shadowcraft homepage - Home to iNFERNO and other freeware software
- MediaMan - A personal media catalog manager that can categorize your collection of music CDs movie DVDs books and VHS tapes
- Video Caster - Software to easily capture a video file upload it to a Windows Streaming Server and distribute video clips through an e-mail link to friends or stream the videos directly from the web site
- TurboNote - Sticky note program that includes network and email sending alarm search and quick launch feature to easily open files email and URLs
- PolyGlot - Allows one to learn or to teach multiple foreign languages Users work with personal parameters own dictionaries and games Available in English and French
- ZoeSoft - A scientific calculator has a UNIX-like interface and many advanced mathematical functions [Win32]
- PhraseExpress - Manages frequently used text phrases in a taskbar icon and pastes them into any application with a single mouse click
- Site Journal - A program is intended to help site-supervising architects engineers and construction companies document site inspections [Win32]
- JFileChecker - A java application used to check delimited and fixed width data files to ensure they contain properly formatted data
- Advanced Biorhythms - A biorhythms calculator with charts printable monthly calendar and partners compatibility reports Free and paid versions available [Windows]
- Click-N-Type Virtual Keyboard - On-screen virtual keyboard for anyone with a disability who can t type on a physical computer keyboard but can use a pointing device like a mouse
- CamStudio - Records screen activity from the Windows desktop into standard AVI movie files It is an ideal tool for creating software demonstrations and active presentations [Freeware Opensource]
- MeD s Movie Manager - Customizable movie manager with add edit delete database functions imports movie information from IMDb [Windows 95 98 Me NT 2000]
- LuckyMe Software - Mom s Calendar b3 1 4 is a free simple printable calendar that helps people keep organized for Macintosh or Windows
- Burn to the Brim - Windows Utility which takes the group of files or directories and selects those which optimally fill a cdr
- Bret Johnson - DOS TSR Terminate Stay Resident keyboard and screen utilities Some can also be used in Windows Source Code is available for most
- snsware net - Author s site A collection of useful Visual Basic freeware programs including a small HTML editor
- PDF Explorer - A program to catalog pdf files and extract images from them Includes support for multiple disks and scanning for pdf s in compressed archives
- Radio3000 - Various utilities for radio stations and broadcasters including a broadcast calendar generator and ad scheduling software
- The Open Technology Portal - A web resource for open source software news products discussion tools and licenses Most freely available code from open source projects is cataloged
- HandyFind - A tool that finds the words in a document as you type in Internet Explorer Microsoft Word Notepad Outlook Emails and other programs [Windows NT 2K XP]
- ReplSoft com - Provides free plug-ins for Word and Excel to help perform multi-replacement operations Also provides other utilities
- eflo net commerce Software - Credit card number Mod10 and type validator and an automated clearing house ACH routing number lookup
- Meazure 1 0 - Measure magnify and capture arbitrary portions of the screen in a number of different ways [Windows 95 98 ME NT 4 2000 XP]
- SlavaSoft Inc - HashCalc - Calculator to compute message digests checksums and HMACs for files as well as for text and hex strings
- Point-N-Click - On-screen virtual mouse for anyone with a disability who can t click a mouse but can otherwise move a pointing device like a mouse or trackball
- BareGrep - An interactive windowed version of the Unix Grep tool The results are presented in a table for easy navigation and sorting
- Yoshi-Gamata - Offers MagicBin a "throw the file into the bin" game and Mathburst the simple and powerful calculator [Win32]
- JExplorer - Dual-panel "Commander"-style file manager web browser FTP client compression decompression utility and mail monitor based on Explorer [Windows 95 98 ME NT 4 2000 XP]
- STG FolderPrint - Print and visualize Windows folders with disk space indicators file filters and display customization
- TrID - A binary file identifier tool that can identify file types and provide information about the file type Site available in English and Italian
- PublicWare - A small Danish spare time company that makes free software including music management software called Music Archive and a file renamer
- Gadwin PrintScreen - Easy to use freeware utility that allows you to capture any portion of the screen save it to a file copy it to Windows clipboard print it or e-mail it to a recipient of your choice
- Plop - Plop Linux and Plop bootmanager
- HelpNDoc - A simple tool to create HTML help files PDF and WEB based documentation
- Tedium Compensator - Sets a random background startup wave file and shutdown wave file on Windows bootup
- Zipoid - A ZIP Code verification look-up and distance calculator tool
- Passreminder - An open-source secure password manager [Requires Java VM]
- Ulfwood - Freeware Utilities - Text utilities for file searching content modifying and word translating For personal use
- Tingan s Homepage - 3D Solar System various games and screensavers
- Movie Organizer - Get organized with the OXD data movie organizer It s easy-to-use and fun
- Downloads ch - Swiss portal with large archive of freeware and shareware In German and English
- Dienhart Freeware - Site contains PERL scripts graphics and CAD drawings
- Cupid Systems - Offers various software including programs for cybercafes and various simple games
- Bexonsoft - A bulk file renamer
- Aadsoft com - Programs for webmasters investors and news-group users
- RocketDock - Application launcher for Windows 2000 XP Vista 7
- Execute Query - A java based database utility Requires Java VM [Open Source GPL]
- DataMonkey - Open Source Windows data translation and conversion application
- BMP EMF Grapher - A 2-D mathematical package that exports to BMP EMF CSV and imports to CSV
- the jackol s den - Drive Cleanup Wizard gets rid of useless temporary files
- WinMac - Macintosh style menubar that can be used in Windows 95 98 NT4 2000
- Tinnes Software - Various useful programs like Desktop Calendar Timed Shutdown and 10 Slide Show
- PrintDeskTop - Free screen print utility for Windows
- AB-Tools - Musik-Menü and Search Backups Site in English and German
- Krapplets org - Free applications for Windows 95 and NT4
- Binary Modular DataFlow Machine - A Parallel Programming Environment [Linux SunOS]
- SpiraClock - Small Java program that continuously displays upcoming events from schedules and time-tables inside a desktop clock
- Clickie - Utility that can add two new features to the right click context menu of Windows Explorer Copy Path Name and Open MS-DOS Prompt
- Don s PhoneGuard - A program that checks the name number of phone callers against a personal database of banned name numbers and hangs up on banned callers [Windows 2000 XP]
- Songwave - Includes ISA Server site blocker and blocklists
- PDF-Analyzer - Allows one to find out various information about pdf-files [Win32]
- FlvCapture - Download FLV MP4 video from any video website
- Health Software - A body mass index calculator [Win98+]
- XCalc - A Reverse Polish Notation calculator [Win32]
- LoanCalc - A simple and powerful loan calculator [Win32]
- AddUp 1 2 by Orefa com - A simple calculator designed to process non-trivial arithmetic expressions [Win32]
- SpeedFan - A program that can control fan speeds according to system temperatures
- Chris Oldwoods Stuff - Various network and database tools for Windows DOS and Java Source and binaries available
- DateInTray - A program that displays the day of the month next to the clock in the Windows system tray
- MacExplorer - Windows program allowing to analyze Macintosh files stored on a Windows NT Server Download and a general information page on the software [Windows 95 98 NT 2000]
- Loan Calculator Plus - A collection of 7 financial calculators that deal with all aspects of a loan
- Zipdy - Program for Linux to calculate the distance between two zip codes [Open Source GPL]
- Copy Path to Clipboard - Adds a new command "Copy Path to Clipboard" to the context menu for files and folders
- Spell Checker for Edit Boxes - A near-universal spell checker for Windows edit boxes free for private use
- JHead - A Exif Jpeg camera setting parser and thumbnail remover for Windows Linux SunOS and MacOSX
- Batprint - A batch printing tool for Microsoft Excel
- Ware-Lords - Original programs and games for Windows including an MP3 player a picture puzzle and a Tetris clone
- dir2html - A tool that creates a html file of directory contents with links
- Shadowcraft homepage - Home to iNFERNO and other freeware software
- The Open Technology Portal - A web resource for open source software news products discussion tools and licenses Most freely available code from open source projects is cataloged
- Video Caster - Software to easily capture a video file upload it to a Windows Streaming Server and distribute video clips through an e-mail link to friends or stream the videos directly from the web site
- Burn to the Brim - Windows Utility which takes the group of files or directories and selects those which optimally fill a cdr
- PhraseExpress - Manages frequently used text phrases in a taskbar icon and pastes them into any application with a single mouse click
- HandyFind - A tool that finds the words in a document as you type in Internet Explorer Microsoft Word Notepad Outlook Emails and other programs [Windows NT 2K XP]
- Bret Johnson - DOS TSR Terminate Stay Resident keyboard and screen utilities Some can also be used in Windows Source Code is available for most
- PDF Explorer - A program to catalog pdf files and extract images from them Includes support for multiple disks and scanning for pdf s in compressed archives
- Radio3000 - Various utilities for radio stations and broadcasters including a broadcast calendar generator and ad scheduling software
- MeD s Movie Manager - Customizable movie manager with add edit delete database functions imports movie information from IMDb [Windows 95 98 Me NT 2000]
- ZoeSoft - A scientific calculator has a UNIX-like interface and many advanced mathematical functions [Win32]
- TurboNote - Sticky note program that includes network and email sending alarm search and quick launch feature to easily open files email and URLs
- Site Journal - A program is intended to help site-supervising architects engineers and construction companies document site inspections [Win32]
- JFileChecker - A java application used to check delimited and fixed width data files to ensure they contain properly formatted data
- Click-N-Type Virtual Keyboard - On-screen virtual keyboard for anyone with a disability who can t type on a physical computer keyboard but can use a pointing device like a mouse
- snsware net - Author s site A collection of useful Visual Basic freeware programs including a small HTML editor
- LuckyMe Software - Mom s Calendar b3 1 4 is a free simple printable calendar that helps people keep organized for Macintosh or Windows
- PolyGlot - Allows one to learn or to teach multiple foreign languages Users work with personal parameters own dictionaries and games Available in English and French
- CamStudio - Records screen activity from the Windows desktop into standard AVI movie files It is an ideal tool for creating software demonstrations and active presentations [Freeware Opensource]
- Advanced Biorhythms - A biorhythms calculator with charts printable monthly calendar and partners compatibility reports Free and paid versions available [Windows]
- ReplSoft com - Provides free plug-ins for Word and Excel to help perform multi-replacement operations Also provides other utilities
- MediaMan - A personal media catalog manager that can categorize your collection of music CDs movie DVDs books and VHS tapes
- eflo net commerce Software - Credit card number Mod10 and type validator and an automated clearing house ACH routing number lookup
- Meazure 1 0 - Measure magnify and capture arbitrary portions of the screen in a number of different ways [Windows 95 98 ME NT 4 2000 XP]
- STG FolderPrint - Print and visualize Windows folders with disk space indicators file filters and display customization
- PublicWare - A small Danish spare time company that makes free software including music management software called Music Archive and a file renamer
- TrID - A binary file identifier tool that can identify file types and provide information about the file type Site available in English and Italian
- SlavaSoft Inc - HashCalc - Calculator to compute message digests checksums and HMACs for files as well as for text and hex strings
- Point-N-Click - On-screen virtual mouse for anyone with a disability who can t click a mouse but can otherwise move a pointing device like a mouse or trackball
- Yoshi-Gamata - Offers MagicBin a "throw the file into the bin" game and Mathburst the simple and powerful calculator [Win32]
- Gadwin PrintScreen - Easy to use freeware utility that allows you to capture any portion of the screen save it to a file copy it to Windows clipboard print it or e-mail it to a recipient of your choice
- BareGrep - An interactive windowed version of the Unix Grep tool The results are presented in a table for easy navigation and sorting
- JExplorer - Dual-panel "Commander"-style file manager web browser FTP client compression decompression utility and mail monitor based on Explorer [Windows 95 98 ME NT 4 2000 XP]
- HelpNDoc - A simple tool to create HTML help files PDF and WEB based documentation
- Cupid Systems - Offers various software including programs for cybercafes and various simple games
- Aadsoft com - Programs for webmasters investors and news-group users
- Ulfwood - Freeware Utilities - Text utilities for file searching content modifying and word translating For personal use
- Plop - Plop Linux and Plop bootmanager
- WinMac - Macintosh style menubar that can be used in Windows 95 98 NT4 2000
- Tinnes Software - Various useful programs like Desktop Calendar Timed Shutdown and 10 Slide Show
- Passreminder - An open-source secure password manager [Requires Java VM]
- the jackol s den - Drive Cleanup Wizard gets rid of useless temporary files
- Zipoid - A ZIP Code verification look-up and distance calculator tool
- Tedium Compensator - Sets a random background startup wave file and shutdown wave file on Windows bootup
- Binary Modular DataFlow Machine - A Parallel Programming Environment [Linux SunOS]
- Tingan s Homepage - 3D Solar System various games and screensavers
- PrintDeskTop - Free screen print utility for Windows
- Downloads ch - Swiss portal with large archive of freeware and shareware In German and English
- Bexonsoft - A bulk file renamer
- AB-Tools - Musik-Menü and Search Backups Site in English and German
- RocketDock - Application launcher for Windows 2000 XP Vista 7
- Krapplets org - Free applications for Windows 95 and NT4
- BMP EMF Grapher - A 2-D mathematical package that exports to BMP EMF CSV and imports to CSV
- Movie Organizer - Get organized with the OXD data movie organizer It s easy-to-use and fun
- Dienhart Freeware - Site contains PERL scripts graphics and CAD drawings
- Execute Query - A java based database utility Requires Java VM [Open Source GPL]
- DataMonkey - Open Source Windows data translation and conversion application
- Clickie - Utility that can add two new features to the right click context menu of Windows Explorer Copy Path Name and Open MS-DOS Prompt
- SpiraClock - Small Java program that continuously displays upcoming events from schedules and time-tables inside a desktop clock
- Don s PhoneGuard - A program that checks the name number of phone callers against a personal database of banned name numbers and hangs up on banned callers [Windows 2000 XP]
- DateInTray - A program that displays the day of the month next to the clock in the Windows system tray
- XCalc - A Reverse Polish Notation calculator [Win32]
- Songwave - Includes ISA Server site blocker and blocklists
- LoanCalc - A simple and powerful loan calculator [Win32]
- FlvCapture - Download FLV MP4 video from any video website
- Chris Oldwoods Stuff - Various network and database tools for Windows DOS and Java Source and binaries available
- SpeedFan - A program that can control fan speeds according to system temperatures
- Health Software - A body mass index calculator [Win98+]
- AddUp 1 2 by Orefa com - A simple calculator designed to process non-trivial arithmetic expressions [Win32]
- PDF-Analyzer - Allows one to find out various information about pdf-files [Win32]
- MacExplorer - Windows program allowing to analyze Macintosh files stored on a Windows NT Server Download and a general information page on the software [Windows 95 98 NT 2000]
- Spell Checker for Edit Boxes - A near-universal spell checker for Windows edit boxes free for private use
- Loan Calculator Plus - A collection of 7 financial calculators that deal with all aspects of a loan
- Batprint - A batch printing tool for Microsoft Excel
- JHead - A Exif Jpeg camera setting parser and thumbnail remover for Windows Linux SunOS and MacOSX
- Zipdy - Program for Linux to calculate the distance between two zip codes [Open Source GPL]
- Copy Path to Clipboard - Adds a new command "Copy Path to Clipboard" to the context menu for files and folders
- Ware-Lords - Original programs and games for Windows including an MP3 player a picture puzzle and a Tetris clone
- dir2html - A tool that creates a html file of directory contents with links
- Shadowcraft homepage - Home to iNFERNO and other freeware software
- PDF Explorer - A program to catalog pdf files and extract images from them Includes support for multiple disks and scanning for pdf s in compressed archives
- TurboNote - Sticky note program that includes network and email sending alarm search and quick launch feature to easily open files email and URLs
- ZoeSoft - A scientific calculator has a UNIX-like interface and many advanced mathematical functions [Win32]
- PhraseExpress - Manages frequently used text phrases in a taskbar icon and pastes them into any application with a single mouse click
- The Open Technology Portal - A web resource for open source software news products discussion tools and licenses Most freely available code from open source projects is cataloged
- LuckyMe Software - Mom s Calendar b3 1 4 is a free simple printable calendar that helps people keep organized for Macintosh or Windows
- Site Journal - A program is intended to help site-supervising architects engineers and construction companies document site inspections [Win32]
- PolyGlot - Allows one to learn or to teach multiple foreign languages Users work with personal parameters own dictionaries and games Available in English and French
- MediaMan - A personal media catalog manager that can categorize your collection of music CDs movie DVDs books and VHS tapes
- Click-N-Type Virtual Keyboard - On-screen virtual keyboard for anyone with a disability who can t type on a physical computer keyboard but can use a pointing device like a mouse
- CamStudio - Records screen activity from the Windows desktop into standard AVI movie files It is an ideal tool for creating software demonstrations and active presentations [Freeware Opensource]
- ReplSoft com - Provides free plug-ins for Word and Excel to help perform multi-replacement operations Also provides other utilities
- HandyFind - A tool that finds the words in a document as you type in Internet Explorer Microsoft Word Notepad Outlook Emails and other programs [Windows NT 2K XP]
- Bret Johnson - DOS TSR Terminate Stay Resident keyboard and screen utilities Some can also be used in Windows Source Code is available for most
- snsware net - Author s site A collection of useful Visual Basic freeware programs including a small HTML editor
- Radio3000 - Various utilities for radio stations and broadcasters including a broadcast calendar generator and ad scheduling software
- Video Caster - Software to easily capture a video file upload it to a Windows Streaming Server and distribute video clips through an e-mail link to friends or stream the videos directly from the web site
- JFileChecker - A java application used to check delimited and fixed width data files to ensure they contain properly formatted data
- Burn to the Brim - Windows Utility which takes the group of files or directories and selects those which optimally fill a cdr
- MeD s Movie Manager - Customizable movie manager with add edit delete database functions imports movie information from IMDb [Windows 95 98 Me NT 2000]
- Advanced Biorhythms - A biorhythms calculator with charts printable monthly calendar and partners compatibility reports Free and paid versions available [Windows]
- eflo net commerce Software - Credit card number Mod10 and type validator and an automated clearing house ACH routing number lookup
- Meazure 1 0 - Measure magnify and capture arbitrary portions of the screen in a number of different ways [Windows 95 98 ME NT 4 2000 XP]
- STG FolderPrint - Print and visualize Windows folders with disk space indicators file filters and display customization
- PublicWare - A small Danish spare time company that makes free software including music management software called Music Archive and a file renamer
- TrID - A binary file identifier tool that can identify file types and provide information about the file type Site available in English and Italian
- SlavaSoft Inc - HashCalc - Calculator to compute message digests checksums and HMACs for files as well as for text and hex strings
- Gadwin PrintScreen - Easy to use freeware utility that allows you to capture any portion of the screen save it to a file copy it to Windows clipboard print it or e-mail it to a recipient of your choice
- BareGrep - An interactive windowed version of the Unix Grep tool The results are presented in a table for easy navigation and sorting
- Point-N-Click - On-screen virtual mouse for anyone with a disability who can t click a mouse but can otherwise move a pointing device like a mouse or trackball
- Yoshi-Gamata - Offers MagicBin a "throw the file into the bin" game and Mathburst the simple and powerful calculator [Win32]
- JExplorer - Dual-panel "Commander"-style file manager web browser FTP client compression decompression utility and mail monitor based on Explorer [Windows 95 98 ME NT 4 2000 XP]
- Ulfwood - Freeware Utilities - Text utilities for file searching content modifying and word translating For personal use
- Krapplets org - Free applications for Windows 95 and NT4
- Binary Modular DataFlow Machine - A Parallel Programming Environment [Linux SunOS]
- the jackol s den - Drive Cleanup Wizard gets rid of useless temporary files
- WinMac - Macintosh style menubar that can be used in Windows 95 98 NT4 2000
- Tinnes Software - Various useful programs like Desktop Calendar Timed Shutdown and 10 Slide Show
- BMP EMF Grapher - A 2-D mathematical package that exports to BMP EMF CSV and imports to CSV
- Plop - Plop Linux and Plop bootmanager
- Zipoid - A ZIP Code verification look-up and distance calculator tool
- Dienhart Freeware - Site contains PERL scripts graphics and CAD drawings
- Bexonsoft - A bulk file renamer
- AB-Tools - Musik-Menü and Search Backups Site in English and German
- RocketDock - Application launcher for Windows 2000 XP Vista 7
- PrintDeskTop - Free screen print utility for Windows
- Downloads ch - Swiss portal with large archive of freeware and shareware In German and English
- Aadsoft com - Programs for webmasters investors and news-group users
- Passreminder - An open-source secure password manager [Requires Java VM]
- Tingan s Homepage - 3D Solar System various games and screensavers
- Movie Organizer - Get organized with the OXD data movie organizer It s easy-to-use and fun
- HelpNDoc - A simple tool to create HTML help files PDF and WEB based documentation
- Tedium Compensator - Sets a random background startup wave file and shutdown wave file on Windows bootup
- Cupid Systems - Offers various software including programs for cybercafes and various simple games
- Execute Query - A java based database utility Requires Java VM [Open Source GPL]
- DataMonkey - Open Source Windows data translation and conversion application
- Don s PhoneGuard - A program that checks the name number of phone callers against a personal database of banned name numbers and hangs up on banned callers [Windows 2000 XP]
- SpiraClock - Small Java program that continuously displays upcoming events from schedules and time-tables inside a desktop clock
- Clickie - Utility that can add two new features to the right click context menu of Windows Explorer Copy Path Name and Open MS-DOS Prompt
- PDF-Analyzer - Allows one to find out various information about pdf-files [Win32]
- SpeedFan - A program that can control fan speeds according to system temperatures
- XCalc - A Reverse Polish Notation calculator [Win32]
- FlvCapture - Download FLV MP4 video from any video website
- Chris Oldwoods Stuff - Various network and database tools for Windows DOS and Java Source and binaries available
- Songwave - Includes ISA Server site blocker and blocklists
- LoanCalc - A simple and powerful loan calculator [Win32]
- Health Software - A body mass index calculator [Win98+]
- DateInTray - A program that displays the day of the month next to the clock in the Windows system tray
- AddUp 1 2 by Orefa com - A simple calculator designed to process non-trivial arithmetic expressions [Win32]
- MacExplorer - Windows program allowing to analyze Macintosh files stored on a Windows NT Server Download and a general information page on the software [Windows 95 98 NT 2000]
- Copy Path to Clipboard - Adds a new command "Copy Path to Clipboard" to the context menu for files and folders
- Batprint - A batch printing tool for Microsoft Excel
- JHead - A Exif Jpeg camera setting parser and thumbnail remover for Windows Linux SunOS and MacOSX
- Spell Checker for Edit Boxes - A near-universal spell checker for Windows edit boxes free for private use
- Loan Calculator Plus - A collection of 7 financial calculators that deal with all aspects of a loan
- Zipdy - Program for Linux to calculate the distance between two zip codes [Open Source GPL]
- Ware-Lords - Original programs and games for Windows including an MP3 player a picture puzzle and a Tetris clone
- dir2html - A tool that creates a html file of directory contents with links
- Shadowcraft homepage - Home to iNFERNO and other freeware software
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